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Bullhorn Career Portal

A Bullhorn Platform SDK app that allows candidates to search for and apply to jobs.

Bridging the gap between applicants and opportunities

Bullhorn Career Portal is the next-generation way to share jobs and source candidates from your Bullhorn ATS/CRM instance. Download, configure and host your own career portal, or fork the source code and make it your own.

release page


The Bullhorn Career Portal is open source and extremely simple to customize, but includes several out of the box features that allows you to change what data is displayed on your jobs.

Using Basic Static Host

Using Advanced hosting

Configuring & Deploying


When installing the career portal you have two options, each with their own requirements.

  1. Advanced
    • Enables SEO features
  2. Basic (Direct Upgrade from Previous Versions)
  3. Wordpress Plugin

Building for local development

In order to build Bullhorn Career Portal, ensure that you have Git, Node.js, and Angular CLI installed.

Clone a copy of the repo:

git clone

Change to the Career Portal directory:

cd career-portal

Install build tools and dev dependencies:

npm install

Use one of the following to build and test:

npm run serve           # Launch a local version of the career portal (frontend only).
npm start               # Launch a local server with server side rendering portal.
npm run build:static    # Build an optimized version of Career Portal in `/dist`
npm run build           # Build a package for use with server side rendering=

Runtime vs. Buildtime Configurations

To maximize the flexibility of application configuration, all configuration-level integrations should derive their

dynamic variables from the app.json file. That file can then be loaded into the application.

Helpful Utilities