

Invenias has a REST API for integrations, providing programmatic access to create, read, update and delete data in your Invenias database.

You can find the Invenias API Swagger UI documentation by navigating to https://{subdomain}, where you need to enter your subdomain in this URL.

General Conventions

The REST API will follow specifications, conventions, and practices of HTTP and the web. This includes things like case-sensitivity of URLs, character encoding, HTTP methods, and so forth. We also observe recommended practices for REST APIs whenever appropriate.


Invenias uses the term entity to refer to a type represented in the Invenias system. People, companies, assignments, and programmes are examples of entities. Entities capture the core concepts within the Invenias system and provide an organization for storing executive search data and applying the rules and processing that comprise the Invenias system.


The REST API follows the specifications and conventions of the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data format and any related Javascript syntax specifications. For more information, see the following articles:


To ensure optimal performance and user experience, third-party applications are advised to make requests via a dedicated subdomain, distinct from the one used by Invenias applications. This best practice effectively prevents Invenias users from encountering rate-limiting issues, leading to a smoother and more seamless user experience.

Authorization Flows

Which Flow Should I Use?

The Invenias API leverages the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, providing support for various flows (or grants) that facilitate the retrieval of an Access Token. Selecting the most suitable flow for your specific use case primarily depends on your application type, but other factors, such as the level of trust for the client and the desired user experience, also play a significant role in the decision-making process. By carefully considering these parameters, you can opt for the OAuth flow that best aligns with your project's requirements, ensuring a secure and seamless user experience.

OAuth 2.0 terminology

Term Description
Resource Owner Entity that can grant access to a protected resource. Typically, this is the end-user.
Client Application requesting access to a protected resource on behalf of the Resource Owner.
Authorization Server Server that authenticates the Resource Owner and issues Access Tokens after getting proper authorization.
User Agent Agent used by the Resource Owner to interact with the Client (e.g. a browser or a native application).

Is the Client the Resource Owner?

The first crucial consideration revolves around whether the entity requiring resource access is a machine. In the context of machine-to-machine authorization, the Client itself serves as the Resource Owner, thereby eliminating the need for end-user authorization. A classic illustration of this scenario is a cron job employing an API to import data into a database. In this instance, the cron job acts as both the Client and the Resource Owner, possessing the Client ID and Client Secret, and utilizing them to obtain an Access Token from the Authorization Server.

If this scenario aligns with your requirements, we encourage you to explore the workings of this flow and its implementation steps. Delve into the details to understand how this seamless machine-to-machine authorization can elevate your project's efficiency and reliability.

Is the Client a web app executing on the server?

If the Client is a regular web app executing on a server, then the Authorization Code Flow is the flow you should use. Using this, the Client can retrieve an Access Token and, optionally, a Refresh Token. It's considered the safest choice since the Access Token is passed directly to the web server hosting the Client, without going through the user's web browser and risking exposure.

If this case matches your needs, then to learn how this flow works and how to implement it.

Is the Client absolutely trusted with user credentials?

This decision may result in the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant. In this flow, the end-user is asked to fill in credentials (username/password), typically using an interactive form. This information is sent to the backend and from there to Invenias. It is therefore imperative that the Client is absolutely trusted with this information.

This grant should only be used when redirect-based flows (like the Authorization Code Flow) are not possible. If this is your case, then to learn about how this flow works and how to implement it.

Creating an Application that Supports Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) Flow

POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications

Example Response (JSON)

  "ClientId": "your_client_id",
  "ClientSecret": "your_client_secret",
  "ExpiresOn": "2022-05-12T15:52:47.2298517+00:00",
  "IsEnabled": true,
  "Name": "Documentation Test",
  "FlowType": "ResourceOwner"

Please note, this is the only time you'll get the client_id and client_secret - please store these securely, as you won't be able to retrieve these again.

To set up a new integration, make a POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications request through the Swagger interface. It's noteworthy that multiple third-party applications can be registered. For each additional application needed, just repeat the registration procedure.

Before you can use the POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications endpoint, you need to enter an api_key in the field at the top right-hand corner of the Swagger page. To do this, simply double click into the api_key field, which will generate one automatically. This will prompt you to log in if you're not already logged in.

After Swagger returns you an api_key, you can then call the POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications endpoint to generate the client_id and the client_secret.

Subsequently, you'll need to select the flow type that best suits your application's requirements.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
id [required] How long the Application is valid for: OneYear, TwoYears, or FiveYears.
Name [required] The friendly name of your Application.
FlowType ResourceOwner The OAuth 2.0 Authorization flow.

Creating an Application that Supports Code Authorization Flow

POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications

Example Response (JSON)

  "ClientId": "{clientid}",
  "ClientSecret": "{clientsecret}",
  "ExpiresOn": "2026-10-14T15:04:19.7003133+00:00",
  "IsEnabled": true,
  "Name": "MyApplication",
  "ReplyUrl": "",
  "FlowType": "Code"

Please note, this is the only time you'll get the client_id and client_secret - please store these securely, as you won't be able to retrieve these again.

To set up a new integration, make a POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications request through the Swagger interface. It's noteworthy that multiple third-party applications can be registered. For each additional application needed, just repeat the registration procedure.

Prior to utilizing the POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications endpoint, it is necessary to input an api_key into the designated field at the upper right-hand corner of the Swagger page. Achieve this by double-clicking the api_key field, which will consequently generate the key. If you're not already logged in, this action will trigger a login prompt.

Upon receipt of an api_key from Swagger, you're eligible to call the POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications endpoint to generate both the client_id and client_secret.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
id [required] How long the Application is valid for: OneYear, TwoYears, or FiveYears.
Name [required] The friendly name of your Application.
FlowType Code The OAuth 2.0 Authorization flow.
ReplyURL [required] The post-login URL to redirect to your Application.

Renewing an Application

POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications/{id}/renew

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

  "ClientId": "your_client_id",
  "ClientSecret": "your_client_secret",
  "ExpiresOn": "2026-05-18T13:34:16.9289531+00:00",
  "IsEnabled": true,
  "Name": "Documentation Test",
  "FlowType": "ResourceOwner"

Please note, this is the only time you'll get the client_secret - please store it securely.

To renew an expired application, use the POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications/{id}/renew endpoint using Swagger.

Before you can use the POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications/{id}/renew endpoint, you need to enter an api_key in the field at the top right-hand corner of the Swagger page. To do this, simply double click into the api_key field, which will generate one automatically. This will prompt you to log in if you're not already logged in.

After Swagger returns you an 'api_key', you can then call the POST /api/v1/thirdpartyapplications/{id}/renew endpoint to renew the expired application.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
id [required] This is the unique identifier for the expired application you wish to renew.
expiration [required] The time you wish the renew the application for: OneYear, TwoYears, or FiveYears.


The Invenias API uses the OAuth 2.0 standard for authentication.

Every API integration has a client_id and client_secret, which are used when authenticating along with valid user credentials. The Invenias API supports the following grant types for authenticating:

Integrations using the Password grant type require a username and password to be posted as part of the authentication request instead of showing the Invenias login screen. As the user's credentials are password directly to Invenias without going via the login screen, only a user account using the Invenias Identity Provider can authenticate.

Resource Owner Flow

To authorize, use this code:

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'subdomain={subdomain}' \
--data-urlencode 'password={password}' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret={client_secret}' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id={client_id}' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid profile api email' \
--data-urlencode 'username={username}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "access_token": "{token}",
    "expires_in": 86400,
    "token_type": "Bearer"

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
username [required] Invenias user account username.
password [required] Invenias user account password.
client_id [required] This is the unique identifier for your application.
client_secret [required] This is a secret key known only to the application and the authorization server.
grant_type password The method an application uses gets an access token.
scope openid profile api email Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account.

You will need to use this token to authenticate when using all endpoints using the Authorization header using the format “Authorization: {type} {credentials}”, where the type is your token_type and the credentials are your access_token.

Unauthorized requests

If a client request contains an invalid bearer_token, the server returns response status 401 (unauthorized). For more information on HTTP status codes, see here.

Code Authorization Flow

The Authorization Code grant type is used by confidential and public clients to exchange an authorization code for an access token. After the user returns to the client via the redirect URL, the application will get the authorization code from the URL and use it to request an access token.

How it works

X-Request-Quota-Remaining Figure 1. Code Authorization Flow

  1. The user clicks Login within the regular web application.
  2. Your application redirects the user to the Invenias Authorization Server /identity/connect/authorize endpoint).
  3. The Invenias Authorization Server redirects the user to the login and authorization prompt.
  4. The user authenticates using the default Identify Provider.
  5. The Invenias Authorization Server redirects the user back to the application with an authorization code, which is good for one use.
  6. Your application sends this code to the Invenias Authorization Server (identity/connect/token endpoint) along with the application's Client ID and Client Secret.
  7. The Invenias Authorization Server verifies the code, Client ID, and Client Secret.
  8. The Invenias Authorization Server responds with an ID Token and Access Token (and optionally, a Refresh Token).
  9. Your application can use the Access Token to call an API to access information about the user.
  10. The API responds with requested data.

HTTP Request

https://{subdomain}{clientId}&state={state} &scope=openid api profile offline_access&redirect_uri={replyurl}

Parameter Default Description
response_type code Grant Type.
client_id [required] This is the unique identifier for your application.
state (optional) The 'state' parameter preserves some state objects set by the client in the Authorization request and makes it available to the client in the response.
scope openid api profile offline_access Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access.
redirect_uri The post-login URL to redirect to your Application.

Integrations using the Authorization Code grant type use a redirect URL to direct users to the Invenias login screen as part of the authentication process, requiring initial user interaction to trigger the integration. As part of Invenias X, one of the additional features is Single Sign-On, as we allow customers to configure multiple Identity Providers for their users. Users can authenticate with the API using any of the enabled Identity Providers.

Get an Access Token

Once the Invenias User has successfully signed in via an Identity Provider it will add the authentication response, including a id_token, access_token, refresh_token, refresh_token_expires_on and expires_in (if authentication was successful) to the response body of the Reply URL.

Name Description
id_token Also referred to as a 'token hint' the id_token can be used to end a user session and revoking the current access_token.
access_token Access tokens are used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API.
expires_in The period of time before the access_token is invalidated.
refresh_token A refresh token allows an application to obtain a new access token without prompting the user.
refresh_token_expires_on The date and time when the refresh token.

Refresh Tokens (Code Flow Only)

To get a new access_token using a refresh_token, use this code:

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=refresh_token' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id={clientid}' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret={clientsecret}' \
--data-urlencode 'refresh_token={refreshtoken}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "id_token": "{newhint}",
    "access_token": "{newtoken}",
    "expires_in": 86400,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "refresh_token": "{refreshtoken}",
    "refresh_token_expires_on": "2031-10-11T13:20:01.2551196+00:00"

In situations where access tokens expire or become invalid, and the application requires continued access to protected resources without re-prompting the user for permission, OAuth 2.0 offers a solution through a mechanism known as a refresh token. The refresh token enables applications to obtain a new access token seamlessly, avoiding the need for user intervention or re-authorization. By employing refresh tokens, OAuth 2.0 enhances the user experience while maintaining security and efficient access to protected resources.

Obtaining Refresh Tokens

A refresh token can be obtained by an application during the process of acquiring an access token. The refresh token request mechanism is commonly implemented by various authorization servers, following the guidelines outlined in the OpenID Connect specification. To initiate this process, the application must include the offline_access scope when requesting an authorization code.

Once the user successfully authenticates and grants consent for the application to access the protected resource, the application will receive an authorization code. This code can then be exchanged at the token endpoint to obtain both an access token and a refresh token. By following this procedure, applications can efficiently manage access to protected resources and ensure continuous interactions with the authorization server.

Using Refresh Tokens

To obtain a new access token when needed, the application can make a POST request to the token endpoint: https://{subdomain} The grant type used for this request is refresh_token (web applications must include a client secret).

Refresh tokens, while typically long-lived, can be invalidated by the authorization server for various reasons, including:

Due to the potential long lifetime of refresh tokens, developers must ensure strict storage requirements are in place to prevent leaks. For web applications, it is crucial to ensure that refresh tokens only leave the backend when sent to the authorization server, and the backend itself should be highly secure. Similarly, the client secret should be protected with equal diligence. For mobile applications, a client secret is not required, but it is essential to store refresh tokens in a location accessible only to the client application. By implementing these measures, developers can maintain the security and integrity of the refresh token system while ensuring smooth and secure interactions with the authorization server.

Identifying when an OAuth token has expired

There are two common approaches adopted by web developers to identify when an OAuth token has expired:

Token Refresh Handling: Method 1

Upon receiving a valid access_token, expires_in value, refresh_token, etc., clients can effectively manage token expiration by following these steps:

  1. Convert the `expires_in` value to an expiration time format such as epoch, RFC-3339, or ISO-8601 datetime.
  2. Store the obtained 'expire time' locally as a variable.
  3. For each resource request, compare the current time against the stored 'expire time'. If the token has expired, initiate a token refresh request before proceeding with the resource request.

When performing time comparisons, ensure consistency in the timezone used, such as converting all times to epoch or UTC timezone.

Additionally, in certain scenarios, besides receiving a new access_token, you may also obtain a new refresh_token with a further extended expiration time. In such cases, it is essential to store the new refresh_token to prolong the session's validity and ensure continuous access to the resources. By diligently managing token expiration and refresh, clients can ensure smooth and secure interactions with the API.

Token Refresh Handling: Method 2

Handling token refresh can be achieved through a manual refresh method when encountering an invalid token error. This approach can be used independently or combined with the previous method.

If you receive an invalid token error while attempting to use an expired access_token, trigger a token refresh. Since different services may use varying error codes for expired tokens, you have two options: either keep track of the code for each service or opt for a more straightforward approach by performing a single refresh whenever a 401 error is encountered across services. This streamlined approach ensures that token refresh is efficiently managed, enabling smooth and uninterrupted access to the required services.

Rate Limiting

We employ a fixed-window rate limiting strategy that allows you to execute up to 3000 API calls within a 5-minute window.

To keep track of your remaining requests, refer to the X-Request-Quota-Remaining response header.

X-Request-Quota-Remaining Figure 1. API Call Response Headers - X-Request-Quota-Remaining

Once the X-Request-Quota-Remaining value reaches 0, any subsequent requests will result in 429 errors until the current rate limit window resets. It is essential for your application to wait until the limit becomes available again before making further requests.

HTTP Supported Request Methods

  1. GET: This HTTP method is used to retrieve information from the given server using a given URI. Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other effect on the data.
  2. POST: A POST request is used to send data to the server, for example, customer information, file upload, etc. using HTML forms. The submitted data is stored in the request body of the HTTP request.
  3. PUT: PUT is used to send data to a server to create or update a resource. The difference between POST and PUT is that PUT requests are idempotent. That is, calling the same PUT request multiple times will always produce the same result. In contrast, calling a POST request repeatedly may have side effects of creating the same resource multiple times.
  4. PATCH: It is used for modify capabilities. The PATCH HTTP method allows partial update on a resource. For example, if you only need to update one field of the resource, you may use the PATCH method. The HTTP PATCH request only needs to contain the changes to the resource, not the complete resource. This resembles PUT, but the body contains a set of instructions describing how a resource currently residing on the server should be modified to produce a new version.

Each method serves a different purpose in the RESTful API development, and understanding them can help ensure the correct operations are used when interacting with any API service.

HTTP Response Status Codes

HTTP response status codes show whether it has successfully completed a specific HTTP request.

Successful Responses

Code Name Description
200 OK The request has succeeded.
201 Created The request has succeeded, and it has created a new resource.
204 No Content There is no content to send for this request, but the headers may be useful.

Redirection Messages

Code Name Description
301 Moved Permanently The URL of the requested resource has been changed permanently. The new URL is given in the response.
302 Found This response code means that the URI of requested resource has been changed temporarily. Further changes in the URI might be made in the future. Therefore, this same URI should be used by the client in future requests.

Client Error Responses

Code Name Description
400 Bad Request The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
401 Unauthorized Although the HTTP standard specifies “unauthorized”, semantically this response means “unauthenticated”. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
403 Forbidden The client does not have access rights to the content; It is unauthorized, so the server is refusing to give the requested resource. Unlike 401, the client's identity is known to the server.
404 Not Found The server can not find the requested resource. This can also mean that the endpoint is valid, but the resource itself does not exist. Servers may also send this response instead of 403 to hide the existence of a resource from an unauthorized client. This response code is probably the most famous one because of its frequent occurrence on the web.
405 Method Not Allowed The request method is known by the server but has been disabled and cannot be used.
406 Not Acceptable This response is sent when the web server, after performing server-driven content negotiation, doesn't find any content that conforms to the criteria given by the user agent.
409 Conflict This response is sent when a request conflicts with the current state of the server.
410 Gone This response is sent when the requested content has been permanently deleted from server, with no forwarding address.
413 Payload Too Large Request entity is larger than limits defined by our servers.
415 Unsupported Media Type The media format of the requested data is not supported by the server, so the server is rejecting the request.
423 Locked The resource that is being accessed is locked.
429 Too Many Requests The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").

Server Error Responses

Code Name Description
500 Internal Server Error The server has encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle.
502 Bad Gateway This error response means that the server, while working as a gateway to get a response needed to handle the request, got an invalid response.
503 Service Unavailable The server is not ready to handle the request.

Using Lists

There are many list endpoints available for Invenias core entities that applications can use.

It's possible to POST a request body in a list endpoint request allowing you to define filters, sorting, grouping, column selection, pagination, and more.

Parameter Default Type Description
Skip (optional) 0 Integer Bypass a specified number of search results then return the remaining results.
Take (optional) 0 Integer Specify the number of search results to return.
PageSize (optional) 0 Integer Specify the number of search results to return.
PageIndex (optional) 0 Integer Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
UsePaging (optional) true Boolean
ReturnTotalCount (optional) true Boolean Displays the total number of items in the response.
ReturnTotalDatabaseItemCount (optional) true Boolean Displays the total number of items in the database.
ReturnUniqueValues (optional) true Boolean Returns an object containing an array of unique values queried from a given field (or values returned from an expression).
Select (optional) [List] Array Specify an array of column names to be returned in the response.
Filter (optional) [List] Array Filter items by column names and values.
CategoryFilter (optional) [Record] String Filter items by relationally linked categories.
Sort (optional) [List] Array Sort an array of items to sort by.
Group (optional) [List] Array Group results together by a column in the array.
FormFactor (optional) Any String Filter the items by the application used to create them
DisplayViewId (optional) 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 String Predefined arrays of columns based upon 'views' created in the Invenias Desktop application.
RequireGroupCount (optional) true Boolean
IsFirstLoad (optional) true Boolean Used to identify the first request in a series.
IncludeAdditionalValues (optional) true Boolean Some list endpoints contain a nested array of columns named AdditionalValues, this parameter can be used to specify if they should be visible in the response body
UseLookUpViewDefinition (optional) true Boolean
IncludeDisplayViews (optional) true Boolean Displays the details of the predefined arrays of columns based upon 'views' created in the Invenias Desktop application for this entity.
IncludeAvailableColumns (optional) true Boolean Displays all of the column names available in the list for the entity.
IncludeCategories (optional) true Boolean Returns the category lists and categories enabled for the entity.


Select Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000002",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Old Mutual",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "ab4f3fce-3387-4e02-83d3-d99cab1df59e"
            "FileAs": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "ItemId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Select allows you to specify an array of column names to be returned in the response.

If you do not specify an array of column names in the request body, the response will return the columns visible in the 'default' global display view for the entity you're requesting.


Pagination Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000001",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Old Mutual",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "ab4f3fce-3387-4e02-83d3-d99cab1df59e"
            "FileAs": "CFO",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "ItemId": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Pagination is a method of dividing web content into discrete pages, thus presenting content in a limited and digestible manner.

List endpoints have a maximum row limit of 1,000 rows per request. If you wanted to display the content in a paginated format or export all the results, you will need to use these parameters.

PageSize, PageIndex and UsePaging are all used to paginate the dataset:


Group Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Group": [
            "IsExpanded": true,
            "Selector": "Status_lookup",
            "Desc": true
    "RequireGroupCount": true

Example Response (JSON)

    "Groups": [
            "Key": "Placement",
            "Count": 9
            "Key": "Active",
            "Count": 8

A group is several things that are located, gathered, or classified together.

A column in an array can leveraged to group results together.


Count Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
   "ReturnTotalDatabaseItemCount": true,

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000001",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Old Mutual",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "ab4f3fce-3387-4e02-83d3-d99cab1df59e"
            "FileAs": "CFO",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "ItemId": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
    "Paging": {
        "TotalItemCount": 1000,
        "TotalDatabaseItemCount": 5785

ReturnTotalCount and ReturnTotalDatabaseItemCount are boolean parameters that allow you to get a count of records returned Vs. the total count of all items (of this entity) in your database.

Comparison Operators

Comparison Operator Example: 'in' (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000015",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Ace Bakery",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "26f18e44-7ce6-4109-9d3c-d2f2c4b20923"
            "FileAs": "CT - Ace Bakery",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Active",
            "ItemId": "61e85df1-083d-43ae-841f-055303965039",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Comparison Operator Example: 'isnull' (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000039",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Mitsubishi UFJ",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "13e8432f-9a27-4f75-9dff-e6213419bcd8"
            "FileAs": "Chief Operating Officer",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "ItemId": "a0a9b874-7a63-44e3-b46e-1edebff970a5",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Comparison Operator Example: 'contains' (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [
    "Group": [
            "IsExpanded": true,
            "Selector": "RecordOwners",
            "Desc": true
    "RequireGroupCount": true

Example Response (JSON)

    "Groups": [
            "Key": [
                    "Id": "c76de083-f148-4ab4-8668-0ac80a444c26",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "John Doe"
            "Count": 11
            "Key": [
                    "Id": "e1a4174e-c78d-42e7-a9ea-b22381643681",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Johnny Doe"
            "Count": 8

The list of available filter operators are as follows:

Operator Description
= Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column matches the value in the filter.
> Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than the value in the filter.
>= Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than or the same as the value in the filter.
< Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column is less than the value in the filter.
<= Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column is less than or the same as the value in the filter.
<> Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column does not match the value in the filter.
contains Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column contains the value in the filter.
startswith Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column begins with the value in the filter.
endswith Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column ends with the value in the filter.
notcontains Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column does not contain the value in the filter.
isnull Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Do not specify a value. The operator tests only for the absence of data in the column. Results include only records where there is no data in the column.
isnullorempty Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Do not specify a value. The operator tests only for the absence of data or empty values in the column. Results include only records where there is no data in the column.
in Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column matches one of the values in the filter.

Logical Operators

Logical Operator Example: 'and' (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [

Example Response (JSON)

        "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000001",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Old Mutual",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "ab4f3fce-3387-4e02-83d3-d99cab1df59e"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "CFO",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Completed",
            "ItemId": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000014",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Old Mutual",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "ab4f3fce-3387-4e02-83d3-d99cab1df59e"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "COO",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Completed",
            "ItemId": "6a2fd500-073c-401e-aea5-574300d9b336",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Logical Operator Example: 'or' (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [
    "Group": [
            "IsExpanded": true,
            "Selector": "RecordOwners",
            "Desc": true
    "RequireGroupCount": true

Example Response (JSON)

    "Groups": [
            "Key": [
                    "Id": "c76de083-f148-4ab4-8668-0ac80a444c26",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Jane Doe"
            "Count": 2
            "Key": [
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "John Doe"
            "Count": 11

The and and or operators are used to filter records based on over a single condition:


Sort Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000001",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Old Mutual",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "ab4f3fce-3387-4e02-83d3-d99cab1df59e"
            "FileAs": "CFO",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "ItemId": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Sort An array of objects to sort by, using the following format {"Selector":"ColumnName","Desc": true}.




Requesting a Backup

To request a backup, use this code:

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "Reason": "API Integration Project: Our web developer would like to analyse the database schema and objects for a data warehousing tool we are building."

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

To initiate a backup request, simply call the endpoint https://{subdomain} and provide a clear explanation of why you need the backup.

Once your request is submitted, our finance department will carefully review it and proceed with the necessary approvals. Please be aware that this process may take several working days to complete.

Rest assured, we prioritize the security and accuracy of your data, and our team will ensure that your backup request is handled diligently and with utmost care. Thank you for entrusting us with your data management needs.

HTTP Request


Accessing a Backup

After receiving confirmation that your request has been approved and the backup is ready, you can proceed with obtaining the required SAS token to access the storage account where the backup is hosted. To do this, utilize the same user account that was used to make the initial request.

To acquire the SAS token, make a GET request to the following endpoint using the appropriate method. Once obtained, you can seamlessly access the storage account using Azure Storage Explorer or any other Azure Storage SDK, allowing you to efficiently manage and retrieve the backup data as needed.

HTTP Request


Data Management

Data management policies play a critical role in maintaining the consistency and proper utilization of an organization's data and information assets. With Invenias, our customers can apply policies to a predefined list of fields across core entities, providing the flexibility to designate them as preferred or compulsory for data entry.

When a field within an entity is marked as compulsory, it becomes mandatory to populate the field before updating the entity or creating a new one. This requirement ensures that vital information is captured accurately, promoting data accuracy and completeness.

By incorporating data management policies, Invenias empowers organizations to enforce data standards, minimize errors, and achieve better data quality and integrity throughout their operations.

GET /api/v1/datamanagement/people/rules

Sort Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Fields": [
            "FieldName": "DateOfBirth",
            "FieldPolicy": "Normal",
            "Label": "Date Of Birth"
            "FieldName": "Company",
            "FieldPolicy": "Compulsory",
            "Label": "Company"
            "FieldName": "Email1Address",
            "FieldPolicy": "Normal",
            "Label": "Email"
            "FieldName": "JobTitle",
            "FieldPolicy": "Normal",
            "Label": "Job Title"

This endpoint will display any data management polices applied to this entity type.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/datamanagement/companies/rules

Sort Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Fields": [
            "FieldName": "Email2Address",
            "FieldPolicy": "Normal",
            "Label": "Email 2"
            "FieldName": "BusinessPhone",
            "FieldPolicy": "Compulsory",
            "Label": "Business Phone"
            "FieldName": "Email1Address",
            "FieldPolicy": "Preferred",
            "Label": "Email"
            "FieldName": "Email3Address",
            "FieldPolicy": "Normal",
            "Label": "Email 3"

This endpoint will display any data management polices applied to this entity type.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/datamanagement/assignment/rules

Sort Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Fields": [
            "FieldName": "EngagementType",
            "FieldPolicy": "Compulsory",
            "Label": "Engagement Type"
            "FieldName": "InternalRef",
            "FieldPolicy": "Normal",
            "Label": "Internal Ref"
            "FieldName": "Company",
            "FieldPolicy": "Compulsory",
            "Label": "Company Name"
            "FieldName": "Location",
            "FieldPolicy": "Normal",
            "Label": "Location"
            "FieldName": "ExternalRef",
            "FieldPolicy": "Normal",
            "Label": "External Ref"
            "FieldName": "AssignmentStatus",
            "FieldPolicy": "Compulsory",
            "Label": "Assignment Status"

This endpoint will display any data management polices applied to this entity type.

HTTP Request



GET /api/v1/settings/{key}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "SettingName": "AssignmentCandidateStatus",
    "Settings": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "9af12b92-baae-4a5c-89a3-c9d9ab0a4db9",
                "DisplayTitle": "Target Candidate",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Target Candidate",
                "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
                "StatusGroupName": "InitialValue"
                "Id": "f54fa1c4-3964-4815-96cb-689cd34cf6d6",
                "DisplayTitle": "Left Message",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Left Message",
                "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
                "StatusGroupName": "ContactOutstanding"
                "Id": "86d21315-1268-4162-b68f-175f6b739ca3",
                "DisplayTitle": "Sent Email",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Sent Email",
                "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
                "StatusGroupName": "ContactOutstanding"
                "Id": "1eb6d90b-1738-4b67-9e90-3091135b7357",
                "DisplayTitle": "In Discussion",
                "ItemDisplayText": "In Discussion",
                "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
                "StatusGroupName": "Contact"
                "Id": "c08d00a0-76d1-4678-a49c-d543dd19f46d",
                "DisplayTitle": "Consultant Interview",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Consultant Interview",
                "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
                "StatusGroupName": "ConsultantInterview"
                "Id": "dfd64726-7e88-45a7-b3f8-49c00929a985",
                "DisplayTitle": "Rejected by Consultant",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Rejected by Consultant",
                "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
                "StatusGroupName": "Rejected"
                "Id": "26586f57-9232-40c4-ad68-23b72a9f741d",
                "DisplayTitle": "Rejected by Client",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Rejected by Client",
                "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
                "StatusGroupName": "Rejected"

Returns a list of the items available used to track where a candidate is in the search process.

The Invenias system has many default and customizable enumerations. When designing an integration, it may be necessary to know the values of the items in a collection for any enumeration. The GET /api/v1/settings/{key} endpoint will return the items for any enumeration name defined in the {key}.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
key [required] The display name of the enumeration.



Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CountryCode": "AF",
            "CountryName": "AFGHANISTAN"
            "CountryCode": "AX",
            "CountryName": "ALAND ISLANDS"
            "CountryCode": "AL",
            "CountryName": "ALBANIA"
            "CountryCode": "DZ",
            "CountryName": "ALGERIA"
            "CountryCode": "AS",
            "CountryName": "AMERICAN SAMOA"

The GET/api/v1/countries endpoint will get a list of all of the country codes and names supported by the Invenias systems.

HTTP Request


Lookup Lists

A Lookup List serves as a collection of values that are either utilized or recommended for use in a particular field. Essentially, it can be formed by values entered by users into the field or be pre-loaded with predefined values. This versatile feature allows for dynamic and user-driven creation of the list, as well as the ability to curate the list in advance, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience in populating fields with appropriate and relevant values.

POST /api/v1/lookuplists/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "ItemType": "LookupLists",
            "Name": "DataManagementPriorities",
            "ItemId": "b06f6dea-e72f-44f0-b311-f0697b1e17aa",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ItemType": "LookupLists",
            "Name": "TeamRole",
            "ItemId": "b906ef4d-3ee2-4a31-8ff4-f32d7b75ffaa",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ItemType": "LookupLists",
            "Name": "PriorityTypes",
            "ItemId": "5a294ba8-427c-4ca6-bd23-fb47356e176b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ItemType": "LookupLists",
            "Name": "AssignmentClientRole",
            "ItemId": "793b73af-7ad8-4d1c-b9ba-fdc6a5a168b7",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ItemType": "LookupLists",
            "Name": "NoteActionTypes",
            "ItemId": "e103fc3c-e797-408f-bcec-ff4dc4f965aa",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint can get the names of all the Lookup Lists in the database.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/lookuplists/{id}/entries/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/entries/list' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "IsActive": true,
            "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
            "LookupListId": {
                "Id": "dc10b565-1f05-4561-a394-8019a7f760aa"
            "Name": "Placement",
            "OrderIndex": 0,
            "ItemId": "3775f6d6-af16-45c3-bfa5-3e28d6fde30d",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "IsActive": true,
            "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
            "LookupListId": {
                "Id": "dc10b565-1f05-4561-a394-8019a7f760aa"
            "Name": "Active",
            "OrderIndex": 1,
            "ItemId": "12a6b6f2-f121-47d4-870c-2c93fee84a71",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "IsActive": true,
            "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
            "LookupListId": {
                "Id": "dc10b565-1f05-4561-a394-8019a7f760aa"
            "Name": "Cancelled",
            "OrderIndex": 4,
            "ItemId": "71b671b0-83b9-4411-8bde-1f8453635ef0",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "IsActive": true,
            "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
            "LookupListId": {
                "Id": "dc10b565-1f05-4561-a394-8019a7f760aa"
            "Name": "Completed",
            "OrderIndex": 5,
            "ItemId": "34e89aee-df20-4699-bb9a-e436c3dfc44f",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint will get the values within a specific Lookup List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for a Lookup List.

POST /api/v1/lookuplists/{id}/entries

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/entries' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
  "Name": "Lost"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "IsActive": true,
            "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
            "LookupListId": {
                "Id": "dc10b565-1f05-4561-a394-8019a7f760aa"
            "Name": "Lost",
            "OrderIndex": 10,
            "ItemId": "2927c7dd-ab34-4686-8504-03e31d36e898",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint can create new entries on a specific Lookup List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the Lookup List.
request [required] String The request model used to create a new value in the Lookup List.

PUT /api/v1/lookuplists/{id}/entries/{itemId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/entries/{itemId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Name": "Panel Interview"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "IsActive": false,
            "ItemType": "LookupListEntries",
            "LookupListId": {
                "Id": "a1eef6c2-0f04-42db-8b93-142fb1a458aa"
            "Name": "Panel Interview",
            "OrderIndex": 0,
            "ItemId": "8be50372-ad31-4949-96c9-0d95e67f7986",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint can be used to change values to a single Lookup List entry per request.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the Lookup List.
itemId [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the Lookup List entry you wish to change.


The Invenias REST API provides two essential endpoints to facilitate the flagging of 'People' and 'Company' type entities that may already exist within the database. By leveraging these endpoints, developers can effectively preserve the data's integrity, empowering them to handle updates to existing entities or create entirely new ones based on the context. This feature ensures seamless data management and reduces the risk of duplicate records, enhancing the overall reliability and accuracy of the database.

GET /api/v1/duplicates/people

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "PersonName": "Johnny Doe",
        "CompanyName": "Microsoft",
        "JobTitle": "Technical Operations Engineer",
        "EmailAddress1": "",
        "EmailAddress2": "",
        "IsExactEmailMatch": true,
        "MatchingFields": [
                "FieldName": "PersonName",
                "Value": "John Doe"
        "ItemId": "7d68cd5d-cb47-4710-8641-2bf3a57a2e80",
        "DisplaySummary": "John Doe (Doe), Microsoft, Technical Operations Engineer",
        "DisplayName": "John Doe (Doe)",
        "ItemType": "People",
        "PersonName": "John Doe",
        "CompanyName": "Apple Inc.",
        "JobTitle": "Partner",
        "EmailAddress1": "",
        "EmailAddress2": "",
        "IsExactEmailMatch": false,
        "MatchingFields": [
                "FieldName": "PersonName",
                "Value": "John Doe"
        "ItemId": "9edf2ce8-39ad-4b3c-a36f-3872ff43e5f8",
        "DisplaySummary": "John Doe, Apple Inc., Partner",
        "DisplayName": "John Doe",
        "ItemType": "People",

The GET /api/v1/duplicates/people endpoint flags potentially existing 'People' type entities based upon the search terms passed via the request.personName and request.emailAddress parameters.

For performance, it's strongly advised to pass the simplest search term possible via the 'request.personName'. The reason for this is that it will split the search term using the spaces as delimiters and parameters in every conceivable permutation for comparison. The more parameters that are created and comparatively references in the server-side query, the longer it will take to return a response.

Name Components

This endpoint does not comparatively reference all the naming component fields for 'People' type entities. Please do not include salutations, suffixes, and prefixes in the 'request.personName' parameter. For a full list of the naming components leveraged by this endpoint, please see below:

Email Address

This endpoint does not comparatively reference all the email fields for 'People' type entities. It does not reference the custom email address fields. For a full list of the email address fields leveraged by this endpoint, please see below:

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
request.personName (optional) Specify the desired search term for name components to the query to be executed on the server.
request.emailAddress (optional) Specify desired search term for email address fields to the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.

GET /api/v1/duplicates/companies

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "IsPlaceOfStudy": false,
        "Location": "Default",
        "IsExactMatch": false,
        "MatchingFields": [
                "FieldName": "CompanyName",
                "Value": "Invenias by Bullhorn"
        "ItemId": "7fbd6130-a867-4901-9284-06ac9c6dfdd1",
        "DisplaySummary": "Invenias by Bullhorn, Default",
        "DisplayName": "Invenias by Bullhorn",
        "ItemType": "Companies"
        "IsPlaceOfStudy": false,
        "Location": "Default",
        "IsExactMatch": false,
        "MatchingFields": [
                "FieldName": "CompanyName",
                "Value": "Invenias Limited"
        "ItemId": "{id}",
        "DisplaySummary": "Invenias Limited, Default",
        "DisplayName": "Invenias Limited",
        "ItemType": "Companies"

The GET /api/v1/duplicates/companies endpoint flags potentially existing 'Company' type entities based upon the search terms passed via the request.companyName parameter.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
request.companyName [required] Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.

Quick Search

The quick search endpoints allow you to pass a search term to get a list of entities that match OR partially match the term for many entity types.

GET /api/v2/quicksearch/people

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "PersonName": "John Doe",
        "CompanyName": "Microsoft",
        "JobTitle": "Technical Operations Engineer",
        "ItemId": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d",
        "DisplaySummary": "John Doe, Microsoft, Technical Operations Engineer",
        "DisplayName": "John Doe",
        "ItemType": "People"
        "PersonName": "Johnny Doe",
        "CompanyName": "",
        "JobTitle": "Senior Data Engineer",
        "ItemId": "90b38639-096c-4745-9750-a379379c6d15",
        "DisplaySummary": "John Doe, Senior Data Engineer",
        "DisplayName": "John Doe",
        "ItemType": "People"
        "PersonName": "Jane Doe",
        "CompanyName": "John Corp.",
        "JobTitle": "Partner",
        "ItemId": "6e5a99e7-0389-4a16-8ca6-459ca4197690",
        "DisplaySummary": "John Doe, Janen Corp.",
        "DisplayName": "John Doe",
        "ItemType": "People"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term to get a list of entities where the PersonName string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
extendedSearch (optional) true Boolean
request.searchTerm [required] Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.

GET /api/v1/quicksearch/companies

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "LocationName": "Default",
        "ItemId": "d4fcae19-8c29-49cd-be11-be82b9b2a366",
        "DisplaySummary": "Invenias by Bullhorn, Default",
        "DisplayName": "Invenias by Bullhorn",
        "ItemType": "Companies"
        "LocationName": "Default",
        "ItemId": "{id}",
        "DisplaySummary": "Invenias Limited, Default",
        "DisplayName": "Invenias Limited",
        "ItemType": "Companies"
        "LocationName": "",
        "ItemId": "956e89e3-5e89-4704-b6cc-1ff27ec24e4e",
        "DisplaySummary": "Investec",
        "DisplayName": "Investec",
        "ItemType": "Companies"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term to get a list of entities where the DisplayName string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
request.searchTerm [required] Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.

GET /api/v1/quicksearch/educationalorganisations

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "LocationName": "Default",
        "ItemId": "11db8c22-81de-4a82-9b47-dc4b54ad415a",
        "DisplaySummary": "Academy of Contemporary Music, Default",
        "DisplayName": "Academy of Contemporary Music",
        "ItemType": "Companies"
        "LocationName": "Guildford",
        "ItemId": "7bc5b01f-c36a-4828-bea5-e3af7f5882e1",
        "DisplaySummary": "Academy of Contemporary Music",
        "DisplayName": "Academy of Contemporary Music",
        "ItemType": "Companies"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term to get a list of entities where the DisplayName string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
request.searchTerm [required] Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.

GET /api/v1/quicksearch/assignments

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "CompanyName": "Old Mutual",
        "ItemId": "bbd2c96c-00bc-4ef9-aae7-9ec88b9d80cd",
        "DisplaySummary": "Vice President, Securities, Old Mutual",
        "DisplayName": "Vice President, Securities",
        "ItemType": "Assignments"
        "CompanyName": "JP Morgan",
        "ItemId": "f6284f92-1cb0-4d67-8eed-d8b021155752",
        "DisplaySummary": "Executive Vice President, JP Morgan",
        "DisplayName": "Executive Vice President",
        "ItemType": "Assignments"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term to get a list of entities where the CompanyName string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
request.searchTerm [required] Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.

GET /api/v1/quicksearch/programmes

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "ProgrammeTypeId": "886f1f8f-e651-4a80-9a86-63ef3600337d",
        "ProgrammeType": "Business Development",
        "ItemId": "8f537861-7709-4ef2-bbec-68db11b19ade",
        "DisplaySummary": "Network Groups",
        "DisplayName": "Network Groups",
        "ItemType": "Programmes"
        "ProgrammeTypeId": "886f1f8f-e651-4a80-9a86-63ef3600337d",
        "ProgrammeType": "Business Development",
        "ItemId": "a2adc7f7-973a-4751-99bd-c9ce7ed3c504",
        "DisplaySummary": "Networking Breakfast Event 2017 (Business Development)",
        "DisplayName": "Networking Breakfast Event 2017",
        "ItemType": "Programmes"
        "ProgrammeTypeId": "e1c7f9b0-03b2-4aca-a103-ae75480d1315",
        "ProgrammeType": "Marketing Event",
        "ItemId": "470efcfd-f4ff-4155-b098-e5f5ef80aee6",
        "DisplaySummary": "Networking Lunch Event 2017 (Marketing Event)",
        "DisplayName": "Networking Lunch Event 2017",
        "ItemType": "Programmes"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term to get a list of entities where the DisplayName string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
request.searchTerm [required] Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.

GET /api/v1/quicksearch/professionalusers

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "PersonName": "Jane Doe",
    "CompanyName": "Internal Dev Database",
    "JobTitle": "Partner",
    "ItemId": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d",
    "DisplaySummary": "Jane Doe, Internal Dev Database, Partner",
    "DisplayName": "Jane Doe",
    "ItemType": "People",
    "PersonName": "Jane Doe",
    "CompanyName": "Internal Dev Database",
    "JobTitle": "Technical Operations Engineer",
    "ItemId": "7d68cd5d-cb47-4710-8641-2bf3a57a2e80",
    "DisplaySummary": "Jane Doe (Doe), Internal Dev Database, Technical Operations Engineer",
    "DisplayName": "Jane Doe (Doe)",
    "ItemType": "People",
    "PersonName": "Acacia Richards",
    "CompanyName": "Internal Dev Database",
    "JobTitle": "Jane",
    "ItemId": "40c52385-c8f7-4092-83b3-46a84209ed45",
    "DisplaySummary": "Acacia Richards, Internal Dev Database, Jane",
    "DisplayName": "Acacia Richards",
    "ItemType": "People",

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term to get a list of entities where the PersonName string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
request.searchTerm [required] Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.

GET /api/v1/quicksearch/clientusers

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "PersonName": "Jane Doe",
    "CompanyName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
    "JobTitle": "Chief Executive Officer",
    "ItemId": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab",
    "DisplaySummary": "Jane Doe, Lloyds Banking Group, Chief Executive Officer",
    "DisplayName": "Jane Doe",
    "ItemType": "People"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term to get a list of entities where the PersonName string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Description
request.searchTerm [required] Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
request.pageIndex (optional) Specify the PageIndex property to determine the index of the currently displayed page.
request.pageSize (optional) Specify the number of search results to return.


The Invenias REST API offers a wide range of endpoints covering most entity types, empowering you to search for entities that align with specific keywords or characters provided in the search term. This extensive functionality enables efficient and precise retrieval of relevant information, making it easier for you to work with diverse datasets and streamline your application's data retrieval process.

POST /api/v1/search/users

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "Disabled": false,
            "DisplayFileAs": "Jane Doe",
            "FileAs": "Jane Doe",
            "IsLicenseAssigned": true,
            "ItemType": "People",
            "UserId": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"
            "ItemId": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "Disabled": false,
            "DisplayFileAs": "Jane Doe",
            "FileAs": "Ms Jane Doe B.A. (Hons) (Doe) (J)",
            "IsLicenseAssigned": true,
            "ItemType": "People",
            "UserId": {
                "Id": "c49c61bb-d321-452c-b77d-62ef6661e1f4"
            "ItemId": "7d68cd5d-cb47-4710-8641-2bf3a57a2e80",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term and select, group, and filter Professional User entities to get a list of entities where the DisplayFileAs string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
request.searchTerm [required] String Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.

POST /api/v1/search/people

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Invenias by Bullhorn",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Jane Doe",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Technical Operations Engineer",
            "TotalCandidateAssignments": 3,
            "ItemId": "7d68cd5d-cb47-4710-8641-2bf3a57a2e80",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Bullhorn",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Jane Doe",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Technical Operations Engineer",
            "TotalCandidateAssignments": 1,
            "ItemId": "72a0fabd-7c04-4436-878f-b3ff68461c51",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term and select, group, and filter People type entities to get a list of entities where the DisplayFileAs string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
request.searchTerm [required] String Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.
extendedSearch (optional) true Boolean Specify if you wish to extend the search to the Person entities default Position entities Job Title.

POST /api/v1/search/companies

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "FileAs": "Old Mutual",
            "ItemType": "Companies",
            "TotalNumberOfAssignments": 6,
            "ItemId": "ab4f3fce-3387-4e02-83d3-d99cab1df59e",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "FileAs": "Old Mutual Plc.",
            "ItemType": "Companies",
            "TotalNumberOfAssignments": 0,
            "ItemId": "676339da-8e18-497f-9f27-52740dfc4fe0",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term and select, group, and filter company type entities to get a list of entities where the FileAs string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
request.searchTerm [required] String Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.

POST /api/v1/search/educationalorganisations

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "FileAs": "Academy of Contemporary Music",
            "ItemType": "Companies",
            "RecordOwners": [
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain"
            "ItemId": "11db8c22-81de-4a82-9b47-dc4b54ad415a",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "FileAs": "Academy of Contemporary Music",
            "ItemType": "Companies",
            "RecordOwners": [
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain"
            "ItemId": "7bc5b01f-c36a-4828-bea5-e3af7f5882e1",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term and select, group, and filter Company type entities to get a list of entities flagged as a 'Place of Study' where the FileAs string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
request.searchTerm [required] String Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.

POST /api/v1/search/assignments

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000002",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Old Mutual",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "ab4f3fce-3387-4e02-83d3-d99cab1df59e"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "On Hold",
            "ItemId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000004",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Deutsche Bank",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "5d2c28b5-032b-4e17-ac9c-a8bfa2d94dff"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Head of Marketing, EMEA",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Placement",
            "ItemId": "ed25ed9b-062b-4e10-a055-6fb024fe53b2",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term and select, group, and filter Assignment type entities to get a list of entities where the FileAs string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
request.searchTerm [required] String Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.

POST /api/v1/search/programmes

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "ItemType": "Programmes",
            "Name": "Networking Lunch 2020",
            "ProgrammeReferenceNumber": "CA000020",
            "ProgrammeType": "Business Development",
            "ItemId": "f252a77b-713f-4214-ae4f-ac644d3b6057",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ItemType": "Programmes",
            "Name": "Networking Breakfast Event 2017",
            "ProgrammeReferenceNumber": "CA000006",
            "ProgrammeStatusDisplay": "Active",
            "ProgrammeType": "Business Development",
            "RecordOwners": [
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain"
            "ItemId": "a2adc7f7-973a-4751-99bd-c9ce7ed3c504",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ItemType": "Programmes",
            "Name": "Networking Lunch Event 2017",
            "ProgrammeReferenceNumber": "CA000007",
            "ProgrammeType": "Marketing Event",
            "RecordOwners": [
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain"
            "ItemId": "470efcfd-f4ff-4155-b098-e5f5ef80aee6",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term and select, group, and filter programme type entities to get a list of entities where the Name string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
request.searchTerm [required] String Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.

POST /api/v1/search/documents

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "PageSize": 50,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "Select": [
    "Sort": [
            "Selector": "IsDefaultCv",
            "Desc": true

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AttachmentName": "Jane_Doe_CV.pdf",
            "DocumentExtension": "pdf",
            "ItemId": "0247367e-3e54-4edd-ba80-c9b16a2b6f02",
            "ItemType": "Documents",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AttachmentName": "Jane_D_CV.docx",
            "DocumentExtension": "docx",
            "ItemId": "5679cee4-e14a-4fc8-8018-d1c12511bd51",
            "ItemType": "Documents",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term and select, group, and filter document type entities to get a list of entities where the AttachmentName or Creator string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
request.searchTerm [required] String Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.

POST /api/v1/search/recordmanagementgroupentries

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{}'

Example Response (JSON)

  "Items": [
      "FileAs": "London",
      "IsActive": true,
      "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries",
      "RecordManagementGroupFileAs": "Client Locations",
      "RecordManagementGroupId": {
        "Id": "43400b86-5a99-4b84-8e7c-55701df1d37e"
      "ItemId": "18a7f342-e0ca-4f76-91f0-fafc19347361",
      "Image": "INVENIAS",
      "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint allows you to pass a search term and select, group, and filter Record Management Group entities to get a list of entities where the FileAs string matches OR partially matches the search term.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
request.searchTerm [required] String Specify the desired search term for the query to be executed on the server.


In Invenias, journal items play a crucial role in recording various activities, including Telephone calls, Emails, and Interviews. These actions are efficiently stored in the Invenias Global Journal and can be linked to one or more core entities, such as People, Companies, Assignments, and Programmes. This comprehensive system allows for seamless tracking and organization of essential interactions, ensuring a holistic view of each entity's history and associated activities.

Table 1. Journal Endpoint Summary

Journal Item Type Name Description
Global Journal List POST /api/v1/journal/list Used to retrieve a list of global 'Journal' entities in the database.
Appointment / Meeting POST /api/v1/appointments Used to create an 'Appointment' journal entity in the database.
POST /api/v1/appointments/list Get a lists of 'Appointment' journal entities in the database.
GET /api/v1/appointments/upcoming Get the next five upcoming 'Appointment' journal entities scheduled to take place in the future.
GET /api/v1/appointments/{id} Get details for any given 'Appointment' journal entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/appointments/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Appointment' journal entity with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/appointments/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Appointment' entity.
Sent Document POST /api/v1/sentdocuments Used to create an 'Sent Document' journal entity in the database.
GET /api/v1/sentdocuments/{id} Get details for any given 'Sent Document' journal entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/sentdocuments/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Sent Document' journal entity with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/sentdocuments/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Sent Document' journal entity.
Email POST /api/v1/emails Used to create an 'Email' journal entity in the database.
GET /api/v1/emails/{id} Get details for any given 'Email' journal entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/emails/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Email' journal entity with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/emails/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Email' journal entity.
Feedback POST /api/v1/feedback Used to create an 'Feedback' entity for any given 'Person' journal entity in the database.
POST /api/v1/feedback/{id}/comments Used to add a comment from 'Person' entity to an existing 'Feedback' journal entity.
GET /api/v1/feedback/{id} Get details for any given 'Feedback' journal entity in the database.
GET /api/v1/feedback/{id}/comments/{commentId} Get a list of 'Comment' entities that are relationally linked to a given 'Feedback' journal entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/feedback/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Feedback' journal entity with the request payload.
PUT /api/v1/feedback/{id}/comments/{commentId} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Comment' entity that is relationally linked to any given 'Feedback' journal entity in the database with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/feedback/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Feedback' journal entity.
DELETE /api/v1/feedback/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Comment' entity that is relationally linked to a given 'Feedback' journal entity in the database.
Interview POST /api/v1/interviews Used to create an 'Interview' journal entity.
GET /api/v1/interviews/{id} Get details for any given 'Interview' journal entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/interviews/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Interview' journal entity with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/interviews/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Interview' journal entity.
Note POST /api/v1/notes Used to create an 'Note' journal entity.
GET /api/v1/notes/{id} Get details for any given 'Note' journal entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/notes/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Note' journal entity with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/notes/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Note' journal entity.
Phone Call POST /api/v1/telephones Used to create an 'Phone Call' journal entity.
GET /api/v1/telephones/{id} Get details for any given 'Phone Call' journal entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/telephones/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Phone Call' journal entity with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/telephones/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Phone Call' journal entity.
Send CV POST /api/v1/sentcurriculumvitaes Used to create an 'Send CV' journal entity.
GET /api/v1/sentcurriculumvitaes/{id} Get details for any given 'Send CV' journal entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/sentcurriculumvitaes/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Send CV' journal entity with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/sentcurriculumvitaes/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Send CV' journal entity.
Task POST /api/v1/tasks Used to create an 'Task' journal entity.
GET /api/v1/tasks/{id} Get details for any given 'Task' journal entity in the database.
GET /api/v1/tasks/upcoming Get a list of upcoming 'Task' journal entities that are due in the future.
PUT /api/v1/tasks/{id} Allows you to replace a representation of the target 'Task' journal entity with the request payload.
DELETE /api/v1/tasks/{id} Allows you to permanently delete any given 'Task' journal entity.

POST /api/v1/journal/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "PageSize": 5,
  "PageIndex": 0,
  "UsePaging": true,
  "ReturnTotalCount": true,
  "ReturnTotalDatabaseItemCount": true,
    "Select": [
    "Sort": [
      "Selector": "Date",
      "Desc": true
  "IncludeAdditionalValues": false,
  "UseLookUpViewDefinition": false,
  "IncludeDisplayViews": false,
  "IncludeAvailableColumns": false,
  "IncludeCategories": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "ActionSubject": "Nam faucibus ipsum nec turpis posuere fermentum. Praesent ante leo, faucibus in sodales sit amet, porta a libero.",
            "ActionType": {
                "Id": "c780dde3-b36f-4842-94a3-982cd1e59900",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Research"
            "Date": "2037-11-23T00:00:00+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Telephones",
            "Notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sodales nec dolor sit amet egestas. Nulla consectetur, mauris at mollis elementum, lacus purus fringilla tortor, sit amet luctus ligula nisi sed ex. Phasellus lobortis vel orci sit amet commodo. Sed non accumsan ipsum. In cursus augue quis bibendum finibus. Phasellus vel sem tempus libero laoreet ultrices. Cras eget justo odio. Sed nisi enim, scelerisque sed malesuada id, facilisis nec orci. Integer faucibus, elit ac aliquam pulvinar, dolor felis rutrum ex, vel dapibus purus nunc at felis. Donec luctus diam a ipsum pellentesque, ac suscipit erat rhoncus. Curabitur ac nibh in massa placerat interdum. Praesent non pretium justo. Praesent suscipit ante risus, condimentum ultrices felis fermentum in. Phasellus sagittis placerat purus non mollis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent semper orci ligula, sed convallis erat elementum a.",
            "ItemId": "ef403429-5cd5-44dc-ac87-2a68bfbf7a4c",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ActionSubject": "Nam faucibus ipsum nec turpis posuere fermentum. Praesent ante leo, faucibus in sodales sit amet, porta a libero.",
            "ActionType": {
                "Id": "5f96034c-ad6a-4f7b-9ef9-441d7c15f826",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Information"
            "Date": "2037-11-23T00:00:00+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Notes",
            "Notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sodales nec dolor sit amet egestas. Nulla consectetur, mauris at mollis elementum, lacus purus fringilla tortor, sit amet luctus ligula nisi sed ex. Phasellus lobortis vel orci sit amet commodo. Sed non accumsan ipsum. In cursus augue quis bibendum finibus. Phasellus vel sem tempus libero laoreet ultrices. Cras eget justo odio. Sed nisi enim, scelerisque sed malesuada id, facilisis nec orci. Integer faucibus, elit ac aliquam pulvinar, dolor felis rutrum ex, vel dapibus purus nunc at felis. Donec luctus diam a ipsum pellentesque, ac suscipit erat rhoncus. Curabitur ac nibh in massa placerat interdum. Praesent non pretium justo. Praesent suscipit ante risus, condimentum ultrices felis fermentum in. Phasellus sagittis placerat purus non mollis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent semper orci ligula, sed convallis erat elementum a.",
            "ItemId": "66c8f2b9-2f6d-4564-8c58-bf7cec0b0151",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ActionSubject": "Proin sit amet nisi enim.",
            "ActionType": {
                "Id": "5f96034c-ad6a-4f7b-9ef9-441d7c15f826",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Information"
            "Date": "2037-11-22T00:00:00+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Notes",
            "Notes": "Donec diam risus, blandit at risus molestie, sodales scelerisque dui. Phasellus molestie, mi at aliquet dignissim, leo quam luctus lectus, eu euismod justo elit vel massa. Nam laoreet, felis et luctus dictum, tellus odio posuere risus, vitae consectetur sapien lorem in ipsum. Donec vulputate nunc non eros luctus consequat. Ut justo odio, dapibus pharetra risus vel, dapibus dapibus nisl. Suspendisse feugiat felis vel consequat auctor. Praesent sodales, orci at egestas euismod, ex arcu iaculis augue, vel eleifend mauris arcu in lacus. Phasellus arcu diam, eleifend quis luctus sit amet, efficitur congue erat.",
            "ItemId": "ab750b48-f990-426e-8ca1-73d287cfa2fb",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ActionSubject": "Proin sit amet nisi enim.",
            "ActionType": {
                "Id": "c780dde3-b36f-4842-94a3-982cd1e59900",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Research"
            "Date": "2037-11-22T00:00:00+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Telephones",
            "Notes": "Donec diam risus, blandit at risus molestie, sodales scelerisque dui. Phasellus molestie, mi at aliquet dignissim, leo quam luctus lectus, eu euismod justo elit vel massa. Nam laoreet, felis et luctus dictum, tellus odio posuere risus, vitae consectetur sapien lorem in ipsum. Donec vulputate nunc non eros luctus consequat. Ut justo odio, dapibus pharetra risus vel, dapibus dapibus nisl. Suspendisse feugiat felis vel consequat auctor. Praesent sodales, orci at egestas euismod, ex arcu iaculis augue, vel eleifend mauris arcu in lacus. Phasellus arcu diam, eleifend quis luctus sit amet, efficitur congue erat.",
            "ItemId": "617cf5e1-d2f6-4789-8e1a-a2f3ce7cd0c4",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ActionSubject": "Ut vel lacinia nunc, non ullamcorper lacus.",
            "ActionType": {
                "Id": "c780dde3-b36f-4842-94a3-982cd1e59900",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Research"
            "Date": "2037-11-21T00:00:00+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Telephones",
            "Notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ultrices iaculis leo, eget tempus ipsum mattis at. Curabitur egestas ligula sed hendrerit fermentum. Pellentesque at interdum mauris. Cras eros ante, rutrum id enim eu, porttitor condimentum magna. In sem nunc, hendrerit vitae sagittis blandit, commodo ut arcu. Maecenas nec bibendum ante. In ut tellus arcu. Duis commodo tempor lacinia. Vivamus euismod, quam a convallis sagittis, nunc erat congue enim, viverra pretium leo tortor ut felis. Quisque sed faucibus lectus. In semper ipsum at hendrerit consectetur. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies sed feugiat id, elementum in dolor. Fusce a diam hendrerit, sodales orci et, vestibulum turpis.",
            "ItemId": "cdb27b8e-fdeb-4cf4-979a-11f9a19aa770",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
    "ViewDefinition": {
        "ViewDefinitionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "Columns": [
                "FieldName": "ActionSubject",
                "DisplayTitle": "Subject",
                "IsHidden": false,
                "Width": 100,
                "IsStaticEnum": false
                "FieldName": "ActionType",
                "DisplayTitle": "Action Type",
                "ColumnType": "ComboBox",
                "OptionSource": "[ActionType]",
                "IsHidden": false,
                "Width": 100,
                "IsStaticEnum": false
                "FieldName": "Notes",
                "DisplayTitle": "Note/Details",
                "IsHidden": false,
                "Width": 100,
                "IsStaticEnum": false
                "FieldName": "Date",
                "DisplayTitle": "Date & Time",
                "ColumnType": "DateTime",
                "Format": "f",
                "IsHidden": false,
                "Width": 100,
                "IsSearchEnabled": false,
                "IsStaticEnum": false
    "Paging": {
        "NextPageNumber": 1,
        "TotalItemCount": 44085,
        "TotalDatabaseItemCount": 44085

Used to retrieve a list of global Journal entities in the database.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/appointments

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "Subject": "Lunch with Aaron Allan",
  "Content": "Aliquam eget risus tincidunt, tempus diam ut, blandit ipsum. Morbi iaculis fermentum urna, sit amet porttitor diam efficitur lacinia. Morbi faucibus purus at urna ultrices, sit amet mattis justo lobortis. Nunc dapibus ornare posuere. Aliquam sed orci lorem. Praesent est lorem, mollis eu turpis vel, tristique laoreet lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque id erat vulputate, convallis leo suscipit, blandit erat. Donec molestie condimentum libero et bibendum.",
  "Priority": 0,
  "StartDate": "2022-02-24T12:30:00.001Z",
  "EndDate": "2022-02-24T13:30:00.001Z",
  "AppointmentActionDate": "2022-02-23T12:21:45.001Z",
  "IsAllDayEvent": false,
  "IsReminderSet": true,
  "ReminderMinutesBeforeStart": 10,
  "Location": "Unit 1, Davidson House, Reading RG1 3EY",
  "LocationDisplayName": "Carluccio's Reading",
  "LocationWebAddress": "",
  "HasAttachments": false,
  "IsMeeting": false,
  "OutlookCategory": "",
  "Attendees": "",
  "ExternalEventReference": "",
  "ShowAsBusy": true,
  "IsPrivate": false,
  "AppointmentActionType": {
    "Id": "aba667ca-4543-4b01-bedd-b0699d5646b7"
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "B6A53FE4-8FBD-4393-B718-AF57A92E896C"
        "Id": "D7A4D92C-04D0-472B-8BAC-514E5CDFACF3"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "778571c8-40a7-4c3c-adeb-2ebec32bce5b",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-02-24T16:03:59.9489482+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-02-24T16:03:59.9489482+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lunch with Aaron Allan",
    "Content": "Aliquam eget risus tincidunt, tempus diam ut, blandit ipsum. Morbi iaculis fermentum urna, sit amet porttitor diam efficitur lacinia. Morbi faucibus purus at urna ultrices, sit amet mattis justo lobortis. Nunc dapibus ornare posuere. Aliquam sed orci lorem. Praesent est lorem, mollis eu turpis vel, tristique laoreet lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque id erat vulputate, convallis leo suscipit, blandit erat. Donec molestie condimentum libero et bibendum.",
    "Priority": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-02-24T12:30:00.001+00:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-02-24T13:30:00.001+00:00",
    "AppointmentActionDate": "2022-02-23T12:21:45.001+00:00",
    "IsAllDayEvent": false,
    "IsReminderSet": true,
    "ReminderMinutesBeforeStart": 10,
    "Location": "Unit 1, Davidson House, Reading RG1 3EY",
    "LocationDisplayName": "Carluccio's Reading",
    "LocationWebAddress": "",
    "HasAttachments": false,
    "IsMeeting": false,
    "OutlookCategory": "",
    "Attendees": "",
    "ExternalEventReference": "",
    "ShowAsBusy": true,
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "AppointmentActionType": {
        "Id": "aba667ca-4543-4b01-bedd-b0699d5646b7",
        "DisplayTitle": "Appointment Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Initial Meeting",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Programmes": [],
    "Notes": [],
    "Telephones": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "Interviews": [],
    "MeetingNotes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "d7a4d92c-04d0-472b-8bac-514e5cdfacf3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Allan",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": []

Used to create an Appointment journal entity in the database.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/appointments/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "PageSize": 5,
  "PageIndex": 0,
  "UsePaging": true,
  "ReturnTotalCount": true,
  "ReturnTotalDatabaseItemCount": true,
    "Select": [
    "Sort": [
      "Selector": "Date",
      "Desc": true
  "IncludeAdditionalValues": false,
  "UseLookUpViewDefinition": false,
  "IncludeDisplayViews": false,
  "IncludeAvailableColumns": false,
  "IncludeCategories": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "Content": "Ut sagittis, nunc molestie mattis maximus, nisi turpis aliquet ipsum, at posuere nibh dui in leo.",
            "Date": "2023-01-27T15:45:01.001+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Appointments",
            "ItemId": "75c2a51b-7fee-4763-b7e4-03b8ec0dd41d",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "Content": "Cras euismod bibendum nisl, a vestibulum ligula feugiat vel. Curabitur sagittis laoreet lectus, quis luctus diam lobortis finibus.",
            "Date": "2023-01-27T15:20:01.001+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Appointments",
            "ItemId": "46186ecb-efd9-4067-8b5d-cbf7216ef83f",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "Content": "Quisque rutrum felis ac ligula sodales pellentesque.",
            "Date": "2023-01-26T14:30:01.001+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Appointments",
            "ItemId": "bd9a64cb-2c9c-4452-b47b-53da6fc4387a",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "Content": "Suspendisse eu purus at nibh blandit feugiat. Integer tristique dui aliquet pellentesque viverra. Curabitur non tortor quis nunc tempus finibus.",
            "Date": "2023-01-26T14:10:01.001+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Appointments",
            "ItemId": "9220ee15-95d5-451f-ae13-0fe49a78530b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "Content": "Sed sollicitudin ultrices rutrum. Suspendisse et magna commodo, cursus mauris consequat, aliquam purus. In a dictum lorem. Ut nec faucibus tortor.",
            "Date": "2023-01-25T13:15:01.001+00:00",
            "ItemType": "Appointments",
            "ItemId": "7b09a769-2ce3-49b6-8ee8-7a83111e7c43",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
    "ViewDefinition": {
        "ViewDefinitionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "Columns": [
                "FieldName": "ActionSubject",
                "IsStaticEnum": false
                "FieldName": "ActionType",
                "IsStaticEnum": false
                "FieldName": "Content",
                "DisplayTitle": "Note/Details",
                "IsHidden": false,
                "Width": 100,
                "IsStaticEnum": false
                "FieldName": "Date",
                "DisplayTitle": "Date & Time",
                "ColumnType": "DateTime",
                "Format": "f",
                "IsHidden": false,
                "Width": 100,
                "IsSearchEnabled": false,
                "IsStaticEnum": false
    "Paging": {
        "NextPageNumber": 1,
        "TotalItemCount": 7997,
        "TotalDatabaseItemCount": 7997

Get a list of Appointment journal entities in the database.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/appointments/upcoming

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "Id": "b7eba2cf-8633-44ec-88c0-a387790c27d6",
        "DisplayTitle": "Lunch with Thomas Hyde (Wisoky Ltd)",
        "DueDateTime": "2022-02-25T15:10:01.001+00:00"
        "Id": "1a5ef511-f7a4-425c-b02a-a2bbe4bbe25a",
        "DisplayTitle": "Coffee with Louis Matthews (Sveinmars hf.)",
        "DueDateTime": "2022-02-25T15:40:01.001+00:00"
        "Id": "0671ec9a-2882-4315-a8f5-d2a884d0685f",
        "DisplayTitle": "Lunch with Rhys Randall (Wisoky Ltd)",
        "DueDateTime": "2022-02-26T12:20:01.001+00:00"
        "Id": "3eb47464-6640-4ccd-8ede-b518940f4be7",
        "DisplayTitle": "Lunch with Christopher Johnson (Sveinmars hf.)",
        "DueDateTime": "2022-02-26T12:50:01.001+00:00"
        "Id": "3d371331-3801-4733-b652-3d94d9ea29cd",
        "DisplayTitle": "Lunch with Paul Freeman (Sveinmars hf.)",
        "DueDateTime": "2022-02-27T13:15:01.001+00:00"

Get the next five upcoming Appointment journal entities scheduled to take place in the future.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/appointments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET '{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "b7eba2cf-8633-44ec-88c0-a387790c27d6",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-02-25T14:13:57.6667517+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-02-25T14:13:57.6667517+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lunch with Thomas Hyde (Wisoky Ltd)",
    "Content": "Morbi urna massa, aliquam tincidunt ante sed, tempus consectetur mauris. Nulla facilisi.",
    "Priority": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-02-25T15:10:01.001+00:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-02-25T16:10:01.001+00:00",
    "AppointmentActionDate": "2022-02-25T15:10:01.001+00:00",
    "IsAllDayEvent": false,
    "IsReminderSet": true,
    "ReminderMinutesBeforeStart": 10,
    "Location": "Bondi Green - London",
    "LocationDisplayName": "404 Canal Side Walk, 2 Bishop's Bridge Rd, London W2 1DG",
    "LocationWebAddress": "",
    "HasAttachments": false,
    "IsMeeting": false,
    "OutlookCategory": "",
    "Attendees": "",
    "ExternalEventReference": "",
    "ShowAsBusy": true,
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "AppointmentActionType": {
        "Id": "aba667ca-4543-4b01-bedd-b0699d5646b7",
        "DisplayTitle": "Appointment Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Initial Meeting",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Programmes": [],
    "Notes": [],
    "Telephones": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "Interviews": [],
    "MeetingNotes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "444ad5f2-1f21-4495-bb61-22213e6f7c4d",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Thomas Hyde",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": []

Get details for any given Appointment journal entity in the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Appointment journal entity.

PUT /api/v1/appointments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Subject": "Lunch with Thomas Hyde (Wisoky Ltd)",
    "Content": "Morbi urna massa, aliquam tincidunt ante sed, tempus consectetur mauris. Nulla facilisi.",
    "Priority": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-02-26T15:10:01.001+00:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-02-26T16:10:01.001+00:00",
    "AppointmentActionDate": "2022-02-25T15:10:01.001+00:00",
    "IsAllDayEvent": false,
    "IsReminderSet": true,
    "ReminderMinutesBeforeStart": 10,
    "Location": "Bondi Green - London",
    "LocationDisplayName": "404 Canal Side Walk, 2 Bishop's Bridge Rd, London W2 1DG",
    "LocationWebAddress": "",
    "HasAttachments": false,
    "IsMeeting": false,
    "OutlookCategory": "",
    "Attendees": "",
    "ExternalEventReference": "",
    "ShowAsBusy": true,
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "AppointmentActionType": {
        "Id": "aba667ca-4543-4b01-bedd-b0699d5646b7",
        "DisplayTitle": "Appointment Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Initial Meeting",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "444ad5f2-1f21-4495-bb61-22213e6f7c4d",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Thomas Hyde",
                "ItemType": "People"
                "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "People"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "b7eba2cf-8633-44ec-88c0-a387790c27d6",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-02-25T14:13:57.6667517+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-02-25T15:25:14.8569075+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lunch with Thomas Hyde (Wisoky Ltd)",
    "Content": "Morbi urna massa, aliquam tincidunt ante sed, tempus consectetur mauris. Nulla facilisi.",
    "Priority": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-02-26T15:10:01.001+00:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-02-26T16:10:01.001+00:00",
    "AppointmentActionDate": "2022-02-25T15:10:01.001+00:00",
    "IsAllDayEvent": false,
    "IsReminderSet": true,
    "ReminderMinutesBeforeStart": 10,
    "Location": "Bondi Green - London",
    "LocationDisplayName": "404 Canal Side Walk, 2 Bishop's Bridge Rd, London W2 1DG",
    "LocationWebAddress": "",
    "HasAttachments": false,
    "IsMeeting": false,
    "OutlookCategory": "",
    "Attendees": "",
    "ExternalEventReference": "",
    "ShowAsBusy": true,
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "AppointmentActionType": {
        "Id": "aba667ca-4543-4b01-bedd-b0699d5646b7",
        "DisplayTitle": "Appointment Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Initial Meeting",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Programmes": [],
    "Notes": [],
    "Telephones": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "Interviews": [],
    "MeetingNotes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "444ad5f2-1f21-4495-bb61-22213e6f7c4d",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Thomas Hyde",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": []

Allows you to replace a representation of the target Appointment journal entity with the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Appointment journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/appointments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Allows you to permanently delete any given Appointment journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Appointment journal entity.

POST /api/v1/sentdocuments

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Subject": "Terms of Business Template",
    "Body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a convallis velit, eu posuere purus. Praesent sagittis convallis mauris quis scelerisque. Nullam sit amet efficitur eros, in tempor ante.",
    "SentDocumentActionDate": "2022-02-25T14:31:50.888Z",
    "SentDocumentActionType": {
        "Id": "1462f961-ebcd-4b8d-87b6-c1d7bd8a8064"
    "Documents": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "200e3281-9eb7-47bf-b151-2568f54dc810"
    "AddressedToPeople": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "5ED2FB3B-5751-45D7-96C6-F36D73CFDABA"
    "IsPinned": true,
    "IsConfidential": true,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "5ED2FB3B-5751-45D7-96C6-F36D73CFDABA"
    "Companies": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "D9C789A4-AD79-44F9-978F-013C670A1207"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a1df0675-c6eb-4dc0-a0be-beff3c07d7b8",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-02-25T16:03:41.8802247+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-02-25T16:03:41.8802247+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Terms of Business Template",
    "Body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a convallis velit, eu posuere purus. Praesent sagittis convallis mauris quis scelerisque. Nullam sit amet efficitur eros, in tempor ante.",
    "SentDocumentActionDate": "2022-02-25T14:31:50.888+00:00",
    "SentDocumentActionType": {
        "Id": "1462f961-ebcd-4b8d-87b6-c1d7bd8a8064",
        "DisplayTitle": "Sent Document Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Terms of Business",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Programmes": [],
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "CandidateInterviews": [],
    "ClientInterviews": [],
    "SentCurriculumVitaes": [],
    "Documents": [
            "Id": "200e3281-9eb7-47bf-b151-2568f54dc810",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Atlas-Executive-Search-Terms-of-Business.docx",
            "ItemType": "Documents"
    "AddressedToPeople": [
            "Id": "5ed2fb3b-5751-45d7-96c6-f36d73cfdaba",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Bryant",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "AddressedToCompanies": [],
    "IsPinned": true,
    "IsConfidential": true,
    "People": [
            "Id": "5ed2fb3b-5751-45d7-96c6-f36d73cfdaba",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Bryant",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [
            "Id": "d9c789a4-ad79-44f9-978f-013c670a1207",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Feil-Crona",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
    "Assignments": []

Used to create an Sent Document journal entity in the database.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/sentdocuments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a1df0675-c6eb-4dc0-a0be-beff3c07d7b8",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-02-25T16:03:41.8802247+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-02-25T16:03:41.8802247+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Terms of Business Template",
    "Body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a convallis velit, eu posuere purus. Praesent sagittis convallis mauris quis scelerisque. Nullam sit amet efficitur eros, in tempor ante.",
    "SentDocumentActionDate": "2022-02-25T14:31:50.888+00:00",
    "SentDocumentActionType": {
        "Id": "1462f961-ebcd-4b8d-87b6-c1d7bd8a8064",
        "DisplayTitle": "Sent Document Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Terms of Business",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Programmes": [],
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "CandidateInterviews": [],
    "ClientInterviews": [],
    "SentCurriculumVitaes": [],
    "Documents": [
            "Id": "200e3281-9eb7-47bf-b151-2568f54dc810",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Atlas-Executive-Search-Terms-of-Business.docx",
            "ItemType": "Documents"
    "AddressedToPeople": [
            "Id": "5ed2fb3b-5751-45d7-96c6-f36d73cfdaba",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Bryant",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "AddressedToCompanies": [],
    "IsPinned": true,
    "IsConfidential": true,
    "People": [
            "Id": "5ed2fb3b-5751-45d7-96c6-f36d73cfdaba",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Bryant",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [
            "Id": "d9c789a4-ad79-44f9-978f-013c670a1207",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Feil-Crona",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
    "Assignments": []

Get details for any given Sent Document journal entity in the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Sent Document journal entity.

PUT /api/v1/sentdocuments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Subject": "Terms of Business Template",
    "Body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a convallis velit, eu posuere purus. Praesent sagittis convallis mauris quis scelerisque. Nullam sit amet efficitur eros, in tempor ante.",
    "SentDocumentActionDate": "2022-02-25T14:31:50.888Z",
    "SentDocumentActionType": {
        "Id": "1462f961-ebcd-4b8d-87b6-c1d7bd8a8064"
    "Documents": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "200e3281-9eb7-47bf-b151-2568f54dc810"
    "AddressedToPeople": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "5ED2FB3B-5751-45D7-96C6-F36D73CFDABA"
    "IsPinned": true,
    "IsConfidential": true,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "5ED2FB3B-5751-45D7-96C6-F36D73CFDABA"
    "Companies": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "D9C789A4-AD79-44F9-978F-013C670A1207"
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "f83a3a69-aa6a-4bc1-943d-039eac61a808"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a1df0675-c6eb-4dc0-a0be-beff3c07d7b8",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-02-25T16:03:41.8802247+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-02-28T10:27:58.7605724+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f83a3a69-aa6a-4bc1-943d-039eac61a808",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Peter Clark",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Terms of Business Template",
    "Body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a convallis velit, eu posuere purus. Praesent sagittis convallis mauris quis scelerisque. Nullam sit amet efficitur eros, in tempor ante.",
    "SentDocumentActionDate": "2022-02-25T14:31:50.888+00:00",
    "SentDocumentActionType": {
        "Id": "1462f961-ebcd-4b8d-87b6-c1d7bd8a8064",
        "DisplayTitle": "Sent Document Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Terms of Business",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Programmes": [],
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "CandidateInterviews": [],
    "ClientInterviews": [],
    "SentCurriculumVitaes": [],
    "Documents": [
            "Id": "200e3281-9eb7-47bf-b151-2568f54dc810",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Atlas-Executive-Search-Terms-of-Business.docx",
            "ItemType": "Documents"
    "AddressedToPeople": [
            "Id": "5ed2fb3b-5751-45d7-96c6-f36d73cfdaba",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Bryant",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "AddressedToCompanies": [],
    "IsPinned": true,
    "IsConfidential": true,
    "People": [
            "Id": "5ed2fb3b-5751-45d7-96c6-f36d73cfdaba",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Bryant",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [
            "Id": "d9c789a4-ad79-44f9-978f-013c670a1207",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Feil-Crona",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
    "Assignments": []

Allows you to replace a representation of the target Sent Document journal entity with the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Sent Document journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/sentdocuments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Allows you to permanently delete any given Sent Document journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Sent Document journal entity.

POST /api/v1/emails

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Recipients": [
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "PersonId": "5ED2FB3B-5751-45D7-96C6-F36D73CFDABA"
    "Subject": "Subject: Introduction from Jane Doe",
    "ToAddress": "",
    "Body": "Dear Aaron,\r\n\r\nOne of my dear friends and our mutual acquaintance John Doe very enthusiastically recommended your name for a Chief Security Officer role that I’m looking to fill for a client.\r\n\r\nThey have been ranked as one of the fastest-growing startups in the Consumer Goods industry and this role will play a key part in their client acquisition and retention activities. They are looking for someone who is obsessed with security and can contribute to the continued success of the business.\r\n\r\nDo let me know if you are interested in discussing the role and company in more detail.\r\n\r\nI am flexible with my availability. Thank you for your time.\r\n\r\nGlen Chamberlain",
    "SenderName": "Glen Chamberlain",
    "IsSent": false,
    "EmailActionType": {
        "Id": "655aa355-1a8c-4ff3-8a80-7199a203fb9b"
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "B6A53FE4-8FBD-4393-B718-AF57A92E896C"
                "Id": "D7A4D92C-04D0-472B-8BAC-514E5CDFACF3"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Recipients": [
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "PersonId": "5ED2FB3B-5751-45D7-96C6-F36D73CFDABA"
    "Subject": "Subject: Introduction from Jane Doe",
    "ToAddress": "",
    "Body": "Dear Aaron,\r\n\r\nOne of my dear friends and our mutual acquaintance John Doe very enthusiastically recommended your name for a Chief Security Officer role that I’m looking to fill for a client.\r\n\r\nThey have been ranked as one of the fastest-growing startups in the Consumer Goods industry and this role will play a key part in their client acquisition and retention activities. They are looking for someone who is obsessed with security and can contribute to the continued success of the business.\r\n\r\nDo let me know if you are interested in discussing the role and company in more detail.\r\n\r\nI am flexible with my availability. Thank you for your time.\r\n\r\nGlen Chamberlain",
    "SenderName": "Glen Chamberlain",
    "IsSent": true,
    "EmailActionType": {
        "Id": "655aa355-1a8c-4ff3-8a80-7199a203fb9b"
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "B6A53FE4-8FBD-4393-B718-AF57A92E896C"
                "Id": "D7A4D92C-04D0-472B-8BAC-514E5CDFACF3"

Used to create an Email journal entity in the database.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/emails/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET '{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "7ec655e7-0e92-4ad4-a1da-e299f75d5601",
    "Subject": "Subject: Introduction from Jane Doe",
    "ToAddress": "",
    "Body": "Dear Aaron,\r\n\r\nOne of my dear friends and our mutual acquaintance John Doe very enthusiastically recommended your name for a Chief Security Officer role that I’m looking to fill for a client.\r\n\r\nThey have been ranked as one of the fastest-growing startups in the Consumer Goods industry and this role will play a key part in their client acquisition and retention activities. They are looking for someone who is obsessed with security and can contribute to the continued success of the business.\r\n\r\nDo let me know if you are interested in discussing the role and company in more detail.\r\n\r\nI am flexible with my availability. Thank you for your time.\r\n\r\nGlen Chamberlain",
    "SenderName": "Glen Chamberlain",
    "IsSent": false,
    "EmailActionType": {
        "Id": "655aa355-1a8c-4ff3-8a80-7199a203fb9b",
        "DisplayTitle": "Email Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Candidate Contact",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "SaveConversationThread": false,
    "Programmes": [],
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "CandidateInterviews": [],
    "ClientInterviews": [],
    "ClientSentCurriculumVitaes": [],
    "Documents": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "d7a4d92c-04d0-472b-8bac-514e5cdfacf3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Allan",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [],
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
        "ItemType": "Users"

Get details for any given Email journal entity in the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Email journal entity.

PUT /api/v1/emails/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "f83a3a69-aa6a-4bc1-943d-039eac61a808"
    "Recipients": [
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "PersonId": "5ED2FB3B-5751-45D7-96C6-F36D73CFDABA"
    "Subject": "Subject: Introduction from Jane Doe",
    "ToAddress": "",
    "Body": "Dear Aaron,\r\n\r\nOne of my dear friends and our mutual acquaintance John Doe very enthusiastically recommended your name for a Chief Security Officer role that I’m looking to fill for a client.\r\n\r\nThey have been ranked as one of the fastest-growing startups in the Consumer Goods industry and this role will play a key part in their client acquisition and retention activities. They are looking for someone who is obsessed with security and can contribute to the continued success of the business.\r\n\r\nDo let me know if you are interested in discussing the role and company in more detail.\r\n\r\nI am flexible with my availability. Thank you for your time.\r\n\r\nGlen Chamberlain",
    "SenderName": "Glen Chamberlain",
    "IsSent": false,
    "EmailActionType": {
        "Id": "655aa355-1a8c-4ff3-8a80-7199a203fb9b"
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "B6A53FE4-8FBD-4393-B718-AF57A92E896C"
                "Id": "D7A4D92C-04D0-472B-8BAC-514E5CDFACF3"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "7ec655e7-0e92-4ad4-a1da-e299f75d5601",
    "Subject": "Subject: Introduction from Jane Doe",
    "ToAddress": "",
    "Body": "Dear Aaron,\r\n\r\nOne of my dear friends and our mutual acquaintance John Doe very enthusiastically recommended your name for a Chief Security Officer role that I’m looking to fill for a client.\r\n\r\nThey have been ranked as one of the fastest-growing startups in the Consumer Goods industry and this role will play a key part in their client acquisition and retention activities. They are looking for someone who is obsessed with security and can contribute to the continued success of the business.\r\n\r\nDo let me know if you are interested in discussing the role and company in more detail.\r\n\r\nI am flexible with my availability. Thank you for your time.\r\n\r\nGlen Chamberlain",
    "SenderName": "Glen Chamberlain",
    "IsSent": false,
    "EmailActionType": {
        "Id": "655aa355-1a8c-4ff3-8a80-7199a203fb9b",
        "DisplayTitle": "Email Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Candidate Contact",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "SaveConversationThread": false,
    "Programmes": [],
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "CandidateInterviews": [],
    "ClientInterviews": [],
    "ClientSentCurriculumVitaes": [],
    "Documents": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "d7a4d92c-04d0-472b-8bac-514e5cdfacf3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Aaron Allan",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [],
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "f83a3a69-aa6a-4bc1-943d-039eac61a808",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Peter Clark",
        "ItemType": "Users"

Allows you to replace a representation of the target Email journal entity with the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Email journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/emails/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Allows you to permanently delete any given Email journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Email journal entity.

POST /api/v1/feedback

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "FeedbackActionType": {
    "Id": "0CA6F019-D8EC-46C1-B2FE-19A1E2A2D709"
  "Content": "Morbi laoreet velit id vestibulum vehicula. Proin nec felis eget velit aliquam malesuada nec et sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  "IsPublished": false,
  "IsInternal": false,
  "FeedbackActionDate": "2016-01-01T00:01:01.001Z",
  "TargetFeedback": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "4F90A43C-4FCB-495D-A3F9-001130523CE7"
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "B6A53FE4-8FBD-4393-B718-AF57A92E896C"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "21c3c2d5-1541-4a14-96d9-722dceeb2d94",
    "FeedbackComments": [],
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-03-07T15:49:13.0247178+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-03-07T15:49:13.0247178+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "FeedbackActionType": {
        "Id": "0ca6f019-d8ec-46c1-b2fe-19a1e2a2d709",
        "DisplayTitle": "FeedBack Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "General Feedback",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Content": "Morbi laoreet velit id vestibulum vehicula. Proin nec felis eget velit aliquam malesuada nec et sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "IsPublished": false,
    "IsInternal": true,
    "FeedbackActionDate": "2016-01-01T00:01:01.001+00:00",
    "Programmes": [],
    "TargetFeedback": [
            "Id": "4f90a43c-4fcb-495d-a3f9-001130523ce7",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Ezra Forster",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Appointments": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "Interviews": [],
    "Notes": [],
    "SentCurriculumVitaes": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "Telephones": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": []

Used to create an Feedback journal entity for any given Person entity in the database.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/feedback/{id}/comments

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw 'curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "Content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec bibendum ex, vel venenatis tortor. Donec elementum urna ac faucibus suscipit. Aliquam pulvinar augue venenatis euismod malesuada.",
  "IsPublished": true,
  "CommentBy": {
    "Id": "fbc2a562-90fe-4765-bf8a-80859fdeb916"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a7028388-986e-47df-a2d8-2e3bd6bcf723",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-07-19T13:06:01.6371371+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-07-19T13:06:01.6371371+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec bibendum ex, vel venenatis tortor. Donec elementum urna ac faucibus suscipit. Aliquam pulvinar augue venenatis euismod malesuada.",
    "IsPublished": true,
    "CommentBy": {
        "Id": "fbc2a562-90fe-4765-bf8a-80859fdeb916",
        "DisplayTitle": "Comment By",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Aaron Davidson",
        "ItemType": "People"

Used to add a comment from Person journal entity to an existing Feedback entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Feedback journal entity you wish to add a commment to.
IsPublished (optional) false Specify whether the feedback comment should be visible on the Invenias Client web application to Client Users.

GET /api/v1/feedback/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "8e3ade0d-e6cf-4ee8-9d9e-5905c9c3d20d",
    "FeedbackComments": [
            "Id": "a7028388-986e-47df-a2d8-2e3bd6bcf723",
            "EntityDetails": {
                "DateCreated": "2022-07-19T13:06:01.6371371+00:00",
                "DateModified": "2022-07-19T13:06:01.6371371+00:00",
                "CreatedBy": {
                    "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                    "ItemType": "Users"
                "ModifiedBy": {
                    "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                    "ItemType": "Users"
                "Owner": {
                    "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                    "ItemType": "Users"
            "Content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec bibendum ex, vel venenatis tortor. Donec elementum urna ac faucibus suscipit. Aliquam pulvinar augue venenatis euismod malesuada.",
            "IsPublished": true,
            "CommentBy": {
                "Id": "fbc2a562-90fe-4765-bf8a-80859fdeb916",
                "DisplayTitle": "Comment By",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Aaron Davidson",
                "ItemType": "People"
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-07-19T13:05:48.4378498+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-07-19T13:05:48.4378498+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "FeedbackActionType": {
        "Id": "0ca6f019-d8ec-46c1-b2fe-19a1e2a2d709",
        "DisplayTitle": "FeedBack Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "General Feedback",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Content": "Morbi laoreet velit id vestibulum vehicula. Proin nec felis eget velit aliquam malesuada nec et sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "IsPublished": false,
    "IsInternal": true,
    "FeedbackActionDate": "2016-01-01T00:01:01.001+00:00",
    "TargetFeedback": [
            "Id": "4f90a43c-4fcb-495d-a3f9-001130523ce7",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Mr Ezra Forster",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Ronald Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "People"

Retrieve information for a specific Feedback journal entity from the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Feedback journal entity you wish to view.

GET /api/v1/feedback/{id}/comments/{commentId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "29edd66d-5ccd-44d8-9a3b-c7b2a15a906f",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T13:22:20.9680461+01:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T13:22:20.9680461+01:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "IsPublished": false,
    "CommentBy": {
        "Id": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d",
        "DisplayTitle": "Comment By",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
        "ItemType": "People"

Retrieve a collection of Comment entities associated with a specific Feedback journal entity in the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Feedback journal entity.
commentId [required] Please provide the specific unique identifier for the desired Feedback comment you wish to retrieve.

PUT /api/v1/feedback/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "FeedbackActionType": {
    "Id": "0CA6F019-D8EC-46C1-B2FE-19A1E2A2D709"
  "Content": "Cras feugiat tempus quam eget semper. Quisque ac eros odio. Duis at venenatis ipsum. Sed iaculis rutrum nulla, quis interdum ante dictum ut. Mauris non nisi viverra, ullamcorper nulla vitae, aliquet velit. Nam scelerisque, nibh vel imperdiet sagittis, massa erat euismod est, a mattis leo lectus eu tellus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.",
  "IsPublished": false,
  "IsInternal": false,
  "FeedbackActionDate": "2017-03-13T17:50:39.93+00:00",
  "TargetFeedback": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "5db66c7c-58ea-4f99-8a2d-fd48173d8815",
    "FeedbackComments": [
            "Id": "29edd66d-5ccd-44d8-9a3b-c7b2a15a906f",
            "EntityDetails": {
                "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T13:22:20.9680461+01:00",
                "DateModified": "2023-07-31T13:22:20.9680461+01:00",
                "CreatedBy": {
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                    "ItemType": "Users"
                "ModifiedBy": {
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                    "ItemType": "Users"
                "Owner": {
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                    "ItemType": "Users"
            "Content": "Test Comment",
            "IsPublished": false,
            "CommentBy": {
                "Id": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d",
                "DisplayTitle": "Comment By",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "People"
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2017-03-13T17:50:39.93+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T13:08:11.6149048+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "FeedbackActionType": {
        "Id": "0ca6f019-d8ec-46c1-b2fe-19a1e2a2d709",
        "DisplayTitle": "FeedBack Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "General Feedback",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Content": "Cras feugiat tempus quam eget semper. Quisque ac eros odio. Duis at venenatis ipsum. Sed iaculis rutrum nulla, quis interdum ante dictum ut. Mauris non nisi viverra, ullamcorper nulla vitae, aliquet velit. Nam scelerisque, nibh vel imperdiet sagittis, massa erat euismod est, a mattis leo lectus eu tellus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.",
    "IsPublished": false,
    "IsInternal": false,
    "FeedbackActionDate": "2017-03-13T17:50:39.93+00:00",
    "Programmes": [],
    "TargetFeedback": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Appointments": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "Interviews": [],
    "Notes": [],
    "SentCurriculumVitaes": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "Telephones": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": []

Enables the substitution of the desired Feedback journal entity representation with the data from the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Please provide the unique identifier for the desired Feedback journal entity that you wish to replace.

PUT /api/v1/feedback/{id}/comments/{commentId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "Content": "Integer et viverra felis. Donec sit amet magna enim. Maecenas efficitur facilisis neque, et pellentesque ante varius non. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquet enim nisi, at tempor mi porta id. Sed lobortis odio at libero suscipit, nec imperdiet massa congue. Nulla neque diam, condimentum nec magna et, tincidunt interdum felis. Nunc urna felis, fermentum quis accumsan sit amet, sollicitudin in est. Phasellus dignissim, orci id tincidunt varius, odio leo pulvinar neque, sit amet suscipit turpis dui in tortor.",
  "IsPublished": true,
  "CommentBy": {
    "Id": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "29edd66d-5ccd-44d8-9a3b-c7b2a15a906f",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T13:22:20.9680461+01:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T13:20:05.1257742+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Content": "Integer et viverra felis. Donec sit amet magna enim. Maecenas efficitur facilisis neque, et pellentesque ante varius non. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquet enim nisi, at tempor mi porta id. Sed lobortis odio at libero suscipit, nec imperdiet massa congue. Nulla neque diam, condimentum nec magna et, tincidunt interdum felis. Nunc urna felis, fermentum quis accumsan sit amet, sollicitudin in est. Phasellus dignissim, orci id tincidunt varius, odio leo pulvinar neque, sit amet suscipit turpis dui in tortor.",
    "IsPublished": true,
    "CommentBy": {
        "Id": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d",
        "DisplayTitle": "Comment By",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
        "ItemType": "People"

Permits the replacement of the existing representation of a Comment journal entity, which is relationally associated with any chosen Feedback entity in the database, using the data from the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Feedback journal entity.
commentId [required] Please provide the specific unique identifier for the desired Feedback comment you wish to replace.

DELETE /api/v1/feedback/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

Enables the permanent removal of any selected Feedback journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Feedback journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/feedback/{id}/comments/{commentId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

Facilitates the irreversible deletion of any Comment journal entity that has a relational link to a specific Feedback entity in the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Feedback journal entity.
commentId [required] To permanently delete the desired Feedback comment, please provide the specific unique identifier associated with it.

POST /api/v1/interviews

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "Subject": "Interview - Head of Sales & Marketing",
  "ClientSubject": "Interview with Annabella Thomas",
  "CandidateSubject": "Interview with Janet Davis",
  "InterviewerName": "Janet Davis",
  "StartDate": "2023-08-01T13:00:04.188Z",
  "EndDate": "2023-08-01T13:30:04.188Z",
  "Location": "Carluccio's, Unit 1, Davidson House, Reading RG1 3EY",
  "IsClientInterview": true,
  "IsConsultantInterview": false,
  "InterviewActionDate": "2023-07-31T13:03:04.188Z",
  "InterviewActionType": {
    "Id": "e5027095-b87c-4de0-94b0-26a24d6885d8",
  "Candidates": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
  "Clients": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab"
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
        "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab"
  "Assignments": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed"
  "Owner": {
    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "b6e3c189-89bb-4f36-8dd6-ba55ad4c6d68",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T14:01:47.0465882+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T14:01:47.0465882+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Interview - Head of Sales & Marketing",
    "ClientSubject": "Interview with Annabella Thomas",
    "CandidateSubject": "Interview with Janet Davis",
    "InterviewerName": "Janet Davis",
    "StartDate": "2023-08-01T13:00:04.188+00:00",
    "EndDate": "2023-08-01T13:30:04.188+00:00",
    "Location": "Carluccio's, Unit 1, Davidson House, Reading RG1 3EY",
    "IsClientInterview": true,
    "IsConsultantInterview": false,
    "InterviewActionDate": "2023-07-31T13:03:04.188+00:00",
    "InterviewActionType": {
        "Id": "e5027095-b87c-4de0-94b0-26a24d6885d8",
        "DisplayTitle": "Interview Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "1st Interview",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "Appointments": [],
    "Candidates": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Clients": [
            "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Janet Davis",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Consultants": [],
    "CandidateEmails": [],
    "CandidateSentDocuments": [],
    "ClientEmails": [],
    "ClientSentDocuments": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Janet Davis",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

This endpoint is specifically designed for creating the Interview journal entity.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/interviews/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "b6e3c189-89bb-4f36-8dd6-ba55ad4c6d68",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T14:01:47.0465882+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T14:01:47.0465882+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Interview - Head of Sales & Marketing",
    "ClientSubject": "Interview with Annabella Thomas",
    "CandidateSubject": "Interview with Janet Davis",
    "InterviewerName": "Janet Davis",
    "StartDate": "2023-08-01T13:00:04.188+00:00",
    "EndDate": "2023-08-01T13:30:04.188+00:00",
    "Location": "Carluccio's, Unit 1, Davidson House, Reading RG1 3EY",
    "IsClientInterview": true,
    "IsConsultantInterview": false,
    "InterviewActionDate": "2023-07-31T13:03:04.188+00:00",
    "InterviewActionType": {
        "Id": "e5027095-b87c-4de0-94b0-26a24d6885d8",
        "DisplayTitle": "Interview Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "1st Interview",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "Appointments": [],
    "Candidates": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Clients": [
            "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Janet Davis",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Consultants": [],
    "CandidateEmails": [],
    "CandidateSentDocuments": [],
    "ClientEmails": [],
    "ClientSentDocuments": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Janet Davis",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Retrieve information for a specified Interview journal entity from the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Interview journal entity.

PUT /api/v1/interviews/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "Subject": "Interview - Head of Sales & Marketing",
  "ClientSubject": "Interview with Annabella Thomas",
  "CandidateSubject": "Interview with Janet Davis",
  "InterviewerName": "Janet Davis",
  "StartDate": "2023-08-01T13:00:04.188Z",
  "EndDate": "2023-08-01T13:30:04.188Z",
  "Location": "Starbucks, Buttermarket, Reading RG1 2DE",
  "IsClientInterview": true,
  "IsConsultantInterview": false,
  "InterviewActionDate": "2023-07-31T13:03:04.188Z",
  "InterviewActionType": {
    "Id": "e5027095-b87c-4de0-94b0-26a24d6885d8",
  "Candidates": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
  "Clients": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab"
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
        "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab"
  "Assignments": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed"
  "Owner": {
    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "b6e3c189-89bb-4f36-8dd6-ba55ad4c6d68",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T14:01:47.0465882+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T15:21:38.6673958+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Interview - Head of Sales & Marketing",
    "ClientSubject": "Interview with Annabella Thomas",
    "CandidateSubject": "Interview with Janet Davis",
    "InterviewerName": "Janet Davis",
    "StartDate": "2023-08-01T13:00:04.188+00:00",
    "EndDate": "2023-08-01T13:30:04.188+00:00",
    "Location": "Starbucks, Buttermarket, Reading RG1 2DE",
    "IsClientInterview": true,
    "IsConsultantInterview": false,
    "InterviewActionDate": "2023-07-31T13:03:04.188+00:00",
    "InterviewActionType": {
        "Id": "e5027095-b87c-4de0-94b0-26a24d6885d8",
        "DisplayTitle": "Interview Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "1st Interview",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "Appointments": [],
    "Candidates": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Clients": [
            "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Janet Davis",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Consultants": [],
    "CandidateEmails": [],
    "CandidateSentDocuments": [],
    "ClientEmails": [],
    "ClientSentDocuments": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Janet Davis",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Enables the substitution of the current Interview journal entity representation with the data provided in the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Interview journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/interviews/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Facilitates the permanent removal of any selected Interview journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Interview journal entity.

POST /api/v1/notes

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
    "Content": "Aenean ac diam sodales, ultrices nisl sed, iaculis nisi. Mauris malesuada, justo ut laoreet malesuada, mi sem feugiat enim, non eleifend nunc ex ac odio. Mauris et erat a mi accumsan molestie sed nec quam. Donec ultrices aliquet lorem in imperdiet. Curabitur feugiat scelerisque erat.",
    "NoteActionDate": "2022-05-20T15:11:43.052Z",
    "NoteActionType": {
        "Id": "c0f5b294-d4f8-4290-a0dc-28a6bd57699d"
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e"
    "Assignments": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "e4bf65c6-43cb-4626-b389-1f81eee3f91d",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T15:25:17.0560021+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T15:25:17.0560021+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
    "Content": "Aenean ac diam sodales, ultrices nisl sed, iaculis nisi. Mauris malesuada, justo ut laoreet malesuada, mi sem feugiat enim, non eleifend nunc ex ac odio. Mauris et erat a mi accumsan molestie sed nec quam. Donec ultrices aliquet lorem in imperdiet. Curabitur feugiat scelerisque erat.",
    "NoteActionDate": "2022-05-20T15:11:43.052+00:00",
    "NoteActionType": {
        "Id": "c0f5b294-d4f8-4290-a0dc-28a6bd57699d",
        "DisplayTitle": "Note Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Applicant - Addtional Notes",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Jonas Doe",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Senior Associate",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Employed for the establishment of a Note journal entity.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/notes/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "e4bf65c6-43cb-4626-b389-1f81eee3f91d",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T15:25:17.0560021+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T15:25:17.0560021+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
    "Content": "Aenean ac diam sodales, ultrices nisl sed, iaculis nisi. Mauris malesuada, justo ut laoreet malesuada, mi sem feugiat enim, non eleifend nunc ex ac odio. Mauris et erat a mi accumsan molestie sed nec quam. Donec ultrices aliquet lorem in imperdiet. Curabitur feugiat scelerisque erat.",
    "NoteActionDate": "2022-05-20T15:11:43.052+00:00",
    "NoteActionType": {
        "Id": "c0f5b294-d4f8-4290-a0dc-28a6bd57699d",
        "DisplayTitle": "Note Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Applicant - Addtional Notes",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Jonas Doe",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Senior Associate",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Retrieve information for a specified Note journal entity from the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Note journal entity.

PUT /api/v1/notes/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
    "Content": "Aenean ac diam sodales, ultrices nisl sed, iaculis nisi. Mauris malesuada, justo ut laoreet malesuada, mi sem feugiat enim, non eleifend nunc ex ac odio. Mauris et erat a mi accumsan molestie sed nec quam. Donec ultrices aliquet lorem in imperdiet. Curabitur feugiat scelerisque erat.",
    "NoteActionDate": "2022-02-21T10:07:43.052Z",
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e"
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "e4bf65c6-43cb-4626-b389-1f81eee3f91d",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T15:25:17.0560021+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-07-31T15:31:35.1381218+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
    "Content": "Aenean ac diam sodales, ultrices nisl sed, iaculis nisi. Mauris malesuada, justo ut laoreet malesuada, mi sem feugiat enim, non eleifend nunc ex ac odio. Mauris et erat a mi accumsan molestie sed nec quam. Donec ultrices aliquet lorem in imperdiet. Curabitur feugiat scelerisque erat.",
    "NoteActionDate": "2022-02-21T10:07:43.052+00:00",
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Jonas Doe",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": []

Enables you to update the representation of the chosen Note journal entity using the data from the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Note journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/notes/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Facilitates the irrevocable deletion of a specified Note journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Note journal entity.

POST /api/v1/telephones

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  "Content": "Suspendisse eleifend tincidunt velit at pulvinar. Vestibulum malesuada egestas quam, quis rutrum ante feugiat ut. In nunc magna, malesuada eu diam dapibus, ullamcorper semper neque. Integer efficitur sollicitudin aliquam. Quisque odio nulla, consectetur ac ullamcorper sit amet, consequat eu elit. Maecenas eleifend hendrerit interdum. Mauris tincidunt libero sed sem maximus pretium. Nunc efficitur suscipit tortor, non finibus diam volutpat vel.",
  "TelephoneActionDate": "2023-02-21T10:07:43.052Z",
  "TelephoneActionType": {
    "Id": "7588e19f-97e7-4dbd-bdda-5d1da9cdf82e"
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f"
  "Companies": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "4da3ffd0-a0bc-41b0-bcc8-0ff62e2fbc2d",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-01T10:44:54.665413+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-01T10:44:54.665413+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "Content": "Suspendisse eleifend tincidunt velit at pulvinar. Vestibulum malesuada egestas quam, quis rutrum ante feugiat ut. In nunc magna, malesuada eu diam dapibus, ullamcorper semper neque. Integer efficitur sollicitudin aliquam. Quisque odio nulla, consectetur ac ullamcorper sit amet, consequat eu elit. Maecenas eleifend hendrerit interdum. Mauris tincidunt libero sed sem maximus pretium. Nunc efficitur suscipit tortor, non finibus diam volutpat vel.",
    "TelephoneActionDate": "2023-02-21T10:07:43.052+00:00",
    "TelephoneActionType": {
        "Id": "7588e19f-97e7-4dbd-bdda-5d1da9cdf82e",
        "DisplayTitle": "Telephone Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Business Development",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [
            "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
    "Assignments": []

Used to create an Phone Call entity.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/telephones/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "4da3ffd0-a0bc-41b0-bcc8-0ff62e2fbc2d",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-01T10:44:54.665413+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-01T10:44:54.665413+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "Content": "Suspendisse eleifend tincidunt velit at pulvinar. Vestibulum malesuada egestas quam, quis rutrum ante feugiat ut. In nunc magna, malesuada eu diam dapibus, ullamcorper semper neque. Integer efficitur sollicitudin aliquam. Quisque odio nulla, consectetur ac ullamcorper sit amet, consequat eu elit. Maecenas eleifend hendrerit interdum. Mauris tincidunt libero sed sem maximus pretium. Nunc efficitur suscipit tortor, non finibus diam volutpat vel.",
    "TelephoneActionDate": "2023-02-21T10:07:43.052+00:00",
    "TelephoneActionType": {
        "Id": "7588e19f-97e7-4dbd-bdda-5d1da9cdf82e",
        "DisplayTitle": "Telephone Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Business Development",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [
            "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
    "Assignments": []

Utilized for the initiation of a Phone Call entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Telephone journal entity.

PUT /api/v1/telephones/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
  "Content": "Suspendisse eleifend tincidunt velit at pulvinar. Vestibulum malesuada egestas quam, quis rutrum ante feugiat ut. In nunc magna, malesuada eu diam dapibus, ullamcorper semper neque. Integer efficitur sollicitudin aliquam. Quisque odio nulla, consectetur ac ullamcorper sit amet, consequat eu elit. Maecenas eleifend hendrerit interdum. Mauris tincidunt libero sed sem maximus pretium. Nunc efficitur suscipit tortor, non finibus diam volutpat vel.",
  "TelephoneActionDate": "2023-02-21T10:07:43.052Z",
  "TelephoneActionType": {
    "Id": "7588e19f-97e7-4dbd-bdda-5d1da9cdf82e"
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f"
  "Companies": {
    "ItemReferences": []

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "4da3ffd0-a0bc-41b0-bcc8-0ff62e2fbc2d",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-01T10:44:54.665413+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-01T10:51:26.5163466+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
    "Content": "Suspendisse eleifend tincidunt velit at pulvinar. Vestibulum malesuada egestas quam, quis rutrum ante feugiat ut. In nunc magna, malesuada eu diam dapibus, ullamcorper semper neque. Integer efficitur sollicitudin aliquam. Quisque odio nulla, consectetur ac ullamcorper sit amet, consequat eu elit. Maecenas eleifend hendrerit interdum. Mauris tincidunt libero sed sem maximus pretium. Nunc efficitur suscipit tortor, non finibus diam volutpat vel.",
    "TelephoneActionDate": "2023-02-21T10:07:43.052+00:00",
    "TelephoneActionType": {
        "Id": "7588e19f-97e7-4dbd-bdda-5d1da9cdf82e",
        "DisplayTitle": "Telephone Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Business Development",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Appointments": [],
    "Tasks": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": []

Enables the replacement of the chosen Phone Call journal entity's representation with the data contained in the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Telephone journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/telephones/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Facilitates the irreversible removal of any specified Phone Call journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Telephone journal entity.

POST /api/v1/sentcurriculumvitaes

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "Subject": "Nam imperdiet et enim ut eleifend.",
    "IsSent": true,
    "SentOn": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982Z",
    "ReceivedTime": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982Z",
    "CvActionDate": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982Z",
    "SentCurriculumVitaeActionType": {
        "Id": "6b222d8e-3c21-4cb7-8eb0-b3d7493679e2"
    "AddressedToPeople": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f"
    "Candidates": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
    "Clients": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f"
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f"
                "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
    "Assignments": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "b1065c18-3ea0-4327-a639-d3e223454059",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-01T12:11:57.7271332+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-01T12:11:57.7271332+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Nam imperdiet et enim ut eleifend.",
    "IsSent": true,
    "SentOn": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "ReceivedTime": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "CvActionDate": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "SentCurriculumVitaeActionType": {
        "Id": "6b222d8e-3c21-4cb7-8eb0-b3d7493679e2",
        "DisplayTitle": "Sent Curriculum Vitae Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "CV/Resume Submitted",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "AddressedToPeople": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "AddressedToCompanies": [],
    "Candidates": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Clients": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Documents": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "ClientEmails": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Employed for the creation of a Send CV journal entity.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/sentcurriculumvitaes/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "b1065c18-3ea0-4327-a639-d3e223454059",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-01T12:11:57.7271332+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-01T12:11:57.7271332+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Nam imperdiet et enim ut eleifend.",
    "IsSent": true,
    "SentOn": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "ReceivedTime": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "CvActionDate": "2023-07-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "SentCurriculumVitaeActionType": {
        "Id": "6b222d8e-3c21-4cb7-8eb0-b3d7493679e2",
        "DisplayTitle": "Sent Curriculum Vitae Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "CV/Resume Submitted",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "AddressedToPeople": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "AddressedToCompanies": [],
    "Candidates": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Clients": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Documents": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "ClientEmails": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Retrieve information for a specified Send CV journal entity from the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Send CV journal entity.

PUT /api/v1/sentcurriculumvitaes/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "Subject": "Nam imperdiet et enim ut eleifend.",
    "IsSent": true,
    "SentOn": "2023-08-31T13:03:07.982Z",
    "ReceivedTime": "2023-08-31T13:03:07.982Z",
    "CvActionDate": "2023-8-31T13:03:07.982Z",
    "SentCurriculumVitaeActionType": {
        "Id": "6b222d8e-3c21-4cb7-8eb0-b3d7493679e2"
    "AddressedToPeople": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f"
    "Candidates": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
    "Clients": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f"
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f"
                "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd"
    "Assignments": {
        "ItemReferences": [
                "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "b1065c18-3ea0-4327-a639-d3e223454059",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-01T12:11:57.7271332+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-01T12:26:20.0821966+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Nam imperdiet et enim ut eleifend.",
    "IsSent": true,
    "SentOn": "2023-08-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "ReceivedTime": "2023-08-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "CvActionDate": "2023-08-31T13:03:07.982+00:00",
    "SentCurriculumVitaeActionType": {
        "Id": "6b222d8e-3c21-4cb7-8eb0-b3d7493679e2",
        "DisplayTitle": "Sent Curriculum Vitae Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "CV/Resume Submitted",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "AddressedToPeople": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "AddressedToCompanies": [],
    "Candidates": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Clients": [
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Documents": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "ClientEmails": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "People"
            "Id": "b7cfba62-6c29-4f82-b497-d998ae27911f",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Lori Gray",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Enables the substitution of the existing Send CV journal entity representation with the data provided in the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Send CV journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/sentcurriculumvitaes/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Facilitates the irrevocable elimination of any selected Send CV journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Send CV journal entity.

POST /api/v1/tasks

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "Subject": "Etiam rutrum non quam sit amet lacinia.",
  "Content": "Proin hendrerit est eget lectus vehicula facilisis. Nullam vitae enim tempor, aliquam purus in, sodales nisi. Proin felis dui, suscipit non convallis vel, pellentesque a sem. Donec elementum dui sit amet ipsum interdum, non pharetra dui volutpat. Fusce sagittis pellentesque mauris ac vehicula. Curabitur nec commodo ante. Etiam ut lectus sit amet metus fringilla interdum sed non neque. Curabitur lacinia ac dui eget fermentum. Nullam tempus ipsum tempor, iaculis tellus ac, aliquam erat. Donec eu arcu gravida, tempor justo nec, ullamcorper elit.",
  "DueDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636Z",
  "StartDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636Z",
  "Status": 2,
  "Priority": 1,
  "PercentComplete": 100,
  "ReminderTime": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636Z",
  "DateCompleted": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636Z",
  "TaskActionDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636Z",
  "HasAttachments": true,
  "TaskActionType": {
    "Id": "14ddf3b5-c8e2-4603-b5c4-e9c78a4786f0",
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e",
  "Assignments": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a1ab1b5f-d421-43d2-a5d4-8c0a7d87cc7b",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-02T08:53:41.9086231+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-02T08:53:41.9086231+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Etiam rutrum non quam sit amet lacinia.",
    "Content": "Proin hendrerit est eget lectus vehicula facilisis. Nullam vitae enim tempor, aliquam purus in, sodales nisi. Proin felis dui, suscipit non convallis vel, pellentesque a sem. Donec elementum dui sit amet ipsum interdum, non pharetra dui volutpat. Fusce sagittis pellentesque mauris ac vehicula. Curabitur nec commodo ante. Etiam ut lectus sit amet metus fringilla interdum sed non neque. Curabitur lacinia ac dui eget fermentum. Nullam tempus ipsum tempor, iaculis tellus ac, aliquam erat. Donec eu arcu gravida, tempor justo nec, ullamcorper elit.",
    "DueDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "StartDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "Status": 2,
    "Priority": 1,
    "PercentComplete": 100,
    "ReminderTime": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "DateCompleted": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "TaskActionDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "HasAttachments": false,
    "TaskActionType": {
        "Id": "14ddf3b5-c8e2-4603-b5c4-e9c78a4786f0",
        "DisplayTitle": "Task Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Candidate Call",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Notes": [],
    "Telephones": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Jonas Doe",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Senior Associate",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Employed to establish a Task journal entity.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/tasks/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a1ab1b5f-d421-43d2-a5d4-8c0a7d87cc7b",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-02T08:53:41.9086231+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-02T08:53:41.9086231+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Etiam rutrum non quam sit amet lacinia.",
    "Content": "Proin hendrerit est eget lectus vehicula facilisis. Nullam vitae enim tempor, aliquam purus in, sodales nisi. Proin felis dui, suscipit non convallis vel, pellentesque a sem. Donec elementum dui sit amet ipsum interdum, non pharetra dui volutpat. Fusce sagittis pellentesque mauris ac vehicula. Curabitur nec commodo ante. Etiam ut lectus sit amet metus fringilla interdum sed non neque. Curabitur lacinia ac dui eget fermentum. Nullam tempus ipsum tempor, iaculis tellus ac, aliquam erat. Donec eu arcu gravida, tempor justo nec, ullamcorper elit.",
    "DueDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "StartDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "Status": 2,
    "Priority": 1,
    "PercentComplete": 100,
    "ReminderTime": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "DateCompleted": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "TaskActionDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "HasAttachments": false,
    "TaskActionType": {
        "Id": "14ddf3b5-c8e2-4603-b5c4-e9c78a4786f0",
        "DisplayTitle": "Task Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Candidate Call",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Notes": [],
    "Telephones": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Jonas Öström",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Senior Associate",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Retrieve information for a specified Task journal entity from the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Task journal entity.

GET /api/v1/tasks/upcoming

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "CompanyName": "Invenias by Bullhorn",
        "IsOverdue": false,
        "Id": "3a2d5277-b54f-4238-9431-710b626e0a27",
        "DisplayTitle": "Etiam rutrum non quam sit amet lacinia.",
        "DueDateTime": "2023-09-02T08:38:50.636+00:00"

Retrieve a collection of future-due Task journal entities that are scheduled for upcoming dates.

HTTP Request


PUT /api/v1/tasks/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Token}' \
--data '{
  "Subject": "Nulla pulvinar accumsan nulla.",
  "Content": "Proin hendrerit est eget lectus vehicula facilisis. Nullam vitae enim tempor, aliquam purus in, sodales nisi. Proin felis dui, suscipit non convallis vel, pellentesque a sem. Donec elementum dui sit amet ipsum interdum, non pharetra dui volutpat. Fusce sagittis pellentesque mauris ac vehicula. Curabitur nec commodo ante. Etiam ut lectus sit amet metus fringilla interdum sed non neque. Curabitur lacinia ac dui eget fermentum. Nullam tempus ipsum tempor, iaculis tellus ac, aliquam erat. Donec eu arcu gravida, tempor justo nec, ullamcorper elit.",
  "DueDate": "2023-09-02T08:38:50.636Z",
  "StartDate": "2023-08-10T08:38:50.636Z",
  "Status": 0,
  "Priority": 1,
  "PercentComplete": 50,
  "TaskActionDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636Z",
  "HasAttachments": false,
  "TaskActionType": {
    "Id": "14ddf3b5-c8e2-4603-b5c4-e9c78a4786f0"
  "IsPinned": false,
  "IsConfidential": false,
  "People": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e"
  "Assignments": {
    "ItemReferences": [
        "Id": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a1ab1b5f-d421-43d2-a5d4-8c0a7d87cc7b",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2023-08-02T08:53:41.9086231+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2023-08-02T09:14:15.4983034+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Subject": "Nulla pulvinar accumsan nulla.",
    "Content": "Proin hendrerit est eget lectus vehicula facilisis. Nullam vitae enim tempor, aliquam purus in, sodales nisi. Proin felis dui, suscipit non convallis vel, pellentesque a sem. Donec elementum dui sit amet ipsum interdum, non pharetra dui volutpat. Fusce sagittis pellentesque mauris ac vehicula. Curabitur nec commodo ante. Etiam ut lectus sit amet metus fringilla interdum sed non neque. Curabitur lacinia ac dui eget fermentum. Nullam tempus ipsum tempor, iaculis tellus ac, aliquam erat. Donec eu arcu gravida, tempor justo nec, ullamcorper elit.",
    "DueDate": "2023-09-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "StartDate": "2023-08-10T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "Status": 0,
    "Priority": 1,
    "PercentComplete": 50,
    "TaskActionDate": "2023-08-02T08:38:50.636+00:00",
    "HasAttachments": false,
    "TaskActionType": {
        "Id": "14ddf3b5-c8e2-4603-b5c4-e9c78a4786f0",
        "DisplayTitle": "Task Action Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Candidate Call",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Notes": [],
    "Telephones": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "SentDocuments": [],
    "Programmes": [],
    "IsPinned": false,
    "IsConfidential": false,
    "People": [
            "Id": "98e1c913-6838-413e-927c-113c0222b91e",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Jonas Öström",
            "ItemType": "People"
    "Companies": [],
    "Assignments": [
            "Id": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Senior Associate",
            "ItemType": "Assignments"

Enables the update of the selected Task journal entity representation using the data from the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Task journal entity.

DELETE /api/v1/tasks/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Facilitates the permanent removal of any chosen Task journal entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Task journal entity.


Invenias features several main entities, and the Assignment entity holds a pivotal role among them. An Assignment within Invenias is essentially a search or job where you can build out lists for Candidates, Target Companies, Team Members, Milestones, Billing Events, Scoring Criteria and Client Teams by creating relationships with other item types such as People, Users, and Companies.

Its versatile nature allows it to foster connections with various other entities, including People, Companies, and Users, through relational links. By encompassing a diverse range of roles and fostering relationships with other entities, the Assignments entity serves as a central hub for managing and tracking crucial information within the Invenias system.

Table 1. Assignments Endpoints Summary

Name Description
POST /api/v1/assignments/list Returns a list of Assignment entities in the database.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/journal/list Returns a lists of Journal items relationally linked to any given Assignment.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/teammembers/list Returns a lists of Team Member items relationally linked to any given Assignment.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/clients/list Returns a lists of People items relationally linked to any given Assignment as client contacts.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/primarycontacts/list Returns a lists of People items relationally linked to any given Assignment as client contacts with the primary contact role.
POST /api/v1/assignment Creates an Assignment entity in the tenant database.
GET /api/v1/assignments/{id} Returns information about any given Assignment entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/assignments/{id} Replace the representation of a target Assignment entity.
PATCH /api/v1/assignments/{id} Update one or more fields of a target Assignment entity.
DELETE /api/v1/assignments/{id} Deletes any given Assignment entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/assignments/bulkdelete Deletes many Assignment entities in the database.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates/list Returns a list of People entities relationally linked to any given Assignment entity in a candidate context.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates This endpoint will create a Candidate type relationship between a single Person entity and a given Assignment entity.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/bulkcandidates/copy This endpoint enables the duplication of multiple Candidate entities from one Assignment entity to another. It also offers the option to transfer associated data, including Candidate Progress notes, Progress Status, Fit to Profile assessments, Internal Comments, and Candidate group details.
PUT /api/v1/assignments/{id}/bulkcandidates/changeprogressstatus This endpoint can be used to update the Progress Status of multiple Candidates within a specified Assignment entity to a designated value.
PUT /api/v1/assignments/{id}/bulkcandidates/remove This endpoint allows the permanent removal of multiple Candidate entities from the specified Assignment entity.
GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates/{itemId} This endpoint retrieves detailed information for a specified Candidate entity within a given Assignment, including the relationship owner, nane components, progress status, progress notes, and more.
PUT /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates/{itemId} This endpoint updates the representation of a specified Candidate entity within a given Assignment using the PUT method.
PATCH /api/v1/assignments/{assignmentId}/candidates/{candidateId} This endpoint enables the partial update of one or more fields within the specified Candidate type entity using the PATCH method for the specified Assignment entity relation end. Refer to the table below for the list of updatable fields.
DELETE /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates/{itemId} This endpoint permanently severs the relationship between a Person entity as a Candidate and the specified Assignment entity.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/milestones This endpoint is used to create and relationally link a Milestone to a given Assignment entity.
GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/milestones This endpoint will return a list of Milestone type entites relationally linked to the given Assignment entity.
put /api/v1/assignments/milestones This endpoint replaces the representation of the specified Milestone entity using the PUT method.
PATCH /api/v1/assignments/milestones/{id} This endpoint enables the partial update of one or more fields within the specified Milestone entity using the PATCH method Refer to the table below for the list of updatable fields.
DELETE /api/v1/assignments/{id}/milestones/{milestoneId} This endpoint will permanently delete the relationship between the given Assignment entity and the Milestone entity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "PageSize": 1000,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "UsePaging": true,
    "ReturnTotalCount": true,
    "IsFirstLoad": true,
    "select": [
    "Sort": [
            "Selector": "AssignmentReferenceNumber",
            "Desc": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000001",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Senior Associate",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Active",
            "ItemId": "ca866e18-6c8f-47b0-a76a-0dd29d498e6b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000002",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Placement",
            "ItemId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000003",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Bradford & Bingley",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "6470e605-4e5c-49c5-838a-ec86c9bf3690"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Contingent",
            "FileAs": "Associate Contract",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Placement",
            "ItemId": "824f5c81-04bf-4fb1-83fe-42db31d8c8d1",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000004",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Deutsche Bank",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "5d2c28b5-032b-4e17-ac9c-a8bfa2d94dff"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Head of Marketing, EMEA",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Completed",
            "ItemId": "ed25ed9b-062b-4e10-a055-6fb024fe53b2",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000005",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Chief Executive Officer",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Placement",
            "ItemId": "fcbe553f-c239-4c4d-9568-8c092f1ecd7f",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000006",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Abbey\"National",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "17dc922f-8f02-4281-92a9-dfefc9735633"
            "FileAs": "SVP Sales",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Active",
            "ItemId": "73894d3c-54d3-4d9b-b85c-8e7aaa418318",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000007",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Senior Associate",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Placement",
            "ItemId": "895c93a8-5938-461c-bf5e-902e0d673c4b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000008",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Santander",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "995d7d60-bc49-4a31-91d6-7acfe9bb47b3"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Active",
            "ItemId": "bbd2c96c-00bc-4ef9-aae7-9ec88b9d80cd",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000009",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Santander",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "995d7d60-bc49-4a31-91d6-7acfe9bb47b3"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Analyst",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Offer",
            "ItemId": "40c04603-650a-4bda-82bc-b242e0df9c7b",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "AssignmentReferenceNumber": "A000010",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "CompanyId": {
                "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01"
            "EngagementType_lookup": "Retained",
            "FileAs": "Associate",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status_lookup": "Active",
            "ItemId": "360fd531-dbef-45db-b948-b6c19f536b81",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint will return a list of Assignment type entities in the tenant database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/journal/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/journal/list' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "PageSize": 1000,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "UsePaging": true,
    "ReturnTotalCount": true,
    "IsFirstLoad": true,
    "select": [
    "Sort": [
            "Selector": "DateCreated",
            "Desc": true

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "ActionSubject": "Interview - Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ActionType": {
                "Id": "e5027095-b87c-4de0-94b0-26a24d6885d8",
                "ItemDisplayText": "1st Interview"
            "DateCreated": "2023-07-31T14:00:03.8363911+00:00",
            "FromBy": "Candidate: Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "ItemType": "Interviews",
            "Notes": "",
            "ToWith": "Interviewer: Janet Davis",
            "ItemId": "e33ef3e3-cc3a-483b-b670-aa169f6af938",
            "Image": "Interview",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToInterview",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "DateCreated": "2022-09-29T15:58:11.7916156+01:00",
            "FromBy": "Glen R Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Appointments",
            "Notes": "",
            "ToWith": "Annie Jenkins",
            "ItemId": "b145badd-b300-4df2-9a59-83742e42debd",
            "Image": "Appointment",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToAppointment",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "DateCreated": "2022-09-29T15:57:52.5329262+01:00",
            "FromBy": "Glen R Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Appointments",
            "Notes": "",
            "ToWith": "Annie Jenkins",
            "ItemId": "833e334e-0659-4054-b5d8-8111ea7f4791",
            "Image": "Appointment",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToAppointment",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ActionSubject": " ",
            "ActionType": {
                "Id": "d0fcfe12-6b7c-49fd-ba19-775a7c0eed9c",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Assignment - Key Technical Expertise"
            "DateCreated": "2018-09-07T07:19:18.417+00:00",
            "FromBy": "Glen R Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Notes",
            "Notes": "Sed augue urna, porttitor varius risus vitae, semper sagittis enim. Suspendisse efficitur, magna at malesuada luctus, tellus ex efficitur magna, eu efficitur lorem ipsum a erat. Cras blandit libero convallis feugiat placerat.\r\nFusce vulputate arcu neque, ut dignissim diam rutrum eget. Nulla lectus nisl, efficitur non elit sed, hendrerit imperdiet justo.\r\nDonec erat risus, cursus commodo risus ut, venenatis mollis lectus. Ut sit amet ultrices sapien.\r\nNulla sed ligula pretium, tempor mauris eu, porta tellus. Etiam facilisis id diam id maximus. Maecenas ac tempus ante, ut tincidunt mauris.\r\nNam vel mauris mollis, fringilla ipsum at, condimentum ipsum. Praesent in sem elementum odio pharetra mollis quis ac orci.\r\nVestibulum porta dolor dolor, eget lobortis metus pulvinar at. Sed ex magna, aliquet et egestas eu, pharetra eu orci.",
            "ItemId": "f4a8e1bd-2efa-491d-8a26-ac8cca3e4830",
            "Image": "Note",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToNote",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "ActionSubject": " ",
            "ActionType": {
                "Id": "c33714d8-e4c7-49f9-86fc-91433ef2cc83",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Assignment - Key Personal Competencies"
            "DateCreated": "2018-09-07T07:18:23.2+00:00",
            "FromBy": "Glen R Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Notes",
            "Notes": "Morbi blandit sagittis est, at rutrum urna laoreet sed. Nunc quis elementum turpis. \r\nDonec gravida sapien et odio accumsan, egestas malesuada augue semper. \r\nOrci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. \r\nProin id ligula sollicitudin, ultrices arcu in, euismod massa. Integer metus nisl, eleifend eu ornare vitae, aliquam sed metus. Etiam et porta felis.\r\nPraesent dapibus feugiat pharetra. Donec vitae libero facilisis, hendrerit ipsum ac, porta neque. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam porta lacus ut est interdum sollicitudin. Vivamus egestas facilisis viverra.",
            "ItemId": "838db663-1a32-4511-b936-e20a831ee990",
            "Image": "Note",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToNote",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint will return a list of Journal Item type entities in the tenant database that are relationally linked to any given Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/teammembers/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/teammembers/list' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "PageSize": 1000,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "UsePaging": true,
    "ReturnTotalCount": true,
    "IsFirstLoad": true,
    "select": [
    "Sort": [
            "Selector": "DateCreated",
            "Desc": true

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "DateCreated": "2018-04-25T12:01:18.327+00:00",
            "FeeAllocation": "0,0,25",
            "FullName": "Sally Andrews",
            "IsForecastOwner": false,
            "ItemType": "TeamMembers",
            "Roles_lookup": "Lead Consultant",
            "ItemId": "a5db8a63-eb36-40ba-8395-46cdf83fc603",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "DateCreated": "2016-12-12T09:49:24.32+00:00",
            "FeeAllocation": "0,25,0",
            "FullName": "Peter Jenkins",
            "IsForecastOwner": false,
            "ItemType": "TeamMembers",
            "Roles_lookup": "Resourcing Contact; Researcher",
            "ItemId": "49e72be3-a661-4db9-9644-7da8b7d94919",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "DateCreated": "2016-12-09T11:02:02.41+00:00",
            "FeeAllocation": "50,0,0",
            "FullName": "Glen R Chamberlain",
            "IsForecastOwner": true,
            "ItemType": "TeamMembers",
            "Roles_lookup": "Consultant",
            "ItemId": "9ed703d6-09f0-4cb1-8c6d-3be59667cdaf",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint will return a list of Team Member type entities in the tenant database that are relationally linked to any given Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/clients/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/clients/list' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "PageSize": 1000,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "UsePaging": true,
    "ReturnTotalCount": true,
    "IsFirstLoad": true,
    "select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Kimberly Patel",
            "ItemType": "AssignmentClients",
            "PersonItemId": {
                "Id": "d4569bc6-bb1b-49c9-bc52-d2678f08125f"
            "PositionJobTitle": "Associate",
            "Role": [
                    "Id": "f6f7111b-1486-4eca-ad25-d3a177ef0e76",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Other Contact"
            "ItemId": "2f438e1f-c576-45b0-9126-1af06598e732",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToAssignmentClient",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Manulife Financial",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Nancy Robinson",
            "ItemType": "AssignmentClients",
            "PersonItemId": {
                "Id": "017f8988-936f-401d-9125-610d0929bb7b"
            "PositionJobTitle": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "ItemId": "f36565f6-d722-410f-9075-32ed352713ab",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToAssignmentClient",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Abbey\"National",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "AssignmentClients",
            "PersonItemId": {
                "Id": "b2a847a7-fd77-4acc-998e-2c14c5c25c13"
            "PositionJobTitle": "fggfg",
            "ItemId": "29078ed1-f34c-4419-88ea-3e4d3aa6898d",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToAssignmentClient",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "Comments": "Vestibulum scelerisque nunc vitae auctor iaculis. Integer lacinia lorem libero, sit amet mollis nisl venenatis in.",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Professor Michael Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson",
            "ItemType": "AssignmentClients",
            "PersonItemId": {
                "Id": "904d913e-c2dd-4b5d-9c0d-699aaf03dc58"
            "PositionJobTitle": "Director Cash Management Sales",
            "Role": [
                    "Id": "1beb9979-34d2-4376-810e-6ae475b22288",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Billing Contact"
            "ItemId": "0250ebff-a284-4810-b655-46cf6d30dcd5",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToAssignmentClient",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "Comments": "Nunc facilisis nulla a elit pharetra convallis. Sed sollicitudin lectus urna. Ut pulvinar luctus enim ut pulvinar.",
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Janet Davis",
            "ItemType": "AssignmentClients",
            "PersonItemId": {
                "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab"
            "PositionJobTitle": "Chief Executive Officer",
            "Role": [
                    "Id": "fabab362-4a75-404e-8981-50eeca5e4f43",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Resourcing Contact"
                    "Id": "5f8e8b95-7495-47ff-ba0c-196944d420a4",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Sponsor"
                    "Id": "a942c212-2818-44a3-8c94-7562f602a5df",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Executive Contact"
                    "Id": "4e3b1fa4-ac27-4a31-8e63-7c9a1cae6760",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Primary Contact"
            "ItemId": "f43051b5-101f-4d77-bd42-cfbb0cb17d82",
            "RelationName": "AssignmentToAssignmentClient",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint will return a list of Client type entities in the tenant database that are relationally linked to any given Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/primarycontacts/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/primarycontacts/list' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {token}' \
--data '{
    "PageSize": 1000,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "UsePaging": true,
    "ReturnTotalCount": true,
    "IsFirstLoad": true,
    "select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Janet Davis",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Chief Executive Officer",
            "ItemId": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint retrieves a list of Client entities from the tenant database. These Client entities are associated with any Assignment entity where they hold the Primary Contact role, as specified in the system preferences of the Invenias Desktop Application.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

POST /api/v1/assignment

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "OptionalId": "664018a5-d9fa-4d10-9c94-c4339e5ac226",
    "PermanentPackages": [],
    "NonExecPackages": [],
    "InterimRates": [],
    "DefaultLocation": {
        "Id": "de0eb247-dc28-4797-a852-d8ab3ba22244"
    "AssignmentName": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
    "EngagementType": {
        "Id": "5d81e1e3-eb07-4328-a287-1bf2c9dc2ec6"
    "EmploymentType": "Permanent",
    "AssignmentStatus": {
        "Id": "a9d5ebc1-8414-402f-aab0-79e175d5ec55"
    "InternalComments": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo quam tortor, in mollis sem tempus sed. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent suscipit tortor nec lacus pulvinar imperdiet. Vivamus aliquet est justo, luctus aliquet odio facilisis eu.",
    "InternalRef": "b2bcb414-c65e-4e70-ad00-05a28ff7f817",
    "ExternalRef": "J00009",
    "BillingLocation": {
        "Id": "de0eb247-dc28-4797-a852-d8ab3ba22244"
    "WeightingId": "f4e606f8-e3a9-4840-a887-105a4e2b27d0",
    "Company": {
        "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01"
    "BillingCurrency": {
        "Id": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"
    "Departments": [],
    "PaymentTerms": "21 days",
    "Milestones": [],
    "ForecastDate": "2024-08-01",
    "AssignmentValueManualMode": false,
    "CandidateExpensesPaid": true,
    "TotalFeeManualMode": false,
    "PositionsCount": 1,
    "ClientNoticePeriod": "c9d6d7c1-40e1-44f6-b824-063d761c7cf8",
    "CandidateNoticePeriod": "b444a3b0-a76d-4e72-ba8f-f76cb7fb3467",
    "Benefits": "Quisque sollicitudin ac erat nec ornare. Nullam at neque quis sapien vehicula dictum sed ut eros. Ut rutrum nunc ut velit accumsan, sed viverra libero feugiat.",
    "BillablePackage": 250000,
    "BillablePackageCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "FeeType": 1,
    "FeePercentage": 18,
    "AssignmentValue": 45000,
    "AssignmentValueCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "TotalFee": 45000,
    "TotalFeeCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "Notes": "Curabitur iaculis, dolor quis tempus molestie, massa elit auctor mauris, at eleifend quam velit tristique felis. Vivamus vel felis quis nulla porta posuere id faucibus libero.",
    "FeeAllocationsLocked": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "664018a5-d9fa-4d10-9c94-c4339e5ac226",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2024-07-08T13:38:07.8745928+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2024-07-08T13:38:07.8745928+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "RecordManagementDetails": {
        "Owners": [],
        "Groups": [
                "Id": "8542c690-55f8-4d3e-b504-0646fa8c2bee",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Team B",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
                "Id": "0726e379-8040-4efd-b953-65b38d4e4262",
                "ItemDisplayText": "General Search",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
                "Id": "a24f1f31-e45b-49b6-8aa8-a23f16b6d6ed",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Business Unit A",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
        "Organisations": [
                "Id": "fd64e2d1-22dc-430f-8475-e768659053da",
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Creates an Assignment entity in the tenant database.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

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    "InternalComments": "Lloyds Banking Group plc is a major British financial institution formed through the acquisition of HBOS by Lloyds TSB in 2009. The Group's history stems from the founding of the Bank of Scotland in 1695 by the Parliament of Scotland before the Act of Union, which is the second oldest bank in the United Kingdom. The Group's headquarters is located at 25 Gresham Street in the City of London and its registered office is on The Mound in Edinburgh. Lloyds Banking Group's activities are organised into: Retail Banking (including Mortgages and Sole Traders); Commercial; Life, Pensions & Insurance; and Wealth & International. Lloyds' has extensive overseas operations in the US, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.",
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            "IsBillingEvent": true,
            "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "ItemId": "e2957ff0-e5ee-490c-874a-713985362f37",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Billing Event",
            "TargetDate": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
            "DateCompleted": "2018-09-12T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": true,
            "OrderIndex": 12,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": false,
            "IsBillingEvent": true,
            "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 1,
            "BillingNote": "Maecenas ut urna eu libero accumsan vestibulum.",
            "ItemId": "aad41170-3c46-4307-99be-75d5dc57a39b",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Candidate Started",
            "Duration": 0,
            "StartDate": "2018-07-02T00:00:00+00:00",
            "TargetDate": "2018-07-30T00:00:00+00:00",
            "DateCompleted": "2018-04-26T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": true,
            "IsComplete": true,
            "OrderIndex": 11,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": true,
            "IsPaid": true,
            "BillingAmount": 5000.0,
            "BillingAmountWeighting": 100.0,
            "BillingDate": "2018-05-26T00:00:00+00:00",
            "PaymentDate": "2018-04-26T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": true,
            "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "BillingNote": "Sed ullamcorper mi in maximus ultricies.",
            "ItemId": "b52d40db-7589-4a91-a421-89ce71f31f38",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Booking: 55527282",
            "Duration": 0,
            "StartDate": "2018-04-16T00:00:00+00:00",
            "TargetDate": "2018-04-23T00:00:00+00:00",
            "DateCompleted": "2017-04-10T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": false,
            "OrderIndex": 5,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": false
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "ItemId": "69e62e83-f37d-4fb8-96d2-aeab64ba1249",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Job Description Agreed",
            "StartDate": "2018-03-05T00:00:00+00:00",
            "TargetDate": "2018-03-19T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": false,
            "OrderIndex": 3,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": false
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "BillingNote": "Donec pretium dapibus velit, non aliquam sem ultrices sed.",
            "ItemId": "f65fd1ee-0496-433b-af4e-b8d3aa5c43ef",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Client Interviews",
            "Duration": 0,
            "StartDate": "2018-05-13T00:00:00+00:00",
            "TargetDate": "2018-05-21T00:00:00+00:00",
            "DateCompleted": "2017-05-03T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": false,
            "OrderIndex": 9,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": false
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "ItemId": "256e56ad-9ad8-4bb8-a1c2-d04bdc47aa35",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Proposal",
            "Duration": 0,
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": true,
            "OrderIndex": 1,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": false
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 1,
            "BillingNote": "Ut posuere molestie eleifend. ",
            "ItemId": "21d6809c-aa6e-4b19-9804-d319b7a56a14",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Signed Order / Retainer",
            "Duration": 0,
            "StartDate": "2018-03-26T00:00:00+00:00",
            "TargetDate": "2018-03-26T00:00:00+00:00",
            "DateCompleted": "2018-11-01T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": true,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": false,
            "OrderIndex": 4,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": true,
            "IsPaid": true,
            "BillingAmount": 10312.5,
            "BillingAmountWeighting": 100.0,
            "BillingDate": "2016-12-09T00:00:00+00:00",
            "PaymentDate": "2016-11-11T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": true,
            "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 1,
            "ItemId": "8a557431-108a-4433-be57-db3584a80764",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Retainer",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": false,
            "OrderIndex": 14,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "BillingAmount": 30000.0,
            "IsMilestone": false,
            "IsBillingEvent": true,
            "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "ItemId": "24398740-048d-4b50-89a2-e0eaf08fd02c",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Client Briefing",
            "StartDate": "2018-02-12T00:00:00+00:00",
            "TargetDate": "2018-02-19T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": false,
            "OrderIndex": 2,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": false
    "IsContractSessionBased": false,
    "ForecastDate": "2017-03-31T00:00:00+00:00",
    "AssignmentValueManualMode": true,
    "CandidateExpensesPaid": false,
    "PositionsCount": 2,
    "PurchaseOrder": "12076655 -bg",
    "Benefits": "Pellentesque ac tincidunt neque. Proin tincidunt, nunc ac ultrices varius, nunc elit viverra quam, eu vestibulum ante tortor id urna.",
    "BillablePackage": 150000.0,
    "BillablePackageCurrency": "3a0e9471-35e2-462f-86dd-f4b08dc70708",
    "FeeType": 1,
    "FeePercentage": 27.5,
    "AssignmentValue": 82500.0,
    "AssignmentValueCurrency": "3a0e9471-35e2-462f-86dd-f4b08dc70708",
    "TotalFee": 41250.0,
    "TotalFeeCurrency": "3a0e9471-35e2-462f-86dd-f4b08dc70708",
    "Websites": [],
    "FeeAllocationsLocked": false

This endpoint will return information about any given Assignment entity in the tenant database.

Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

PUT /api/v1/assignments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "DefaultLocation": {
        "Id": "de0eb247-dc28-4797-a852-d8ab3ba22244"
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"
    "AssignmentName": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
    "EngagementType": {
        "Id": "5d81e1e3-eb07-4328-a287-1bf2c9dc2ec6"
    "EmploymentType": "Permanent",
    "AssignmentStatus": {
        "Id": "12a6b6f2-f121-47d4-870c-2c93fee84a71"
    "InternalComments": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo quam tortor, in mollis sem tempus sed. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent suscipit tortor nec lacus pulvinar imperdiet. Vivamus aliquet est justo, luctus aliquet odio facilisis eu.",
    "InternalRef": "b2bcb414-c65e-4e70-ad00-05a28ff7f817",
    "ExternalRef": "J00009",
    "BillingLocation": {
        "Id": "de0eb247-dc28-4797-a852-d8ab3ba22244"
    "WeightingId": "7419b159-6f0b-4476-b2ac-1e6dce3df4b7",
    "IsLiveItem": false,
    "IsFavourite": false,
    "Company": {
        "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01"
    "Clients": [
            "Id": "e3617a59-2cd1-4eea-974d-aaa9ad4742ab"
            "Id": "ee59f046-f04c-4965-9bb9-d19810d89113"
    "PaymentTerms": "21 days",
    "IsContractSessionBased": false,
    "ForecastDate": "2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "AssignmentValueManualMode": false,
    "CandidateExpensesPaid": true,
    "TotalFeeManualMode": false,
    "PositionsCount": 1,
    "PurchaseOrder": "12076522",
    "ClientNoticePeriod": "c9d6d7c1-40e1-44f6-b824-063d761c7cf8",
    "CandidateNoticePeriod": "b444a3b0-a76d-4e72-ba8f-f76cb7fb3467",
    "Benefits": "Quisque sollicitudin ac erat nec ornare. Nullam at neque quis sapien vehicula dictum sed ut eros. Ut rutrum nunc ut velit accumsan, sed viverra libero feugiat.",
    "BillablePackage": 250000.0,
    "BillablePackageCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "FeeType": 1,
    "FeePercentage": 18.0,
    "AssignmentValue": 45000.0,
    "AssignmentValueCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "TotalFee": 45000.0,
    "TotalFeeCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "Notes": "Curabitur iaculis, dolor quis tempus molestie, massa elit auctor mauris, at eleifend quam velit tristique felis. Vivamus vel felis quis nulla porta posuere id faucibus libero.",
    "FeeAllocationsLocked": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "664018a5-d9fa-4d10-9c94-c4339e5ac226",
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2024-07-08T13:38:07.8745928+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2024-07-08T15:31:28.0683735+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "Links": [],
    "Categories": {
        "Lists": []
    "RecordManagementDetails": {
        "Owners": [],
        "Groups": [
                "Id": "8542c690-55f8-4d3e-b504-0646fa8c2bee",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Team B",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
                "Id": "0726e379-8040-4efd-b953-65b38d4e4262",
                "ItemDisplayText": "General Search",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
                "Id": "a24f1f31-e45b-49b6-8aa8-a23f16b6d6ed",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Business Unit A",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
        "Organisations": []
    "CompanyRecordPictures": [],
    "AssignmentNumber": "A000029 (AQAS-754102)",
    "DefaultCurrency": {
        "Id": "3a0e9471-35e2-462f-86dd-f4b08dc70708",
        "ItemDisplayText": "EUR",
        "ItemType": "Currencies"
    "IsForecast": true,
    "Manager1Role": "04f4e459-81b2-4587-a18f-7da2a9af6fdb",
    "Manager2Role": "f306c1f6-56f6-4850-afbe-648319057c84",
    "PrimaryContactsRole": "4e3b1fa4-ac27-4a31-8e63-7c9a1cae6760",
    "SecondaryContactsRole": "f6f7111b-1486-4eca-ad25-d3a177ef0e76",
    "BillingContactsRole": "1beb9979-34d2-4376-810e-6ae475b22288",
    "PermanentPackages": [],
    "NonExecPackages": [],
    "InterimRates": [],
    "IsSharingSettingsAssigned": false,
    "IsShared": false,
    "DefaultLocation": {
        "LocationId": "de0eb247-dc28-4797-a852-d8ab3ba22244",
        "EntityDetails": {
            "DateCreated": "2016-12-09T11:12:16.847+00:00",
            "DateModified": "2022-09-16T14:15:27.2937506+01:00",
            "CreatedBy": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
            "ModifiedBy": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
            "Owner": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
        "LocationName": "Head Office, Gresham Street",
        "AddressComponents": {
            "FullAddress": "29 Gresham Street\r\nLondon\r\nLondon\r\nEC2V 8HN\r\nUNITED KINGDOM",
            "Street": "29 Gresham Street",
            "TownCity": "London",
            "County": "London",
            "Postcode": "EC2V 8HN",
            "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
        "Default": true,
        "EmailAddresses": [
                "IsPersonal": false,
                "IsBusiness": false,
                "FieldName": "Email1Address",
                "DisplayTitle": "Email",
                "ItemValue": ""
        "PhoneNumbers": [
                "IsPrimary": false,
                "FormattedValue": "+44 (20) 7626 1780",
                "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                    "Area": "20",
                    "CountryCode": "44",
                    "Local": "7626 1780",
                    "Country": "United Kingdom",
                    "PhoneCode": "44"
                "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
                "FieldName": "BusinessPhone",
                "DisplayTitle": "Business Tel",
                "ItemValue": "+44207626 1780"
                "IsPrimary": false,
                "FormattedValue": "+44 (20) 7626 1788",
                "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                    "Area": "20",
                    "CountryCode": "44",
                    "Local": "7626 1788",
                    "Country": "United Kingdom",
                    "PhoneCode": "44"
                "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
                "FieldName": "BusinessFax",
                "DisplayTitle": "Business Fax",
                "ItemValue": "+44207626 1788"
    "AssignmentName": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
    "EngagementType": {
        "Id": "5d81e1e3-eb07-4328-a287-1bf2c9dc2ec6",
        "DisplayTitle": "Engagement Type",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Retained",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "EmploymentType": "Permanent",
    "AssignmentStatus": {
        "Id": "12a6b6f2-f121-47d4-870c-2c93fee84a71",
        "DisplayTitle": "Assignment Status",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Active",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "InternalComments": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo quam tortor, in mollis sem tempus sed. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent suscipit tortor nec lacus pulvinar imperdiet. Vivamus aliquet est justo, luctus aliquet odio facilisis eu.",
    "InternalRef": "b2bcb414-c65e-4e70-ad00-05a28ff7f817",
    "ExternalRef": "J00009",
    "AdditionalCompanies": [],
    "BillingLocation": {
        "Id": "de0eb247-dc28-4797-a852-d8ab3ba22244",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Head Office, Gresham Street",
        "ItemType": "Locations"
    "WeightingId": "7419b159-6f0b-4476-b2ac-1e6dce3df4b7",
    "IsLiveItem": false,
    "IsFavourite": false,
    "Company": {
        "Id": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Lloyds Banking Group",
        "ItemType": "Companies"
    "Clients": [],
    "BillingContacts": [],
    "PrimaryContacts": [],
    "SecondaryContacts": [],
    "TeamMembers": {
        "Managers1": [],
        "Managers2": []
    "BillingCurrency": {
        "Id": "3a0e9471-35e2-462f-86dd-f4b08dc70708",
        "ItemDisplayText": "EUR",
        "ItemType": "Currencies"
    "Departments": [],
    "Weighting": 50.0,
    "PaymentTerms": "21 days",
    "Milestones": [],
    "IsContractSessionBased": false,
    "ForecastDate": "2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "AssignmentValueManualMode": false,
    "CandidateExpensesPaid": true,
    "TotalFeeManualMode": false,
    "PositionsCount": 1,
    "PurchaseOrder": "12076522",
    "ClientNoticePeriod": "c9d6d7c1-40e1-44f6-b824-063d761c7cf8",
    "CandidateNoticePeriod": "b444a3b0-a76d-4e72-ba8f-f76cb7fb3467",
    "Benefits": "Quisque sollicitudin ac erat nec ornare. Nullam at neque quis sapien vehicula dictum sed ut eros. Ut rutrum nunc ut velit accumsan, sed viverra libero feugiat.",
    "BillablePackage": 250000.0,
    "BillablePackageCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "FeeType": 1,
    "FeePercentage": 18.0,
    "AssignmentValue": 45000.0,
    "AssignmentValueCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "TotalFee": 45000.0,
    "TotalFeeCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "Notes": "Curabitur iaculis, dolor quis tempus molestie, massa elit auctor mauris, at eleifend quam velit tristique felis. Vivamus vel felis quis nulla porta posuere id faucibus libero.",
    "Websites": [],
    "FeeAllocationsLocked": false

This endpoint allows you to replace a representation of the target Assignment entity with the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.

PATCH /api/v1/assignments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --globoff --request PATCH 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Fields": {
        "AssignmentValue": 43200,
        "AssignmentValueCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
        "BillablePackage": 120000,
        "BillablePackageCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
        "FeePercentage": 18,
        "FeeType": 2,
        "PositionsCount" : 2

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint enables the partial update of one or more fields within the specified Assignment entity using the PATCH method. Refer to the table below for the list of updatable fields.

Table 1. Patchable Field Summary

Name Type Nullable
InternalRef nvarchar(50) TRUE
ExternalRef nvarchar(50) TRUE
InternalComments nvarchar(max) TRUE
Status FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
PositionsCount integer TRUE
NonExecChecked boolean TRUE
ContractChecked boolean TRUE
PermanentChecked boolean TRUE
EngagementType FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
Benefits nvarchar(max) TRUE
Notes nvarchar(max) TRUE
TotalFee float TRUE
TotalFeeCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
TotalFeeManualMode boolean TRUE
FeeType integer FALSE
FeePercentage float TRUE
CandidateNoticePeriod FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
ClientNoticePeriod FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
Duration float TRUE
Weighting float TRUE
WeightingId FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
ForecastDate datetime TRUE
FeeAllocationsLocked boolean TRUE
ContractSessionMode boolean TRUE
NumberOfSessions integer TRUE
BillablePackage float TRUE
BillablePackageCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
PaymentTerms nvarchar(max) TRUE
PurchaseOrder nvarchar(max) TRUE
BillingCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
AssignmentValue float TRUE
AssignmentValueCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
AssignmentValueManualMode boolean TRUE
AverageMargin float TRUE
AverageMarginCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
AverageMarginPeriod integer TRUE
CandidateExpensesPaid boolean TRUE
ExternalId1 nvarchar(max) TRUE
ExternalId2 nvarchar(max) TRUE
ExternalId3 nvarchar(max) TRUE
LinkedIn nvarchar(max) TRUE
WebPage nvarchar(max) TRUE
Twitter nvarchar(max) TRUE
Facebook nvarchar(max) TRUE
XING nvarchar(max) TRUE
BoardEx nvarchar(max) TRUE
BoardExRCM nvarchar(max) TRUE
BlueSteps nvarchar(max) TRUE
Broadbean nvarchar(max) TRUE
Idibu nvarchar(max) TRUE
LostReason FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
SessionLength integer TRUE
OwnerId FK uniqueidentifier FALSE

HTTP Request


Table 2. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.

DELETE /api/v1/assignments/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The DELETE /api/v1/people/{id} endpoint is used to permanently delete a single Assignment entity per request.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.

PUT /api/v1/assignments/bulkdelete

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {token}' \
--data '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "904d913e-c2dd-4b5d-9c0d-699aaf03dc58"
            "Id": "06ee9193-a64f-4ab9-93a3-df9e03feba3c"

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The POST /api/v1/assignments/bulkdelete endpoint is used to permanently delete more than one Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
ids [required] Specify the unique identifiers for the Assignment entities you wish to delete.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "PageSize": 1000,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "UsePaging": true,
    "ReturnTotalCount": true,
    "IsFirstLoad": true,
    "select": [
    "IncludeAdditionalValues": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Sberbank",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Karen Thompson",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Head of Sales & Marketing",
            "RecordStatus": "Money (R1)",
            "Relation_fittoprofile": "In eu neque ultricies, lobortis ante a, tincidunt sapien. Proin consequat urna id magna commodo suscipit a non libero. Cras at erat eget elit lobortis elementum. Mauris vel quam tempor, malesuada odio at, pharetra nisi. ",
            "Relation_recordnotes": "Recieved Application via Candidate Portal 09/12/2016 - In process of reviewing Candidates CV",
            "ItemId": "1f7fd32a-3e72-4c07-ae39-07e073097601",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Internal Dev Database - Glen Chamberlain",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Glen R. Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Consultant==",
            "RecordStatus": "Application",
            "Relation_recordnotes": "-CB",
            "ItemId": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint will return a list of Candiate type entities in the tenant database that are relationally linked to any given Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/candidates' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "Candidate": {
    "Id": "801781aa-fbc8-442e-ade9-08be4bd24acc"
  "RecordStatus": {
    "Id": "ce1caa3c-c0a9-480b-963e-5bbd2198d6fc"
  "FitToProfile": "Curabitur quis tincidunt nibh, quis varius mauris.",
  "InternalComments": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  "ProgressNotes": "Maecenas faucibus sem nisl, eu bibendum nisl sodales ac.",
  "Owner": {
    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Candidate": {
        "Id": "801781aa-fbc8-442e-ade9-08be4bd24acc",
        "NameComponents": {
            "FullName": "Jane Doe",
            "FamilyName": "Doe",
            "FirstName": "Jane"
        "Company": {
            "Id": "fd64e2d1-22dc-430f-8475-e768659053da",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Invenias by Bullhorn",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
        "IsProfessionalUser": true
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2024-07-22T12:58:30.6295193+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2024-07-22T12:58:30.6295193+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "RecordStatus": {
        "Id": "ce1caa3c-c0a9-480b-963e-5bbd2198d6fc",
        "DisplayTitle": "Application",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Application",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "FitToProfile": "Curabitur quis tincidunt nibh, quis varius mauris.",
    "InternalComments": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "ProgressNotes": "Maecenas faucibus sem nisl, eu bibendum nisl sodales ac."

This endpoint will create a Candidate type relationship between a single Person entity and a given Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/bulkcandidates/copy

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/bulkcandidates/Copy' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "Candidates": [
            "Id": "1f7fd32a-3e72-4c07-ae39-07e073097601"
            "Id": "8756b50e-d6f1-42c5-8a14-1d4c7d727233"
            "Id": "017f8988-936f-401d-9125-610d0929bb7b"
    "SourceAssignment": {
        "Id": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed"
    "CopyProgressStatus": true,
    "CopyProgressNotes": true,
    "CopyFitToProfile": true,
    "CopyInternalComments": true,
    "CopyCandidateGroup": true

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint enables the duplication of multiple Candidate entities from one Assignment entity to another. It also offers the option to transfer associated data, including Candidate Progress notes, Progress Status, Fit to Profile assessments, Internal Comments, and Candidate group details.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity you wish to copy the candidate data to.

PUT /api/v1/assignments/{id}/bulkcandidates/changeprogressstatus

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/bulkcandidates/changeprogressstatus' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "Candidates": [
            "Id": "1f7fd32a-3e72-4c07-ae39-07e073097601"
            "Id": "8756b50e-d6f1-42c5-8a14-1d4c7d727233"
            "Id": "017f8988-936f-401d-9125-610d0929bb7b"
  "ProgressStatus": {
    "Id": "4ec45745-2094-4ba3-8a11-11bb3fc1ae58"

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint can be used to update the Progress Status of multiple Candidates within a specified Assignment entity to a designated value.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

PUT /api/v1/assignments/{id}/bulkcandidates/remove

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/bulkcandidates/remove' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "1f7fd32a-3e72-4c07-ae39-07e073097601"
            "Id": "8756b50e-d6f1-42c5-8a14-1d4c7d727233"
            "Id": "017f8988-936f-401d-9125-610d0929bb7b"

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

This endpoint allows the permanent removal of multiple Candidate entities from the specified Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.
ItemReferences [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Candidate type entities you wish to be removed from the given Assignment entity.

GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates/{itemId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/candidates/{itemid}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Candidate": {
        "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
        "NameComponents": {
            "FullName": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "FamilyName": "Thomas",
            "FirstName": "Annabella",
            "MiddleName": "Rose",
            "Suffix": "",
            "Title": "",
            "Nickname": "Anna",
            "MaidenName": ""
        "JobTitle": "Chief\"Officer",
        "Company": {
            "Id": "17dc922f-8f02-4281-92a9-dfefc9735633",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Abbey\"National",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
        "IsProfessionalUser": false
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2016-12-09T10:45:51.443+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2024-07-16T13:08:29.8178015+01:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "CandidateStatusGroup": {
        "Id": "2b6ae4b9-83fe-4d81-8582-5cc4fd6bc44c",
        "DisplayTitle": "b) Research & Development Profiles",
        "ItemDisplayText": "b) Research & Development Profiles",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "RecordStatus": {
        "Id": "fd69e1ef-530b-40a0-8216-7769325ee981",
        "DisplayTitle": "7. Shortlisted",
        "ItemDisplayText": "7. Shortlisted",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "FitToProfile": "Quisque tellus felis, ultrices non consequat eu, rhoncus et orci. In consequat lectus ac lectus pretium finibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.\r\nVestibulum ullamcorper blandit purus quis dictum. Nulla quis metus porttitor tortor lobortis feugiat.",
    "InternalComments": "Nunc sit amet ullamcorper augue. Nullam tincidunt justo at egestas efficitur. Etiam semper mauris non nisi hendrerit, eget mollis orci tincidunt.",
    "ProgressNotes": "Cras auctor elementum enim, a eleifend nulla fringilla facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla vitae erat rutrum, euismod ligula sed, dignissim risus. Donec et mauris porttitor, rutrum nisi a, venenatis mauris. \n\nMauris a nulla sed ante tincidunt pellentesque vulputate a nibh. Sed rutrum enim non tempor iaculis."

This endpoint retrieves detailed information for a specified Candidate entity within a given Assignment, including the relationship owner, nane components, progress status, progress notes, and more.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.
itemId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Candidate type entity.

PUT /api/v1/assignments/{id}/candidates/{itemId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/candidates/{itemId}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "RecordStatus": {
    "Id": "6b8ed05c-546f-45bf-bc32-e0178d447c19"
  "FitToProfile": "uisque tellus felis, ultrices non consequat eu, rhoncus et orci. In consequat lectus ac lectus pretium finibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.\r\nVestibulum ullamcorper blandit purus quis dictum. Nulla quis metus porttitor tortor lobortis feugiat.",
  "InternalComments": "Nunc sit amet ullamcorper augue. Nullam tincidunt justo at egestas efficitur. Etiam semper mauris non nisi hendrerit, eget mollis orci tincidunt.",
  "ProgressNotes": "Cras auctor elementum enim, a eleifend nulla fringilla facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla vitae erat rutrum, euismod ligula sed, dignissim risus. Donec et mauris porttitor, rutrum nisi a, venenatis mauris. \n\nMauris a nulla sed ante tincidunt pellentesque vulputate a nibh. Sed rutrum enim non tempor iaculis.",
  "Owner": {
    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Candidate": {
        "Id": "eb4cb3e4-baee-40ba-b312-847694a685bd",
        "NameComponents": {
            "FullName": "Annabella Rose Thomas (Anna)",
            "FamilyName": "Thomas",
            "FirstName": "Annabella",
            "MiddleName": "Rose",
            "Suffix": "",
            "Title": "",
            "Nickname": "Anna",
            "MaidenName": ""
        "JobTitle": "Chief\"Officer",
        "Company": {
            "Id": "17dc922f-8f02-4281-92a9-dfefc9735633",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Abbey\"National",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
        "IsProfessionalUser": false
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2016-12-09T10:45:51.443+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2024-07-23T10:00:58.6926296+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "CandidateStatusGroup": {
        "Id": "2b6ae4b9-83fe-4d81-8582-5cc4fd6bc44c",
        "DisplayTitle": "b) Research & Development Profiles",
        "ItemDisplayText": "b) Research & Development Profiles",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "RecordStatus": {
        "Id": "6b8ed05c-546f-45bf-bc32-e0178d447c19",
        "DisplayTitle": "9a. Offer Pending",
        "ItemDisplayText": "9a. Offer Pending",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "FitToProfile": "uisque tellus felis, ultrices non consequat eu, rhoncus et orci. In consequat lectus ac lectus pretium finibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.\r\nVestibulum ullamcorper blandit purus quis dictum. Nulla quis metus porttitor tortor lobortis feugiat.",
    "InternalComments": "Nunc sit amet ullamcorper augue. Nullam tincidunt justo at egestas efficitur. Etiam semper mauris non nisi hendrerit, eget mollis orci tincidunt.",
    "ProgressNotes": "Cras auctor elementum enim, a eleifend nulla fringilla facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla vitae erat rutrum, euismod ligula sed, dignissim risus. Donec et mauris porttitor, rutrum nisi a, venenatis mauris. \n\nMauris a nulla sed ante tincidunt pellentesque vulputate a nibh. Sed rutrum enim non tempor iaculis."

This endpoint updates the representation of a specified Candidate entity within a given Assignment using the PUT method. For updating only one or a few fields, consider using the PATCH method to avoid nullifying existing data not included in the request model.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.
itemId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Candidate type entity.

PATCH /api/v1/assignments/{assignmentId}/candidates/{candidateId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PATCH 'https://{subdomain}{assignmentId}/candidates/{candidateId}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "Fields": {
        "RecordNotes": "Nullam sed urna vitae sem sodales consectetur eget et nisl. Proin at feugiat tortor. Nulla eleifend cursus ex vitae tincidunt."

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint enables the partial update of one or more fields within the specified Candidate type entity using the PATCH method for the specified Assignment entity relation end. Refer to the table below for the list of updatable fields.

Table 1. Patchable Field Summary

Name Type Nullable
RecordStatus FK uniqueidentifier FALSE
PinItem bit FALSE
RecordNotes nvarchar(max) TRUE
FitToProfile nvarchar(max) TRUE
InternalComments nvarchar(max) TRUE
RowColor nvarchar(max) TRUE
CandidateGroup FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
PublishCVAllowed bit TRUE
ClientFeedback nvarchar(max) TRUE
OwnerId FK uniqueidentifier FALSE

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
assignmentId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.
candidateId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Candidate type entity.
model [required] Specify the field and respective valuse to update for the Candidate type entity.

DELETE /api/v1/assignments/{assignmentId}/candidates/{candidateId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{assignmentId}/candidates/{candidateId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

This endpoint permanently severs the relationship between a Person entity as a Candidate and the specified Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
assignmentId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.
candidateId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Candidate type entity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/milestones

Adding a Milestone to an Assignment Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/milestones' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "OptionalId": "3c15c9d3-9e92-4d6f-bccf-6ab04fcd4347",
  "BillingNote": "This is the milestone '\''Note'\''.",
  "ItemDisplayText": "The name of the Milestone",
  "StartDate": "2024-07-23T08:06:22.556Z",
  "TargetDate": "2024-07-28T08:06:22.556Z",
  "DateCompleted": "",
  "IsStartMilestone": true,
  "IsFinishMilestone": false,
  "IsComplete": false,
  "IsMilestone": true,
  "IsBillingEvent": false,
  "Owner": {
    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
    "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
    "BillingNote": "This is the milestone 'Note'.",
    "ItemId": "3c15c9d3-9e92-4d6f-bccf-6ab04fcd4347",
    "ItemDisplayText": "The name of the Milestone",
    "StartDate": "2024-07-23T00:00:00+00:00",
    "TargetDate": "2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00",
    "IsStartMilestone": true,
    "IsFinishMilestone": false,
    "IsComplete": false,
    "OrderIndex": 16,
    "PredecessorId": {
        "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
    "IsBilled": false,
    "IsPaid": false,
    "IsMilestone": true,
    "IsBillingEvent": false,
    "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"

Adding a Billing Event to an Assignment Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/milestones' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "OptionalId": "3c15c9d3-9e92-4d6f-bccf-6ab04fcd4348",
    "BillingNote": "This is a Billing Event '\''Note'\''.",
    "ItemDisplayText": "The name of the Billing Event",
    "StartDate": "2024-07-00:00:00",
    "TargetDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00",
    "DateCompleted": "2024-07-16T00:00:00",
    "IsComplete": false,
    "IsStartMilestone": false,
    "IsFinishMilestone": false,
    "IsBilled": true,
    "IsPaid": false,
    "BillingAmount": 25000,
    "BillingAmountWeighting": 75,
    "BillingDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00",
    "PaymentDate": "",
    "IsMilestone": false,
    "IsBillingEvent": true,
    "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
    "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
    "BillingNote": "This is a Billing Event 'Note'.",
    "ItemId": "3c15c9d3-9e92-4d6f-bccf-6ab04fcd4348",
    "ItemDisplayText": "The name of the Billing Event",
    "TargetDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00",
    "DateCompleted": "2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00",
    "IsStartMilestone": false,
    "IsFinishMilestone": false,
    "IsComplete": false,
    "OrderIndex": 17,
    "PredecessorId": {
        "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
    "IsBilled": true,
    "IsPaid": false,
    "BillingAmount": 25000.0,
    "BillingAmountWeighting": 75.0,
    "BillingDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00",
    "IsMilestone": false,
    "IsBillingEvent": true,
    "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"

Adding a Billing Event Milestone to an Assignment Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/milestones' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "OptionalId": "3c15c9d3-9e92-4d6f-bccf-6ab04fcd4349",
    "BillingNote": "This is a Billing Event Milestone '\''Note'\''.",
    "ItemDisplayText": "The name of the Billing Event Milestone",
    "StartDate": "2024-07-21T00:00:00",
    "TargetDate": "2024-07-30T00:00:00",
    "DateCompleted": "",
    "IsComplete": false,
    "IsStartMilestone": false,
    "IsFinishMilestone": true,
    "IsBilled": false,
    "IsPaid": false,
    "BillingAmount": 25000,
    "BillingAmountWeighting": 50,
    "BillingDate": "",
    "PaymentDate": "",
    "IsMilestone": true,
    "IsBillingEvent": true,
    "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
    "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
    "BillingNote": "This is a Billing Event Milestone 'Note'.",
    "ItemId": "3c15c9d3-9e92-4d6f-bccf-6ab04fcd4349",
    "ItemDisplayText": "The name of the Billing Event Milestone",
    "StartDate": "2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00",
    "TargetDate": "2024-07-30T00:00:00+00:00",
    "IsStartMilestone": false,
    "IsFinishMilestone": true,
    "IsComplete": false,
    "OrderIndex": 18,
    "PredecessorId": {
        "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
    "IsBilled": false,
    "IsPaid": false,
    "BillingAmount": 25000.0,
    "BillingAmountWeighting": 50.0,
    "IsMilestone": true,
    "IsBillingEvent": true,
    "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96"

Milestones in Invenias are used to mark key events and dates during the search process. A milestone can serve as a simple milestone, a billing event, or both. The choice of request model determines the outcome:

Table 1. Field Summary

Name Type Description
OptionalId FK uniqueidentifier Allows you to optionally declare the unique identifier for the entity in the Invenias Database.
BillingNote nvarchar(max) Used to add additional context about the milestone/billing event.
ItemDisplayText nvarchar(250) The name of the milestone/billing event as you want it displayed in Invenias client applications.
StartDate datetime Used to define the date planned to start the tasks related to the milestone.
TargetDate datetime In the context of a milestone, this is where to add the date that you predict it will be completed; for billing, this acts as the Due Date.
DateCompleted datetime Used to define the date a milestone is completed.
IsStartMilestone boolean Used to define which milestone is considered the point that work on a search begins.
IsFinishMilestone boolean Used to define which milestone is considered the point that work on a search ends.
IsComplete boolean Used to indicate if a milestone has been completed; in the context of a billing event, it indicates if the billing event is ready to bill.
IsBilled boolean Used to indicate if a billing event has been billed.
IsPaid boolean Used to indicate if a billing event has been paid.
BillingAmount float Used within the context of a billing event to specify the amount to be billed.
BillingAmountWeighting float Used to weight the probability that a billing event will be ready to bill, billed, or paid on or before the defined due date.
BillingDate datetime Used to indicate the date a billing event was billed.
PaymentDate datetime Used to indicate the date a billing event was paid.
IsMilestone boolean Used to indicate if it should appear under the Milestone tab within an Assignment entity.
IsBillingEvent boolean Used to indicate if it's a Billing Event; also determines if it is visible in the Billing tab within an Assignment entity.
BillingAmountCurrency FK uniqueidentifier Used to indicate the local billing currency of a Billing Event.
Owner FK uniqueidentifier The unique identifier of the user who is the owner of a milestone and/or billing event.

HTTP Request


Table 2. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
assignmentId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/milestones

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}{id}/milestones' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Milestones": [
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "ItemId": "1f9c4867-efe5-4f68-8766-0bdae65a7aa5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Billing Event",
            "TargetDate": "2018-02-02T00:00:00+00:00",
            "DateCompleted": "2018-09-12T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": true,
            "OrderIndex": 13,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": false,
            "IsBillingEvent": true,
            "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
            "Owner": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "BillingNote": "Donec pretium dapibus velit, non aliquam sem ultrices sed.",
            "ItemId": "f65fd1ee-0496-433b-af4e-b8d3aa5c43ef",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Client Interviews",
            "Duration": 0,
            "StartDate": "2018-05-13T00:00:00+00:00",
            "TargetDate": "2018-05-21T00:00:00+00:00",
            "DateCompleted": "2017-05-03T00:00:00+00:00",
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": false,
            "OrderIndex": 9,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": false,
            "Owner": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
            "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
            "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
            "ItemId": "256e56ad-9ad8-4bb8-a1c2-d04bdc47aa35",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Proposal",
            "Duration": 0,
            "IsStartMilestone": false,
            "IsFinishMilestone": false,
            "IsComplete": true,
            "OrderIndex": 1,
            "PredecessorId": {
                "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
            "IsBilled": false,
            "IsPaid": false,
            "IsMilestone": true,
            "IsBillingEvent": false,
            "Owner": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"

This endpoint will return a list of Milestone type entites relationally linked to the given Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Assignmententity.

PUT /api/v1/assignments/milestones

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {token}' \
--data '{
    "AssignmentId" : "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
    "ItemId": "3c15c9d3-9e92-4d6f-bccf-6ab04fcd4348",
    "BillingNote": "This is a Billing Event '\''Note'\''.",
    "ItemDisplayText": "The name of the Billing Event",
    "StartDate": "2024-07-00:00:00",
    "TargetDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00",
    "DateCompleted": "2024-07-16T00:00:00",
    "IsComplete": false,
    "IsStartMilestone": false,
    "IsFinishMilestone": false,
    "IsBilled": true,
    "IsPaid": false,
    "BillingAmount": 25000,
    "BillingAmountWeighting": 100,
    "BillingDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00",
    "PaymentDate": "",
    "IsMilestone": false,
    "IsBillingEvent": true,
    "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

Example Response (JSON)

    "AssignmentId": "3f5007c4-3a76-42c0-af75-21e05a7fdeed",
    "InvoiceBillingEventOrderIndex": 0,
    "BillingNote": "This is a Billing Event 'Note'.",
    "ItemId": "3c15c9d3-9e92-4d6f-bccf-6ab04fcd4348",
    "ItemDisplayText": "The name of the Billing Event",
    "TargetDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00",
    "DateCompleted": "2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00",
    "IsStartMilestone": false,
    "IsFinishMilestone": false,
    "IsComplete": false,
    "PredecessorId": {
        "ItemType": "AssignmentMilestones"
    "IsBilled": true,
    "IsPaid": false,
    "BillingAmount": 25000.0,
    "BillingAmountWeighting": 100.0,
    "BillingDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00",
    "IsMilestone": false,
    "IsBillingEvent": true,
    "BillingAmountCurrency": "cd9f9511-81e6-4fc8-b731-1c5149d6ff96",
    "Owner": {
        "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"

This endpoint replaces the representation of the specified Milestone relationaly linked to an Assignment entity using the PUT method.

HTTP Request


PATCH /api/v1/assignments/milestones/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PATCH 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "Fields": {
        "BillingAmountWeighting": "75"

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint enables the partial update of one or more fields within the specified Milestone entity using the PATCH method Refer to the table below for the list of updatable fields.

Table 1. Patchable Field Summary

Name Type Nullable
FileAs nvarchar (250) FALSE
StartDate datetime TRUE
TargetDate datetime TRUE
DateCompleted datetime TRUE
Duration integer TRUE
IsStartMilestone boolean FALSE
IsFinishMilestone boolean FALSE
IsComplete boolean FALSE
IsBillingEvent boolean FALSE
IsMilestone boolean FALSE
IsBilled boolean FALSE
IsPaid boolean FALSE
BillingAmount float TRUE
BillingAmountWeighting float TRUE
BillingAmountCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
BillingNote nvarchar (max) TRUE
BillingDate datetime TRUE
PaymentDate datetime TRUE
OwnerId FK uniqueidentifier FALSE

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the given Milestoneentity.

DELETE /api/v1/assignments/{id}/milestones/{milestoneId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}/milestones/{milestoneId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

This endpoint will permanently delete the relationship between the given Assignment entity and the Milestone entity.

HTTP Request



Invenias features several main entities, and the Company entity holds a pivotal role among them. A Company within Invenias can assume multiple roles, such as being a partner, supplier, client, place of study, or an employer. Its versatile nature allows it to foster connections with various other entities, including Assignment, Education, Locations, People, Employment, and more, through relational links.

By encompassing a diverse range of roles and fostering relationships with other entities, the Company entity serves as a central hub for managing and tracking crucial information within the Invenias system.

Table 1. Company Endpoints Summary

Name Description
POST /api/v1/companies/list Returns a list of Company entities in the database.
POST /api/v1/companies Creates a Company entity in the tenant database.
GET /api/v1/companies/{id} Returns information about any given Company entity in the database.
PATCH /api/v2/companies/{id} Update one or more fields of a target Company entity.
PUT /api/v2/companies/{id} Replace the representation of a target Company entity.
DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id} Deletes any given Company entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/companies/bulkdelete Deletes many Company entities in the database.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/students/list Returns a list People entities who have one or more Education entities relationally linked to a Company entity including their related qualifications.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/people/list Returns a list People entities who have one or more Position entities relationally linked to a Company entity including their employment details.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/bulkremovepeople Deletes the relationship between one or more People entities relationally linked to the given Company entity and including related Position entities.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/currentpeople/list Returns a list People entities who have one or more Position entities where the 'Position Status' is equal to 'Current' that are relationally linked to a Company entity including their employment details.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/clientassignments/list Returns a list Assingment entities relationally linked to the given Company entity.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/programmes Creates a relation between the given Company entity and one or more Programme entities.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/programmes/list Returns a list of Programme entities that are relationally linked to the given Company entity.
GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/programmes/{programmeId} Returns details of a specific Programme entity that is relationally linked to the given Company entity.
DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id}/programmes/{programmeId} Deletes the relationship between a specific Programme entity relationally linked to the given Company entity.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/companies Creates a relation between two Company entities (e.g. Competitor, Parent, Subsidiary, Investor, Supplier, etc).
PUT /api/v1/companies/{id}/companies Adds or changes values to relation between two Company entities (e.g. Competitor, Parent, Subsidiary, Investor, Supplier, etc).
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/relations/list Returns a lists of Company entities that are relationally linked to any given Company entity including the relationship type.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/bulkremovecompanies Deletes the relationship between one or more Company entities relationally linked to the given Company entity.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/externalid1 Allows you to add an external unique identifier for the Invenias Company entity to be leveraged by an external application where applicable.
DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id}/externalid1 Deletes an external unique identifier for the Invenias Company entity which is usually leveraged by an external application for reconciliation purposes.
GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/notepad Returns contents of the 'Notepad' field for the given Company entity in either HTML or Plain Text.
PUT /api/v1/companies/{id}/notepad Allows you to populate 'Notepad' field for the given Company entity using either HTML or Plain Text.
GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/profile Returns contents of the 'Overview' field for the given Company entity in either HTML or Plain Text.
PUT /api/v1/companies/{id}/profile Allows you to populate 'Overview' field for the given Company entity using either HTML or Plain Text.

POST /api/v1/companies/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "PageSize": 1000,
    "PageIndex": 0,
    "ReturnTotalCount": true,
    "ReturnTotalDatabaseItemCount": true,
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyReferenceNumber": "C000054",
            "FileAs": "Lloyds Banking Group",
            "ItemType": "Companies",
            "TotalNumberOfAssignments": 5,
            "TypeClientChecked": true,
            "ItemId": "c6bd6734-fc2f-4088-bbcd-8c038e549c01",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyReferenceNumber": "C000064",
            "FileAs": "Deutsche Bank",
            "ItemType": "Companies",
            "TotalNumberOfAssignments": 1,
            "TypeClientChecked": true,
            "ItemId": "5d2c28b5-032b-4e17-ac9c-a8bfa2d94dff",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
    "Paging": {
        "TotalItemCount": 2,
        "TotalDatabaseItemCount": 119

This endpoint will return a list of Company type entities in the tenant database.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/companies

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "OptionalId": "009aadae-218e-4b4f-bc84-fd8551646cc1",
  "CompanyName": "Old Mutual",
  "ClientReference": "AS-192255",
  "RegistrationNumber": "091067503",
  "VATNumber": "GB119973511",
  "IsSupplier": true,
  "IsPartner": false,
  "IsClient": true,
  "IsPlaceOfStudy": false,
  "IsDoNotMailshotChecked": false,
  "IsDoNotContactChecked": false,
  "InternalComments": "Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec sed elit felis. Cras eu lacus id nunc interdum ultricies. In blandit sit amet tortor at condimentum.",
  "PaymentTerms": "21 Days",
  "ClientStatus": {
    "Id": "c084b8f7-7ccf-4aac-be0c-136e5acc6c28",
    "ItemDisplayText": "Current",
    "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "EmailAddresses": [
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "Email2Address",
            "DisplayTitle": "Email 2",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "Email3Address",
            "DisplayTitle": "Email 3",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 0,
            "FieldName": "Skype",
            "DisplayTitle": "Skype",
            "ItemValue": ""
    "PhoneNumbers": [
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 1,
            "FormattedValue": "+44 (20) 7626 1880",
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                "Area": "20",
                "CountryCode": "44",
                "Local": "7626 1880",
                "Country": "United Kingdom",
                "PhoneCode": "44"
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "BusinessPhone2",
            "DisplayTitle": "Business 2 Tel",
            "ItemValue": "+44207626 1880"
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "FormattedValue": "+44 (20) 7626 7781",
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                "Area": "20",
                "CountryCode": "44",
                "Local": "7626 7781",
                "Country": "United Kingdom",
                "PhoneCode": "44"
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "AccountsPhone",
            "DisplayTitle": "Accounts Tel",
            "ItemValue": "+44207626 7781"
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 2,
            "FormattedValue": "+44 (20) 7626 7789",
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                "Area": "20",
                "CountryCode": "44",
                "Local": "7626 7789",
                "Country": "United Kingdom",
                "PhoneCode": "44"
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "SalesPhone",
            "DisplayTitle": "Sales Tel",
            "ItemValue": "+44207626 7789"
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 1,
            "FormattedValue": "+44 (20) 7626 1791",
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                "Area": "20",
                "CountryCode": "44",
                "Local": "7626 1791",
                "Country": "United Kingdom",
                "PhoneCode": "44"
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "SupportPhone",
            "DisplayTitle": "Support Tel",
            "ItemValue": "+44207626 1791"
  "Websites": [
      "IsCustomWebsite": false,
      "Id": "0b10da2c-7281-4f9a-8592-94d5e6a16bfe",
      "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
      "FieldName": "WebPage",
      "ItemValue": ""
  "Synonyms": "BH",
  "Revenue": 219900000,
  "RevenueCurrency": "30bb0085-c7fc-414a-bfc0-f56c66f62ae5",
  "NumberOfEmployees": "a8717b80-aa85-49bf-ade3-6b07254e0e5b",
  "CompanyType": 1,
  "BillingCurrency": "30bb0085-c7fc-414a-bfc0-f56c66f62ae5",
  "IsTopLevelCompany": true

Please note, a successful request will return a 201 created code.

This endpoint will allow you to create a new Company entity in the tenant database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Core Fields

Field Description
OptionalId Specify the unique identifier for the Company entity.
CompanyName [required] Specify the name of the Company entity.
ClientReference Specify a custom reference number for the Company entity.
RegistrationNumber Specify the registration number for the Company entity.
VATNumber Specify the VAT number for the Company entity.
IsSupplier Used to indicate if the Company entities relationship with your company is that of a 'Supplier'.
IsPartner Used to indicate if the Company entities relationship with your company is that of a 'Partner'.
IsClient Used to indicate if the Company entities relationship with your company is that of a 'Client'.
IsPlaceOfStudy Used to indicate if the Company entitiy is a 'Place of Study'.
IsDoNotMailshotChecked Used to define the mailing preference for the Company entity.
IsDoNotContactChecked Used to define the contact preference for the Company entity.
InternalComments Used to record internal commentary related to the Company entity.
PaymentTerms Used to record the payment terms agreed with the Company entity.
ClientStatus Used to indicate the client relationship status between the Company entity and your company (e.g. Current, Previous, etc).
Synonyms Other names that the Company entity is commonly referred to by.
Revenue The lastest revenue figure published by the company.
Revenuecurrency The currency code for the currency the latest revenue figures have been published in.
NumberOfEmployees The number of employees the company has.
CompanyType The company type:
  • Public (0)
  • Private (1)
BillingCurrency The preferred currency code the company wishes to be billed in.
IsTopLevelCompany Used to indicate if the customer considers a Company entity as one of their top customer OR if the company is a parent company (Based upon the customer preferred usage of this field).
ExternalId1 One of three fields available to record a unique reference or identifier for the Company entity to reconcile it with other applications via API integrations.
ExternalId2 One of three fields available to record a unique reference or identifier for the Company entity to reconcile it with other applications via API integrations.
ExternalId3 One of three fields available to record a unique reference or identifier for the Company entity to reconcile it with other applications via API integrations.

Table 2. Email Address Array

Field Description
IsPersonal Used to indicate if the email address is personal in nature.
IsBusiness Used to indicate if the email address is used for business purposes.
IsVisibleAsDefault Used to deterime if the email address should be visible by default when openeing the Company entity record.
FieldName The system name of the email fields for Company entities:
  • Email2Address
  • Email3Address
  • Skype
DisplayTitle The name of the email address field as it appears in Invenias applications in Company entities:
  • Email 2
  • Email 3
  • Skype
ItemValue Email Address (e.g.

Table 3. Telephone Number Array

Field Description
IsPrimary Used to indicate if the number is primary number to be used internally to contact the Company entity.
PreferredDisplayOrderIndex Defines the ordinal position of the contact field within the list of contact fields in the Company entity record when opened in Invenias applications.
  • If autoformatting is disabled in Invenias system preferences please add the entire number here. You do not need to declare the 'PhoneNumberComponants' array in your request model.
  • If autoformatting is enabled, please exclude this field from your request model and add break down the number into the individual 'PhoneNumberComponents'.
Area Area Code
Local Local Code
Country Country where number is registered.
PhoneCode Country Code
IsVisibleAsDefault There are many contact fields in Invenias. Many are hidden by default and can only be viewed by expanding a pick-list. This field can be used to declare if this should be immediately visible in the 'Contact' tab in the person record.

Accepted Values:
  • true
  • false
FieldName Accepted Values:
  • BusinessPhone2
  • AccountsPhone
  • SalesPhone
  • SupportPhone
  • ISDN

Please note, there is a setting in the 'System Preferences' that will impact the way you add telephone numbers when creating a person record. Please check this before you proceed.


GET /api/v1/companies/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "009aadae-218e-4b4f-bc84-fd8551646cc1",
    "CompanyNumber": "C000124 (CSEV-136464)",
    "IsInveniasCompany": false,
    "PublishedAssignmentsCount": 0,
    "IsFavourite": false,
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2021-12-20T14:50:35.9618806+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2021-12-20T14:50:35.9618806+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "CompanyName": "Old Mutual",
    "ClientReference": "AS-192255",
    "RegistrationNumber": "091067503",
    "VATNumber": "GB119973511",
    "IsSupplier": true,
    "IsPartner": false,
    "IsClient": true,
    "IsPlaceOfStudy": false,
    "IsDoNotMailshotChecked": false,
    "IsDoNotContactChecked": false,
    "InternalComments": "Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec sed elit felis. Cras eu lacus id nunc interdum ultricies. In blandit sit amet tortor at condimentum.",
    "PaymentTerms": "21 Days",
    "ClientStatus": {
        "Id": "c084b8f7-7ccf-4aac-be0c-136e5acc6c28",
        "DisplayTitle": "Client Status",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Current",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "EmailAddresses": [
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "Email2Address",
            "DisplayTitle": "Email 2",
            "ItemValue": ""
    "PhoneNumbers": [
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "FormattedValue": "+44 (20) 7626 1880",
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                "Area": "20",
                "CountryCode": "44",
                "Local": "7626 1880",
                "Country": "United Kingdom",
                "PhoneCode": "44"
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "BusinessPhone2",
            "DisplayTitle": "Business 2 Tel",
            "ItemValue": "+44207626 1880"
    "MarketCapCurrency": "3a0e9471-35e2-462f-86dd-f4b08dc70708",
    "Revenue": 219900000.0,
    "RevenueCurrency": "3a0e9471-35e2-462f-86dd-f4b08dc70708",
    "NumberOfEmployees": "a8717b80-aa85-49bf-ade3-6b07254e0e5b",
    "CompanyType": 1,
    "BillingCurrency": "3a0e9471-35e2-462f-86dd-f4b08dc70708",
    "IsTopLevelCompany": true...

This endpoint will return information about any given Company entity in the tenant database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

PATCH /api/v1/companies/{id}

curl --location --globoff --request PATCH 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Fields": {
        "IsPlaceOfStudy": 1,
        "InternalComments": "Maecenas non condimentum dui. Aliquam quis finibus quam. Sed ornare a nibh sed consectetur."

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint enables the partial update of one or more fields within the specified Company entity using the PATCH method. Refer to the table below for the list of updatable fields.

Table 1. Patchable Field Summary

Name Type Nullable
FileAs nvarchar (100) TRUE
Synonyms nvarchar(max) TRUE
InternalComments nvarchar(max) TRUE
ClientStatus FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
DoNotMailshotChecked boolean TRUE
DoNotContactChecked boolean TRUE
TypePartnerChecked boolean TRUE
TypeSupplierChecked boolean TRUE
TypeClientChecked boolean TRUE
IsPlaceOfStudy boolean TRUE
BillingCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
CustomPhone1 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomPhone2 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomPhone3 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomPhone4 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomPhone5 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomEmail1 nvarchar(100) TRUE
CustomEmail2 nvarchar(100) TRUE
CustomEmail3 nvarchar(100) TRUE
CustomEmail4 nvarchar(100) TRUE
CustomEmail5 nvarchar(100) TRUE
WebPage nvarchar(400) TRUE
LinkedIn nvarchar(400) TRUE
Facebook nvarchar(400) TRUE
Twitter nvarchar(400) TRUE
BoardEx nvarchar(400) TRUE
BoardExRCM nvarchar(max) TRUE
XING nvarchar(max) TRUE
Etz nvarchar(max) TRUE
Xero nvarchar(max) TRUE
BlueSteps nvarchar(max) TRUE
Broadbean nvarchar(max) TRUE
Idibu nvarchar(max) TRUE
Email2Address nvarchar(100) TRUE
Email3Address nvarchar(100) TRUE
BusinessPhone2 nvarchar(500) TRUE
AccountsPhone nvarchar (50) TRUE
SalesPhone nvarchar (50) TRUE
SupportPhone nvarchar (50) TRUE
ISDN nvarchar (50) TRUE
Skype nvarchar (100) TRUE
VATNumber nvarchar (50) TRUE
RegistrationNumber nvarchar (50) TRUE
ClientRef nvarchar (50) TRUE
PaymentTerms nvarchar (50) TRUE
ExternalId1 nvarchar(max) TRUE
ExternalId2 nvarchar(max) TRUE
ExternalId3 nvarchar(max) TRUE
MarketCap float TRUE
MarketCapCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
Revenue float TRUE
RevenueCurrency FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
NumberOfEmployees FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
TickerSymbol nvarchar(max) TRUE
CompanyType int TRUE
OwnerId FK uniqueidentifier FALSE

HTTP Request


Table 2. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

PUT /api/v2/companies/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "DefaultLocation": {
    "LocationName": "Reading, United Kingdom (Head Office)",
    "AddressComponents": {
      "FullAddress": "Atlas Executive Search\nForbury Square\nReading\nBerkshire\nRG1 3EU\nUNITED KINGDOM",
      "Street": "Atlas Search\nForbury Square",
      "TownCity": "Reading",
      "County": "Berkshire",
      "Postcode": "RG1 3EU",
      "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
    "Default": true
  "CompanyName": "Atlas Executive Search",
  "Synonyms": "AES, Atlas Search"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "15b22477-90dc-4d41-8a39-e88cee7e1a79",
    "CompanyNumber": "C000001 (ATLAS)",
    "DefaultLocation": {
        "LocationId": "7ddaf324-2426-44e2-8420-feb7d1c3debb",
        "EntityDetails": {
            "DateCreated": "2022-01-19T12:41:07.6593911+00:00",
            "DateModified": "2022-01-31T15:02:09.111112+00:00",
            "CreatedBy": {
                "Id": "e459823e-61a4-45a5-b7c9-5dee1809d88f",
                "ItemType": "Users"
            "ModifiedBy": {
                "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
            "Owner": {
                "Id": "e459823e-61a4-45a5-b7c9-5dee1809d88f",
                "ItemType": "Users"
        "LocationName": "Reading, United Kingdom (Head Office)",
        "AddressComponents": {
            "FullAddress": "Atlas Search\nForbury Square\r\nReading\r\nBerkshire\r\nRG1 3EU\r\nUNITED KINGDOM",
            "Street": "Atlas Search\nForbury Square",
            "TownCity": "Reading",
            "County": "Berkshire",
            "Postcode": "RG1 3EU",
            "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
        "Default": true
    "CompanyName": "Atlas Executive Search",
    "Synonyms": "AES, Atlas Search"

This endpoint allows you to replace a representation of the target Company entity with the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id} endpoint is used to permanently delete a single Company entity per request.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

PUT /api/v1/companies/bulkdelete

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "9bc03445-fec4-43e2-a5f1-00030c8f40de"
            "Id": "bd97bbf5-e88a-454d-a7fb-0017eb665282"
            "Id": "c261e3d2-ced5-4430-9a85-0023aa3284a2"

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The PUT /api/v1/companies/bulkdelete endpoint is used to permanently delete more than one Company entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
ids [required] Specify the unique identifiers for the Company entities you wish to delete.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/students/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/students/list' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Atlas Executive Search",
            "EndDate": "2006-09-01T00:00:00+01:00",
            "ItemType": "PersonEducation",
            "PersonDisplayName": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "PersonId": {
                "Id": "b6a53fe4-8fbd-4393-b718-af57a92e896c"
            "PlaceOfStudy": "The Academy of Contemporary Music",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Chief Executive Officer",
            "Qualification": {
                "Id": "a387d3f6-100f-4aa7-aa60-ad0257d516b9",
                "ItemDisplayText": "HND, HNC or Equivalent"
            "StartDate": "2004-09-01T00:00:00+01:00",
            "Subject": "Music Prodicution",
            "ItemId": "e815e30d-08d3-43df-82a6-84b5755a0344",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Returns a list People entities who have one or more Education entities relationally linked to a Company entity including their related qualifications.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/people/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/people/list' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "IncludeAdditionalValues": false,
    "UseLookUpViewDefinition": false,
    "IncludeDisplayViews": false,
    "IncludeAvailableColumns": false,
    "IncludeCategories": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyID": {
                "Id": "655d0786-d1c9-4b7e-ac82-02b3bab153ab"
            "ItemType": "Positions",
            "JobTitle": "Assest Manager",
            "PersonDisplayName": "Austin Hayward",
            "PersonId": {
                "Id": "7f528181-390b-4bcf-9360-441afd037d66"
            "ItemId": "3488c224-7f83-439e-b3c1-70b97ed2c6a1",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyID": {
                "Id": "655d0786-d1c9-4b7e-ac82-02b3bab153ab"
            "ItemType": "Positions",
            "JobTitle": "Facilities Planning Specialist",
            "PersonDisplayName": "Douglas Mitchell",
            "PersonId": {
                "Id": "b984777b-a98b-45a1-8915-9fb69f89e7db"
            "ItemId": "daab9cf5-f4f9-4f2f-8e65-2e4120f46da1",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Returns a list People entities who have one or more Position entities relationally linked to a Company.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/bulkremovepeople

Example (cURL)

curl --location -g --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/bulkremovepeople' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "ItemReferences": [
      "Id": "7f528181-390b-4bcf-9360-441afd037d66"
      "Id": "b984777b-a98b-45a1-8915-9fb69f89e7db"
      "Id": "2d492917-07c1-4df8-97cb-bdac59ba5595"

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Deletes the relationship between one or more People entities that are relationally linked via one or more Position entities to any given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/currentpeople/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/currentpeople/list' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "IncludeAdditionalValues": false,
    "UseLookUpViewDefinition": false,
    "IncludeDisplayViews": false,
    "IncludeAvailableColumns": false,
    "IncludeCategories": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyDisplayName": "VonRueden, Turcotte and Smith",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Douglas Mitchell",
            "FileAs": "Mr Douglas Mitchell",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Facilities Planning Specialist",
            "ItemId": "b984777b-a98b-45a1-8915-9fb69f89e7db",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyDisplayName": "VonRueden, Turcotte and Smith",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Harley Ball",
            "FileAs": "Mr Harley Ball",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PositionJobTitle": "C++ Software Engineer",
            "ItemId": "2d492917-07c1-4df8-97cb-bdac59ba5595",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyDisplayName": "VonRueden, Turcotte and Smith",
            "DisplayFileAs": "Harrison Grant",
            "FileAs": "Mr Harrison Grant",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PositionJobTitle": "O2 Piping Inspector",
            "ItemId": "b3838025-c785-435e-a730-b7d5b77286a1",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Returns a list of People entities who have one or more (Current) Position entities relationally linked to a Company.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/clientassignments/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/clientassignments/list' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "IncludeAdditionalValues": false,
    "UseLookUpViewDefinition": false,
    "IncludeDisplayViews": false,
    "IncludeAvailableColumns": false,
    "IncludeCategories": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "FileAs": "Facilities Planning Specialist",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status": {
                "Id": "a9d5ebc1-8414-402f-aab0-79e175d5ec55",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Forecasted"
            "ItemId": "3f54ef7b-80b8-40f0-9ac0-231c208f3d13",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "FileAs": "Pneumatic Technician",
            "ItemType": "Assignments",
            "Status": {
                "Id": "12a6b6f2-f121-47d4-870c-2c93fee84a71",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Active"
            "ItemId": "75dcf8ac-bb99-4936-b002-54e78aff8b44",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Returns a list of Assignment entities relationally linked to any given Company.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/programmes/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/programmes/list' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "IncludeAdditionalValues": false,
    "UseLookUpViewDefinition": false,
    "IncludeDisplayViews": false,
    "IncludeAvailableColumns": false,
    "IncludeCategories": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "FileAs": "C-Suite Talent Pool / 2710 Aerospace & Defense",
            "ItemType": "Programmes",
            "Name": "C-Suite Talent Pool / 2710 Aerospace & Defense",
            "ProgrammeStatusDisplay": "Active",
            "ProgrammeType": "Talent Pool",
            "ProgrammeTypeId": {
                "Id": "ee64fef1-182c-40fc-9fd0-c31c0198aab6"
            "Relation_ownerid": {
                "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain"
            "Relation_progressstatus": {
                "Id": "268e3751-9c1e-405a-8730-7300e524f56f",
                "ItemDisplayText": "01. Identified"
            "ItemId": "1839c80f-d80a-41e6-806c-f696a82cb015",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Returns a list of Programme entities relationally linked to any given Company.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/programmes/{programmeId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{id}/programmes/{programmeId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Programme": {
        "Id": "1839c80f-d80a-41e6-806c-f696a82cb015",
        "ProgrammeName": "C-Suite Talent Pool /  2710 Aerospace & Defense",
        "ProgrammeType": {
            "ProgrammeStatuses": {
                "ItemReferences": [
                        "Id": "2881693a-7608-4403-8d65-47c3234f26d6",
                        "DisplayTitle": "Active",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "Active",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "2ae7e58c-c854-4bb3-9499-07b125d42763",
                        "DisplayTitle": "Completed",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "Completed",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "da69a21d-33a8-423c-8311-41b74dd97514",
                        "DisplayTitle": "Cancelled",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "Cancelled",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
            "PeopleProgressStatuses": {
                "ItemReferences": [
                        "Id": "4b31c1c5-11c5-4b3a-8eb5-ecf4d31cab5e",
                        "DisplayTitle": "01. Identified",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "01. Identified",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "6efee606-f880-4cde-b80c-19335ab405ca",
                        "DisplayTitle": "02. In Contact",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "02. In Contact",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "8e8609ba-6919-4c7e-bc68-5878915d754c",
                        "DisplayTitle": "03. Following",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "03. Following",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "163c6cf6-bde2-4207-8ee7-b76fccabf669",
                        "DisplayTitle": "X. Not Relevant",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "X. Not Relevant",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
            "CompaniesProgressStatuses": {
                "ItemReferences": [
                        "Id": "268e3751-9c1e-405a-8730-7300e524f56f",
                        "DisplayTitle": "01. Identified",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "01. Identified",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "6136b5bc-3698-43b8-939f-2a4d63abe6b1",
                        "DisplayTitle": "02. Initial Research",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "02. Initial Research",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "e3b2ed82-f043-4ecc-9d9a-3f6092f742d2",
                        "DisplayTitle": "03. Ongoing Research",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "03. Ongoing Research",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "c993126a-abdf-4d94-9102-dad8317455bd",
                        "DisplayTitle": "X. Not Relevant",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "X. Not Relevant",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
                        "Id": "e9bd4c34-fb56-4da8-90f5-ca4894cce6a4",
                        "DisplayTitle": "X. Company Acquired",
                        "ItemDisplayText": "X. Company Acquired",
                        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
            "Id": "ee64fef1-182c-40fc-9fd0-c31c0198aab6",
            "ProgrammeTypeName": "Talent Pool",
            "IsEnabled": true,
            "IsCategoriesEnabled": true,
            "IsInternalCommentsEnabled": true,
            "IsPeopleListEnabled": true,
            "IsCompaniesListEnabled": true,
            "IsMilestonesListEnabled": false,
            "IsBillingEventsListEnabled": false
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2022-02-17T13:48:17.4559206+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2022-02-17T13:48:17.4559206+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "f5d91fe7-cfb3-4594-a3a6-dfcd529d4fb3",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "RecordStatus": {
        "Id": "268e3751-9c1e-405a-8730-7300e524f56f",
        "DisplayTitle": "01. Identified",
        "ItemDisplayText": "01. Identified",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"

Returns details related to any given Programme entity which is relationally linked to any a Company entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.
programmeId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the releated Programme entity.

DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id}/programmes/{programmeId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}/programmes/{programmeId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Removes the relationship between a Company entity and a Programme entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.
programmeId [required] Specify the unique identifier for the releated Programme entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/companies

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/companies' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "RelationCompany": {
        "Id": "d9befec3-8a95-4057-8144-00017cb354fe"
    "Relationship": "Subsidiary Company"

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

Creates a relation between two Company entities (e.g. Competitor, Parent, Subsidiary, Investor, Supplier, etc).

Accepted Company Relationship Values:

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

PUT /api/v1/companies/{id}/companies

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/companies' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "RelationCompany": {
        "Id": "d9befec3-8a95-4057-8144-00017cb354fe"
    "Relationship": "Parent Company"

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

Allows you to update the relationship between any given Company entity and another.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/relations/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/relations/list' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "IncludeAdditionalValues": false,
    "UseLookUpViewDefinition": false,
    "IncludeDisplayViews": false,
    "IncludeAvailableColumns": false,
    "IncludeCategories": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "FileAs": "Díaz de Villalobos",
            "ItemType": "Companies",
            "RelationId": {
                "Id": "9d2f523c-31aa-48da-825c-370468e827ad"
            "RelationName": "Partner",
            "ItemId": "d9befec3-8a95-4057-8144-00017cb354fe",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

Returns a lists of Company entites relationally linked to any given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/bulkremovecompanies

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/bulkremovecompanies' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "Relations": [
      "RelationId": "d9befec3-8a95-4057-8144-00017cb354fe",
      "Relationship": "Partner"

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

Used to permanently delete one or more Company entity relationships linked to any given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/externalid1

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/externalId1?externalId1=e354ef4d-052d-4e90-8c8d-52c31e780061' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

Allows you to add an unique external identifier for the Invenias Company entity to be leveraged by an external application where applicable.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.
externalId1 [required] Specify the external identifier for the desired Company entity.

DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id}/externalid1

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}/externalId1' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content code.

Allows you to delete an unique external identifier for the Invenias Company entity

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the\n> Example (cURL) unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/notepad

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{id}/notepad' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a5037d6a-795d-4b86-83ce-b16cb11e6c14",
    "Text": "Ipsum Lorem\r\n\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi.  Integer at feugiat tortor.",
    "Html": "\r\n<p>\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi. Morbi rhoncus sem id accumsan finibus. <br></br>Vivamus pharetra ex id dictum tristique. Sed scelerisque finibus tempor. Maecenas eu luctus neque, eget congue leo. Vivamus sollicitudin malesuada scelerisque. Curabitur erat massa, tincidunt ut congue vitae, tempus sit amet orci. Vivamus varius dolor lobortis, rhoncus dui a, viverra eros. Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</p><ul>\r\n<li>Phasellus varius <strong>ligula</strong> sit amet ante elementum.</li>\r\n<li>Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</li>\r\n<li>Morbi pharetra posuere orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla quis nunc nisl.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p><i>Maecenas molestie tristique lacus, a mattis mi tempor a. Nunc ex nisi, aliquet sed bibendum vel, varius sit amet tortor. Integer at feugiat tortor.</i></p>"

Used to retrieve the plain text or HTML content of the 'Notepad' field for any given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

PUT /api/v1/companies/{id}/notepad

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/notepad' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Html": "
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi. Morbi rhoncus sem id accumsan finibus. <br></br>Vivamus pharetra ex id dictum tristique. Sed scelerisque finibus tempor. Maecenas eu luctus neque, eget congue leo. Vivamus sollicitudin malesuada scelerisque. Curabitur erat massa, tincidunt ut congue vitae, tempus sit amet orci. Vivamus varius dolor lobortis, rhoncus dui a, viverra eros. Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</p><ul>
<li>Phasellus varius <strong>ligula</strong> sit amet ante elementum.</li>
<li>Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</li>
<li>Morbi pharetra posuere orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla quis nunc nisl.</li>
</ul><p><i>Maecenas molestie tristique lacus, a mattis mi tempor a. Nunc ex nisi, aliquet sed bibendum vel, varius sit amet tortor. Integer at feugiat tortor.</i></p>"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a5037d6a-795d-4b86-83ce-b16cb11e6c14",
    "Text": "Ipsum Lorem\r\n\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi. Morbi rhoncus sem id accumsan finibus. Vivamus pharetra ex id dictum tristique. Sed scelerisque finibus tempor. Maecenas eu luctus neque, eget congue leo. Vivamus sollicitudin malesuada scelerisque. Curabitur erat massa, tincidunt ut congue vitae, tempus sit amet orci. Vivamus varius dolor lobortis, rhoncus dui a, viverra eros. Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.Phasellus varius ligula sit amet ante elementum.Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.Morbi pharetra posuere orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla quis nunc nisl.\r\nMaecenas molestie tristique lacus, a mattis mi tempor a. Nunc ex nisi, aliquet sed bibendum vel, varius sit amet tortor. Integer at feugiat tortor.",
    "Html": "\r\n<p>\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi. Morbi rhoncus sem id accumsan finibus. <br></br>Vivamus pharetra ex id dictum tristique. Sed scelerisque finibus tempor. Maecenas eu luctus neque, eget congue leo. Vivamus sollicitudin malesuada scelerisque. Curabitur erat massa, tincidunt ut congue vitae, tempus sit amet orci. Vivamus varius dolor lobortis, rhoncus dui a, viverra eros. Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</p><ul>\r\n<li>Phasellus varius <strong>ligula</strong> sit amet ante elementum.</li>\r\n<li>Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</li>\r\n<li>Morbi pharetra posuere orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla quis nunc nisl.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p><i>Maecenas molestie tristique lacus, a mattis mi tempor a. Nunc ex nisi, aliquet sed bibendum vel, varius sit amet tortor. Integer at feugiat tortor.</i></p>"

Allows you to populate 'Notepad' field for the given Company entity using either HTML or Plain Text.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/profile

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{id}/profile?external=false' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "a5037d6a-795d-4b86-83ce-b16cb11e6c14",
    "Text": "Ipsum Lorem\r\n\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi.  Integer at feugiat tortor.",
    "Html": "\r\n<p>\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi. Morbi rhoncus sem id accumsan finibus. <br></br>Vivamus pharetra ex id dictum tristique. Sed scelerisque finibus tempor. Maecenas eu luctus neque, eget congue leo. Vivamus sollicitudin malesuada scelerisque. Curabitur erat massa, tincidunt ut congue vitae, tempus sit amet orci. Vivamus varius dolor lobortis, rhoncus dui a, viverra eros. Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</p><ul>\r\n<li>Phasellus varius <strong>ligula</strong> sit amet ante elementum.</li>\r\n<li>Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</li>\r\n<li>Morbi pharetra posuere orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla quis nunc nisl.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p><i>Maecenas molestie tristique lacus, a mattis mi tempor a. Nunc ex nisi, aliquet sed bibendum vel, varius sit amet tortor. Integer at feugiat tortor.</i></p>"

Used to retrieve the plain text or HTML content of the internal/external 'Overview' field for any given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.
external [required] Specify if you wish to get the internal or external 'Overview' for the desired Company entity.

PUT /api/v1/companies/{id}/profile

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/profile?external=false' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Html": "
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi. Morbi rhoncus sem id accumsan finibus. <br></br>Vivamus pharetra ex id dictum tristique. Sed scelerisque finibus tempor. Maecenas eu luctus neque, eget congue leo. Vivamus sollicitudin malesuada scelerisque. Curabitur erat massa, tincidunt ut congue vitae, tempus sit amet orci. Vivamus varius dolor lobortis, rhoncus dui a, viverra eros. Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</p><ul>
<li>Phasellus varius <strong>ligula</strong> sit amet ante elementum.</li>
<li>Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</li>
<li>Morbi pharetra posuere orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla quis nunc nisl.</li>

<p><i>Maecenas molestie tristique lacus, a mattis mi tempor a. Nunc ex nisi, aliquet sed bibendum vel, varius sit amet tortor. Integer at feugiat tortor.</i></p>"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "831e1be9-42f9-4479-8643-6b75014f1299",
    "Text": "Ipsum Lorem\r\n\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi. Morbi rhoncus sem id accumsan finibus. Vivamus pharetra ex id dictum tristique. Sed scelerisque finibus tempor. Maecenas eu luctus neque, eget congue leo. Vivamus sollicitudin malesuada scelerisque. Curabitur erat massa, tincidunt ut congue vitae, tempus sit amet orci. Vivamus varius dolor lobortis, rhoncus dui a, viverra eros. Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.Phasellus varius ligula sit amet ante elementum.Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.Morbi pharetra posuere orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla quis nunc nisl.\r\nMaecenas molestie tristique lacus, a mattis mi tempor a. Nunc ex nisi, aliquet sed bibendum vel, varius sit amet tortor. Integer at feugiat tortor.",
    "Html": "\r\n<p>\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lobortis nunc eget nisi euismod, ac tristique dolor luctus. Praesent consequat euismod tortor semper volutpat. Praesent in dui a lectus bibendum elementum. Etiam facilisis interdum erat, ut pretium leo condimentum eget. Integer maximus gravida nibh in posuere. Sed rhoncus pharetra est, ac consectetur nisl ultrices sed. Quisque in porttitor ligula. Nulla facilisi. Morbi rhoncus sem id accumsan finibus. <br></br>Vivamus pharetra ex id dictum tristique. Sed scelerisque finibus tempor. Maecenas eu luctus neque, eget congue leo. Vivamus sollicitudin malesuada scelerisque. Curabitur erat massa, tincidunt ut congue vitae, tempus sit amet orci. Vivamus varius dolor lobortis, rhoncus dui a, viverra eros. Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</p><ul>\r\n<li>Phasellus varius <strong>ligula</strong> sit amet ante elementum.</li>\r\n<li>Ut tellus ante, gravida quis lectus et, malesuada auctor metus. Aenean a tincidunt mauris.</li>\r\n<li>Morbi pharetra posuere orci. Nulla facilisi. Nulla quis nunc nisl.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p><i>Maecenas molestie tristique lacus, a mattis mi tempor a. Nunc ex nisi, aliquet sed bibendum vel, varius sit amet tortor. Integer at feugiat tortor.</i></p>"

Allows you to populate the internal or external 'Overview' fields for the given Company entity using either HTML or Plain Text.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Company entity.
external [required] Specify if you wish to update the internal or external 'Overview' for the desired Company entity.


Within the Invenias platform, the People entity stands as one of the core pillars among four primary entities. A person in this context can embody multiple roles, serving as a Partner, Supplier, Client, Referee, Source, and/or a Candidate.

The People entity thrives on establishing meaningful connections and associations across a wide spectrum of data. Through relational links, it dynamically connects with other entities such as Assignments, Education, Locations, fellow People, and Employment, among numerous other relationship types.

By encompassing such diverse roles and facilitating a network of relationships, the People entity plays a crucial role in the Invenias system, empowering comprehensive management and insightful analysis of data related to individuals and their affiliations.

Table 1. People Endpoint Summary

Name Description
POST /api/v1/people/list Returns a list of People entities in the database.
POST /api/v1/people Create a People entity in the database.
GET /api/v1/people/{id} Returns information about any given People entity in the database.
PUT /api/v1/people/{id} Replace the representation of a target People entity.
PATCH /api/v1/people/{id} Update one or more fields of a target People entity.
DELETE /api/v1/people/{id} Deletes any given People entity in the database.
POST /api/v1/people/bulkDelete Deletes many Company entities in the database.

POST /api/v1/people/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
  "PageSize": 3,
  "PageIndex": 0,
  "UsePaging": true,
  "ReturnTotalCount": true,
  "ReturnTotalDatabaseItemCount": true,
  "Select": [
  "Sort": [
      "Selector": "PersonReferenceNumber",
      "Desc": false

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Daiwa Securities",
            "FileAs": "Ms. ANGELA COOPER",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PersonReferenceNumber": "P0000001",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Associate",
            "ItemId": "fc64f137-afca-43d8-8631-032c15908ebf",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Citigroup",
            "FileAs": "Paula Fisher",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PersonReferenceNumber": "P0000002",
            "PositionJobTitle": "Analyst",
            "ItemId": "9234609c-86c0-4956-aeb5-034e1fcf823a",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "CompanyDisplayName": "Jefferies Group",
            "FileAs": "Peter Phillips",
            "ItemType": "People",
            "PersonReferenceNumber": "P0000003",
            "PositionJobTitle": "President",
            "ItemId": "cf7e0b6d-5dce-43bc-8d01-03b4cf703add",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint will return a list of Person type entities in the tenant database.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/people

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
  "OptionalId": "f7a082a8-c2fd-4581-bccb-3237cf34442d",
  "DefaultPosition": {
    "OptionalId": "8c19e03f-48c8-4b75-ba14-aa0ad448b3c9",
    "JobTitle": "Cheif Executive Officer",
    "StartDate": "2024-07-02T12:14:41.717Z",
    "EndDate": "",
    "PositionStatus": "Current",
    "PositionType": {
      "Value": 0
    "IsDefault": true,
    "Company": {
      "Id": "43e49a08-1766-4324-84d8-d918af2fd5ca"
    "Description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut laoreet scelerisque est, egestas porttitor ipsum vulputate ut. Cras aliquam erat id erat malesuada, sed iaculis dui porttitor",
    "InternalComments": "Cras in augue varius tellus tincidunt luctus"
  "Owner": {
    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"
  "NameComponents": {
    "FullName": "Jane Doe",
    "FamilyName": "Doe",
    "FirstName": "Jane",
    "Title": "Miss"
  "CandidateStatus": {
    "Id": "72434cd3-4d02-4678-ab21-b32b2e8d11bb"
  "IsClient": false,
  "IsPartner": false,
  "IsCandidate": true,
  "IsSupplier": false,
  "IsPermanentCandidate": true,
  "IsInterimCandidate": false,
  "IsNonExecCandidate": false,
  "IsDoNotMailshot": true,
  "IsDoNotContact": false,
  "IsVIP": false,
  "IsWillingToTravel": true,
  "IsWillingToRelocate": true,
  "DateOfBirth": "1975-07-02T12:14:41.717Z",
  "MaritalStatus": {
    "Id": "e4060a61-7071-4fdc-aec7-b742a96d6f4b"
  "Nationality": {
    "Id": "24c4712e-5637-4072-9bd7-d6c654690dee"
  "Gender": {
    "Id": "63f0b6e6-35c8-4ab5-9a00-89ad7e8d9df0"
  "HomeAddress": {
    "FullAddress": "38 Market Place\r\nReading\r\nRG1 2DE\r\nUNITED KINGDOM",
    "Street": "38 Market Place",
    "TownCity": "Reading",
    "Postcode": "RG1 2DE",
    "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
  "EmailAddresses": [
      "IsPersonal": true,
      "IsBusiness": false,
      "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 0,
      "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 0,
      "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
      "FieldName": "Email1Address",
      "ItemValue": ""
  "PhoneNumbers": [
      "IsPrimary": true,
      "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 0,
      "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 0,
      "FormattedValue": "+44 (7700) 900328",
      "PhoneNumberComponents": {
        "Area": "7700",
        "CountryCode": "44",
        "Local": "900328",
        "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
        "PhoneCode": "44"
      "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
      "FieldName": "MobilePhone",
      "ItemValue": "+447700900328"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "f7a082a8-c2fd-4581-bccb-3237cf34442d",
    "DefaultPosition": {
        "PositionId": "8c19e03f-48c8-4b75-ba14-aa0ad448b3c9",
        "EntityDetails": {
            "DateCreated": "2024-07-02T13:23:54.0749031+00:00",
            "DateModified": "2024-07-02T13:23:54.0749031+00:00",
            "CreatedBy": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
            "ModifiedBy": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
            "Owner": {
                "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
                "ItemType": "Users"
        "JobTitle": "Cheif Executive Officer",
        "StartDate": "2024-07-02T12:14:41.717+00:00",
        "PositionStatus": "Current",
        "PositionType": {
            "Value": 0,
            "ItemType": "Positions"
        "IsDefault": true,
        "Company": {
            "Id": "43e49a08-1766-4324-84d8-d918af2fd5ca",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Barclays Capital",
            "ItemType": "Companies"
        "Description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut laoreet scelerisque est, egestas porttitor ipsum vulputate ut. Cras aliquam erat id erat malesuada, sed iaculis dui porttitor",
        "InternalComments": "Cras in augue varius tellus tincidunt luctus",
        "BusinessAddress": {
            "FullAddress": ""
    "EntityDetails": {
        "DateCreated": "2024-07-02T13:23:54.043703+00:00",
        "DateModified": "2024-07-02T13:23:54.0749031+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "ExternalLikesCount": 0,
    "IsLikedByCurrentUser": false,
    "IsFavourite": false,
    "PersonNumber": "P0000215",
    "Age": 48,
    "NameComponents": {
        "FullName": "Jane Doe",
        "FamilyName": "Doe",
        "FirstName": "Jane"
    "CandidateStatus": {
        "Id": "72434cd3-4d02-4678-ab21-b32b2e8d11bb",
        "DisplayTitle": "Candidate Status",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Placed",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "IsClient": false,
    "IsPartner": false,
    "IsCandidate": true,
    "IsSupplier": false,
    "IsPermanentCandidate": true,
    "IsInterimCandidate": false,
    "IsNonExecCandidate": false,
    "IsDoNotMailshot": true,
    "IsDoNotContact": false,
    "IsVIP": false,
    "IsWillingToTravel": true,
    "IsWillingToRelocate": true,
    "DateOfBirth": "1975-07-02T12:14:41.717+00:00",
    "MaritalStatus": {
        "Id": "e4060a61-7071-4fdc-aec7-b742a96d6f4b",
        "DisplayTitle": "Marital Status",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Divorced",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Nationality": {
        "Id": "24c4712e-5637-4072-9bd7-d6c654690dee",
        "DisplayTitle": "Nationality",
        "ItemDisplayText": "British",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Gender": {
        "Id": "63f0b6e6-35c8-4ab5-9a00-89ad7e8d9df0",
        "DisplayTitle": "Gender",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Female",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "HomeAddress": {
        "FullAddress": "38 Market Place\r\nReading\r\nRG1 2DE\r\nUNITED KINGDOM",
        "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 0,
        "Street": "38 Market Place",
        "TownCity": "Reading",
        "County": "",
        "Postcode": "RG1 2DE",
        "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
    "EmailAddresses": [
            "IsPersonal": true,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 0,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 2,
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "Email1Address",
            "DisplayTitle": "Email",
            "ItemValue": ""
    "PhoneNumbers": [
            "IsPrimary": true,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 3,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 0,
            "FormattedValue": "+44 (7700) 900328",
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                "Area": "7700",
                "CountryCode": "44",
                "Local": "900328",
                "Country": "United Kingdom",
                "PhoneCode": "44"
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "MobilePhone",
            "DisplayTitle": "Mobile",
            "ItemValue": "+447700900328"

Please note, a successful request will return a 201 created code.

This endpoint will allow you to create a new Person entity in the tenant database.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/people/{id}

Example Response (JSON)

This endpoint will return information about any given Person entity in the tenant database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired Person entity.

HTTP Request


PUT /api/v1/people/{id}

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
  "Owner": {
    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5"
  "DefaultPosition": {
    "CopyLocationInformationToPosition": true,
    "JobTitle": "Cheif Executive Officer",
    "StartDate": "2024-07-02T12:14:41.717Z",
    "EndDate": "",
    "PositionStatus": "Current",
    "PositionType": {
      "Value": 0
    "IsDefault": true,
    "Company": {
      "Id": "43e49a08-1766-4324-84d8-d918af2fd5ca"
    "Benefits": "string",
    "Description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut laoreet scelerisque est, egestas porttitor ipsum vulputate ut. Cras aliquam erat id erat malesuada, sed iaculis dui porttitor",
    "InternalComments": "Cras in augue varius tellus tincidunt luctus"
  "NameComponents": {
    "FullName": "Jane Doe",
    "FamilyName": "Doe",
    "FirstName": "Jane",
    "Title": "Miss"
  "InternalComments": "Phasellus eget aliquet velit, ornare lobortis lectus. Morbi dignissim iaculis erat, ut dapibus magna aliquam at. Praesent eu rutrum sem.",
  "Headline": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec euismod nunc. Ut rhoncus libero id volutpat lacinia. In mauris diam, viverra id justo ac, auctor luctus augue.",
  "CandidateStatus": {
    "Id": "72434cd3-4d02-4678-ab21-b32b2e8d11bb"
  "IsClient": false,
  "IsPartner": false,
  "IsCandidate": true,
  "IsSupplier": false,
  "IsPermanentCandidate": true,
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  "IsNonExecCandidate": false,
  "IsDoNotMailshot": true,
  "IsDoNotContact": false,
  "IsVIP": false,
  "IsWillingToTravel": true,
  "IsWillingToRelocate": true,
  "DateOfBirth": "2024-07-04T10:27:26.794Z",
 "MaritalStatus": {
    "Id": "e4060a61-7071-4fdc-aec7-b742a96d6f4b"
  "Nationality": {
    "Id": "24c4712e-5637-4072-9bd7-d6c654690dee"
  "Gender": {
    "Id": "63f0b6e6-35c8-4ab5-9a00-89ad7e8d9df0"
  "HomeAddress": {
    "FullAddress": "38 Market Place\r\nReading\r\nRG1 2DE\r\nUNITED KINGDOM",
    "Street": "38 Market Place",
    "TownCity": "Reading",
    "Postcode": "RG1 2DE",
    "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
  "EmailAddresses": [
      "IsPersonal": true,
      "IsBusiness": false,
      "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 0,
      "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 0,
      "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
      "FieldName": "Email1Address",
      "ItemValue": ""
  "PhoneNumbers": [
      "IsPrimary": true,
      "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 0,
      "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 0,
      "FormattedValue": "+44 (7700) 900328",
      "PhoneNumberComponents": {
        "Area": "7700",
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        "Local": "900328",
        "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
        "PhoneCode": "44"
      "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
      "FieldName": "MobilePhone",
      "ItemValue": "+447700900328"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "f7a082a8-c2fd-4581-bccb-3237cf34442d",
    "DefaultPosition": {
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            "DateCreated": "2024-07-02T13:23:54.0749031+00:00",
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            "CreatedBy": {
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                "ItemType": "Users"
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                "ItemType": "Users"
            "Owner": {
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                "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
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        "PermanentPackages": [],
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        "InterimRates": [],
        "JobTitle": "Cheif Executive Officer",
        "StartDate": "2024-07-02T12:14:41.717+00:00",
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            "ItemType": "Positions"
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        "Benefits": "string",
        "Description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut laoreet scelerisque est, egestas porttitor ipsum vulputate ut. Cras aliquam erat id erat malesuada, sed iaculis dui porttitor",
        "InternalComments": "Cras in augue varius tellus tincidunt luctus",
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                "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 0,
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                "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 1,
                "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
                "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
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                "DisplayTitle": "Business Tel",
                "ItemValue": ""
                "IsPrimary": false,
                "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 1,
                "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
                "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
                "FieldName": "BusinessFax",
                "DisplayTitle": "Business Fax",
                "ItemValue": ""
        "Assistants": [],
        "Managers": [],
        "Departments": []
    "RecordPictures": [],
    "Links": [],
    "InternalLikesCount": 0,
    "EntityDetails": {
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        "DateModified": "2024-07-04T10:38:42.9707743+00:00",
        "CreatedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "ModifiedBy": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemDisplayText": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ItemType": "Users"
    "ExternalLikesCount": 0,
    "IsLikedByCurrentUser": false,
    "IsFavourite": false,
    "PersonNumber": "P0000215",
    "Age": -1,
    "OffMarketComponents": {
        "IsRestricted": false,
        "IsInherited": true,
        "NotificationMessage": "Off Limits restrictions apply to this record because this person currently works for a company that is set as off limits. Policy Enforced on Subsidiaries",
        "ParentModels": [
                "ParentItemReference": {
                    "Id": "f7c604c3-75ca-42cd-bf5c-36d670187bc4",
                    "ItemDisplayText": "Policy Enforced on Subsidiaries",
                    "ItemType": "OffLimitPolicies"
                "IsOffMarket": true,
                "Reason": "Policy Enforced on Subsidiaries",
                "Owner": {
                    "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
                    "ItemType": "Users"
                "Status": 1,
                "IsPriority": false
        "IsOffMarket": true,
        "Reason": "Policy Enforced on Subsidiaries",
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "b91c87bd-0f45-4441-92bd-2c19f79c8af5",
            "ItemType": "Users"
        "Status": 1,
        "IsPriority": false
    "OffLimitsComponents": {
        "IsOffLimits": true,
        "NotificationMessage": "Policy Enforced on Subsidiaries"
    "PermanentPackages": [],
    "NonExecPackages": [],
    "InterimRates": [],
    "RecordManagementDetails": {
        "Owners": [],
        "Groups": [
                "Id": "8542c690-55f8-4d3e-b504-0646fa8c2bee",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Team B",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
                "Id": "0726e379-8040-4efd-b953-65b38d4e4262",
                "ItemDisplayText": "General Search",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
                "Id": "a24f1f31-e45b-49b6-8aa8-a23f16b6d6ed",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Business Unit A",
                "ItemType": "RecordManagementGroupListEntries"
        "Organisations": []
    "IsProfessionalUser": false,
    "IsClientUser": false,
    "IsCandidateUser": false,
    "Consent": {
        "ConsentStatus": "NotInformed",
        "StatusDisplayText": "Not Yet Informed",
        "IsApprovedAndValid": false,
        "Purposes": [
                "Id": "a30761f0-5488-4071-a889-475438df30a4",
                "ItemDisplayText": "Executive Search / Board Search",
                "ItemType": "DataProtectionPurposes"
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                "ItemType": "DataProtectionLawfulBases"
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    "NameComponents": {
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        "FamilyName": "Doe",
        "FirstName": "Jane",
        "Title": "Miss"
    "InternalComments": "Phasellus eget aliquet velit, ornare lobortis lectus. Morbi dignissim iaculis erat, ut dapibus magna aliquam at. Praesent eu rutrum sem.",
    "Headline": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec euismod nunc. Ut rhoncus libero id volutpat lacinia. In mauris diam, viverra id justo ac, auctor luctus augue.",
    "CandidateStatus": {
        "Id": "72434cd3-4d02-4678-ab21-b32b2e8d11bb",
        "DisplayTitle": "Candidate Status",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Placed",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
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    "IsSupplier": false,
    "IsPermanentCandidate": true,
    "IsInterimCandidate": false,
    "IsNonExecCandidate": false,
    "IsDoNotMailshot": true,
    "IsDoNotContact": false,
    "IsVIP": false,
    "IsWillingToTravel": true,
    "IsWillingToRelocate": true,
    "DateOfBirth": "2024-07-04T10:27:26.794+00:00",
    "MaritalStatus": {
        "Id": "e4060a61-7071-4fdc-aec7-b742a96d6f4b",
        "DisplayTitle": "Marital Status",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Divorced",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Nationality": {
        "Id": "24c4712e-5637-4072-9bd7-d6c654690dee",
        "DisplayTitle": "Nationality",
        "ItemDisplayText": "British",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "Gender": {
        "Id": "63f0b6e6-35c8-4ab5-9a00-89ad7e8d9df0",
        "DisplayTitle": "Gender",
        "ItemDisplayText": "Female",
        "ItemType": "LookupListEntries"
    "HomeAddress": {
        "FullAddress": "38 Market Place\r\nReading\r\nRG1 2DE\r\nUNITED KINGDOM",
        "Latitude": 51.4555942,
        "Longitude": -0.9698702,
        "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 0,
        "Street": "38 Market Place",
        "TownCity": "Reading",
        "County": "",
        "Postcode": "RG1 2DE",
        "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
    "EmailAddresses": [
            "IsPersonal": true,
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            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 0,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndex": 2,
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "Email1Address",
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            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 1,
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
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            "DisplayTitle": "Email 2"
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "FieldName": "Email3Address",
            "DisplayTitle": "Email 3"
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 2,
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "Skype",
            "DisplayTitle": "Skype"
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "FieldName": "Messenger",
            "DisplayTitle": "Live Messenger"
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "FieldName": "Yahoo",
            "DisplayTitle": "Yahoo"
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "FieldName": "ICQ",
            "DisplayTitle": "ICQ"
            "IsPersonal": false,
            "IsBusiness": false,
            "FieldName": "GTalk",
            "DisplayTitle": "GTalk"
    "PhoneNumbers": [
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "DirectLine",
            "DisplayTitle": "Direct Line",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 2,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "HomePhone",
            "DisplayTitle": "Home",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "HomePhone2",
            "DisplayTitle": "Home 2",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "HomeFax",
            "DisplayTitle": "Home Fax",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPrimary": true,
            "PreferredDisplayOrderIndexLegacy": 3,
            "FormattedValue": "+44 (7700) 900328",
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {
                "Area": "7700",
                "CountryCode": "44",
                "Local": "900328",
                "Country": "United Kingdom",
                "PhoneCode": "44"
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
            "FieldName": "MobilePhone",
            "DisplayTitle": "Mobile",
            "ItemValue": "+447700900328"
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "MobilePhone2",
            "DisplayTitle": "Mobile 2",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "CarPhone",
            "DisplayTitle": "Car Phone",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "Pager",
            "DisplayTitle": "Pager",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "ISDN",
            "DisplayTitle": "ISDN",
            "ItemValue": ""
            "IsPrimary": false,
            "PhoneNumberComponents": {},
            "IsVisibleAsDefault": false,
            "FieldName": "OtherPhone",
            "DisplayTitle": "Other",
            "ItemValue": ""
    "Websites": [],
    "CustomFreeTextFields": [
            "FieldName": "PersonCustom4",
            "DisplayTitle": "GMAT"
            "FieldName": "PersonCustom5",
            "DisplayTitle": "Employment status"
            "FieldName": "PersonCustom6",
            "DisplayTitle": "Residential status"
            "FieldName": "PersonCustom7",
            "DisplayTitle": "Work Pass type"
    "CustomReferenceFields": [
            "FieldName": "PersonCustom1",
            "ApplicationEnumerationKey": "PersonCustom1",
            "DisplayTitle": "LOS",
            "ItemDisplayText": ""
            "FieldName": "PersonCustom2",
            "ApplicationEnumerationKey": "PersonCustom2",
            "DisplayTitle": "Current Firm LOS",
            "ItemDisplayText": ""
            "FieldName": "PersonCustom3",
            "ApplicationEnumerationKey": "PersonCustom3",
            "DisplayTitle": "Non-Compete",
            "ItemDisplayText": ""

This endpoint allows you to replace a representation of the target People entity with the request payload.

HTTP Request


Table 2. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired People entity.

PATCH /api/v1/people/{id}

curl --location --globoff --request PATCH 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Fields": {
        "Email1Address": "",
        "Headline": "",
        "DoNotMailshotChecked": true,
        "DateOfBirth": "1975-07-02"

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint enables the partial update of one or more fields within the specified People entity using the PATCH method. Refer to the table below for the list of updatable fields.

Table 1. Patchable Field Summary

Name Type Nullable
FileAs nvarchar(100) TRUE
FirstName nvarchar(50) TRUE
FamilyName nvarchar(50) TRUE
MiddleName nvarchar(50) TRUE
MaidenName nvarchar(50) TRUE
Suffix nvarchar(20) TRUE
Title nvarchar(20) TRUE
Source FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
VIPChecked boolean TRUE
TypeClientChecked boolean TRUE
ClientStatus FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
TypeCandidateChecked boolean TRUE
CandidateStatus FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
ContractChecked boolean TRUE
NonExecChecked boolean TRUE
PermanentChecked boolean TRUE
TypeSupplierChecked boolean TRUE
TypePartnerChecked boolean TRUE
Headline nvarchar(max) TRUE
InternalComments nvarchar(max) TRUE
DoNotContactChecked boolean TRUE
DoNotMailshotChecked boolean TRUE
MartialStatus FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
Sex FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
Nationality FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
RelocateChecked boolean TRUE
TravelChecked boolean TRUE
PayrollNumber nvarchar TRUE
NiNumber nvarchar TRUE
DateOfBirth datetime TRUE
PersonCustom1 FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
PersonCustom2 FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
PersonCustom3 FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
PersonCustom4 nvarchar(max) TRUE
PersonCustom5 nvarchar(max) TRUE
PersonCustom6 nvarchar(max) TRUE
PersonCustom7 nvarchar(max) TRUE
NoticePeriod FK uniqueidentifier TRUE
CustomPhone1 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomPhone2 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomPhone3 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomPhone4 nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomPhone5 nvarchar(50) TRUE
HomePhone nvarchar(50) TRUE
HomePhone2 nvarchar(50) TRUE
MobilePhone nvarchar(50) TRUE
MobilePhone2 nvarchar(50) TRUE
DirectLine nvarchar(50) TRUE
HomeFax nvarchar(50) TRUE
CarPhone nvarchar(50) TRUE
Pager nvarchar(50) TRUE
ISDN nvarchar(50) TRUE
OtherPhone nvarchar(50) TRUE
CustomEmail1 nvarchar(100) TRUE
CustomEmail2 nvarchar(100) TRUE
CustomEmail3 nvarchar(100) TRUE
CustomEmail4 nvarchar(100) TRUE
CustomEmail5 nvarchar(100) TRUE
Email1Address nvarchar(100) TRUE
Email2Address nvarchar(100) TRUE
Email3Address nvarchar(100) TRUE
Email1AddressIsPersonal boolean FALSE
Email2AddressIsPersonal boolean FALSE
Email3AddressIsPersonal boolean FALSE
CustomEmail1IsPersonal boolean FALSE
CustomEmail2IsPersonal boolean FALSE
CustomEmail3IsPersonal boolean FALSE
CustomEmail4IsPersonal boolean FALSE
CustomEmail5IsPersonal boolean FALSE
Email1AddressIsBusiness boolean FALSE
Email2AddressIsBusiness boolean FALSE
Email3AddressIsBusiness boolean FALSE
CustomEmail1IsBusiness boolean FALSE
CustomEmail2IsBusiness boolean FALSE
CustomEmail3IsBusiness boolean FALSE
CustomEmail4IsBusiness boolean FALSE
CustomEmail5IsBusiness boolean FALSE
Skype nvarchar(100) TRUE
Messenger nvarchar(100) TRUE
Yahoo nvarchar(100) TRUE
ICQ nvarchar(100) TRUE
GTalk nvarchar(100) TRUE
LinkedIn nvarchar(max) TRUE
LinkedInId nvarchar(max) TRUE
XING nvarchar(max) TRUE
Facebook nvarchar(max) TRUE
Twitter nvarchar(max) TRUE
BoardEx nvarchar(max) TRUE
BoardExRCM nvarchar(max) TRUE
Etz nvarchar(max) TRUE
Xero nvarchar(max) TRUE
BlueSteps nvarchar(max) TRUE
Broadbean nvarchar(max) TRUE
Idibu nvarchar(max) TRUE
HomeStreet nvarchar(250) TRUE
HomeCity nvarchar(100) TRUE
HomeCountry nvarchar(100) TRUE
HomePostalCode nvarchar(20) TRUE
HomeState nvarchar(100) TRUE
BenefitsSought nvarchar(max) TRUE
NickName nvarchar(50) TRUE
AIM nvarchar(100) TRUE
Bebo nvarchar(100) TRUE
PassportNumber nvarchar(100) TRUE
VisaStatus nvarchar(100) TRUE
AvailableDate datetime TRUE
ContactObjective nvarchar(255) TRUE
ObjectiveDate datetime TRUE
ExternalId1 nvarchar(max) TRUE
ExternalId2 nvarchar(max) TRUE
ExternalId3 nvarchar(max) TRUE
OwnerId FK uniqueidentifier FALSE

HTTP Request


Table 2. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired People entity.

DELETE /api/v1/people/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The DELETE /api/v1/people/{id} endpoint is used to permanently delete a single People entity per request.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the desired People entity.

POST /api/v1/people/bulkdelete

Example (cURL)

curl --location 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "904d913e-c2dd-4b5d-9c0d-699aaf03dc58"
            "Id": "06ee9193-a64f-4ab9-93a3-df9e03feba3c"

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The POST /api/v1/people/bulkdelete endpoint is used to permanently delete more than one People entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
ids [required] Specify the unique identifiers for the People entities you wish to delete.


Invenias applications allow their end-users to add, replace and remove images from Company and People entities. The following endpoints can be leveraged to read, replace and add images to the aforementiond entities.

Table 1. Image Endpoint Summary

Name Description
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/recordpicture Allows you to upload and link an image to a given Company entity.
GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/recordpicture Returns a list of URL's for an image linked to a given Company entity.
PUT /api/v1/companies/{id}/recordpicture Allows you to replace an image liked to a given Company entity.
DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id}/recordpicture Allows you to delete an image liked to a given Company entity.
POST /api/v1/people/{id}/recordpicture Allows you to upload and link an image to a given People entity.
GET /api/v1/people/{id}/recordpicture Returns a list of URL's for an image linked to a given People entity.
PUT /api/v1/people/{id}/recordpicture Allows you to replace an image liked to a given People entity.
DELETE /api/v1/people/{id}/recordpicture Allows you to delete an image liked to a given People entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/recordpicture

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/recordpicture' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--form 'File=@"C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Desktop/cropped-Invenias_Linear.png"'

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint allows you to upload and link an image to a given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the Company entity you wish to upload and link an image to.

GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/recordpicture

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{id}/recordpicture' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "Uri": "https://{subdomain}{id}/{id}?modified=1639402858",
        "MimeType": "PNG"
        "Uri": "https://{subdomain}{id}/{id}_16_16?modified=1639402858",
        "Width": 16.0,
        "Height": 16.0,
        "MimeType": "PNG"
        "Uri": "https://{subdomain}{id}/{id}_16_16_circle?modified=1639402858",
        "Width": 16.0,
        "Height": 16.0,
        "MimeType": "PNG"
        "Uri": "https://{subdomain}{id}/{id}_32_32?modified=1639402858",
        "Width": 32.0,
        "Height": 32.0,
        "MimeType": "PNG"

This endpoint returns a list of URL's to the image uploaded for the given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the Company entity you to get the image for.

PUT /api/v1/companies/{id}/recordpicture

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/recordpicture' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--form 'File=@"C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Desktop/Invenias_By_Bullhorn_RGB_Color.png"'

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint allows you to update/replace an image to linked a given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the Company entity you wish to replace/update the image for.

DELETE /api/v1/companies/{id}/recordpicture

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}/recordpicture' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

This endpoint allows you to delete an image to linked a given Company entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the Company entity you wish to delete the image for.

POST /api/v1/people/{id}/recordpicture

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}{id}/recordpicture' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--form 'URL=@"C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Pictures/PersonImage.jpeg"'

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint allows you to upload and link an image to a given People entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the People entity you wish to upload and link an image to.

GET /api/v1/people/{id}/recordpicture

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{id}/recordpicture' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

        "Uri": "https://{subdomain}",
        "MimeType": "PNG"
        "Uri": "https://{subdomain}",
        "Width": 16.0,
        "Height": 16.0,
        "MimeType": "PNG"
        "Uri": "https://{subdomain}",
        "Width": 16.0,
        "Height": 16.0,
        "MimeType": "PNG"

This endpoint returns a list of URL's to the image uploaded for the given People entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the People entity you to get the image for.

PUT /api/v1/people/{id}/recordpicture

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}{id}/recordpicture' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--form 'File=@"C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Pictures/PersonImage.jpeg"'

Please note, successful requests will return a 204 No Content response code.

This endpoint allows you to update/replace an image to linked a given People entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the People entity you wish to replace/update the image for.

DELETE /api/v1/people/{id}/recordpicture

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}{id}/recordpicture' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

This endpoint allows you to delete an image to linked a given People entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for the People entity you wish to delete the image for.


Table 1. Document Endpoint Summary

Name Description
POST /api/v1/documents/list Returns a list of Document entities in the database.
DELETE /api/v1/documents/{id} Deletes a single Document entity per request.
PUT /api/v1/documents/{id} Adds or changes values to a single Document entity per request.
POST /api/v1/documents/bulkDelete Deletes many Document entities per request.
PUT /api/v1/documents/{id}/rename Renames a single Document entity per request.
POST /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/list Returns a list of Document entities in the database that are relationally linked to a single Person entity.
POST /api/v1/people/{id}/document Adds a single document to Azure Blob Storage and relationally link it to a single Person entity.
GET /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/{documentId} Downloads a single Document entity from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally linked to a single Person entity.
POST /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/{documentId}/defaultCv Flags a single Document entity from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally linked to a single Person entity as the Default Curriculum Vitae.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/documents/list Returns a list of Document entities in the database that are relationally linked to a single Company entity.
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/document Adds a single document to Azure Blob Storage and relationally link it to a single Company entity.
GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/documents/{documentId} Downloads a single Document entity from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally linked to a single Company entity.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/documents/list Returns a list of Document entities in the database that are relationally linked to a single Assignment entity.
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/document Adds a single document to Azure Blob Storage and relationally link it to a single Assignment entity.
GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/documents/{documentId} Downloads a single Document entity from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally linked to a single Assignment entity.
POST /api/v1/programmes/{id}/documents/list Returns a list of Document entities in the database that are relationally linked to a single Programme entity.
POST /api/v1/programmes/{id}/document Adds a single document to Azure Blob Storage and relationally link it to a single Programme entity.
GET /api/v1/programmes/{id}/documents/{documentId} Downloads a single Document entity from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally linked to a single Programme entity.

POST /api/v1/documents/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [
    "Filter": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AttachmentName": "John Doe CV.docx",
            "DocumentTypeDisplayText": "Curriculum Vitae",
            "ItemId": "92582db4-5a10-47c2-94d3-59ced071d8a2",
            "ItemType": "Documents",
            "CreatedBy": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ExpirationDate": "2021-06-01T00:00:00+01:00",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/documents/list endpoint will return a list of Document Type entities in the database.

Amongst other things this endpoint can be leveraged for the following purposes:

HTTP Request


DELETE /api/v1/documents/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The DELETE /api/v1/documents/{id} endpoint is used to permanently delete a single Document entity per request.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the document entity you wish to delete.

PUT /api/v1/documents/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "IsDefaultCv": true,
    "ExpirationDate": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.000Z"

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The PUT /api/v1/documents/{id} endpoint can be used to add or change values to a single Document entity per request.

Amongst other things this endpoint can be leveraged for the following purposes:

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the document entity you wish to change.
request [required] The request model used to declare which values to change in the requested resource.

POST /api/v1/documents/bulkDelete

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "35351a78-40f0-463f-8912-1ebdd347644e"
            "Id": "2044b110-1805-4b15-bb1b-ec3515625f4a"

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The POST /api/v1/documents/bulkDelete endpoints allows you delete many Document entities in a single requests.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
ids [required] Specify the unique identifiers for the 'Document' entities you wish to delete.

PUT /api/v1/documents/{id}/rename

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, successful requests will return a 200 OK response code.

The PUT /api/v1/documents/{id}/rename allows you to rename the name of a single 'Document' entity.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Description
id [required] Specify the unique identifier for the 'Document' entity you wish to rename.
documentName [required] Specify the new name for the 'Document' entity.

POST /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AttachmentName": "John Doe CV.docx",
            "DocumentTypeDisplayText": "Curriculum Vitae",
            "ItemId": "92582db4-5a10-47c2-94d3-59ced071d8a2",
            "ItemType": "Documents",
            "CreatedBy": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "ExpirationDate": "2021-06-01T00:00:00+01:00",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/list endpoint will return a list of Document Type entities relationally linked to a single 'Person' entity in the database.

Amongst others, we can leverage this endpoint for the following purposes:

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Person' entity.

POST /api/v1/people/{id}/document

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--form 'file=@"/C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Documents/Jane_Doe_CV.pdf"'

Example Response (JSON)

    "AttachmentName": "Jane_Doe_CV.pdf",
    "DocumentExtension": "application/pdf",
    "DocumentSize": 159205,
    "ItemId": "d3d7c45b-0a24-4452-b618-fc6e53833497",
    "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/people/{id}/document endpoint will add a document to Azure Blob Storage and relationally link it to a single 'Person' entity in the database.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/people/{id}/document

Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Person' entity.

GET /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/{documentId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

The response body will return the document in binary format. You can serialize binary back to its original file format by appending the documents' original file extension to the filename when saving the content of the response body.

The GET /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/{documentId} endpoint will retrieve the binary representation of the specified document from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally link it to a single 'Person' entity in the database. If there is over one version of the specified document, the endpoint will return the latest iteration.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/{documentId}

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Person' entity.
documentid [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Document' entity.

POST /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/{documentId}/defaultCv

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

A successful request will return a 204 response code "No Content".

The POST /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/{documentId}/defaultCv endpoint will flag the specific document as a 'Person' entities default curriculum vitae.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/people/{id}/documents/{documentId}/defaultCv

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Person' entity.
documentid [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Document' entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/documents/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AttachmentName": "INVACM180821.pdf",
            "DocumentExtension": "pdf",
            "DocumentTypeDisplayText": "Invoice",
            "ItemId": "7901923e-deb6-4cbb-8742-b2587414796e",
            "ItemType": "Documents",
            "CreatedBy": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/documents/list endpoint will return a list of Document Type entities relationally linked to a single Company entity in the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Company' entity.

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/document

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--form 'file=@"/C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Documents/INVACM180821.pdf"'

Example Response (JSON)

    "AttachmentName": "INVACM180821.pdf",
    "DocumentExtension": "application/pdf",
    "DocumentSize": 189345,
    "ItemId": "7901923e-deb6-4cbb-8742-b2587414796e",
    "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/document endpoint will add a document to Azure Blob Storage and relationally link it to a single 'Company' entity in the database.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/document

Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Company' entity.

GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/documents/{documentId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

The response body will return the document in binary format. You can serialize binary back to its original file format by appending the documents' original file extension to the filename when saving the content of the response body.

The GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/documents/{documentId} endpoint will retrieve the binary representation of the specified document from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally link it to a single 'Company' entity in the database. If there is over one version of the specified document, the endpoint will return the latest iteration.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/documents/{documentId}

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Company' entity.
documentid [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Document' entity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/documents/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AttachmentName": "A000002_Brief.pdf",
            "DocumentExtension": "pdf",
            "DocumentTypeDisplayText": "Client Brief",
            "ItemId": "7901923e-deb6-4cbb-8742-b2587414796e",
            "ItemType": "Documents",
            "CreatedBy": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/documents/list endpoint will return a list of Document Type entities relationally linked to a single Assignment entity in the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Assignment' entity.

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/document

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--form 'file=@"/C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Documents/A000002_Brief.pdf"'

Example Response (JSON)

    "AttachmentName": "A000002_Brief.pdf",
    "DocumentExtension": "application/pdf",
    "DocumentSize": 189345,
    "ItemId": "ed25ed9b-062b-4e10-a055-6fb024fe53b2",
    "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/document endpoint will add a document to Azure Blob Storage and relationally link it to a single 'Assignment' entity in the database.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/document

Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Assignment' entity.

GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/documents/{documentId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

The response body will return the document in binary format. You can serialize binary back to its original file format by appending the documents' original file extension to the filename when saving the content of the response body.

The GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/documents/{documentId} endpoint will retrieve the binary representation of the specified document from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally link it to a single 'Assignment' entity in the database. If there is over one version of the specified document, the endpoint will return the latest iteration.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/Assignments/{id}/documents/{documentId}

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Assignment' entity.
documentid [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Document' entity.

POST /api/v1/programmes/{id}/documents/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Select": [

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "AttachmentName": "Talent_Mapping.xlsx",
            "DocumentExtension": "xlsx",
            "ItemId": "27569250-5c88-4d19-9d31-e02d46a403a7",
            "ItemType": "Documents",
            "CreatedBy": "Glen Chamberlain",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/programmes/{id}/documents/list endpoint will return a list of Document Type entities relationally linked to a single Programme entity in the database.

HTTP Request


Table 1. Parameters Summary

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Programme' entity.

POST /api/v1/programmes/{id}/document

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--form 'file=@"/C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Documents/Talent_Mapping.xlsx"'

Example Response (JSON)

    "AttachmentName": "Talent_Mapping.xlsx",
    "DocumentExtension": "application/xlsx",
    "DocumentSize": 234123,
    "ItemId": "27569250-5c88-4d19-9d31-e02d46a403a7",
    "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

The POST /api/v1/programmes/{id}/document endpoint will add a document to Azure Blob Storage and relationally link it to a single 'Programme' entity in the database.

GET /api/v1/programmes/{id}/documents/{documentId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

The response body will return the document in binary format. You can serialize binary back to its original file format by appending the documents' original file extension to the filename when saving the content of the response body.

The GET /api/v1/programmes/{id}/documents/{documentId} endpoint will retrieve the binary representation of the specified document from Azure Blob Storage that is relationally link it to a single 'Programme' entity in the database. If there is over one version of the specified document, the endpoint will return the latest iteration.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/programmes/{id}/documents/{documentId}

Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Programme' entity.
documentid [required] String Specify the unique identifier for 'Document' entity.


Invenias uses parent-child hierarchies to categorise core entities (e.g., People, Companies, Assignments, Programmes, etc…) within category lists. We can see a category list as a container for one or many category levels related to a class or division of people or things regarded as having shared characteristics (e.g., Industry, Position Function, Position Level, etc…).

Figure 1. Invenias Professional – Category List modal.

Please note, the number of category lists allowed in Invenias is only limited only by the resources available in the database. This means that it's workable to have thousands of category lists; however, this is not advised as it would be unrealistic for end-users of our products to be categorizing records across this many data points.

Parent-child hierarchies have an unusual way of storing the hierarchy in the sense that they have a variable depth.

In the parent-child pattern, the hierarchy is not defined by columns in the table of the original data source. The hierarchy is based on a structure where each node of the hierarchy is related to the key to its parent node. For example, Figure 2 shows the first few rows of a parent-child hierarchy that defines an Industry structure for Assignments.

Figure 2. Invenias Professional – Parent Child Pattern

The full expansion of the parent-child hierarchy in this example requires four levels. Figure 3 shows that there is one column for each level of the hierarchy. The number of columns required depends on the data, so it is possible to add additional levels to accommodate for future changes in the data.

Figure 3. Example of a flattened hierarchy where each level of the original parent-child hierarchy is stored in a separate column.

Table 1. Category Endpoints Summary

Name Description
POST /api/v1/categorylists Used to create a new Category List.
POST /api/v1/categorylists/{categoryListId}/entries Used to create a new category within any given Category List
POST /api/v1/categorylists/{id}/entries/list Returns a list of all the categories that exist within a specific Category List.
GET /api/v1/categorylists/{categoryListId}/entries/{entryId} Returns the details for a specific Category List entry within the specified Category List.
DELETE /api/v1/categorylists/{categoryListId}/entries/{entryId} Used to delete a category within a specific Category List.
GET /api/v1/categorylists/{id} Returns the details related to a specified Category List.
GET /api/v1/categories/jobpostings Returns a list of all the Category Lists enabled for Advertisement entities (Including Categories).
GET /api/v1/jobpostings/{id}/categories Returns a list on Category List entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Advertisement entity.
POST /api/v1/jobpostings/{id}/categories Used to relationally link a specific Advertisement entity with one or more categories.
GET /api/v1/jobpostings/{id}/categories/{categoryListId} This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries within a specific list where they're relationally linked to an Advertisement entity.
DELETE /api/v1/jobpostings/{id}/categories/{categoryListEntryId} This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between an Advertisement and a Category List entry.
GET /api/v1/categories/assignments Returns a list of all the Category Lists enabled for Assignment entities (Including Categories).
POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/categories Used to relationally link a specific Assignment entity with one or more categories.
GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/categories Returns a list on Category List entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Assignment entity.
GET /api/v1/assignments/{assignmentId}/categories/{categoryListId} This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries within a specific list where they're relationally linked to an Assignment entity.
DELETE /api/v1/assignments/{assignmentId}/categories/{categoryListEntryId} This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between an Assignment and a Category List entry.
GET /api/v1/categories/companies Returns a list of all the Category Lists enabled for Company entities (Including Categories).
POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/categories Used to relationally link a specific Company entity with one or more categories.
GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/categories Returns a list on Category List entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Company entity.
GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/categories/{categoryListId} This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries within a specific list where they're relationally linked to a Company entity.
DELETE /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/categories/{categoryListEntryId} This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between a Company and a Category List entry.
GET /api/v1/categories/people Returns a list of all the Category Lists enabled for Person entities (Including Categories).
POST /api/v1/people/{id}/categories Used to relationally link a specific Person entity with one or more categories.
GET /api/v1/people/{id}/categories Returns a list on Category List entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Person entity.
GET /api/v1/people/{personId}/categories/{categoryListId} This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries within a specific list where they're relationally linked to a Person entity.
DELETE /api/v1/people/{personId}/categories/{categoryListEntryId} This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between a Person and a Category List entry.
GET /api/v1/categories/programmes Returns a list of all the Category Lists enabled for Programme entities (Including Categories).
POST /api/v1/programmes/{id}/categories Used to relationally link a specific Programme entity with one or more categories.
GET /api/v1/programmes/{id}/categories Returns a list on Category List entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Programme entity.
GET /api/v1/programmes/{programmeId}/categories/{categoryListId} This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries within a specific list where they're relationally linked to a Programme entity.
DELETE /api/v1/programmes/{programmeId}/categories/{categoryListEntryId} This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between a Programme and a Category List entry.
GET /api/v1/categories/assignments/{assignmentsId} Returns a list of Category Lists & Categories relationally linked to a specific Assignment entity.
GET /api/v1/categories/companies/{companyId} Returns a list of Category Lists & Categories relationally linked to a specific Company entity.
GET /api/v1/categories/people/{personId} Returns a list of Category Lists & Categories relationally linked to a specific Person entity.
GET /api/v1/categories/programmes/{programmesId} Returns a list of Category Lists & Categories relationally linked to a specific Programme entity.

POST /api/v1/categorylists

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "OptionalId": "106435bf-939a-43d7-a6b9-ea408f97bb78"
  "FileAs": "ICB",
  "OrderIndex": 0,
  "ShowDataColumns": true,
  "IsPeopleEnabled": true,
  "IsCompaniesEnabled": true,
  "IsAssignmentsEnabled": true,
  "IsAdvertisementsEnabled": true

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "106435bf-939a-43d7-a6b9-ea408f97bb78",
    "CategoryName": "ICB",
    "OrderIndex": 0,
    "ShowDataColumns": true

This endpoint is used to create a new Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
OptionalId (Optional) String Used to define the unique identifier for the new Category List.
FileAs [required] String Used to define the name of the Category List.
OrderIndex (Optional) Integer This specifies the ordinal position of the Category List as it will appear in Invenias systems.
ShowDataColumns (Optional) Boolean Used to enable/disable the timestamp feature in categories within the specified Category List.
IsPeopleEnabled [required] Boolean Used to define if the Category List should be visible in Person entities within Invenias systems.
IsCompaniesEnabled [required] Boolean Used to define if the Category List should be visible in Company entities within Invenias systems.
IsAssigmentsEnabled [required] Boolean Used to define if the Category List should be visible in Assignment entities within Invenias systems.
IsAdvertisementsEnabled [required] Boolean Used to define if the Category List should be visible in Advertisement entities within Invenias systems.

POST /api/v1/categorylists/{categoryListId}/entries

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "OptionalId": "9af48b85-5d7b-4e92-ad1b-4c1497a5ea0a",
  "CategoryName": "0001 Oil & Gas"

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "9af48b85-5d7b-4e92-ad1b-4c1497a5ea0a",
    "CategoryName": "0001 Oil & Gas",
    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
    "CategoryDisplayName": "0001 Oil & Gas"

This endpoint is used to create Categories within an existing Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
categoryListId [required] String The unique identitfier for the desired Category List.

POST /api/v1/categorylists/{id}/entries/list

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Example Response (JSON)

    "Items": [
            "FileAs": "Central African Republic",
            "ItemType": "CategoryListEntries",
            "ParentListEntryId": {
                "Id": "3e0127b5-97fd-4e4b-acd2-b463130804ad"
            "ItemId": "6b79bb1f-5119-4470-99ec-01ca75932e57",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"
            "FileAs": "Austria",
            "ItemType": "CategoryListEntries",
            "ParentListEntryId": {
                "Id": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129"
            "ItemId": "1b4ad1c1-9f32-47da-90cc-022ee32fad95",
            "OffLimitsStatus": "Off"

This endpoint will return a list of categories within any given Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identitfier for the desired Category List.

GET /api/v1/categorylists/{categoryListId}/entries/{entryId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "0d88ac7f-a7f2-4b46-bbcf-ad3e46fe1e8d",
    "CategoryName": "Caribbean",
    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
    "ParentListEntryId": "fd19a131-57d1-423a-b5d7-aa9b602e0d70",
    "CategoryDisplayName": "Caribbean"

This endpoint will return the details for a specific Category List entry within the specified Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
categoryListId [required] String The unique identitfier for the desired Category List.
entryId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List entry.

DELETE /api/v1/categorylists/{categoryListId}/entries/{entryId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, a successful request will return a 204 response code.

This endpoint will return details related to the specified Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
categoryListId [required] String The unique identitfier for the desired Category List.
entryId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List entry.

GET /api/v1/categorylists/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

This endpoint is used to get Category List entries within a given Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identitfier for the desired Category List.

GET /api/v1/categories/jobpostings

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "fd19a131-57d1-423a-b5d7-aa9b602e0d70",
                    "CategoryName": "AMERICAS",
                    "Children": [
                            "Id": "0d88ac7f-a7f2-4b46-bbcf-ad3e46fe1e8d",
                            "CategoryName": "Caribbean",
                            "Children": [
                                    "Id": "0880ff5b-4121-4d99-bc85-64241382669f",
                                    "CategoryName": "Anguilla",
                                    "Children": []


This endpoint will return a list of all the Category Lists and their categories that are enabled on the Advertisements entity type.

HTTP Request


GET /api/v1/jobpostings/{id}/categories

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "62e2cb36-df4e-496f-a0dd-31d2cc2fd8d7",
                    "CategoryName": "United Kingdom",
                    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "United Kingdom"
            "Id": "106435bf-939a-43d7-a6b9-ea408f97bb78",
            "CategoryName": "ICB",
            "OrderIndex": 0,
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": []

This endpoint returns a list of Category entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Advertisement.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Advertisement entity.

POST /api/v1/jobpostings/{id}/categories

Example (cURL) - Linking a single Category List entry to an Advertisement record.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "ItemReferences": [
      "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688"

Example (cURL) - Linking multiple Category List entries to an Advertisement record.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "6bcb23ec-13b5-455f-986f-727065e9f4c4"
            "Id": "cca86cf6-9fe8-489b-989f-96fea863822c"

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to relationally link a specific Advertisement entity with one or more categories.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Advertisement entity.

GET /api/v1/jobpostings/{id}/categories/{categoryListId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
    "CategoryName": "Location",
    "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
    "ShowDataColumns": true,
    "Categories": [
            "Id": "6bcb23ec-13b5-455f-986f-727065e9f4c4",
            "CategoryName": "Finland",
            "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
            "CategoryDisplayName": "Finland"
            "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688",
            "CategoryName": "France",
            "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
            "CategoryDisplayName": "France"
            "Id": "cca86cf6-9fe8-489b-989f-96fea863822c",
            "CategoryName": "Germany",
            "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
            "CategoryDisplayName": "Germany"
            "Id": "62e2cb36-df4e-496f-a0dd-31d2cc2fd8d7",
            "CategoryName": "United Kingdom",
            "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
            "CategoryDisplayName": "United Kingdom"

This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries that are relationally linked to an Advertisement entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Advertisement entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List.

DELETE /api/v1/jobpostings/{id}/categories/{categoryListEntryId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between an Advertisement and a Category List entry.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Advertisement entity.
categoryListEntryId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List entry.

GET /api/v1/categories/assignments

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "fd19a131-57d1-423a-b5d7-aa9b602e0d70",
                    "CategoryName": "AMERICAS",
                    "Children": [
                            "Id": "0d88ac7f-a7f2-4b46-bbcf-ad3e46fe1e8d",
                            "CategoryName": "Caribbean",
                            "Children": [
                                    "Id": "0880ff5b-4121-4d99-bc85-64241382669f",
                                    "CategoryName": "Anguilla",
                                    "Children": []


This endpoint will return a list of all the Category Lists and their categories that are enabled on the Assignments entity type.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/assignments/{id}/categories

Example (cURL) - Linking a single Category List entry to an Assignment record.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "ItemReferences": [
      "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688"

Example (cURL) - Linking multiple Category List entries to an Assignment record.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "6bcb23ec-13b5-455f-986f-727065e9f4c4"
            "Id": "cca86cf6-9fe8-489b-989f-96fea863822c"

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to relationally link a specific Assignment entity with one or more categories.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.

GET /api/v1/assignments/{id}/categories

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688",
                    "CategoryName": "France",
                    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "France"
            "Id": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
            "CategoryName": "Industry",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 1,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": []
            "Id": "2bc966ed-ce7e-4c42-9da7-4cf975bbd3f4",
            "CategoryName": "Position Function",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 2,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": []

This endpoint returns a list of Category entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Assignment.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.

GET /api/v1/assignments/{assignmentId}/categories/{categoryListId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
    "CategoryName": "Location",
    "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
    "ShowDataColumns": true,
    "Categories": [
            "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688",
            "CategoryName": "France",
            "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
            "CategoryDisplayName": "France"

This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries that are relationally linked to an Assignment entity by Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
assignmentId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List.

DELETE /api/v1/assignments/{assignmentId}/categories/{categoryListEntryId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between an Assignment and a Category List entry.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
assignmentId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List entry.

GET /api/v1/categories/companies

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "fd19a131-57d1-423a-b5d7-aa9b602e0d70",
                    "CategoryName": "AMERICAS",
                    "Children": [
                            "Id": "0d88ac7f-a7f2-4b46-bbcf-ad3e46fe1e8d",
                            "CategoryName": "Caribbean",
                            "Children": [
                                    "Id": "0880ff5b-4121-4d99-bc85-64241382669f",
                                    "CategoryName": "Anguilla",
                                    "Children": []


This endpoint will return a list of all the Category Lists and their categories that are enabled on the Company entity type.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/companies/{id}/categories

Example (cURL) - Linking a single Category List entry to a Company entity.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "ItemReferences": [
      "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688"

Example (cURL) - Linking multiple Category List entries to a Company entity.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "6bcb23ec-13b5-455f-986f-727065e9f4c4"
            "Id": "cca86cf6-9fe8-489b-989f-96fea863822c"

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to relationally link a specific Company entity with one or more categories.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

GET /api/v1/companies/{id}/categories

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
            "CategoryName": "Industry",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 1,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "ed36bebc-bd61-462c-8407-194b60a3804d",
                    "CategoryName": "Investment Banking",
                    "CategoryListId": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "7c2aaf54-2ba0-402c-814c-ac3c7195de46",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Investment Banking"
            "Id": "5378859c-3346-433f-a8b1-46e74bcd88c6",
            "CategoryName": "Marketing",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 7,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": []

This endpoint returns a list on Category List entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Company entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/categories/{categoryListId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
    "CategoryName": "Location",
    "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
    "ShowDataColumns": true,
    "Categories": [
            "Id": "62e2cb36-df4e-496f-a0dd-31d2cc2fd8d7",
            "CategoryName": "United Kingdom",
            "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
            "CategoryDisplayName": "United Kingdom"

This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries that are relationally linked to an Company entity by Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
companyId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Company entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List.

DELETE /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/categories/{categoryListEntryId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code. This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between an Company entity and a Category List entry.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
companyId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Company entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List entry.

GET /api/v1/categories/people

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "fd19a131-57d1-423a-b5d7-aa9b602e0d70",
                    "CategoryName": "AMERICAS",
                    "Children": [
                            "Id": "0d88ac7f-a7f2-4b46-bbcf-ad3e46fe1e8d",
                            "CategoryName": "Caribbean",
                            "Children": [
                                    "Id": "0880ff5b-4121-4d99-bc85-64241382669f",
                                    "CategoryName": "Anguilla",
                                    "Children": []


This endpoint will return a list of all the Category Lists and their categories that are enabled on the Person entity type.

HTTP Request


POST /api/v1/people/{id}/categories

Example (cURL) - Linking a single Category List entry to a Person entity.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "ItemReferences": [
      "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688"

Example (cURL) - Linking multiple Category List entries to a Person entity.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "6bcb23ec-13b5-455f-986f-727065e9f4c4"
            "Id": "cca86cf6-9fe8-489b-989f-96fea863822c"

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to relationally link a specific Person entity with one or more categories.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Person entity.

GET /api/v1/people/{id}/categories

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "62e2cb36-df4e-496f-a0dd-31d2cc2fd8d7",
                    "CategoryName": "United Kingdom",
                    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "United Kingdom"
            "Id": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
            "CategoryName": "Industry",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 1,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "adc6af6a-37da-49b3-a3b6-7864be2bcb71",
                    "CategoryName": "Banking",
                    "CategoryListId": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "7c2aaf54-2ba0-402c-814c-ac3c7195de46",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Banking"
                    "Id": "2336f985-f26d-47b4-9037-29bad14fda5a",
                    "CategoryName": "Oil & Gas",
                    "CategoryListId": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "55b6f1ba-a777-4ff3-bb63-010feb341a5f",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Oil & Gas"
            "Id": "2bc966ed-ce7e-4c42-9da7-4cf975bbd3f4",
            "CategoryName": "Position Function",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 2,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "f3e7b3de-9651-46f1-bc24-b9ef2981be31",
                    "CategoryName": "Executive",
                    "CategoryListId": "2bc966ed-ce7e-4c42-9da7-4cf975bbd3f4",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Executive"
            "Id": "1d44368f-475e-433c-942b-109da0ab74af",
            "CategoryName": "Position Level",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 3,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "6ab13256-8a17-4b61-85d6-eafd85d12707",
                    "CategoryName": "3 Senior Management",
                    "CategoryListId": "1d44368f-475e-433c-942b-109da0ab74af",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "3 Senior Management"
            "Id": "89826ae3-1755-4fad-aaf5-dc029e532717",
            "CategoryName": "Language",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 4,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "ead32d85-1018-4a89-a1ea-ba4be6b1b550",
                    "CategoryName": "English",
                    "CategoryListId": "89826ae3-1755-4fad-aaf5-dc029e532717",
                    "SovrenCode": "en",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "English"
                    "Id": "5a8b39f1-6618-4b1c-b3c5-ee44cea3992e",
                    "CategoryName": "French",
                    "CategoryListId": "89826ae3-1755-4fad-aaf5-dc029e532717",
                    "SovrenCode": "fr",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "French"

This endpoint returns a list on Category List entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Person entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Person entity.

GET /api/v1/people/{personId}/categories/{categoryListId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
    "CategoryName": "Location",
    "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
    "ShowDataColumns": true,
    "Categories": [
            "Id": "62e2cb36-df4e-496f-a0dd-31d2cc2fd8d7",
            "CategoryName": "United Kingdom",
            "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
            "CategoryDisplayName": "United Kingdom"

This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries that are relationally linked to an Person entity by Category List.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
personId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Person entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List.

DELETE /api/v1/people/{personId}/categories/{categoryListEntryId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between an Person entity and a Category List entry.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
personId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Person entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List entry.

GET /api/v1/categories/programmes

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "fd19a131-57d1-423a-b5d7-aa9b602e0d70",
                    "CategoryName": "AMERICAS",
                    "Children": [
                            "Id": "0d88ac7f-a7f2-4b46-bbcf-ad3e46fe1e8d",
                            "CategoryName": "Caribbean",
                            "Children": [
                                    "Id": "0880ff5b-4121-4d99-bc85-64241382669f",
                                    "CategoryName": "Anguilla",
                                    "Children": []


This endpoint will return a list of all the Category Lists and their categories that are enabled on the Programme entity type.

POST /api/v1/programmes/{id}/categories

Example (cURL) - Linking a single Category List entry to a Person entity.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "ItemReferences": [
      "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688"

Example (cURL) - Linking multiple Category List entries to a Person entity.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "ItemReferences": [
            "Id": "6bcb23ec-13b5-455f-986f-727065e9f4c4"
            "Id": "cca86cf6-9fe8-489b-989f-96fea863822c"

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to relationally link a specific Programme entity with one or more categories.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Programme entity.

GET /api/v1/programmes/{id}/categories

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688",
                    "CategoryName": "France",
                    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "France"

This endpoint returns a list on Category List entries that have been relationally linked to a specific Programme entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Programme entity.

GET /api/v1/programmes/{programmeId}/categories/{categoryListId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
    "CategoryName": "Location",
    "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
    "ShowDataColumns": true,
    "Categories": [
            "Id": "62e2cb36-df4e-496f-a0dd-31d2cc2fd8d7",
            "CategoryName": "United Kingdom",
            "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
            "CategoryDisplayName": "United Kingdom"

This endpoint returns a list of Category List entries that are relationally linked to an Programme entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
programmeId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Programme entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List.

DELETE /api/v1/programmes/{personId}/categories/{categoryListEntryId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Please note, a successful request will return a 200-response code.

This endpoint is used to remove the relationship between an Programme entity and a Category List entry.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
programmeId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Programme entity.
categoryListId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Category List entry.

GET /api/v1/categories/assignments/{assignmentsId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{assignmentsId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 0,
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688",
                    "CategoryName": "France",
                    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "France"

This endpoint returns a list of Category Lists & Categories relationally linked to a specific Assignment entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
assignmentsId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Assignment entity.

GET /api/v1/categories/companies/{companyId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{companyId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 0,
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "62e2cb36-df4e-496f-a0dd-31d2cc2fd8d7",
                    "CategoryName": "United Kingdom",
                    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "United Kingdom"
            "Id": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
            "CategoryName": "Industry",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 3,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "ed36bebc-bd61-462c-8407-194b60a3804d",
                    "CategoryName": "Investment Banking",
                    "CategoryListId": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "7c2aaf54-2ba0-402c-814c-ac3c7195de46",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Investment Banking"

This endpoint returns a list of Category Lists & Categories relationally linked to a specific Company entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
companyId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Company entity.

GET /api/v1/categories/people/{personId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{personId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 0,
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "62e2cb36-df4e-496f-a0dd-31d2cc2fd8d7",
                    "CategoryName": "United Kingdom",
                    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "United Kingdom"
            "Id": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
            "CategoryName": "Industry",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 3,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "adc6af6a-37da-49b3-a3b6-7864be2bcb71",
                    "CategoryName": "Banking",
                    "CategoryListId": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "7c2aaf54-2ba0-402c-814c-ac3c7195de46",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Banking"
                    "Id": "2336f985-f26d-47b4-9037-29bad14fda5a",
                    "CategoryName": "Oil & Gas",
                    "CategoryListId": "32ad222b-ad9f-40c8-9499-d0bc46036723",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "55b6f1ba-a777-4ff3-bb63-010feb341a5f",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Oil & Gas"
            "Id": "2bc966ed-ce7e-4c42-9da7-4cf975bbd3f4",
            "CategoryName": "Position Function",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 4,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "f3e7b3de-9651-46f1-bc24-b9ef2981be31",
                    "CategoryName": "Executive",
                    "CategoryListId": "2bc966ed-ce7e-4c42-9da7-4cf975bbd3f4",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Executive"
            "Id": "1d44368f-475e-433c-942b-109da0ab74af",
            "CategoryName": "Position Level",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 5,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "6ab13256-8a17-4b61-85d6-eafd85d12707",
                    "CategoryName": "3 Senior Management",
                    "CategoryListId": "1d44368f-475e-433c-942b-109da0ab74af",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "3 Senior Management"
            "Id": "89826ae3-1755-4fad-aaf5-dc029e532717",
            "CategoryName": "Language",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 6,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "a040349d-f437-4fe7-8c5b-f2c205a8f6a8",
                    "CategoryName": "Chinese",
                    "CategoryListId": "89826ae3-1755-4fad-aaf5-dc029e532717",
                    "SovrenCode": "zh",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Chinese"
                    "Id": "ead32d85-1018-4a89-a1ea-ba4be6b1b550",
                    "CategoryName": "English",
                    "CategoryListId": "89826ae3-1755-4fad-aaf5-dc029e532717",
                    "SovrenCode": "en",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "English"
                    "Id": "5a8b39f1-6618-4b1c-b3c5-ee44cea3992e",
                    "CategoryName": "French",
                    "CategoryListId": "89826ae3-1755-4fad-aaf5-dc029e532717",
                    "SovrenCode": "fr",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "French"
            "Id": "8b409448-5457-4e57-a695-88aee1e78842",
            "CategoryName": "Loc Pref/Rating",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 20,
            "ShowDataColumns": false,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "f42c79c2-4ea7-4bca-8896-14de4d318281",
                    "CategoryName": "01 A",
                    "CategoryListId": "8b409448-5457-4e57-a695-88aee1e78842",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "00a19e0f-c363-49af-b39d-bbfadae02141",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "01 A"
                    "Id": "34f5b5fa-81c7-4a65-a31d-6c4a34665e6a",
                    "CategoryName": "Zurich",
                    "CategoryListId": "8b409448-5457-4e57-a695-88aee1e78842",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "775d5951-946d-45f9-925e-34455a3eddc3",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "Zurich"

This endpoint returns a list of Category Lists & Categories relationally linked to a specific Person entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
personId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Person entity.

GET /api/v1/categories/programmes/{programmesId}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}{programmesId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "Lists": [
            "Id": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
            "CategoryName": "Location",
            "AssociatedColour": "#FFD9D8",
            "OrderIndex": 0,
            "ShowDataColumns": true,
            "Categories": [
                    "Id": "bc2f78c6-232d-42ed-9871-b3830fa0d688",
                    "CategoryName": "France",
                    "CategoryListId": "e5db1242-a7c0-447a-9540-0cd5a899c96e",
                    "ParentListEntryId": "9a157512-de16-4c5b-856c-1b091eb49129",
                    "CategoryDisplayName": "France"

This endpoint returns a list of Category Lists & Categories relationally linked to a specific Programme entity.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
programmesId [required] String The unique identifier for the desired Programme entity.


Parsing Please note, if you're considering developing an integration that creates people in bulk using these endpoints, you must not exceed the maximum number of concurrent requests. For more information, please refer to this article on the Sovren website:

Invenias utilizes Sovren, a resume parsing tool, to provide document parsing services to end-users of Invenias applications.

A resume parser is a powerful software that can read, comprehend, and categorize all the data on a resume, just like a human can, but much faster.

It's possible for API integrations to leverage Sovren to create and/or update 'Person' entities in Invenias by parsing a source document and ingesting the structured output. However, creating a person by parsing a document is not a quick and easy task and may require validation across multiple areas.

When planning your integration, please consider the following aspects:

X-Request-Quota-Remaining Figure 1. Simple workflow example.

Table 1. Parsing Endpoints Summary

Name Description
POST /api/v2/fullparse/document This endpoint converts the document, mapping the results into a structured format that an API integration can easily consume.
GET /api/v2/fullparse/{id} This endpoint will return the parsed document output from Sovren.
POST /api/v2/fullparse/create This endpoint allows the creation of a Person type entity.
PUT /api/v2/fullparse/create This endpoint allows you to replace a representation of the target Person type entity with the request payload.

POST /api/v2/fullparse/document

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token} \
--form 'file=@/C:/Users/glen.chamberlain/Downloads/JaneDoeCV.pdf'

Example Response (JSON)


This endpoint converts the document, mapping the results into a structured format that an API integration can easily consume.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v2/fullparse/document

GET /api/v2/fullparse/{id}

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request GET 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Example Response (JSON)

    "DocumentId": "cfc4a973-8c12-4fa1-9a01-39e6eb9c0843",
    "Person": {
        "NameComponents": {
            "FullName": "Jane Doe",
            "FamilyName": "Doe",
            "FirstName": "Jane"
        "Position": {
            "JobTitle": "Technical Operations Engineer",
            "Description": "United Kingdom",
            "StartDate": "2020-02-01T00:00:00",
            "Company": {
                "CompanyName": "Microsoft",
                "Location": {
                    "AddressComponents": {
                        "FullAddress": "",
                        "Street": "",
                        "TownCity": "",
                        "County": "",
                        "Postcode": "",
                        "Country": ""
            "IsDefault": false,
            "PositionStatus": {
                "Value": 0
        "Location": {},
        "EmailAddresses": [
                "IsPersonal": false,
                "IsBusiness": false,
                "IsVisibleAsDefault": true,
                "FieldName": "Email1Address",
                "DisplayTitle": "Email",
                "ItemValue": ""

This endpoint will return the parsed document output from Sovren.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
id [required] String The unique identifier for the parsed document.

POST /api/v2/fullparse/create

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Person": {
        "Owner": {
            "Id": "a9504f72-4f20-4d4a-a8d1-1a18ed571c9d",
            "DisplayTitle": "Glen Chamberlain"
        "DefaultPosition": {},
        "IsCandidate": true,
        "NameComponents": {
            "FamilyName": "Jane",
            "FirstName": "Doe",
            "MiddleName": "",
            "Suffix": "",
            "Title": "",
            "Nickname": "",
            "MaidenName": ""
        "HomeAddress": {
            "Street": "38 Market Place",
            "TownCity": "Reading",
            "County": "Berkshire",
            "Postcode": "RG1 2DE",
            "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM"
        "EmailAddresses": [
                "IsPersonal": true,
                "FieldName": "Email1Address",
                "DisplayTitle": "Email",
                "ItemValue": ""
    "DocumentId": "cfc4a973-8c12-4fa1-9a01-39e6eb9c0843",
    "SaveParsedDocumentAsDefaultCv": true

Example Response (JSON)


This endpoint allows the creation of a Person type entity.

Please note, if you set the value for the parameter named 'SaveParsedDocumentAsDefault' to true in the request body it will save the parsed source to the Person type entities record and flag it as the Default CV and write the contents to the 'CV/RESUME' tab in the Person profile pane. This will make the text content of the document searchable when using the 'Advanced Search' feature for Person type entities in Invenias Professional application.

HTTP Request


PUT /api/v2/fullparse/create

Example (cURL)

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{subdomain}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{


Example Response (JSON)


This endpoint allows you to replace a representation of the target Person type entity with the request payload.

Please note, if you set the value for the parameter named 'SaveParsedDocumentAsDefault' to true in the request body it will save the parsed source to the Person type entities record and flag it as the Default CV and write the contents to the 'CV/RESUME' tab replacing the content in the Person profile pane. This will make the text content of the document searchable when using the 'Advanced Search' feature for Person type entities in Invenias Professional application.

HTTP Request


Parameter Default Type Description
personId [required] String The unique identifier for the Person type entity you wish to update.
updateAllContactItems [required] Boolean This should always be set to true regardless of whether you're updating the contact details for the Person type entity.


Frequently asked questions

This section provides answers to common questions from both developers and customers:

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) encompasses a collection of routines, protocols, and tools meticulously designed to facilitate the development of software applications. APIs serve as indispensable building blocks that empower developers to seamlessly interact with various software components and systems, enabling the creation of robust and innovative applications.

What is the rate limit of the API?

For information on rate limits please see here.

Will, you make changes to your API that will leave my integration unusable?

At Invenias, our goal is to introduce API changes in an additive manner, ensuring existing integrations remain unaffected. We prioritize maintaining backward compatibility to minimize disruptions. However, we acknowledge that occasional situations may arise where changes could impact existing integrations. In such cases, rest assured that we will promptly communicate any necessary adjustments to facilitate a smooth transition. Our commitment is to keep you informed and supported throughout the process.

Can you help us with the coding?

REST is an industry-standard protocol that operates independently of any specific programming language or technology, relying solely on HTTP. It's important to note that our support team may not be able to assist with coding issues, as they may not have comprehensive knowledge of all web service client implementations or your platform's specific architecture and technology stack. Consequently, Invenias cannot guarantee or provide support for your custom code.

How do I filter lists?

Yes, it's possible to leverage both comparison and logical operators to filter lists. You can find more information here.

Can I get a sandbox environment to develop in?

Yes, it's possible to arrange for a clone of a tenant to be created to be used as a sandbox; however, this comes at a cost. Please speak with your Invenias account manager for more information.


This section has troubleshooting procedures for the following problems that people may encounter with the Invenias API.

Bad Request (400) Response Code

A 400 Bad Request error indicates that the data provided in an API call is unrecognizable. The culprit is often broken or invalid JSON, perhaps a parse error. For the most part, 400 errors have already passed authentication, so the error response message will provide more specific information about the error.

A 400 status code means that the server could not process an API request due to invalid syntax. A few possibilities why this might happen are:

Please carefully review every element of the API request, ensuring there are no typos or errors in the endpoint URL, headers (names and values), and request body. If you copied and pasted any part of the API request, double-check for any unintended characters or mistakes that could potentially cause issues during execution. Paying extra attention to these details will help ensure the accuracy and reliability of your API interactions.

Unauthorized (401) Response Code

The 401 Unauthorized status code is returned when the API request is missing authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid. This may happen for any of the following reasons:

Forbidden (403) Response Code

The 403 error status code shows the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.

If authentication credentials were provided in the request, the server considers them insufficient to grant access. For example, a user might try to delete entities and the credentials being passed on the API request are for a user account without the permissions to do so.

Another reason this status code might be returned is in case the user did not request an API access token with the correct permissions.

To fix the API call for those two situations, make sure that the credentials you are using have the access level required by the endpoint, or that the access token has the correct permissions.

Please note, if you are receiving 404 or 403 response codes from our servers, there's a chance the Application has expired. In this event please see here for more information on what to do. If you're unsure if your application has expired or not please email our support team using and they will check for you.

Not Found (404) Response Code

The 404 error status code indicates that the REST API can't map the client's URI to a resource, but may be available in the future. ... This status code is used when our server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response applies.

Please note, if you are receiving 404 or 403 response codes from our servers, there's a chance the Application has expired. In this event please see here for more information on what to do. If you're unsure if your application has expired or not, please email our support team using and they will check for you.

Internal Server Error (500) Response Code

The 500 Internal Server Error server error response code shows that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Please note, the database may have data management policies enabled on the entity types you're trying to work with. Please see here for more information on data management policies.

Service Unavailable (503) Response Code

The 503 error always occurs when our servers can't deliver the requested resources at the time the client requests them. Usually, this is due to a database upgrade and is accompanied by the following comment in the response body "Tenant is in Maintenance Mode - Upgrade in progress".

Other causes of 503 errors:

In summary, 503 errors are sometimes unavoidable, it's good practice to add logic to handle them in your application should it encounter one. This could be simple as displaying a notification to the end-users (if applicable) and polling an endpoint every 10 minutes until it receives a successful response.