REST API Change Log

This is where you can find a list of changes to the Bullhorn REST API. This change log was initiated with the 2024.5 release. Prior changes are not listed by release.

August 2024 Release (2024.8)

| ADDED | TimesheetEntry approvedBy, billRate, customerRequiredFields, dateAdded, dateLastModified, payRate, timesheetEntryApprovalStatusLogEntry fields |

July 2024 Release (2024.7)

| ADDED | JobOrder isWorkFromHome field |

| ADDED | Placement isWorkFromHome field |

June 2024 Release (2024.6)

| ADDED | SalesTaxRate externalID field |

| ADDED | AccountingPeriod entity |

| ADDED | BillableCharge minAccountingPeriod, maxAccountingPeriod, transactionAccountingPeriods fields |

| ADDED | PayableCharge minAccountingPeriod, maxAccountingPeriod, transactionAccountingPeriods fields |

| ADDED | BillMasterTransaction accountingPeriod and editHistories fields |

| ADDED | PayMasterTransaction accountingPeriod and editHistories fields |

May 2024 Release (2024.5)

| ADDED | BillMaster addedByUser field |