
Read-only view of activity goals established for sales personnel in the organization.

ActivityGoal field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
user To-one association CorporateUser for whom this activity goal was created. X X
department To-one association Department of user for whom this activity goal was created.
activityType String (100) Type of goal for record. X X
startDate Date The first day of the time period in which this activity goal is in effect, in the format: “YYYY-MM-DD”. X
endDate Date The last day of time period in which this activity goal is in effect, in the format: “YYYY-MM-DD”. X
goal Integer Target goal for activity type. X
actual Integer Current count of activity type data for goal. X
periodName String (100) Time period for activity goal. (Weekly/Monthly). X X
percentAttained Integer The whole percentage attained to date, equal to the attained value divided by the goal value multiplied by 100. X


Lets a user configure an activity goal for use in conjunction with the activity goals feature.

ActivityGoalConfiguration field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
codeIdentifier String (100) Field that determines if a goal is an ActivityGoal or RecordBasedGoal. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Last time record was modified. X X
Description String (2000) Goal description. X
goalPeriodId Integer Id of goal time period.
goalTypeId Integer Id of goal type. X
isDeleted Boolean Whether or not activity goal is deleted. X
name String (100) Name of goal.
pulseConfigurationValues To-many association Values against which goal is tracked.


Lets a user assign an activity goal to a user.

ActivityGoalTarget field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
activityGoalConfiguration To-one association The activity goal configuration assigned to user. X
goal Integer The amount of activity that user is trying to hit. X
periodName String (100) Time period for activity goal. (Weekly/Monthly). X
user To-one association User to which activity goal is assigned.


Represents an appointment on a Bullhorn user’s calendar. A separate Appointment instance is created for each user who is invited to the appointment; the instance belonging to the Appointment owner (the person who created it) is the parent, and has a null value for the parentAppointment property. The Appointment instances belonging to the invitees are the child instances; these refer to the parent in their parentAppointment properties, and are associated with the parent through its childAppointments association. Each user who is invited to the appointment is represented by an AppointmentAttendee instance.

Appointment field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity.  X
attendees To-many association Ids of the AppointmentAttendees for this Appointment.
appointmentUUID String (300) A secondary unique identifier for this entity. Used to identify the record when it is synchronized to external systems. Format is 8-4-4-16 where all characters are A-Z or 0-9. X
candidateReference To-one association The Candidate with whom this Appointment is associated, if any.
clientContactReference To-one association The ClientContact with whom this Appointment is associated, if any.
childAppointments To-many association Child Appointments associated with this Appointment. The ownerID of any child Appointment represents a user who has been invited to this Appointment.
communicationMethod String (30) Indicates how the appointment will be conducted: phone, on-site, off-site, and so forth. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateBegin Timestamp Date on which the appointment began/will begin.
The default value is current time rounded up to next half hour, or 15 minutes before dateEnd if it is provided.
dateEnd Timestamp Date on which the appointment ended/will end.
The default value is 15 minutes after dateBegin.
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was last modified. X X
description String (2147483647) Free-text description of the appointment.
The default value is “”.
isAllDay Boolean Indicates whether the appointment will last all day.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
isPrivate Boolean Indicates whether the appointment is viewable by others. If set to private, only the appointment owner and attendees may view the appointment details. X
jobOrder To-one association JobOrder associated with the appointment, if any.
lead To-one association Lead, if any, associated with the appointment. Included Lead field is id.
location String (100) Indicates where the appointment will take place (conference room name, and so forth).
The default value is “”.
migrateGUID String (36) Unused.  X
notificationMinutes Integer Indicates when the Bullhorn application should remind the user of the appointment. May be zero for no reminder. X
opportunity To-one association Opportunity, if any, associated with the appointment. Included Opportunity field is id.
owner To-one association Bullhorn user (Person) who owns the appointment. The default value is user who creates the Appointment. X
parentAppointment To-one association Appointment that is the parent of this one, if any. Included Appointment field is id.
placement To-one association Placement associated with the appointment, if any. Included Placement field is id.
recurrenceDayBits Integer Indicates which days are part of the recurrence pattern, if the appointment is a recurring one. The value of this field is the sum of the days included in the series: Sun = 2, Mon = 4, Tue = 8, Wed = 16, Thur = 32, Fri = 64, Sat = 128. For example, a meeting that occurs on Monday and Friday would have a recurrenceDayBits value of 68 (4+64).
recurrenceFrequency Integer The frequency with which the appointment recurs: e.g., a recurrenceFrequency of 2 for a weekly meeting would imply the meeting occurs every 2 weeks. Null for a one-time appointment.
recurrenceStyle String (10) A=absolute, R=relative: e.g., an absolute would be the third week of every month, whereas a relative would be every third week.
recurrenceType String (1) The type of recurrence. D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, A=annually.
subject String (100) Subject header of the appointment. X
type String (30) Used to distinguish appointments by an identifiable class or kind, for example Interview, Call, Personal, and so forth. X


Represents a person who has been invited to an appointment.

AppointmentAttendee field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
appointment To-one association Appointment to which this AppointmentAttendee corresponds. X
attendee To-one association The ClientContact, Candidate, or CorporateUser id for this person. X
acceptanceStatus Integer Indicates whether attendee has accepted, accepted tentatively, declined, or not responded to this invitation. (-1 = declined, 0 or null = has not responded, 1 = accepted, and 2 = tentative.) X
migrateGUID String (36) Unused.  X


Represents a business sector, which can be associated with Candidates, ClientCorporations, and JobOrders for classification purposes.

BusinessSector field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system.
name String (100) Name of this business sector. X X


Represents a person seeking a job.

The Candidate entity supports the massUpdate operations. It does not support String values for Timestamps.

Candidate field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address Candidate address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
blacklistClientCorporations To-many association Set of ClientCorporations blacklisted for this Candidate.
businessSectors To-many association Ids of BusinessSectors with which Candidate is associated.
candidateSource To-one association Source of the Candidate.   X
category To-one association Candidate’s primary Category. The default value is the Other Area(s) category for the user’s private label or the first Category.
Note: This property refers to the original category assigned to the Candidate. To retrieve or update categories for the Candidate, you should use the categories associations (see below).
categories To-many association Categories assigned to Candidate.
certifications String (2147483647) Candidate’s certifications.
clientRating Integer Score from BH Automation Client Rating Tool.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments on Candidate. X
companyName String (100) Name of company where the Candidate currently works.
companyURL String (100) Candidate’s personal URL.
customDate1 to 13 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customEncryptedText1 to 10 String (100) Configurable encrypted text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 23 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 23 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customObject1s to 35s CustomObject Fields to which custom objects can be assigned. For more information about custom objects, see the Bullhorn Resource Center and the following article on using the REST API with custom objects:
customText1 to 60 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1 to 10 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateAvailable Timestamp Date on which Candidate will be available to begin work.
dateAvailableEnd Timestamp Date on which Candidate’s availability will end, if applicable.
dateI9Expiration Timestamp Date on which the Candidate’s I9 form will expire.
dateLastComment Timestamp Date of the most recent Note referencing Candidate. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date the Candidate was last modified. X X
dateNextCall Timestamp Date when the Candidate should next be called.
dateOfBirth Timestamp Candidate’s date of birth.
dayRate BigDecimal Candidate’s desired per-day pay rate.
dayRateLow BigDecimal Lowest per-day rate the Candidate will accept.
degreeList String (2147483647) List of Candidate’s educational degrees. Field on the edit screen, not the field in People Template.
description String (2147483647) Text field, usually used to contain the Candidate’s resume.
desiredLocations String (2147483647) Locations where Candidate would like to work.
disability String (1) Indicates whether Candidate has a disability. Allowable values can be configured using field maps. Default values are U (Unknown), Y (Yes), and N (No).
educationDegree String (2147483647) Candidate’s highest level of education.
email String (100) Candidate’s email address.
email2 String (100) Additional email address.
email3 String (100) Additional email address.
employeeType String (30) Candidate’s employee type: for example 1099 or W2. X
employmentPreference String (200) Indicates type of employment the Candidate would prefer: for example, permanent, part-time, and so forth.
ethnicity String (50) Candidate’s ethnicity.
experience Integer Number of years of experience that the Candidate has.
externalID String (50) Used for records migrated in from other systems; often used for the Candidate’s external/backoffice Id.
fax String (20) Candidate’s fax number.
fax2 String (20) Additional fax number.
fax3 String (20) Additional fax number.
federalAdditionalWitholdingsAmount BigDecimal Number of federal withholdings the Candidate has selected on his or her W-2 tax form.
federalExemptions Integer Number of federal exemptions the Candidate has indicated on his or her W-2 tax form.
federalExtraWithholdingAmount BigDecimal Enter any additional tax you want withheld each pay period.
federalFilingStatus String (1) Candidate’s federal tax filing status.
firstName String (50) Candidate’s first name. X
gender String (1) Candidate’s gender. Options are U (unknown), M (male), F (female)
hourlyRate BigDecimal Candidate’s desired hourly pay rate.
hourlyRateLow BigDecimal Lowest hourly pay rate the Candidate will accept.
i9OnFile Integer Indicates whether Candidate’s I-9 form has already been filled out and is on file.
interviews To-many association Interviews for Candidate. This field is populated when you create Appointments where Appointment.candidate is this Candidate and Appointment.type is “Interview”. X
isAnonymized Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as anonymized in the Bullhorn system.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
isEditable Boolean Indicates whether Candidate can edit his or her profile information; applicable to Candidate/Client login. X
isExempt Boolean To claim exemption from withholding, set this to Yes.
lastName String (50) Candidate’s last name. X
leads To-many association Leads associated with this Candidate.
linkedPerson To-one association If person represented by Candidate is also a ClientContact, this field includes the following ClientContact fields
: id, _subtype
localAddtionalWitholdingsAmount BigDecimal Number of local withholdings the Candidate has selected on his or her W-2 tax form.
localExemptions Integer Number of local exemptions Candidate has indicated on his or her W-2 tax form.
localFilingStatus String (1) Candidate’s local tax filing status.
localTaxCode String (40) Candidate’s local tax code (if local taxes apply); not required.
maritalStatus String Indicates the current marital status of the candidate.
massMailOptOut Boolean Indicates whether Candidate has chosen not to be included in mass emails through the Bullhorn system.
middleName String (50) Candidate’s middle name.
mobile String (20) Candidate’s mobile (cell) telephone number.
name String Candidate’s full name. If setting firstname or lastname, you must also set this field; it does not populate automatically. X
namePrefix String (5) Candidate’s name prefix, for example Dr., Ms., Mr., and so forth.
nameSuffix String (5) Candidate’s name suffix, for example Jr.
nickName String (50) Candidate’s nickname.
numCategories Integer Number of Category objects associated with Candidate.
numOwners Integer Number of CorporateUsers that are listed as owner of Candidate.
occupation String (100) Candidate’s current occupation or job title.
onboardingDocumentReceivedCount Integer Number of eStaff onboarding documents that have been received by the Candidate.
onboardingDocumentSentCount Integer Number of eStaff onboarding documents that have been sent and completed by the Candidate.
onboardingPercentComplete Integer Percentage of eStaff onboarding documents that a Candidate has completed.
onboardingReceivedSent OnboardingReceivedSent Readonly composite field that contains:
  • onboardingDocumentReceivedCount
  • onboardingDocumentSentCount
Use this to only view these fields.
To update, update the fields directly.
onboardingStatus String Candidate’s eStaff onboarding status.
otherDeductionsAmount BigDecimal If there are other deductions to be claimed (other than standard).
otherIncomeAmount BigDecimal If you want tax withheld for other income that is expected.
owner To-one association CorporateUser who is the primary owner of Candidate. The default value is user who creates the Candidate. X
pager String (20) Candidate’s pager number.
paperWorkOnFile String Configurable field that tracks whether the Candidate’s tax paperwork has been received.
parsedResumeFile To-one association Id of the CandidateFileAttachment that is associated with the resume in the Candidate record
password String Candidate’s password. The default value is a randomly generated string. X
payrollClientStartDate Timestamp Indicates Date on which the employee was first on payroll at the staffing company. Used for payroll integrations.
payrollStatus String Indicates whether the Candidate is currently active on payroll or not. Used for payroll integrations.
phone String (20) Candidate’s home telephone number.
phone2 String (20) Candidate’s telephone number at work.
phone3 String (20) Alternate telephone number.
placements To-many association Placements for Candidate. This field is populated when you create Placements where Placement.candidate is this Candidate. X
preferredContact String (15) Candidate’s preferred method of contact (for example, phone, email, and so forth.) X
primarySkills To-many association Skills that are listed as primary Skills for Candidate.
recentClientList String (2147483647) List of ClientCorporations for which Candidate has worked.
referredBy String (50) Name of person who referred Candidate.
referredByPerson To-one association Person who referred Candidate, if applicable.
salary BigDecimal Candidate’s desired yearly salary.
salaryLow BigDecimal Lowest yearly salary the Candidate will accept.
secondaryAddress Address Candidate’s work address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
secondaryOwners To-many association CorporateUsers who are additional owners of Candidate.
secondarySkills Skill Skills that are listed as secondary skills for Candidate.
sendouts To-many association Sendouts for Candidate. This field is populated when you create Sendouts where the Sendout.candidate is this Candidate.
skillSet String (2147483647) Text description of Candidate’s skills.
smsOptIn Boolean Indicates whether Candidate has granted permission to be sent messages via SMS. Can only set on create calls; updates are not allowed.
source String (200) Candidate source: for example, Advertisement, Client Referral, LinkedIn,, and so forth. Allowable values can be configured using field maps.
specialties To-many association Candidate’s specialty skills. This field is populated when you associate a Specialty with this Candidate in a to-many association operation.
ssn String (18) Candidate’s Social Security Number. Check field map for proper format.
stateAddtionalWitholdingsAmount BigDecimal Number of state withholdings Candidate has selected on his or her W-2 tax form.
stateExemptions Integer Number of state exemptions Candidate has indicated on W-2 tax form.
stateFilingStatus String (1) Candidate’s state tax filing status.
status String (100) Candidate status with company: for example, New Lead, Active, Offer Pending, Placed, and so forth. Allowable values can be configured using field maps. X
submissions To-many association JobSubmissions for Candidate. This field is populated when you create JobSubmissions where JobSubmission.candidate is this Candidate. X
tasks To-many association Tasks associated with Candidate. This field is populated when you create Tasks where Task.candidate is this Candidate.
taxID String (18) Id that Candidate uses for tax purposes if not SSN.
taxState String (30) State in which Candidate pays taxes.
timeZoneOffsetEST Integer Indicates the number of hours by which the Candidate’s time zone differs from Eastern Standard Time. For example, Pacific Standard Time is -3, three hours earlier than Eastern.
tobaccoUser String Indicates the tobacco usage of the candidate.
totalDependentClaimAmount BigDecimal Total amount that are being claimed for dependents.
travelLimit Integer Maximum distance Candidate is willing to travel.
travelMethod String (100) Method of travel to job.
twoJobs Boolean If more then one job is held at a time OR if the person is married and filing jointly and their spouse also works.
type String (100) Candidate type: for example, Active, Passive, and so forth.
userDateAdded Timestamp Date the record was added to the system. X
username String (100) Candidate’s username for logging in to Bullhorn. The default value is _[random number] X
veteran String (1) Indicates whether Candidate is a veteran: Y for yes, N for no, or U for unknown.
webResponses To-many association Web responses for Candidate. This field is populated when you create JobSubmissions where JobSubmission.candidate is this Candidate and JobSubmission.status is “New Lead”.
whitelistClientCorporations To-many association Set of ClientCorporations whitelisted for this Candidate.
willRelocate Boolean Indicates whether Candidate is willing to relocate for a position.
workAuthorized Boolean Indicates whether Candidate is authorized to work in the U.S.
workPhone String (20) Candidate’s telephone number at work.

Candidate confidential fields

By default, candidate fields listed in the ‘Confidential Fields’ private label attribute are returned with the value “**CONFIDENTIAL**”. However, confidential fields can also be included in the ‘Candidate Viewable Confidential Fields’ private label attribute. Only users with the ‘View Candidate Viewable Confidential Fields’ user action entitlement can view candidate viewable confidential fields.

Users who have both the ‘View Candidate Viewable Confidential Fields’ and ‘Edit Confidential Fields’ user action entitlements can edit candidate viewable confidential fields.


Allows for viewing and updating specific availability for a Candidate on an explicit date/time.

CandidateAvailability fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To-one association Candidate associated to this CandidateAvailability. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
endTime OffsetDateTime Time the associated CandidateAvailability ends. X
isAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the associated Candidate is available or not. X
startTime OffsetDateTime Time the associated CandidateAvailability starts. X
type String (50) Type of CandidateAvailability.


Represents a certification that a Candidate may have.

CandidateCertification fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
boardCertification String (100) Set by certificationBoardCertificationList private label attribute.
candidate To-one association Candidate associated with CandidateCertification. X
certification To-one association Certification associated with CandidateCertification. X
certificationFileAttachments To-many association CertificationFileAttachments associated to entity.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments on this entity.
compact Integer yes/no (1/0) Whether compact or not.
copyOnFile Integer yes/no (1/0) Whether on file.
customDate1-10 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-10 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateCertified Timestamp Date candidate obtained certification.
dateExpiration Timestamp Date certification expires.
dateLastModified Timestamp Date the CandidateCertification was last updated. X X
displayStatus String (30) Computed status of entity like expired and archived.
fileAttachments To-many association CandidateFileAttachments associated to entity. Association created by adding the id(s) of the fileAttachment(s) to this field in an association PUT call of the form: {corpToken}/entity/CandidateCertification/{entity-id}/fileAttachments/{entity-id},*}.
isComplete Boolean Indicates whether the certification is populated.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system.
issuedBy String (100) Entity that issued certification to candidate.
licenseNumber String (100) License number of the certification.
licenseType String (30) License Type of the certification.
location String (100) Location where certification is valid.
migrateGUID String (36) Unused.
modifyingUser To-one association Creator of CandidateCertification.
name String (100) Name of CandidateCertification. X
results String (255) Free text of certification results.
status String (30) Status of CandidateCertification.


Represents the required certifications for a Candidate.

CandidateCertificationRequirement fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
candidate To-one association Associated Candidate.
candidateCertification To-one association CandidateCertification that fulfills this CandidateCertificationRequirement.
certification To-one association Certification that is required.
certificationFileAttachments To-many association Associated CertificationFileAttachments. X
customDate1-10 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-10 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateExpiration Timestamp Date CandidateCertificationRequirement expires. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date entity was last modified.
documentDeadline Timestamp
fileAttachments To-many association Associated CandidateFileAttachment. X
isDeleted Boolean

Whether entity is deleted.

The default value is false.

matchingCredentialCount Integer Count of matching Credentials. X
migrateGUID String (36) Unused.
modifyingUser To-one association Associated CorporateUser. X
owner To-one association Associated CorporateUser.
status To-one association Associated CertificationRequirementStatusLookup.
userCertificationName String (100) X
userCertificationStatus String (30) Status of certification. X


Represents an educational degree or course of study that a Candidate lists on his or her resume. Each CandidateEducation instance corresponds to a line item on the Education tab of a Candidate in the Bullhorn application.

CandidateEducation field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
candidate To-one association Candidate with whom this entity is associated.
certification String (100) Certification received with this education, if applicable.
city String (40) Name of the city where the education took place.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments on this record.
customDate1 to 5 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 5 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 5 String (500) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1 to 3 String (255) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was last updated in the Bullhorn system. X
degree String (100) Indicates what educational degree the Candidate received; for example, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., and so forth.
endDate Timestamp Date when Candidate finished this education.
expirationDate Timestamp Expiration date for a certificate or other credential that needs to be periodically renewed.
gpa Double Indicates Candidate’s grade point average.
graduationDate Timestamp Date when Candidate graduated.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system.
major String (100) Indicates the field in which Candidate majored.
school String (100) Name of the educational institute where this education took place.
startDate Timestamp Date when Candidate began study.
state String (50) Name of the U.S. state in which the education took place.


Represents a person who serves as a reference for a Candidate.

CandidateReference field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To-one association Candidate for whom this person is a reference. X
candidateTitle String (50) Candidate’s title when working with or for the reference.
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation where the CandidateReference works.
companyName String (50) Name of the company where reference works, if it does not have a ClientCorporation record in Bullhorn.
customDate1 to 5 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 5 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 5 String (500) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1 to 3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was last updated in the Bullhorn system. X
employmentEnd Timestamp End date of Candidate’s employment with the reference.
employmentStart Timestamp Start of the period during which the Candidate worked with the reference.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
jobOrder Integer JobOrder for which Candidate is being considered.
referenceClientContact To-one association Bullhorn ClientContact for this reference, if applicable.
referenceEmail String (50) Email address for reference; not used if the CandidateReference is a ClientContact.
referenceFirstName String (50) Reference’s first name; not used if reference is a ClientContact.
referenceLastName String (50) Reference’s last name; not used if the CandidateReference is a ClientContact.
referencePhone String (20) Phone number for the CandidateReference; not used if the reference is a ClientContact.
referenceTitle String (50) Reference’s job title; not used if the reference is a ClientContact.
status String (20) Status of this reference request.
yearsKnown Integer Indicates how long reference has known the Candidate.


Represents a question that can be asked of a CandidateReference. Answers to these questions are stored as CandidateReferenceResponses.

CandidateReferenceQuestion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
category To-one association Category associated with this CandidateReferenceQuestion.
corporation To-one association Corporation associated with this CandidateReferenceQuestion. X
enabled Integer Whether this CandidateReferenceQuestion is enabled for new references. X
migrateGUID String (36) Unused.
questionText String (2000) Text of this CandidateReferenceQuestion.
responses To-many association CandidateReferenceResponses that have been provided for this CandidateReferenceQuestion. X
sortOrder Integer The relative order in which this CandidateReferenceQuestion will appear (lower numbers precede higher). X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X


Represents a CandidateReference’s answer to a CandidateReferenceQuestion.

CandidateReferenceResponse fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
migrateGUID String (36) Unused.
question To-one association CandidateReferenceQuestion that this CandidateReferenceResponse answers. X
reference To-one association CandidateReference who provided this CandidateReferenceResponse. X
responseText String (2147483647) Text of this CandidateReferenceResponse.
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X


Stores a Candidate’s preferences for times and days when they want to work in association with the ShiftTypes that are configured.

CandidateShiftPreference fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To-one association Candidate associated to CandidateShiftPreference. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dayNumber Integer Indicates the day number in the week. X
dayOfWeek String (255) Indicates the day of the week. For example, Monday. X
isAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the associated Candidate is available to be assigned to a JobShift. X
shiftType To-one association ShiftType associated to CandidateShiftPreference. X


Allows for viewing and updating tax information for a Candidate.

CandidateTaxInfo fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To-one association Candidate associated to this CandidateTaxInfo. X
taxID String Id that Candidate uses for tax purposes if not SSN.
ssn String Candidate’s Social Security Number.
dateOfBirth Timestamp Candidate’s date of birth.
i9OnFile Boolean Candidate’s i9 on file.
dateI9Expiration Timestamp Candidate’s i9 expiration.
taxIDIndicator String Candidate’s primary tax form’s taxIDIndicator.
militaryDomicileState String Candidate’s primary tax form’s military domicile state.
militaryDomicileExpiration Timestamp Candidate’s primary tax form’s military domicile state’s expiration.
customDate1 to 3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 5 String Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.


Represents a single entry in the “Work History” section of a Candidate’s resume: that is, a job the Candidate has had. For each current or former position the Candidate has held, there is a unique CandidateWorkHistory instance associated with that Candidate. Each CandidateWorkHistory instance corresponds to a line item on the “Work History” tab of a Candidate record in the Bullhorn application.

CandidateWorkHistory field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
bonus Double Amount of the bonus paid to Candidate.
candidate To-one association Candidate with whom CandidateWorkHistory is associated. X
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation associated with Candidate.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments on CandidateWorkHistory.
commission Double Amount of commission earned by Candidate at this position.
companyName String (100) Name of the company where the Candidate worked.
customDate1 to 5 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 5 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 5 String Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1 to 3 String Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was last updated in the Bullhorn system. X

| endDate | Timestamp | Date on which job ended, if applicable. | | | | isDeleted | Boolean | Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. | X | | | isLastJob | Boolean | Indicates whether this was the Candidate’s most recent job. | X | | | jobOrder | To-one association | JobOrder associated with the CandidateWorkHistory, if applicable. | | | | placement | To-one association | Placement representing the Candidate’s placement in a job, if applicable.  | | | | salary1 | BigDecimal | Candidate’s starting salary at this position. | | | | salary2 | BigDecimal | Candidate’s final salary at this position. | | | | salaryType | String (20) | Indicates how the Candidate was paid: Hourly, Yearly, and so forth. | | | | startDate | Timestamp | Date on which Candidate began working at this position. | | | | terminationReason | String (100) | Reason for the Candidate’s termination from this position, if applicable. | | | | title | String (50) | Candidate’s job title in this position. | | |


This entity represents a category in which a Candidate or JobOrder can be placed. A category that has a value for parentCategoryId greater than zero is is a specialty.

Category field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
description String (255) Free-text description of this category. X X
enabled Boolean Indicates whether category is available for use in the Bullhorn system. X X
name String (100) Name of the category + PLId (for categories) X X
occupation String (50) Occupation. X X
skills To-many association Ids of the Skills associated with this Category.
specialties To-many association Ids of the Specialties that are children of this Category.
type String (20) Bill Rate Category, Skills Checklist Category, and so forth. X X


Certification fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
category To One Association Category
certificationGroups To Many Association CertificationGroup
countryID To One Association Country
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp
dateLastModified Timestamp
description String (2147483647)
expirationDateOptional Boolean
migrateGUID String (36)
name String (100)
privateLabels To Many Association PrivateLabel
specialty To One Association Specialty
state String (100) NorthAmericaState


CertificationGroup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
certifications To-many Association Certification
dateAdded Timestamp X
dateLastModified Timestamp X
migrateGUID String (36)
name String (100) X
privateLabelID Integer X


This entity represents files that can be attached directly to candidate certifications.
This will only be used in the user interface if the enableCandidateCertificationRequirement private label attribute is enabled.

CertificationFileAttachment fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To One Association Candidate X
candidateCertification To One Association CandidateCertification
contentSubType String (64)
contentType String (64)
dateAdded Timestamp
dateLastModified Timestamp X
directory String (2147483647)
fileExtension String (10)
fileOwner To One Association CorporateUser
fileSize Integer
isEncrypted Boolean
isExternal Boolean
migrateGUID String (36)
name String (255) X
type String (64)

Creating a file should use a custom endpoint PUT {{restUrl}}file/CertificationFileAttachment/

{ “fileContent”:“BASE_64_FILE_CONTENTS”, “name”:“image.png”, “contentType”:“image/png”, “candidateID”:xxx }

Move/Copy a file from a candidate to a certification file attachment

POST {restUrl}/entity/Candidate/{candidateId}}/{candidateFileId}}/fileAttachments/(move|copy)/toCertification


Data from CandidateCertificationRequirement, JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement, and PlacementCertification joined together

CertificationRequirement fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To One Association Candidate X
candidateCertification To One Association CandidateCertification that fulfills this Requirement.
certification To One Association The Certification that is required. X
certificationFileAttachments To Many Association CertificationFileAttachment X
customDate1-10 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-10 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp X X
dateExpiration Timestamp
documentDeadline Timestamp
entityName String (37) X X
fileAttachments To Many Association CandidateFileAttachment X
isDeleted Boolean

Whether entity is deleted.

The default value is false.

jobSubmission To One Association JobSubmission X
matchingCredentialCount Integer X
migrateGUID String (36)
modifyingUser To One Association CorporateUser X
owner To One Association CorporateUser X
placement To One Association Placement X
status To One Association CertificationRequirementStatusLookup X
userCertificationName String (100) X
userCertificationStatus String (30) X


Represents a contact person who works at a ClientCorporation. A ClientContact can be any person at the ClientCorporation whom you wish to track in the Bullhorn system: a hiring manager, HR staffer, executive, or other employee. Note that a Candidate may become a Client Contact after being placed in a job; or a ClientContact may become a Candidate after deciding to look for another position.

The ClientContact entity supports the massUpdate operations.

ClientContact field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address Contact’s address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
businessSectors To-many association Ids of BusinessSectors in which the Contact operates.
category To-one association Contact’s primary Category. The default value is the Other Area(s) category for the user’s private label or the first Category. X
categories To-many association Ids of the Categories associated with the Contact. Note that the categoryId property is used to store the contact’s primary Category, while this association hold that Category and any other Categories to which the Contact belongs.
certifications String (2147483647) Contact’s certifications.
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation for which the Contact works. X
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments on this Contact.
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customObject1s to 35s CustomObject Fields to which custom objects can be assigned. For more information about custom objects, see the Bullhorn Resource Center and the following article on using the REST API with custom objects:
customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the ClientContact was last modified. X X
dateLastVisit Timestamp Date of ClientContact’s last visit.
description String (2147483647) Large text field for additional information about the contact.
desiredCategories String (255) Categories that the ClientContact wants Candidates to belong to.
desiredSkills String (255) Skills that the ClientContact wants his or her Candidates to have.
desiredSpecialties String (255) Specialties that the ClientContact wants his or her Candidates to have.
division String (40) Department that the Contact is associated with.
email String (60) ClientContact’s primary (work) email address. X
email2 String (100) Additional email address. Typically used for the ClientContact’s home or personal email.
email3 String (100) Additional email address.
externalID String (30) External identifier for the record, used for migrations and back-office Integration.
fax String (20) ClientContact’s primary (work) fax number.
fax2 String (20) Additional fax number. Typically used for the contact’s home or personal fax.
fax3 String (20) Additional fax number.
firstName String (50) ClientContact’s first name.
isAnonymized Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as anonymized in the Bullhorn system.
isDayLightSavings Boolean Indicates whether the ClientContact’s location is using Daylight Saving Time.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
lastName String (50) ClientContact’s last name.
leads To-many association Leads associated with this ClientContact.
linkedPerson Person (superclass of Candidate and ClientContact) If the person represented by this ClientContact is also a Candidate, this field includes the following Candidate fields: id, _subtype
massMailOptOut Boolean Indicates whether the Contact has chosen not to be included in mass emails through the Bullhorn system. X
middleName String (50) ClientContact’s middle name.
mobile String (20) ClientContact’s mobile (cellular) telephone number.
name String (100) ClientContact’s full name. Should be a combination of the firstName and lastName fields separated by a space. Notes: If you create a ClientContact with no value in the name field, users will have no way to select that ClientContact in the Bullhorn staffing application. If you create or modify a ClientContact name that is not a combination of the firstName and lastName fields, the name will be overwritten when a user saves the ClientContact in the Bullhorn staffing application. The name will change to a combination of the firstName and lastName fields.
namePrefix String (5) ClientContact’s name prefix, for example Dr., Ms, Mr., and so forth.
nameSuffix String (5) ClientContact’s name suffix, for example Jr.
nickName String ClientContact’s nickname.
numEmployees Integer Number of employees who report to this Contact. X
occupation String (100) ClientContact’s job title.
office String (40) For companies with multiple locations, this field can be used to indicate which office this contact works out of.
owner To-one association CorporateUser who is the owner of this Contact record. The default value is user who creates the ClientContact. X
pager String (20) ClientContact’s pager number.
password String ClientContact’s password for logging in to Bullhorn. The default value is a randomly generated string. X
phone String (20) ClientContact’s primary (work) telephone number.
phone2 String (20) Alternate phone number. Typically used for the contact’s home phone number.
phone3 String (20) Alternate phone number.
preferredContact String (15) Contact’s preferred method of contact (For example, phone, email, and so forth.) X
referredByPerson Person Person who referred this ClientContact.
reportToPerson Person Person to whom this ClientContact reports.
secondaryAddress Address ClientContact’s secondary (home) address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
secondaryOwners To-many association Ids of internal users who are secondary owners of this Contact. Note that the owner property is used to store the ClientContact’s primary owner, while this association hold that person and any other owners of the Contact.
skills To-many association Ids of Skills that the ClientContact wants Candidates to have.
smsOptIn Boolean Indicates whether the ClientContact has granted permission to be sent messages via SMS. Can only set on create calls; updates are not allowed.
source String (200) Source from which this ClientContact was found.
status String (30) Status of the contact; for example, New Lead, Active, Prospect, and so forth. Possible values can be configured using field maps. X
timeZoneOffsetEST Integer Indicates the number of hours by which the ClientContact’s time zone differs from Eastern Standard Time. For example, Pacific Standard Time is -3, three hours earlier than Eastern.
type String (30) Describes the type of ClientContact (for example, Primary, Secondary, Target, Gatekeeper). Possible values can be configured using field maps. X
username String (100) ClientContact’s username for logging in to Bullhorn. The default value is _[random number]


Represents a company that is a client of a company; for example, a company with jobs to fill.

The ClientCorporation entity supports the massUpdate operations.

ClientCorporation field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address ClientCorporation’s main address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
annualRevenue BigDecimal ClientCorporation’s annual revenue in millions of U.S. dollars. X
billingAddress AddressWithout-Country Address that contains the address to which bills should be sent for this ClientCorporation. address1, address2, city, state, zip
billingContact String (100) Name of the person to whom bills should be sent.
billingFrequency String (20) Frequency with which bills should be sent to the ClientCorporation: for example, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly.
billingPhone String (20) Phone number of the billing contact person.
businessSectorList String (2147483647) Comma-separated list of BusinessSectors in which the ClientCorporation operates. See field map data for a list of possible values.
childClientCorporations To-many association ClientCorporations that are children of this one.
clientCorporationCertifications To-many association Not supported in this release. ClientCorporationCertifications associated with this corporation.
clientContacts To-many association ClientContacts who work at this ClientCorporation.
companyDescription String (2147483647) Text description of the company.
companyURL String (100) Company’s website URL. May use http:// but not required.
competitors String (2147483647) Company’s major competitors.
culture String (2147483647) Text description of the corporate culture.
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customObject1s to 35s CustomObject Fields to which custom objects can be assigned. For more information about custom objects, see the Bullhorn Resource Center and the following article on using the REST API with custom objects:
customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateFounded Timestamp Date on which the ClientCorporation was founded.
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the ClientCorporation was last modified. X X
department To-one association Department in the ClientCorporation that has primary responsibility for this client (for example, a regional office). Default value is primary department of user who adds the ClientCorporation.
externalID String (30) External identifier for the record, used for migrations and back-office Integration.
exemptionStatus ClientCorporationTaxExemptionStatusLookup Tax exemption status for the ClientCorporation. Options are: 1=Exempt, 2=Non-Exempt, 3=Self-Pay
feeArrangement Double Fee, expressed as a percentage, that this ClientCorporation will pay for each Placement. X
funding String (2147483647) Current funding status of the ClientCorporation.
industryList String (2147483647) Comma-separated list of industries in which the company operates. See field map data for the list used by a particular company.
invoiceFormat String (50) Configurable field to be passed to a back-office system to indicate how to group invoices for this company (Per Placement, Per Billing Contact, and so forth.)
invoiceGroups To-many association Not supported in this release. Invoice groups associated with this ClientCorporation.
invoices To-many association Not supported in this release. Invoices associated with this corporation.
leads To-many association Leads associated with this ClientCorporation.
name String (100) Name of the company. X
notes String (2147483647) Free text field for entering any comments or notes about the company.
numEmployees Integer Total number of people employed by the company. X
numOffices Integer Total number of offices for the ClientCorporation. X
owners To-many association Owners of the ClientContacts for this ClientCorporation. X
ownerShip String (30) Status of the ClientCorporation’s current ownership (for example, Public, Private).
parentClientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation that is a parent of this one.
phone String (20) Main phone number for the ClientCorporation.
rateCards To-many association Not supported in this release. Rate cards associated with this ClientCorporation.
revenue String (2147483647) Estimated annual revenue in millions for the company.
requirements To-many association Certifications that Candidates should have.
status String (30) Status of the business relationship with this company; for example, Prospect, Active, and so forth. X
taxRate Double Tax rate for the company expressed in percentage: for example, 28%. Passed to a back-office system if applicable.
tickerSymbol String (20) Stock market ticker symbol for the company.
workWeekStart Integer Day of the week on which the work week starts for this company. 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so forth.


Association entity between ClientCorporation, ClientContact, and Appointment entities. This entity is read-only and is only created when the companyStampOnActivitiesEnabled corporation setting is enabled.

ClientCorporationAppointment field Type Description Not null Read-Only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
clientCorporation To-one association Associated ClientCorporation. X
clientContact To-one association Associated ClientContact.  X
appointment To-one association Associated Appointment. X


Association entity between ClientCorporation, ClientContact, and Note entities. This entity is read-only and is only created when the companyStampOnActivitiesEnabled corporation setting is enabled.

ClientCorporationNote field Type Description Not null Read-Only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
clientCorporation To-one association Associated ClientCorporation. X
clientContact To-one association Associated ClientContact.  X
note To-one association Associated Note. X


Association entity between ClientCorporation, ClientContact, and Task entities. This entity is read-only and is only created when the companyStampOnActivitiesEnabled corporation setting is enabled.

ClientCorporationAppointment field Type Description Not null Read-Only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
clientCorporation To-one association Associated ClientCorporation. X
clientContact To-one association Associated ClientContact.  X
task To-one association Associated Task. X


Read-only entity that represents an internal user at an organization.

CorporateUser field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address CorporateUser’s main address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
branch To-one association CorporateUser’s Branch.
branches To-many association CorporateUser’s Branches.
companyName String (100) Name of company where the Candidate currently works.
corporation To-one association Corporation associated with this CorporateUser. X X
customDate1 to 3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateLastComment Timestamp Date on which CorporateUser’s last comment was made.
dateLastModified Timestamp The last time record was modified. X X
delegations To-many association CorporateUser’s delegations.
departmentIdList String (255) Ids of departments to which the CorporateUser belongs.
departments To-many association Departments to which the CorporateUser belongs.
email String (100) Primary email address.
email2 String (100) Additional email address 2.
email3 String (100) Additional email address 3.
emailNotify Boolean Indicates whether the CorporateUser has chosen to be notified via pop-up in the Bullhorn application when a new email message arrives. X
emailSignature String (2147483647) Contents of the CorporateUser’s email signature. X
enabled Boolean Indicates whether the CorporateUser may log in to the Bullhorn application. X X
externalEmail String (60) External (non-Bullhorn) email address. Used for forwarding. X
fax1 to 3 String (50) Fax number.
firstName String (50) First name of the CorporateUser.
inboundEmailEnabled Boolean Indicates whether the CorporateUser can receive email through the Bullhorn application. X
isDayLightSavingsTime Boolean Indicates whether it is daylight savings time.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether CorporateUser is deleted.
isHidden Boolean Indicates whether the record is hidden.
isLockedOut Boolean Indicates whether the CorporateUser is locked out.
isOutboundFaxEnabled Boolean Indicates whether the CorporateUser has permission to send faxes. X
jobAssignments To-many association JobOrders that have been assigned to this CorporateUser.
lastName String (50) CorporateUser’s last name.
loginRestrictions LoginRestrictions A group of available login restrictions, including time, date, and IP address.
massMailOptOut Boolean Indicates whether the CorporateUser opted out of mass mailings.
masterUserID Integer Master user id. X X
middleName String (50) Middle name of the CorporateUser.
mobile String (20) Mobile phone number of the CorporateUser.
name String (100) Name of the CorporateUser.
namePrefix String (5) Name prefix of the CorporateUser.
nameSuffix String (5) Name suffix of the CorporateUser.
nickName String (50) Nickname of the CorporateUser.
occupation String (50) Occupation of the CorporateUser.
pager String (20) Pager number of the CorporateUser.
phone to phone3 String (20) Phone number of the CorporateUser.
primaryDepartment To-one association Primary department of the CorporateUser.
reportToPerson Person Person to whom this CorporateUser reports.
smsOptIn Boolean Indicates whether the CorporateUser has granted permission to be sent messages via SMS.
status String (100) Status of the CorporateUser.
taskAssignments Task Tasks that have been assigned to the CorporateUser, including those owned by the CorporateUser.
timeZoneOffsetEST Integer Indicates the number of hours by which the CorporateUser’s time zone differs from Eastern Standard Time. For example, Pacific Standard Time is -3, three hours earlier than Eastern.
userDateAdded Timestamp Date the record was added to the system. X X
userType To-one association User type X
username String (100) username for logging in to Bullhorn. X


Represents a department in a corporation.

CorporationDepartment field Type Description Not null Read-Only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
description String (255) Text description of the CorporationDepartment.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether this CorporationDepartment is enabled for use in the system. X X
name String (100) Name of the CorporationDepartment. X X


Represents a country.

Country field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
code String (4) Code associated with this Country.
name String (64) Name of the Country. X
states To-many association Ids of States that are associated with this Country.


Represents a Bullhorn custom action. Custom Actions are read only and must be configured through the Bullhorn application. For more information about custom actions, see:

CustomAction field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
actionOrder Integer Order of custom action.
apiKeyID Integer Bullhorn API key id.
componentURL String (4000) URL of CustomAction.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether CustomAction is enabled.
entity String (50) Entity to which CustomAction applies. X
location Integer Location of the action within Bullhorn. X
name String (50) Name of CustomAction.
privateLabel To-one association PrivateLabel the custom action is associated with. X


Entity that represents the payroll provider’s Deduction information.

Deduction fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Payroll provider’s identifier for the tax deductions made by the employer. X
code String (100) Payroll provider’s employee tax deduction code. Required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
description String (2147483647) Required description of the tax deduction. X
deductionCategoryLookupID Integer Auto-generated field used to identify existing or payroll provider additions to deduction categories. X
oneTimeSwitch String (100) Payroll provider identifier to indicate if the deduction is used a single time.
overLimitAmount BigDecimal Amount of wages for a check where a maximum amount of taxable income has been met. X
payCheck To-one association Payroll provider’s paycheck IDs for the employee paycheck. X
taxableAmount BigDecimal Total dollar amount of the paycheck that is taxable. X
taxAmount BigDecimal Total dollar amount of taxes deducted from the paycheck. X
type String (100) Used to identify the type of deduction being utlized in the paycheck. This field, along with ‘label’ in the DeductionCategoryLookup entity should be used to display deduction type in the user interface.
unionID String (100) Payroll provider identifier for the labor union code associated with the deduction.


Entity that represents the deduction categories available.

DeductionCategoryLookup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
isDeleted Boolean Whether or not deduction label is deleted. X
label String (100) This field is used in the UI to display the deducation category type indicated by the payroll provider. Payroll provider can choose a default value of Tax, Deduction, Other, or simply add new deduction types and labels.


Represents a department for a user’s corporation. Users can create, read, and update departments. Only users with the  Account Administration entitlement can create and update departments.

Department field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
description String (255) Department description. X
enabled Boolean Indicates whether department is enabled.
name String (100) Department name. X


Entity that houses the data necessary to represent paycheck and payroll information.

EmployeePay fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Payroll provider’s identifier for the employee’s payment. This would be separate from check ID or check number. X
amount BigDecimal Paid dollar amount associated with the earnings. X
chargeDate Timestamp Charge date seen on the employee timesheet. X
department String (100) Department code associated with the earnings.
earnCodeName String (100) Name of the earn code associated with the earnings for this company.
glCode String (100) General Ledger (G/L) account code from the time sheet.
hoursUnits BigDecimal The number of hours or units paid for the paycheck. X
hoursWorked BigDecimal The total number of hours worked from the timesheet. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
jobCode String (100) Job or position code associated with the earnings.
location String (100) Location associated with the employee’s earnings as synced with the Bullhorn ATS. X
payCheck To-one association Payroll provider’s paycheck IDs for the employee paycheck. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client.
projPhase String (100) Project phase associated with a paycheck’s earnings.
projWork String (100) Project code associated with a paycheck’s earnings.
shift String (100) Shift code associated with the earnings.
unitRate BigDecimal Number of hours or units paid for the paycheck. X
workCompID String (100) Payroll provider’s identifier for the workers’ compensation from the time sheet.


Entity that represents the payroll provider’s employer contributions.

EmployerContribution fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Payroll provider’s identifier for the contributions made by the employer. X
amount BigDecimal Total employer contribution dollar amount. X
code String (100) Payroll provider’s employer contribution code. X
description String (2147483647) Description of the employer contribution. X
payCheck To-one association Payroll provider’s paycheck IDs for the employee paycheck. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X


Read-only entity that represents the transaction history of an {Entity}. The GET /query{Entity}EditHistory call returns a list of {Entity}EditHistory entities for one or more {Entity} entities. The GET /entity{Entity}EditHistory/{comma-separated entityIds} call returns one or more {Entity}EditHistory entities, each of which represents a set of {Entity} field changes. {Entity} can be any one of the following: Appointment, CandidateCertification, ClientCorporation, JobOrder, JobSubmission, Opportunity, Placement, PlacementCertification, PlacementChangeRequest, PlacementCommission, Task, User.

{Entity}EditHistory field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer id of this entity. X X
auditTrail String (2147483647) An HTML snippet representing the field changes for the given ID. Not always generated. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this {Entity}EditHistory record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
fieldChanges To-many association The {Entity}EditHistoryFieldChange entities associated with this {Entity}EditHistory. X
migrateGUID String (36) Unused.  X
modifyingPerson To-one association User credited with making the [Entity] change(s).  X
targetEntity To-one association The [Entity] to which this {Entity}EditHistory applies. X X
transactionID String (36) Unique transaction id for this {Entity}EditHistory. X


Read-only entity that represents a field change associated with an [Entity]EditHistory entity. The GET /query{Entity}EditHistoryFieldChange call returns a list of [Entity]EditHistoryFieldChange entities for one or more {Entity}EditHistory entities. The GET /entity{Entity}EditHistoryFieldChange/{comma-separated entityIds} call returns one or more {Entity}EditHistoryFieldChange entities. {Entity} can be any one of the following: Appointment, CandidateCertification, ClientCorporation, JobOrder, JobSubmission, Opportunity, Placement, PlacementCertification, PlacementChangeRequest, PlacementCommission, Task, User.

{Entity}EditHistoryFieldChange field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer id of this entity. X X
columnName String (100) Database column name for the value that was changed. X X
display String (100) FieldMap label for the columnName. Value is deduced at the time of [Entity]EditHistoryFieldChange entity creation and does not update if the columnName FieldMap is subsequently renamed/relabeled. X X
editHistory To-one association {Entity}EditHistory entity that owns this [Entity]EditHistoryFieldChange entity. X X
newValue String (2147483647) The value of columnName after update.  X
oldValue String (2147483647) The value of columnName before update.  X


Read-only entity that represents a file associated with an entity. The GET /entity/{EntityType}]/{entityID}/fileAttachments call returns a list of files associated with that entity. Entity can be ClientCorporation, JobOrder, Candidate, ClientContact, Opportunity, or Placement.

{Entity}FileAttachement field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for the entity. X X
contentSubType String (64) Content subtype for the file. X
contentType String (64) Content type for the file. X
dateAdded Timestamp When the file was added. X X
departmentsSharedWith To-many association Departments with which the file is shared. X
description String (2147483647) Description for the file. X
directory String (150) Location of the file on server. X
distribution String (8) Distribution type for the file. X
externalID String (100) Third-party id of the file. X
fileExtension String (10) Extension type of the file. X X
fileSize Integer Size on disk of the file. X X
fileType String (15) Type of the file; for example, SAMPLE. X
isCopied Boolean Whether the file was copied from another entity. X
isDeleted Boolean Whether file is deleted X X
isOpen Boolean Whether file is open. X X
isPrivate Boolean Whether the file is private. X X
isSendOut Boolean Whether the file is from a sendout. X X
{entity} To-one association Entity associated with the file. X X
name String (100) Name of the file. X X
type String (50) Type of the file; for example, Resume. X
usersSharedWith To-many association Users with whom the file is shared. X
uuid String (36) Globally unique random ID. X X


Represents data sent to Bullhorn ATS when Candidate onboarding information is updated in eStaff.

EstaffMappableFlowback field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
estaffFieldType String (255) Field type in eStaff ATS. X
estaffRecordType String (255) Record type in eStaff ATS. X
atsField String (255) Field type in Bullhorn ATS. X
atsEntity String (255) Entity type in Bullhorn ATS. X
alwaysOverwrite Boolean Determines if values in Bullhorn ATS should always be overwritten by eStaff values or only if the Bullhorn value is blank. X


Represents a tax form that is added to a candidate at the federal level.

The FederalTaxForm entity is only available in the user interface if the novoTaxInfoTab corporation setting is enabled.

FederalTaxForm fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To-one association Candidate to which the FederalTaxForm applies. X
customDate1-5 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customMoney1-5 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was last modified.
federalAdditionalWithholdingsAmount BigDecimal Number of federal withholdings the Candidate has selected on W-2 tax form.
federalExemptions Integer Number of federal exemptions the Candidate has indicated on W-2 tax form.
federalExtraWithholdingAmount BigDecimal Enter any additional tax you want withheld each pay period.
federalFilingStatus String (10) X
isDeleted Boolean Whether entity is deleted or the default value is false. X
isExempt Boolean To claim exemption from withholding, set this to withholding.
otherDeductionsAmount BigDecimal If there are other deductions to be claimed (other than standard).
otherIncomeAmount BigDecimal If you want tax withheld for other income that is expected.
totalDependentClaimAmount BigDecimal Total amount claimed for dependents.
twoJobs Boolean If more then one job is held at a time or if the person is married and filing jointly and their spouse also works.


Represents a housing complex that a ClientCorporation uses when providing housing for certain types of employees. 

HousingComplex field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address HousingComplex address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
billingContactID Integer The Bullhorn ClientContact id of the billing contact person for this housing complex.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments about this housing complex.
complexManagerID Integer The Bullhorn ClientContact id of the housing complex manager.
complexOwnerID Integer The Bullhorn ClientContact id of the housing complex owner. 
contactName String (100) Name of the contact person for the housing complex, generally a facilities manager or superintendent.
customContactID1 to 3 Integer Configurable fields for identifying additional ClientContacts who have roles related to this housing complex.
customDate1 to 3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 3 Double Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 5 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1 to 5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
fax String (20) Fax number for the housing complex.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
name String (100) Name of the housing complex. X
owner Integer CorporateUser who is the owner of this housing complex. X
phone String (20) Primary phone number of the housing complex.
whitelistClientCorporations To-many association Set of ClientCorporations to use this housing complex.


Read-only enntity that represents a housing complex furniture delivery that a ClientCorporation uses when providing housing for certain types of employees. 

HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address HousingComplex address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
billingContactID Integer The Bullhorn ClientContact id of the billing contact person for this housing complex.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments about this housing complex.
contactName String (100) Name of the contact person for the housing complex, generally a facilities manager or superintendent.
customContactID1 and 2 Integer Configurable fields for identifying additional ClientContacts who have roles related to this housing complex.
customDate1 to 3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 3 Double Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 5 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1 to 5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateOfDelivery Timestamp The delivery date of furniture.
dateOfOrder Timestamp The order date of furniture.
dateOfPickup Timestamp The pickup date of furniture.
fax String (20) Fax number for the housing complex.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
name String (100) Name of the housing complex.
phone String (20) Primary phone number of the housing complex.
unit To-one association Associated HousingComplexUnit. X


Read-only entity that represents a housing complex unit that a ClientCorporation uses when providing housing for certain types of employees. 

HousingComplexUnit field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
billingContactID Integer The Bullhorn ClientContact id of the billing contact person for this housing complex.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments about this housing complex.
contactName String (100) Name of the contact person for the housing complex, generally a facilities manager or superintendent.
customContactID1 and 2 Integer Configurable fields for identifying additional ClientContacts who have roles related to this housing complex.
customDate1 to 3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 3 Double Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 5 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1 to 5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateLeaseBegin Timestamp The lease begin date.
dateLeaseEnd Timestamp The lease end date.
dateOfDeposit Timestamp The deposit date.
dateORefund Timestamp The refund date.
firstMonthProRate Double Prorate value for the first month of the lease.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
isDepositRefundable Boolean Indicates whether lease is on file. X
isLeaseOnFile Boolean Indicates whether deposit is refundable. X
maxOccupants Integer Maximum number of occupants.
monthlyRent Double Monthly rent.
name String (100) Name of the housing complex.
occupants Integer Number of occupants.
penalties String CorporateUser who is the owner of this housing complex. X
securityDeposit Double Amount of security deposit.
unitManagerID Integer ID of unit manager.
furnitureDeliveries To-many association Set of FurnitureDeliveries attached to this HousingComplexUnit.
userHousingComplexUnits To-many association Set of userHousingComplexUnits attached to this HousingComplexUnit.
utilityAccounts To-many association Set of utilityAccounts attached to this HousingComplexUnit.


Read-only entity that represents a housing complex unit utility account that a ClientCorporation uses when providing housing for certain types of employees. 

HousingComplexUtilityAccount field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address HousingComplex address:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
accountNumber String (100) Utility account number.
billingContactID Integer The Bullhorn ClientContact id of the billing contact person for this housing complex.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments about this housing complex.
contactName String (100) Name of the contact person for the housing complex, generally a facilities manager or superintendent.
customContactID1 and 2 Integer Configurable fields for identifying additional ClientContacts who have roles related to this housing complex.
customDate1 to 3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1 to 3 Double Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1 to 3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1 to 5 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1 to 5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateConnected Timestamp Utility connection date.
dateDisconnected Timestamp Utility disconnection date.
deposit Double Deposit amount.
fax String (20) Fax number for the housing complex.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
name String (100) Name of the housing complex.
phone String (20) Primary phone number.
type String (100) Type of utility account.
unit To-one association Associated HousingComplexUnit. X


Entity representing an Issue which contains metadata and a collection of IssueItems which represent individual reported issues.

Issue field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
action String The action being performed that initiated this Issue. This field is free-form. For Payroll Export issues, typical values are “Payroll Export”, “New Hire Export”, “Accounts Payable Export”, or “Unknown”.
actionEntityID Integer The ID of the entity on which this Issue is based. This can be left blank if no specific entity is relevant.
actionEntityName String The name of the entity on which this Issue is based. This can be left blank if no specific entity is relevant.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which the entity was created. X
externalSystemName String Name of an integrating external system to be used to specify the source of the issue being reported.
issueItems To-many association The list of associated IssueItems related to this Issue.
payMasterTransactionPayExportBatchIssues To-many association Association to any related PayMasterTransactionPayExportBatchIssues which can tie the issue to a pay export batch. X
severity String The severity of the Issue. Valid values are Error, Warning, Exception, and Unknown. X


Entity representing individual reported issues.

IssueItems field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
comments String Comments about the IssueItems to be used for reference.
description String A text description of the IssueItems.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which the entity was created. X
dateLateModified Timestamp Date on which the entity was last modified.
errorType String The type of error type being reported. Valid values are INVALID-DATA, MISSING-DATA, DATA-MISMATCH, SYSTEM-ERROR, or UNKNOWN.
externalEntityID String A reference to any external entity ID that is related to this issue.
externalEntityName String A reference to any external entity name that is related to this issue.
fieldReference String The field on the entity that is known to be related to the issue being reported.
fixableByUser Boolean Whether or not this issue should be fixable by a user.
fixInBullhorn Boolean Whether or not this issue should be fixable within the Bullhorn system.
issue To-one associaton The Issue entity to which this IssueItems entity is associated. X
issueResolutionStatusLookup To-one associaton The code of the issue resolution status. A value of 1 means Open. A value of 2 means Resolved. A value of 3 means Dismissed. X
modifiedByUser To-one association The user who last modified the entity.
rawIssueItemPayload String Text field containing raw payload information such as JSON containing additional context of the reported issue.
referenceUrl String The Bullhorn API URL that is being reported on by this issue.
referenceUrlMethod String The Bullhorn API HTTP method that is being reported on by this issue.
referenceUrlResponse String The Bullhorn API response message that is being reported on by this issue.
referenceUrlStatusCode Integer The Bullhorn API HTTP status code that is being reported on by this issue.
severity String The severity of the IssueItems. Valid values are Error, Warning, Exception, and Unknown. X
sourceEntity String The entity type that is being reported on in this issue.
sourceEntityID Integer The ID of the entity that is being reported on in this issue.


Represents a view into a JobOrder entity with information typically used in public job boards. JobBoardPost is a read-only entity.

JobBoardPost field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address Address of the hiring company; when the record is created in the Bullhorn application, this data is pulled from the client contact record.  X
benefits String (2147483647) Text description of benefits offered with this job.  X
bonusPackage String (2147483647) Text description of the bonus package offered with this job.  X
categories To-many association IDs of Categories associated with this job.  X
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateEnd Timestamp Date when the job will end (if applicable).  X
dateLastPublished Timestamp Date when this record was last published to the ‘Corporate’ Job Board. X
employmentType String (200) Type of employment offered: for example, contract, permanent, and so forth. Determines which of the five job types are used. X  X
isPublic Boolean Controls whether a job appears on the Bullhorn job board (if in use). Only 3 values allows, -1, 0, 1.  X
isOpen Boolean Indicates whether the job is open.
payRate BigDecimal Pay rate offered with this job.  X
publicDescription String (200000) Description of this job for use on public job boards. X
publishedCategory To-one association The category that was last selected when publishing the job.  X
publishedZip String (18) Published Zip Code of the job location.
responseUser To-one association id of CorporateUser to whom submissions should be sent.  X
salary BigDecimal Salary offered for this job.  X
salaryUnit String (12) Salary unit represented by the range (e.g. per hour, yearly).  X
startDate Timestamp Desired start date for the position. X X
title String (100) Job title.  X
travelRequirements String (50) Text description of the amount of travel required for this job.  X
willRelocate Boolean Indicates whether the hiring company will provide relocation assistance.  X
willSponsor Boolean Indicates whether the hiring company is willing to sponsor an employee on a work visa.  X
yearsRequired Integer Number of years of experience required for the job.  X


Represents an open job to be filled.

The JobOrder entity supports the massUpdate operations.

JobOrder fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address COMPOSITE Address of the hiring company; when the record is created in the Bullhorn application, this data is pulled from the client contact record.
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • countryID: options:
    • value: 1
    • value: 2
Use the following REST call to get the list of countryIDs and labels:
appointments To-many association Appointments associated with the JobOrder.
approvedPlacements To-many association Approved Placements associated with the JobOrder.
assignedUsers To-many association Internal users assigned to the JobOrder.
benefits String (2147483647) Text description of benefits offered with the JobOrder.
billRateCategoryID Integer Id of the client bill rate category.
billingProfile To-one Association BillingProfile
bonusPackage String (2147483647) Text description of the bonus package offered with the JobOrder.
branch To-one Association Branch associated with the JobOrder. X
branchCode String (100) Code representing the corporate branch where the JobOrder is located.
businessSectors To-many association BusinessSectors associated with the JobOrder.
categories To-many association Categories associated with the JobOrder.
certificationGroups To-many association CertificationGroups associated with the JobOrder.
certificationList String (255) List of Certifications that a Candidate should have.
certifications To-many association Certifications that Candidates should have.
clientBillRate BigDecimal Amount to be billed to the client for the JobOrder when it is filled.
clientContact To-one Association ClientContact associated with the JobOrder. X
clientCorporation To-one Association Hiring company associated with the JobOrder. X
clientCorporationLine To-one Association AgreementLine associated with the JobOrder. X
correlatedCustomDate1-3 Timestamp X
correlatedCustomFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
correlatedCustomInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
correlatedCustomText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
correlatedCustomTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
costCenter String (30) Name of the cost center associated with the JobOrder. This cost center flows to the placement record and drives invoice grouping. Placements with the same cost center for the same client will be grouped together.
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-8 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-40 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateClosed Timestamp Date when the JobOrder was marked as closed.
dateEnd Timestamp Date when the JobOrder will end (if applicable).
dateLastExported Timestamp Date when the JobOrder was last exported.
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the JobOrder was last modified. X X
dateLastPublished Timestamp X
degreeList String (2147483647) List of educational degrees required for the JobOrder.
description String (2147483647) Text description of the JobOrder.
durationWeeks Double Expected duration the JobOrder. For a permanent position, this is null.
educationDegree String (50) Required degree for the JobOrder.
employmentType String (200) Type of employment offered: for example, contract, permanent, and so forth. Determines which of the five JobOrder types is used. X
externalCategoryID Integer Category exposed on public JobOrder postings to the web.
externalID String (100) Used for migrations or for the JobOrder’s external/back-office identification number.
feeArrangement Double Fee, expressed as a percentage, that will be paid by the ClientCorporation when the JobOrder is filled.
fileAttachments To-many association JobOrderFileAttachment associated with the JobOrder. X
hoursOfOperation String (30) Hiring company’s hours of operation.
hoursPerWeek Double Number of hours per week that the employee will work.
interviews To-many association Appointments associated with the JobOrder. X
isClientEditable Boolean Indicates whether a ClientContact can modify the JobOrder via the Bullhorn system.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system.
isInterviewRequired Boolean Indicates whether applicants are required to Interview for the JobOrder.
isJobcastPublished Boolean Indicates whether the JobOrder was published through Jobcast.
isOpen Boolean Indicates whether the JobOrder is open.
isPublic Integer Controls whether a JobOrder appears on the Bullhorn job board (if in use). Only 3 values allows, -1, 0, 1.
isWorkFromHome Boolean Indicates whether the JobOrder is work from home.
jobBoardList String (2147483647) List of job boards on which the JobOrder has been posted.
jobCode To-one Association JobCode X
jobOrderIntegrations To-many association JobOrderIntegration X
location To-one Association Location sourced from the associated ClientCorporation record by way of the Location entity.
markUpPercentage Double
notes To-many association Notes associated with the JobOrder.
numOpenings Integer Number of openings to be filled for the JobOrder.
onSite String (20) Location requirements; for example, on-site, off-site, no preference. X
opportunity To-one Association Opportunity associated with the JobOrder.
optionsPackage String (2147483647) Text description of the stock options package offered with the JobOrder.
owner To-one Association CorporateUser who owns the JobOrder. The default value is the user who creates the JobOrder. The field name in ATS for owner is listed in field maps as userID. X
payRate BigDecimal Pay rate offered with the JobOrder.
placements To-many association Placements associated with the JobOrder.
publicDescription String (2147483647) Description of the JobOrder for use on public job boards.
publishedCategory To-one Association Category X
publishedZip String (18) Published ZIP code of the job location.
reasonClosed String (2147483647) Text description of the reason the JobOrder was closed, if applicable.
reportTo String (100) Name and/or title of the person the JobOrder will report to.
reportToClientContact To-one Association ClientContact the JobOrder reports to.
responseUser To-one Association CorporateUser to whom submissions should be sent.
salary BigDecimal Salary offered for the JobOrder.
salaryUnit String (12) Salary unit represented by the range (for example, per hour, yearly).
sendouts To-many association Sendouts associated with the JobOrder.
shift To-one Association Shift Deprecated. Shift associated with the JobOrder.
shifts To-many association Deprecated. Shifts associated with the JobOrder.
skillList String (2147483647) Comma-separated list of skills the applicants should have.
skills To-many association Skills associated with the JobOrder.
source String (100) Source of the JobOrder.
specialties To-many association Specialties associated with the JobOrder.
startDate Timestamp Desired start date for the position. The default value is 12 AM on day record is added. X
status String (200) Current status of the Job Order. Examples: Accepting Candidates, Currently Interviewing, Covered, Offer Out, Placed
submissions To-many association JobSubmissions associated with the JobOrder.
tasks To-many association Tasks associated with the JobOrder.
taxRate Double Rate (percentage) at which the person hired for the JobOrder will be taxed.
taxStatus String (20) Tax Status, for example, 1099, W-2, and so forth.
tearsheets To-many association Tearsheets associated with the JobOrder.
timeUnits To-many association TimeUnits associated with the JobOrder. X
title String (100) Job title.
travelRequirements String (50) Text description of the amount of travel required for the JobOrder.
type Integer Job type, for example, Cold, Cool, Medium, Warm, Hot. Stored in DB as Integer with display values configured in field maps.
usersAssigned String (0) X
webResponses To-many association Web responses associated with the JobOrder. This field is populated when you create JobSubmissions where JobSubmission.status is “New Lead”.
willRelocate Boolean Indicates whether the hiring company will provide relocation assistance.
willRelocateInt Integer X
willSponsor Boolean Indicates whether the hiring company is willing to sponsor an employee on a work visa.
workersCompRate To-one Association WorkersCompensationRate entity associated with the JobOrder.
yearsRequired Integer Number of years of experience required for the JobOrder.


The main entity for Shift scheduling and is used for storing start and end times, references to the ClientCorporation, JobOrder, and other details for the JobShift such as location, name, and so forth.

JobShift fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date when this record was last modified in the Bullhorn system. X X
endTime OffsetDateTime Time the JobShift Ends.
fillRatio Double Ratio of assigned Candidates to openings on the JobShift. X
isClosed Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as closed in the Bullhorn system.
jobOrder To-one association JobOrder associated with the JobShift. X
jobShiftAssignments To-many association JobShiftAssignments associated to the JobShift. X
jobShiftSubmissions To-many association JobShiftSubmission associated to a JobShift. JobShiftSubmission is created when offering a Candidate a JobShift. X
location To-one association Location associated to JobShift sourced from the ClientCorporation.
name String (150) Name of the JobShift. X
notes To-many association Note associated with JobShift. X
numAssigned Integer Indicates the number of assigned Candidates associated to the JobShift. X
openings Integer Indicates the total openings to be filled on the JobShift.
reasonClosed String (150) Indicates the reason the JobShift was closed.
sequenceID String (36) Unused.
shift To-one association The Shift associated with the JobShift.
shiftPosition To-one association The ShiftPosition associated with the JobShift.
shiftTypes To-many association The ShiftTypes over which the associated JobShift spans.
startTime OffsetDateTime Time the JobShift Starts. X


Similar to a JobSubmission, JobShiftSubmissions contain status and allow for a workflow of assigning a Candidate to a JobShift without a JobShiftAssignment.

JobShiftSubmission fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To-one association Candidate associated to JobShiftSubmission. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date when this record was last modified in the Bullhorn system. X
isPublished Boolean Indicates when JobShiftSubmission is promoted to JobShiftAssignment. X
jobShift To-one association JobShift associated with JobShiftSubmission. X
jobShiftOfferContext To-one association Context within the JobShift offer.
status String (50) Status of JobShiftSubmission.


Ties the Candidate to a JobShift and also allows for storing time capture details such as actualStartTime and actualEndTime.

JobShiftAssignment fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
actualEndTime OffsetDateTime End time of the associated JobShift.
actualStartTime OffsetDateTime Start time of the associated JobShift.
candidate To-one association Candidate assigned to JobShift. X
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation associated to JobShift. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date when this record was last modified in the Bullhorn system. X X
isCancelled Boolean Indicates whether this JobShiftAssignment has been marked as cancelled in the Bullhorn system.
jobShift To-one association JobShift associated to JobShiftAssignment. X
linkedJobShiftSubmission To-one association Link of JobShiftSubmission that was promoted to JobShiftAssignment.
owner To-one association Owner that created the JobShiftAssignment. X
placement To-one association Placement that is associated to the JobShiftAssignment.
reasonCancelled String (150) Indicates reason JobShiftAssignment was cancelled.
scheduledEndTime OffsetDateTime End Time of the JobShiftAssignment. May reflect different from actualEndTime if JobShiftAssignment End Time was updated.
scheduledStartTime OffsetDateTime Start Time of the JobShiftAssignment. May reflect different from actualStartTime if JobShiftAssignment Start Time was updated. X
status String (50) Status of the JobShiftAssignment.


Represents a formal submission of a Candidate for a particular job. A job submission occurs after the Candidate has been evaluated, interviewed, and otherwise assessed, and the parties involved have agreed that the Candidate may be suitable. The JobSubmission entity is then created with references to the Candidate and the JobOrder representing the position. If the JobSubmission is approved, a Placement entity is created.

The JobSubmission entity supports the massUpdate operations.

Note: When you set the status field of a JobSubmission to “New Lead”, it becomes a web response, which is an informal job submission. When you update another status, it becomes a formal job submission. When you create a web response, set the dateWebResponse field to the current date. When you update a web response to make it a formal job submission, set the dateAdded field to the current date.

JobSubmission fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
appointments To Many Association Ids of Appointments associated with this JobSubmission.
billRate BigDecimal Bill rate for this JobSubmission.
branch To One Association Branch X
candidate To One Association Candidate submitted for this job. X
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments on this JobSubmission.
customDate1-5 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-5 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-25 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this JobSubmission record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the JobSubmission was last modified. X X
dateWebResponse Timestamp When a new web response is added, set the dateWebResponse field to the current timestamp. When a web response is promoted to a submission, update the dateAdded property to the current timestamp. X
endDate Timestamp Place holder for where the start date of the Placement. This is not automatically updated.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
isHidden Boolean Indicates whether web responses are hidden. If you do not plan to promote a web response to a submission, set the isHidden field to true.
jobOrder To One Association JobOrder to which this JobSubmission corresponds. X
jobSubmissionCertificationRequirements To Many Association JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement X
jobSubmissionIntegrations To Many Association JobSubmissionIntegration X
latestAppointment To One Association Appointment
migrateGUID String (36)
owners To Many Association Primary (first) and secondary (all but first) corporateUsers considered owners of this JobSubmission.
payRate BigDecimal Pay rate for this JobSubmission.
salary BigDecimal Salary for this JobSubmission.
sendingUser To One Association CorporateUser credited with making the submission. The default value is user who created the JobSubmission. X
source String (100) Source of the JobSubmission (for example, web, Integer, and so forth.)
startDate Timestamp Place holder for where the start date of the Placement. This is not automatically updated.
status String (30) Status of the JobSubmission (for example, reviewed, accepted, and so forth.). Allowable values are available in the response of the settings/jobResponseStatusList operation. X
tasks To Many Association Task X


This entity represents the required certifications for a Job Submission.

JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidateCertification To One Association CandidateCertification that fulfills this Requirement.
certification To One Association The Certification that is required. X
certificationFileAttachments To Many Association CertificationFileAttachment X
customDate1-10 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-10 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp X X
dateExpiration Timestamp X
dateLastModified Timestamp
documentDeadline Timestamp
fileAttachments To Many Association CandidateFileAttachment
isDeleted Boolean

Whether entity is deleted.

The default value is false.

jobSubmission To One Association JobSubmission X
matchingCredentialCount Integer X
migrateGUID String (36)
modifyingUser To One Association CorporateUser X X
owner To One Association CorporateUser
status To One Association CertificationRequirementStatusLookup
userCertificationName String (100) X
userCertificationStatus String (30) X


Read-only entity that represents the transaction history of a JobSubmission. The GET /query/JobSubmissionHistory call returns a list of JobSubmissionHistory entities for one or more JobSubmission entities. The GET /entity/JobSubmissionHistory/{entityId} call returns a single JobSubmissionHistory entity that represents one JobSubmission change. Supports create and delete operations.

JobSubmissionHistory field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
comments String (2147483647) Value of the JobSubmission comments fields for this transaction.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which the JobSubmission record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
jobSubmission To-one association JobSubmission associated with this JobSubmissionHistory. X X
modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser credited with modifying the JobSubmission. X  X
status String (30) Status of the JobSubmission (for example, reviewed, accepted, and so forth.). Allowable values are configured in field maps. X  X
transactionID String (36) Unique transaction id for this JobSubmissionHistory.


Represents a Lead on a potential Candidate, ClientContact, or ClientCorporation. A Lead can be converted into a Candidate, ClientContact, or ClientCorporation.

Lead field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address Address Lead’s address. This is an address object containing Street Address, City, State, Zip, and CountryID.
assignedTo To-many association CorporateUser(s) this Lead is assigned to.
businessSectors To-many association IDs of BusinessSectors in which the Lead operates.
campaignSource String (15) Campaign source of the Lead.
candidates To-many association Candidates associated with this Lead.
category To-one association Lead’s primary Category. X
categories To-many association IDs of the Categories associated with the Lead. Note that the categoryId property is used to store the Lead’s primary Category, while this association hold that Category and any other Categories to which the Lead belongs.
clientContacts To-many association ClientContacts associated with this Lead.
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation associated with this Lead.
comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments on this Lead.
companyName String(100) Name of the Lead’s company (can be used if there is no ClientCorporation entity for this Lead’s company).
companyURL String(100)
conversionSource String(200) Source of the Lead’s conversion. For example, Cold Call, Monster, and so forth.
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateLastComment Timestamp Date on which the last comment referencing this Lead was made.
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the Lead was last modified. X X
dateLastVisited Timestamp Date on which the Lead was last visited.
description String (2147483647) Description of the Lead.
distributionLists To-many association IDs of DistributionLists associated with this Lead.
division String (40) Department that the Lead is associated with.
email String (100) Lead’s primary email address. X
email2 String (100) Additional email address. Typically used for the Lead’s home or personal email.
email3 String(100) Additional email address. Typically used for the Lead’s home or personal email.
fax String(20) The primary fax number for the Lead.
fax2 String(20) An additional fax number for the Lead.
fax3 String(20) An additional fax number for the Lead.
firstName String (50) Lead’s first name.
history To-many association IDs of LeadHistory entities associated with this Lead.
isAnonymized Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as anonymized in the Bullhorn system.
isDayLightSavingsTime Boolean Indicates whether the Lead’s location is using Daylight Saving Time.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as Deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
lastName String (50) Lead’s last name
leadSource String (15) Source of the Lead. For example, LinkedIn, Facebook, Marketing, and so forth.
massMailOptOut Boolean Indicates whether the Lead has chosen not to be included in mass emails through the Bullhorn system X
middleName String (50) Lead’s middle name.
mobile String (20) Lead’s mobile (cellular) telephone number.
name String (100) Lead’s full name. Should be a combination of the firstName and lastName fields separated by a space.
Notes: If you create a Lead with no value in the name field, users have no way to select that Lead in the Bullhorn staffing application. If you create or modify a Lead name that is not a combination of the firstName and lastName fields, the name will be overwritten when a user saves the Lead in the Bullhorn staffing application. The name will change to a combination of the firstName and lastName fields.
namePrefix String (5) Lead’s name prefix. For example Dr., Ms, Mr., and so forth.
nameSuffix String (5) Lead’s name suffix. For example Jr.
nickName String(50) Lead’s nickname.
notes To-many association IDs of Note entities associated with this Lead.
numEmployees Integer The number of employees associated with the Lead.
occupation String(50) Occupation of the Lead.
owner To-one association id of the CorporateUser who is the owner of this Lead record. X
ownerCorporation To-one association Corporation id of the Lead’s owner.
pager String(20) Lead’s pager number.
phone String (20) Lead’s primary telephone number.
phone2 String(20) Additional phone number for the Lead.
phone3 String(20) Additional phone number for the Lead.
preferredContact String(15) Preferred contact method of the Lead. X
primarySkills To-many association Skills that are listed as the primary skills for this Lead.
priority String(15) Priority of the Lead.
referredByPerson To-one association Person who referred this Lead.
reportToPerson To-one association Person to whom this Lead reports.
role String (255) Role of the Lead.
salary BigDecimal The desired salary of the Lead.
salaryLow BigDecimal The lowest yearly salary the Lead would accept.
secondarySkills To-many association Skills that are listed as secondary skills for this Lead
skillSet String (2147483647) Text description of the Lead’s skills.
smsOptIn Boolean Indicates whether the Lead has granted permission to be sent messages via SMS. Can only set on create calls; updates are not allowed.
specialties To-many association IDs of the Specialties are associated with this Lead.
status String (100) Status of the lead; for example, New Lead, Active, Prospect, and so forth. Possible values can be configured using field maps. X
tearsheets To-many association IDs of Tearsheets associated with this Lead.
timeZoneOffsetEST Integer Indicates the number of hours by which the Lead’s time zone differs from Eastern Standard Time. For example, Pacific Standard Time is -3, three hours earlier than Eastern Standard Time.
type String(30) Describes the type of Lead. For example, Staffing, RFP/VOR, etc. Possible values can be configured using the field maps. X
willRelocate Boolean Indicates whether or not a Lead is willing to relocate.


Read-only entity that represents the status and ClientCorporation history of a Lead.

LeadHistory field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation of the associated Lead at the time this LeadHistory was created. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date this LeadHistory was added. X X
lead To-one association Lead associated with this LeadHistory. X X
modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser who modified the Lead associated with this LeadHistory. X X
status String (30) Status of the associated Lead at the time this LeadHistory was created. X X


Represents a tax form that is added to a candidate at the local level.

The LocalTaxForm entity is only available in the user interface if the novoTaxInfoTab corporation setting is enabled.

LocalTaxForm fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
candidate To-one association Candidate to which the LocalTaxForm applies. X
customDate1-5 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customInt1-5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customMoney1-5 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was last modified.
isDeleted Boolean Whether entity is deleted or the default value is false.
isExempt Boolean To claim exemption from withholding, set this to withholding.
localAdditionalWithholdingsAmount BigDecimal Number of local withholdings the Candidate has selected on W-2 tax form.
localExemptions Integer Number of local exemptions Candidate has indicated on W-2 tax form.
localFilingStatus String (10) Candidate’s local tax filing status.
localTaxCode String (1000) Candidate’s local tax code (if local taxes apply); not required.
localTaxStateID Integer State in which Candidate pays taxes.


An effective-dated entity that represents the location of a ClientCorporation.

Displays today’s version unless you specify the effectiveOn query parameter (LocationVersion.viewableStartDate < today AND LocationVersion.efffectiveEndDate > today).


Entitlements - Add Location, Add Location Version, Delete Location and Version, Manage Current Location Version, Manage Historical Location Version, Manage Future Location Version, View Current and Future Location and Version.

Location fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address AddressWithStateID Fields:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • stateID
  • stateName
  • zip
  • countryID
  • countryName
  • countryCode
candidate To-one association The Candidate of the associated Location

Default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation of the associated Location

Default fields:
  • id
  • name
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
dateAdded Timestamp X
dateLastModified Timestamp X
declineToApplyTaxes Boolean
description String (255)
effectiveDate Date X
effectiveEndDate Date X
externalID String (100) User defined external ID X
isBillTo Boolean Is billing sent to this location.
isDeleted Boolean X
isSoldTo Boolean Sold to the location.
isWorkSite Boolean Is this location a worksite.
owner To-one Association CorporateUser who is the owner of this entity. The default value is user who created the entity.

Default values:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
salesTaxGroups To-many association AllSalesTaxGroup
status String (100) X
title String (100) X
versionID Integer LocationVersion associated with the Location. On GET calls, this is the ID of the current Version. On POST calls, this is the Version to update.
versions To-many association LocationVersion - Versions associated with the Location.

Default fields:
  • id
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • title


Represents a version of the Location record on a Client Corporation. CRUD Access - READ

LocationVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id ID Unique identifier for this entity. X X
address COMPOSITE Fields:
  • address1
  • address2
  • city
  • state
  • stateID
  • stateName
  • zip
  • countryID
  • countryName
  • countryCode
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
dateAdded Timestamp X
dateLastModified Timestamp X
declineToApplyTaxes Boolean
description String (255)
effectiveDate Date X
effectiveEndDate Date X
externalID String (100) X
isBillTo Boolean
isFirst Boolean X
isSoldTo Boolean
isWorkSite Boolean
salesTaxGroups To-many association AllSalesTaxGroup
status String (100) X
title String (100) X


Represents a note (comment) associated with a Candidate, ClientContact, CorporateUser, JobOrder, JobShift, Lead, or Opportunity. Notes can be accessed via the “Notes” tab on the person’s record in the Bullhorn application.

If you include a commentingPerson value and a personReference value when you create a Note, the association to an entity is made automatically and you do not need to make a separate call to create a NoteEntity.

Note fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Id of this Note. X
action String (30) Action type associated with Note. The list of values is configured in the private label attribute called commentActionList.
bhTimeStamp byte[] Timestamp for this Note. X
candidates To-many association Candidates associated with this Note.
clientContacts To-many association ClientContacts associated with this Note.
commentingPerson To-one association Person who created the Note. The default value is user who creates the Note. X
comments String (2147483647) Text of this Note. X
corporateUsers To-many association Ids of CorporateUsers associated with this Note.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the Note was last modified. X X
entities To-many association Ids of NoteEntities associated with this Note. X
externalID String (100) External identifier for the record, used for integrations with external datasources or custom imports.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as Deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
jobOrder To-one association Primary JobOrder associated with this Note.
jobOrders To-many association JobOrders associated with this Note. X
jobShifts To-many association JobShift’s associated with this Note. X
leads To-many association Leads associated with this Note. X
linkedInID String (200) LinkedInID associated with this Note.
migrateGUID String (36) Unused.
minutesSpent Integer Number of minutes spent on actions associated with this note, if applicable.
opportunities To-many association Opportunities associated with this Note. X
people To-many association People with whom this Note is associated. X
personReference To-one association Person with whom this Note is associated. X
placements To-many association Ids of Placements associated with this Note. X
primaryDepartmentName String (0) Primary department name associated with the owner of this Note.
truestDateAdded Timestamp Time at which a record was added to the database.


Represents a possible Opportunity which can be converted to a JobOrder.

Opportunity field Type Description Not null Read-Only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
actualCloseDate Timestamp Actual close date of the Opportunity.
address Address Address of the hiring company; when the Opportunity is created in the Bullhorn application, this data is pulled from the ClientContact record that is associated with this Opportunity.
appointments To-many association IDs of Appointments associated with this Opportunity.
assignedDate Timestamp Date the Opportunity was assigned to a CorporateUser.
assignedUsers To-many association CorporateUsers assigned to this Opportunity.
benefits String (2147483647) Text description of benefits offered with this Opportunity.
billRateCategoryID Integer ID of the client bill rate category.
bonusPackage String (2147483647) Text description of the bonus package offered with this Opportunity.
branchCode String (100) Code representing the corporate branch where this Opportunity is located.
businessSector Integer ID of the primary BusinessSector associated with this Opportunity.
businessSectors To-many association IDs of BusinessSectors associated with this Opportunity.
campaignSource String (100) Campaign source of this Opportunity.
category Integer ID of the primary Category associated with this Opportunity.
categories To-many association IDs of Categories associated with this Opportunity.
certifications To-many association Certifications needed for this Opportunity.
clientContact To-one association ClientContact associated with this Opportunity. X
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation the ClientContact associated with this Opportunity is employed by. X
committed Boolean Indicates whether the Opportunity has been committed to.
customDate1-3 BigDecimal Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customObject1s to 10s CustomObject Fields to which custom objects can be assigned. For more information about custom objects, see the Bullhorn Resource Center and the following article on using the REST API with custom objects:
dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date this record was last modified. X X
dealValue BigDecimal Deal value for this Opportunity.
degreeList String (2147483647) Degree requirements for this Opportunity.
description String (2147483647) Text description of this Opportunity.
educationDegree String (50) Education requirements for this Opportunity.
effectiveDate Timestamp Effective date of this Opportunity.
estimatedDuration Double Estimated duration of this Opportunity.
estimatedEndDate Timestamp Estimated date when this Opportunity will end (if applicable).
estimatedHoursPerWeek Double The estimated hours per week of this Opportunity.
estimatedStartDate Timestamp The estimated start date for this Opportunity. X
estimatedBillRate BigDecimal Estimated bill rate of this Opportunity.
expectedCloseDate Timestamp Expected close date of this Opportunity.
expectedFee Double Fee, expressed as a percentage, that will be paid by the ClientCorporation when the potential JobOrder is filled.
expectedPayRate BigDecimal The expected pay rate of this Opportunity.
externalCategoryID Integer ID of the external category of this Opportunity.
externalID String (30) External identifier for the record, used for migrations and back-office integration.
history To-many association IDs of OpportunityHistory entities associated with this Opportunity.
ignoreUntilDate Timestamp The date, if any, until which to ignore this Opportunity. Allows you to ignore an Opportunity until a certain day/time.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as Deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
isOpen Boolean Indicates whether this Opportunity is Open or Closed. X
jobOrders To-many association JobOrders that have been converted from this Opportunity.
lead To-one association Lead, if any, that is associated to this Opportunity.
markUpPercentage Double Percent of mark up for this Opportunity.
notes To-many association Notes associated with this Opportunity.
numOpenings Integer Number of openings of this Opportunity.
onSite String (20) Location requirements of this Opportunity.
optionsPackage String (2147483647) Options package of this Opportunity.
owner To-one association ID of CorporateUser who owns this Opportunity. X
priority Integer Priority of this Opportunity, for example, Cold, Cool, Medium, Warm, Hot. Stored in DB as Integer with display values configured in field maps.
publicDescription String (2147483647) Public description of this Opportunity.
publishedZip String (18) Published zip code of this Opportunity.
reasonClosed String (255) Text description of the reason this Opportunity was closed.
salary BigDecimal Salary offered for this Opportunity.
salaryUnit String (12) Salary unit represented by the range. For example, per hour, yearly, and so forth.
skillList String (2147483647) Comma-separated list of skills the applicants should have.
skills To-many association IDs of Skills associated with this Opportunity.
source String (100) Source of this Opportunity. For example, Existing Client, Internet Search, and so forth.
specialties To-many association IDs of Specialties associated with this Opportunity.
status String (200) Current status of this Opportunity. i.e. Prospective, Active, Lost to Competition, and so forth.
tasks To-many association Tasks associated with this Opportunity.
taxRate Double Rate (percentage) at which the person hired for this job will be taxed.
taxStatus String (20) Tax Status, for example, 1099, W-2, and so forth.
tearsheets To-many association Tearsheets associated with this Opportunity
title String (100) Opportunity title.
type String (200) Type of employment offered: for example, contract, permanent, and so forth. Determines which of the five Opportunity tracks are used. X
weightedDealValue BigDecimal Weighted deal value of this Opportunity.
willRelocate Boolean Indicates whether or not the company will provide relocation assistance for this Opportunity.
winProbabilityPercent Double Probability of winning this Opportunity.
yearsRequired Integer Minimum experience required for this Opportunity.


Read-only entity that represents the history of certain fields of an Opportunity.

OpportunityHistory field Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date this OpportunityHistory was added. X X
dealValue BigDecimal Deal value of the associated Opportunity at the time this OpportunityHistory was created. X
effectiveDate Timestamp Date the status change comes into effect for the associated Opportunity. X
modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser who modified the Opportunity associated with this OpportunityHistory. X X
opportunity To-one association Opportunity associated with this OpportunityHistory. X X
status String (200) Status of the associated Opportunity at the time this OpportunityHistory was created. X X
weightedDealValue BigDecimal Weighted deal value of the associated Opportunity at the time this OpportunityHistory was created. X
winProbabilityPercent Double Probability of winning the associated Opportunity at the time this OpportunityHistory was created. X

Pay and Bill - AccountingPeriod

Represents an accounting period.

AccountingPeriod fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
accountingPeriodDate Date Accounting Period date. X

Pay and Bill - BatchGroup

Read-only entity that represents a batch group. Dynamic insert via billing-sync-services.

BatchGroup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
billingSyncBatches To-many association


Default fields:

  • id

Pay and Bill - BillableCharge

Represents a billable charge.

BillableCharge fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
addedByUser To-one association

CorporateUser - this is the internal user who added the record.

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
billMasterTransactionDistributionBatches To-many association BillMasterTransactionDistributionBatch - list of associated bill master transaction distribution batches. X
billMasters To-many association

BillMaster - list of associated bill master records.

Default fields:

  • id
billableTransactions To-many association BillableChargeBillableTransaction - list of associated billable charge transactions. X
billingCalendarInstances To-many association - list of associated billing calendar instances. CalendarInstance. X
billingClientContact To-one association

Billing contact - the client contact associated with this billable charge.

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
billingClientCorporation To-one association

ClientCorporation - this is the bill-to company.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
billingCorporateUser To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
billingFrequency String (20) Billing frequency. X
billingProfile To-one association

Billing profile.

Default fields:

  • id
  • clientCorporation
  • title
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
  • billingClientCorporation
billingSchedule Integer Billing schedule. X
billingSyncBatchFileAttachments To-many association BillingSyncBatchFileAttachment - list of associated billing sync batch file attachments. X
candidate To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
clientCorporation To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • name
currencyUnit To-one association

Currency unit.

Default fields:

  • id
  • alphabeticCode
  • name
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
description String (2147483647) Description.
entryTypeLookup To-one association EntryTypeLookup - options are Timesheet or Expense. X
expenseSheet To-one association Expense sheet. X
externalID String (100)
generalLedgerSegment1 To-one association

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment1 is configured as Class, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment2 To-one association

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment2 is configured as Division, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment3 To-one association

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment3 is configured as Department, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment4 To-one association

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment4 is configured as Country, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment5 To-one association

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment5 is configured as Location, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerServiceCode To-one association GeneralLedgerServiceCode.
generalLedgerStatus To-one association

UnbilledRevenueGeneralLedgerExportStatusLookup - General Ledger Exports Status.

Options are:

  1. Export Failed
  2. Ready for Distribution
  3. Stamped for Distribution
  4. Creating Distribution
  5. Ready for Export
  6. Export Queued
  7. Export in progress
  8. Export Successful
hasAdjustment Boolean Indicates whether billable charge has an adjustment. This field is set automatically when an adjustment has occurred in the system, and it can also be manually overridden later if the charge needs to be manually adjusted.
hasRebill Boolean Indicates whether billable charge has been rebilled.
invoiceStatements To-many association Invoice statements. X
invoiceTerm To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • clientCorporation
  • title
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
invoicedTransactions To-many association InvoicedTransactions - lists IDs of invoiced transactions. X
isInvoiced Boolean Indicates whether billable charge is invoiced. X X
jobOrder To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • title
markAsReadyEligible Boolean Indicates whether billable charge is ready eligible. X X
maxAccountingPeriod To-one association

Maximum Accounting Period of all transactions on billable charge.

Default fields:

  • id
  • accountingPeriodDate
minAccountingPeriod To-one association

Minimum Accounting Period of all transactions on billable charge.

Default fields:

  • id
  • accountingPeriodDate
payBillCycles To-many association

PayBillCycles - displays the associated Billing Cycle(s).

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
periodEndDate Date Period end date. X
placement To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
readyToBillOverride Boolean Ready to bill override. X X
status To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • label
  • readOnly
subtotal BigDecimal Subtotal. X
summaryTransactions To-many association BillableChargeSummaryTransactions. X
timeAndExpenseBranch String (32)
timesheet To-one association Timesheet. X
transactionAccountingPeriods To-many association

List of Accounting Periods of all transactions.

Default fields:

  • id
  • accountingPeriodDate
transactionStatus To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • name
transactionType To-one association

Transaction type.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
unbillableTransactions To-many association BillableChargeUnbillableTransaction. X

Pay and Bill - BillingSyncBatch

Read-only entity that represents a billing-sync batch. Dynamic insert and update via billing-sync-services.

BillingSyncBatch fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X

To-many association


Batch group.

Default fields:

  • id

To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
defaultBillableCharge To-one association Default BillableCharge.   X
defaultPayableCharge To-one association Default PayableCharge.   X
externalID String (50) User facing unique identifier.   X
payMasters To-many association


Default fields:

  • id
periodEndDate Date Period end date.   X
timeOfExternalEvent Timestamp Time of external event that initiated batch. X X
transactionOrigin To-one association Origin of transaction.    

Pay and Bill - BillingSyncBatchFileAttachment

File attachments that can be associated with a BillingSyncBatch.

CRUD Access - READ.

Entitlements - Add Billable Charge, Update Billable Charge, View Billable Charge.

BillingSyncBatchFileAttachment fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
billMaster To-one association BillMaster the file is associated with.
billableCharge To-one association BillableCharge the file is associated with.
billingSyncBatch BillingSyncBatch BillingSyncBatch the file is associated with. X
billingSyncBatchFileTypeLookup To-one association BillingSyncBatchFileTypeLookup the file is associated with. X
contentSubType String (64) Content subtype of file.
contentType String (64) Content type of file.
dateAdded Timestamp Date added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
description String (255) Description for this file.
directory String (50) File server directory of this file.
expenseSheet To-one association ExpenseSheet the file is associated with. X
expenseSheetEntry To-one association ExpenseSheetEntry the file is associated with. X
externalID String (100) The 3rd party id of the file.
fileExtension String (10) File extension of this file. Currently, always PDF. X
fileOwner To-one association

CorporateUser who is the owner of the entity to which this file is attached. The default value is user who created the entity.

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
fileSize Integer Size of this file. X
isDeleted Boolean Whether entity is deleted. X
isEncrypted Boolean Whether file is encrypted. X X
isExternal Boolean Determines if directory is a path to a local file or a URL to an external file. X
isPrivate Boolean Determines if file is private or not. X
keyVersionEncryptedWith String (100) If encrypted this say what version of the key was used.
name String (255) Name of file. Set at time of generation according to business rules. X
timesheet To-one association Timesheet the file is associated with. X
transactionOrigin To-one association TransactionOrigin the file is associated with. X
type String (50) Type of this file.
uuid String (36) Globally unique random ID.

Pay and Bill - BillingSyncError

Read-only entity that represents a billing-sync error. Dynamic insert and update via billing-sync-services.

BillingSyncError fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
acknowledgedByUser To-one association User who acknowledges the error.   X
acknowledgeDate Timestamp      
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
errorCode String (100) Billing-sync error code. X X
externalID String (50) User facing unique identifier.   X
placement To-one association Placement associated with this error.   X
rawDataPacket String (2147483647) Raw data packet.   X
rawError String (2147483647) Raw error.   X
tokens String ( 2147483647) Tokens.   X
transactionDate Date Date of transaction.   X
transactionOrigin To-one association Transaction origin.   X

Pay and Bill - BillMaster

Represents a BillMaster record.


Entitlements - View Bill Master, Edit Billable Charge

BillMaster fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
addedByUser To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
billMasterTransactions To-many association

Associated BillMasterTransactions.

Default fields:

  • id
billableCharge To-one association

Associated BillableCharge.

Default fields:

  • id
billingCalendarInstance To-one association CalendarInstance - list of associated billing calendar instances.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
billingSyncBatch To-one association

Associated BillingSyncBatch.

Default fields:

  • id
billingSyncBatchFileAttachments To-many association BillingSyncBatchFileAttachment - list of files associated with the record.

Default fields:

  • id
canInvoice Boolean Indicates whether can invoice.
chargeTypeLookup To-one association ChargeTypeLookup - options are Timesheet or Expense Report. X X
dateAdded Timestamp X X
dateLastModified Timestamp X X
earnCode To-one association

Associated EarnCode.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalID
  • title
externalID String (100) X
location To-one association Location.

Default fields:

  • id
  • clientCorporation
  • candidate
  • title
  • effectiveDate
  • effecitveEndDate
  • versionID
  • externalID
owner To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
payBillCycle To-one association PayBillCycle - this is the associated billing cycle.

Default fields:

  • id
transactionDate Date

Transaction date.

transactionStatus To-one association TransactionStatus. Options are:
  • 1 = Pending
  • 2 = Submitted
  • 3 = Payment Approved
  • 4 = Approved
discountRates To-many association

Associated Discount Rate(s).

Default fields:

  • id
  • title
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
  • rate
  • amount
  • discountTypeLookup
surchargeRates To-many association

Associated Surcharge Rate(s).

Default fields:

  • id
  • title
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
  • rate
  • amount
  • type

Pay and Bill - BillMasterDiscountRate

Represents an association between BillMaster and a DiscountRate.

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - None

BillMasterDiscountRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
billMaster To-one association (BillMaster)

Associated Bill Master.

Default fields:

  • id
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
discountRate To-one association (DiscountRate)

Associated Discount Rate.

Default fields:

  • id
  • title
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
owner To-one association (CorporateUser)

Associated Corporate User.

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName

Pay and Bill - BillMasterSurchargeRate

Represents an association between bill master and a surcharge rate.

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - None

BillMasterSurchargeRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
billMaster To-one association

Associated Bill Master.

Default fields:

  • id
 X X
surchargeRate To-one association

Associated Surcharge Rate.

Default fields:

  • id
  • title
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
 X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
owner To-one association

Associated Corporate User.

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName

Pay and Bill - BillMasterTransaction

Read-only entity that represents a BillMasterTransaction.

BillMasterTransaction fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
accountingPeriod To-one association

Accounting Period.

Default fields:

  • id
  • accountingPeriodDate
adjustmentSequenceNumber Integer Adjustment sequence number. X X
amount BigDecimal Amount. X
billMaster To-one association

Associated BillMaster.

Default fields:

  • id
billMasterTransactionDistributionBatch To-one association BillMasterTransactionDistributionBatch. X
comment String (2147483647) Comment. X
currencyUnit To-one association

Associated CurrencyUnit.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
editHistories To-many association BillMasterTransactionEditHistory. X
invoiceStatement To-one association

Associated InvoiceStatement.

Default fields:

  • id
invoiceStatementBatch To-one association

Associated InvoiceStatementBatch.

Default fields:

  • id
invoiceStatementLineItem To-one association

Associated InvoiceStatementLineItem.

Default fields:

  • id
isCustomRate Boolean Whether transaction is a custom rate. X
isDeleted Boolean Whether transaction is deleted.
isUnbillable Boolean Whether transaction is marked as unbillable. X
needsReview Boolean Whether transaction needs review. X X
netAmount BigDecimal Net amount. X
netQuantity BigDecimal Net quantity. X
payPeriodEndDate Date Pay period end date. X
quantity BigDecimal Quantity.
rate BigDecimal Rate.
recordingDate Date Recording date. X X
reversalOfTransaction To-one association Associated reversed BillMasterTransaction. X
timestamp byte[] Rowversion. X
transactionOrigin To-one association

Associated TransactionOrigin.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
transactionType To-one association

Associated TransactionOrigin.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
unbilledRevenueDistributions To-many association UnbilledRevenueDistribution.
unbilledRevenueGeneralLedgerExportStatusLookup To-one association

Associated UnbilledRevenueGeneralLedgerExportStatusLookup.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label

Value defaulted to ‘Ready for Distribution’

unitOfMeasure To-one association

Associated UnitOfMeasure.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
version Integer To be used by TimeLaborEval in the future. X
wasUnbilled Boolean Whether transaction was unbilled. X X

Pay and Bill - BillMasterTransactionDiscountDetail

Represents the denormalized details of a discount rate version for a BillMasterTransactionDiscountRate.

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - View Billable Charge

BillMasterTransactionDiscountDetail fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
billMasterTransactionDiscountRates To-many association

Associated BillMasterTransactionDiscountRates.

Default fields:

  • id

calculatePriority Integer Value which determines order that the discount is applied when there are more than one. X
calculateAndDisplayOnInvoice Boolean If true, discount will be applied to the InvoiceStatement.discountAmount calculation. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
discountRate To-one association

Associated Discount Rate.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
ignoreForSalesTaxCalculations Boolean If false, discount will be applied to the base amount used for tax calculations. X
rate BigDecimal
sentToAccountsReceivable Boolean
title String (200)

Pay and Bill - BillMasterTransactionDiscountRate

Represents an association between a BillMasterTransaction and DiscountRate.

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - None

BillMasterTransactionDiscountRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
adjustmentSequenceNumber Integer Adjustment sequence number. X X
baseAmount BigDecimal Amount used to calculate the total sales tax for the entity, in conjunction with the discountRate. X X
billMasterTransaction To-one association (BillMasterTransaction)

Associated Bill Master Transaction.

Default fields:

  • id
billMasterTransactionDiscountDetail To-one association (BillMasterTransactionDiscountDetail)

Associated BillMasterTransactionDiscountDetail.

Default fields:

  • id
currencyUnit To-one association (CurrencyUnit)

Associated Currency Unit.

Default fields:

  • id
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
discountAmount BigDecimal Calculated by multiplying the baseAmount by the discountRate. X X
discountRate To-one association (DiscountRate)

Associated Discount Rate; used to calculate discountAmount in conjunction with baseAmount.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
discountRateVersionID Integer Associated version used for calculating the discountAmount. X X
reversalOfTransactionDiscountRate To-one association (BillMasterTransactionDiscountRate)

Associated reversed Bill Master Transaction Discount Rate.


Pay and Bill - BillMasterTransactionDistributionBatch

Read-only entity used to track which BillMasterTransactions are ready for revenue recognition distribution record creation

BillMasterTransactionDistributionBatch fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
accountingDate Date Accounting Date.  
batchStatus To-one association (BatchStatusLookup) Status of this entity. X
billableCharges To-many association (BillableCharge) Billable Charges associated to this entity.
billMasterTransactions To-many association (Bill Master Transaction) Bill Master Transactions associated to this entity.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which the entity was created. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the entity was last modified. X X
owner To-one association (CorporateUser)

Corporate User who is the owner of this entity. The default value is the user who created the entity.

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName

Pay and Bill - BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxDetail

Represents the denormalized details of a sales tax rate version for a BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxRate.

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - View Billable Charge

BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxDetail fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
allSalesTaxRate To-one association Associated AllSalesTaxRate. X
billMasterTransactionSalesTaxRates To-many association

Associated BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxRates.

Default fields:

  • id

dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
jurisdictionName String (200)

rate BigDecimal

Pay and Bill - BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxRate

Represents an association between a BillMasterTransaction and SalesTaxRate.

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - None

BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
adjustmentSequenceNumber Integer Represents the order in which adjustments should happen. X X
baseAmount BigDecimal Amount used to calculate the total sales tax for the entity, in conjunction with the salesTaxRate. X X
billMasterTransaction To-one association (BillMasterTransaction)

Associated Bill Master Transaction.

Default fields:

  • id
currencyUnit To-one association (CurrencyUnit)

Associated Currency Unit.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
reversalOfTransactionSalesTaxRate To-one association (BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxRate) Associated reversed Bill Master Transaction Sales Tax Rate (only applies if a reversal happened). X
salesTaxRate To-one association (SalesTaxRate)

Associated Sales Tax Rate; used to calculate taxAmount in conjunction with baseAmount.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
  • jurisdictionName
salesTaxRateVersionID Integer Associated version used for calculating the taxAmount. X X
taxAmount BigDecimal Calculated by multiplying the baseAmount by the salesTaxRate. X X
taxableMargin BigDecimal Configurable field on Placement Rate Card Line to store percentage based value that will calculate taxes on transactions. Only used in conjunction with taxOnMarginEnabled on Sales Tax Group.

Pay and Bill - BillMasterTransactionSurchargeDetail

Represents the denormalized details of a surcharge rate for a BillMasterTransactionSurchargeRate.

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - View Billable Charge

BillMasterTransactionSurchargeDetail fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
billMasterTransactionSurchargeRates To-many association

Associated BillMasterTransactionSurchargeRates.

Default fields:

  • id

dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
surchargeRate To-one association

Associated Surcharge Rate.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
title String (200)

rate Decimal (19, 6)

amount Decimal (19,6)

surchargeRateType To-one association

Pay and Bill - BillMasterTransactionSurchargeRate

Represents an association between a bill master transaction and surcharge rate.

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - None

BillMasterTransactionSurchargeRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only

BillMasterTransactionSurchargeRate fields

Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X


Adjustment sequence number.

 X X
baseAmount BigDecimal
 X X
billMasterTransaction To-one association

Associated Bill Master Transaction.

Default fields:

  • id
 X X
currencyUnit To-one association

Associated Currency Unit.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
 X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
reversalOfTransactionSurchargeRate To-one association Associated reversed Bill Master Transaction Surcharge Rate.
surchargeRate To-one association

Associated Surcharge Rate.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • versionID
surchargeRateVersionID Integer
surchargeAmount BigDecimal

Pay and Bill - Calendar

Entity that represents a Calendar record.

Calendar fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
calendarFrequencyLookup To-one association CalendarFrequencyLookup. X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X
isCustom Boolean Designates a calendar with customer generated instances. X X
label String (100) Title for the calendar. X
offset Integer Beginning day for a calendar frequency pattern.
startDate Date X

Pay and Bill - CalendarFrequencyLookup

Read-only lookup entity used with billing cycles and billing calendars.

CalendarFrequencyLookup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp X
dateLastModified Timestamp X
isDeleted Boolean X
label String (100)

Pay and Bill - CalendarInstance

Entity that represents a Calendar Instance record.

CalendarInstance fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
calendar To-one association Calendar. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X
endDate Date End date of the calendar instance. X
label String (150) Title for the calendar instance. X
startDate Date Start date of the calendar instance. X

Pay and Bill - CitySalesTaxRate

A SalesTaxRate with TaxJurisdictionTypeLookup = City

Pay and Bill - ClientCorporationBillRuleset

An effective-dated entity that represents all the rules on a ClientCorporation. ClientCorporationBillRuleset is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to ClientCorporationBillRuleset, the child entity, TimeLaborEvalRules, can be passed as well with all associated data.


ClientCorporationBillRuleset fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
isDeleted Boolean

Whether entity is deleted.

The default value is false.

owner To-one association CorporateUser. X
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation. X
timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.
versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X
versions To-many association ClientCorporationBillRulesetVersion. X

Pay and Bill - ClientCorporationBillRulesetVersion

Represents a ClientCorporation BillRuleset version.

ClientCorporationBillRulesetVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
isFirst Boolean True if this is the first client corporation bill ruleset version. X
timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.

Pay and Bill - ClientCorporationPayRuleset

An effective-dated entity that represents all the rules on a ClientCorporation. ClientCorporationPayRuleset is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to ClientCorporationPayRuleset, the child entity, TimeLaborEvalRules, can be passed as well with all associated data.


ClientCorporationPayRuleset fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
isDeleted Boolean

Whether entity is deleted.

The default value is false.

owner To-one association CorporateUser. X
clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation. X
timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.
versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X
versions To-many association ClientCorporationPayRulesetVersion. X

Pay and Bill - ClientCorporationPayRulesetVersion

Represents a ClientCorporation PayRuleset version.

ClientCorporationPayRulesetVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
isFirst Boolean True if this is the first client corporation pay ruleset version. X
timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.

Pay and Bill - ClientCorporationRateAgreementCard

An effective-dated entity that represents all the rates on a ClientCorporation. ClientCorporationRateAgreementCard is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to ClientCorporationRateAgreementCard, the child entities, ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroup and ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLine, can be passed as well with all associated data. This data can also flow down into JobOrderRateCard.


ClientCorporationRateAgreementCard fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
clientCorporation To-one association


Default fields:

  • id
  • title
clientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroups To-many association clientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroup - list of IDs of the associated rate groups.

Default fields:

  • id
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was last modified. X X
effectiveDate Date Date when the record is effective. X
effectiveEndDate Date Date until when the record is effective. X
isDeleted Boolean Whether entity is deleted. X X
name String (100) Name of the rate card. X
rootExternalID String (100) The root external ID. X
rootMigrateGUID String (36) The root migrate GUID. X
versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X X
versions To-many association IDs of associated ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardVersion records. X

Pay and Bill - ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLine

An entity representing each individual rate on a ClientCorporation.

ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLine fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
alias String (100) Name of Earn Code that will be displayed in Time and Expense and on the Invoice Statement.
billCurrencyUnit To-one association Currency unit for billing.

Default fields:

  • id
  • alphabeticCode
  • name
billMultiplier BigDecimal

The multiplier between the REG billRate and the current line’s billRate.

  • REG billMultiplier is always 1 (read only)
  • The following are defaulted from PayBillSetting:
    • overtimeBillMultiplier (OT billMultiplier) - Set on ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLine.billMultiplier for the OT earnCode
    • doubleTimeBillMultiplier (DT billMultiplier) - Set on ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLine.billMultiplier for the DT earnCode

OT and DT billMultipliers get automatically calculated in code based off their respective billRate and REG billRate.

billRate BigDecimal

Rate for billing (stored as an hourly rate).

billRate can get automatically calculated in code based off its respective payRate and markupPercent.

clientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroup To-one association ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroup.

Default fields:

  • id
customFloat1-5 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customInt1-5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customRate1-5 BigDecimal Configurable rate fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
earnCode To-one association Earn Code associated with the line, based on the EarnCodeGroup. X
externalID String (100) External identifier for the record, used for migrations and back-office Integration.
markupPercent BigDecimal

Used to indicate what the difference is between the payRate and billRate as a percentage.

= (billRate - payRate) / payRate

(For example, if payRate = 20 and billRate = 28 then there is a 40% markup.)

Markups get automatically calculated in code based off their respective billRate and payRate.

markupValue BigDecimal

Used to indicate what the difference is between payRate and billRate displayed as money.

= billRate - payRate

For example, there’s a $10.00 difference between billRate = $20.00 and payRate = $10.00.

Markups get automatically calculated in code based off their respective billRate and payRate.

migrateGUID String (36) Unused.
payCurrencyUnit To-one association CurrencyUnit for payroll.

Default fields:

  • id
  • alphabeticCode
  • name
payMultiplier BigDecimal

The multiplier between the REG payRate and the current line’s payRate.

  • REG billMultiplier is always 1 (read only)
  • The following are defaulted from PayBillSetting:
    • overtimePayMultiplier (OT payMultiplier) - Set on ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLine.payMultiplier for the OT earnCode
    • doubleTimePayMultiplier (DT payMultiplier) - Set on ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLine.payMultiplier for the DT earnCode

OT and DT payMultipliers get automatically calculated in code based off their respective payRates and REG payRate.

payRate BigDecimal

Pay Rate (stored as an hourly rate).

payRate can get automatically calculated in code based off its respective billRate and markupPercent.

Pay and Bill - ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroup

Represents a group of rates on a ClientCorporation

ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
clientCorporationRateAgreementCard To-one association ClientCorporationRateAgreementCard.

Default fields:

  • id
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
clientCorporationRateAgreementCardLines To-many association ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLine - (No more than there are EarnCodes for the given EarnCodeGroup)

Default fields:

  • id
clientCorporationRateAgreementCardVersion To-one association ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardVersion.

Default fields:

  • id
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
earnCodeGroup To-one association Earn Code Group for all of the rates

Default fields:

  • id
externalID String (100) External identifier for the record, used for migrations and back-office Integration. X
isBase Boolean This is the list of default rates for the rate card. X X
migrateGUID String (36) Unused. X

Pay and Bill - ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardVersion

Represents a ClientCorporation rate card version.


ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
clientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroups To-many association ClientCorporationRateAgreementCardLineGroup.

Default fields:

  • id
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X
effectiveDate Date Date when the record is effective. X
effectiveEndDate Date Date until when the record is effective.
isFirst Boolean Indicates if this is the first version. X

Pay and Bill - CountySalesTaxRate

A SalesTaxRate with TaxJurisdictionTypeLookup = County

Pay and Bill - CustomerRequiredFieldConfiguration

An entity that represents the primary view for the Customer Required Field (CRF) Effective Dated Entity (EDE). CustomerRequiredFieldConfiguration (CRFC) is an EDE entity designed to associate a CustomerRequiredField to a Placement. They have a 1:1 relationship with Placements signifying that only one Placement can have that specific CRFC.


Entitlements - Add Customer Required Field Configuration, Edit Customer Required Field Configuration, Delete Customer Required Field Configuration, View Customer Required Field Configuration

Customer Required Field Configuration fields Type Description Not null Read-only
customerRequiredFieldConfigurationID Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. Sourced from the CRFC root. X X
customerRequiredFieldMeta Many-to-one association

The CRF associated with the root.

Default fields:

  • id
owner Many-to-one association

The user who owns the root.

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
isDeleted Boolean Represents if the root has been deleted or not. X
viewableStartDate Date Date when the CRF will become viewable. X
customerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersionID Integer ID of the current CRF version. X
defaultCustomerRequiredFieldOption One-to-One association The default option. Sourced from the CRF version. X
effectiveDate Date The date the EDE begins being effective. X
effectiveEndDate Date The date the EDE stops being effective. X
dateAdded TimeStamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified TimeStamp Date entity was last modified. X X
isActive Boolean States if the current version is active. X
isFirst Boolean States if the current version is the first one. X
placement Many-to-one association

The placement associated with the CRF.

Default fields:

  • id
customerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersionOptions One-to-Many association Collection of CustomerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersionOption objects tied to this CRFC

Pay and Bill - CustomerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersion

An entity that represents the version entity for the Customer Required Field (CRF) Effective Dated Entity (EDE).

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - View Customer Required Field Configuration

Customer Required Field Configuration Version fields Type Description Not null Read-only
customerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersionID Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
customerRequiredFieldConfiguration Many-to-one association

The CRF root.

Default fields:

  • id
defaultCustomerRequiredFieldOption One-to-One association The default option. X
effectiveDate Date The date the EDE begins being effective. X
effectiveEndDate Date The date the EDE stops being effective. X
dateAdded TimeStamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified TimeStamp Date the entity was modified last. X X
isActive Boolean States if the current version is active. X
isFirst Boolean States if the current version is the first one. X
customerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersionOptions One-to-Many association Collection of CustomerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersionOption objects tied to this Customer Required Field Configuration Version

Pay and Bill - CustomerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersionOption

An entity that represents the Customer Required Field options available for a particular Customer Required Field version.


Customer Required Field Configuration Version Option fields Type Description Not null Read-only
customerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersionOptionId Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
customerRequiredFieldConfigurationVersion Many-to-one association

The associated Customer Required Field version.

Default fields:

  • id
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
customerRequiredFieldOption One-to-One association

The associated Customer Required Field option.

Default fields:

  • id
dateAdded TimeStamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified TimeStamp Date the entity was modified last. X X
sortOrder Integer The order this versionOption will use for sorting. X

Pay and Bill - CustomerRequiredFieldMeta

Represents metadata for a Customer Required Field (CRF).


Entitlements - Add Client Customer Required Field, View Client Customer Required Field, Update Client Customer Required Field

Customer Required Field Meta fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
clientCorporation To-one association

Client Corporation which the CRF belongs to.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
label String (255) Label (or title) for the CRF X
valueType To-one association

The types of values the CRF will have.


  • Text (1)
  • Custom Picker (2)
  • Purchase Order (3)
viewableStartDate Date Date when the CRF will become viewable.
viewableEndDate Date Date when the CRF will stop becoming viewable.
isRequiredOnTimesheet Boolean Indicates the CRF should be required on Timesheet. X
isVisibleOnTimeSheet Boolean Indicates the CRF should be visible on Timesheet. X
doesFlowToNewJobs Boolean Indicates the CRF will exist on newly created jobs. X
dateAdded TimeStamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
dateLastModified TimeStamp Date entity was last modified. X X
customText1-5 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data.
customInt1-5 Integer Configurable Integer fields that can be used to store custom data.
customDate1-3 TimeStamp Configurable Date fields that can be used to store custom data.
options One-to-Many association Collection of CustomerRequiredFieldOption objects tied to this Customer Required Field Meta.

Pay and Bill - CustomerRequiredFieldOption

These options define what options a user will be able to choose from when filling in the Customer Required Field (CRF). Each option can have its own value, label, and start and end dates.


Entitlements - Add Client Customer Required Field, View Client Customer Required Field, Update Client Customer Required Field

Customer Required Field Meta fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
customerRequiredFieldMetaID To-one association

Customer Required Field Meta that this Option is part of.

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
value String (255) The value for the Customer Required Field option X
displayLabel String (255) How the CRF will display in the UI
viewableStartDate Date Date when the CRF will become viewable.
viewableEndDate Date Date when the CRF will stop becoming viewable.
dateAdded TimeStamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified TimeStamp Date entity was last modified. X X
isClientDefault Boolean X
associatedEntityID Integer Association between a Purchase Order entity and Customer Required Field through the “associatedEntityID” column.

Pay and Bill - DirectDepositAccount

Entity that represents a candidate’s direct deposit account record.

DirectDepositAccount fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
amount BigDecimal The amount of a Candidate’s check that should go to this account.
percentValue BigDecimal The percentage of a Candidate’s check that should go to this account.
remainder Boolean If true, the remainder of a Candidate’s check goes to this account. X
currencyUnit To-one association

Currency unit.

Default fields:

  • id
  • alphabeticCode
  • name
bankName String (200) The name of the bank where the account is held.
accountNumber String The account number for the bank account in question.
transitNumber String (50) The transit number for the bank account in question.
institutionNumber String (50) The institution number for the bank account in question, used internationally.
directDepositAccountTypeLookup To-one association An id of 1 indicates Checking, 2 Savings, 3 PayCard. X
candidate To-one association The Candidate associated with this bank account. X
paymentOrder Integer The order this account should be processed when processing payroll. X
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
deletedByUserID Integer User who deleted this DirectDepositAccount.
dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this account was added to Bullhorn. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this account was modified in Bullhorn. X X

Pay and Bill - DiscountRate

An effective dated entity that represents a Discount Rate.


Entitlements - Add Discount Rate, Add Discount Rate Version, Delete Discount Rate and Version, Manage Current Discount Rate Version, Manage Future Discount Rate Version, Manage Historical Discount Rate Version, View Current and Future Discount Rate and Version

DiscountRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
amount BigDecimal Amount of discount.
calculateAndDisplayOnInvoice Boolean Determines whether to show calculated discount on invoice. X
calculatePriority Integer The order in which to calculate this discount relative to other discounts applied to the invoice. Should be a value from 1 to 25. X
clientCorporation To-one association (ClientCorporation)

Default fields:

  • id
  • name
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
discountTypeLookup To-one association (DiscountTypeLookup)

Type of the discount rate.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label

Options are:

  1. Discount
  2. Rebate
  3. VMS Fee
  4. Other
  5. Legacy discount
earnCodes To-many association (EarnCode) EarnCodes associated with this DiscountRate.
effectiveDate Date Effective date. X
effectiveEndDate Date Effective end date. X
generalLedgerAccount To-one association (GeneralLedgerAccount)

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalAccountNumber
  • externalAccountName
generalLedgerSegment1 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment1 is configured as Class, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment2 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment2 is configured as Division, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment3 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment3 is configured as Department, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment4 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment4 is configured as Country, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment5 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment5 is configured as Location, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerServiceCode To-one association (GeneralLedgerServiceCode)

Product/Service Code.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalServiceCodeNumber
  • externalServiceCodeName
ignoreForSalesTaxCalculations Boolean Flag determining whether to apply the discount rate before taxes are calculated. X
isDeleted Boolean Soft deleted flag. X
isFirst Boolean Indicates if this is the first version. X X
owner To-one association (CorporateUser)

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
rate BigDecimal The rate per quantity to apply. X
sentToAccountsReceivable Boolean X
statusLookup To-one association (StatusLookup)

Status of the DiscountRate.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
title String (200)
versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X X
versions To-many association (DiscountRateVersion)


Default fields:

  • id
  • effectiveDate
  • effectiveEndDate
  • title
rootMigrateGUID String (36)

Pay and Bill - DiscountRateVersion

The version entity for the Discount Rate effective dated entity

CRUD Access - READ

Entitlements - Add Discount Rate, Add Discount Rate Version, Delete Discount Rate and Version, Manage Current Discount Rate Version, Manage Future Discount Rate Version, Manage Historical Discount Rate Version, View Current and Future Discount Rate and Version

DiscountRateVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
amount BigDecimal Amount of discount. X
calculateAndDisplayOnInvoice Boolean Determines whether to show calculated discount on invoice. X X
calculatePriority Integer The order in which to calculate this discount relative to other discounts applied to the invoice. Should be a value from 1 to 25. X X
dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
discountRateID Integer The ID of the DiscountRate this version is applicable to. X X
discountTypeLookup To-one association (DiscountTypeLookup)

The Discount type.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
earnCodes To-many association (EarnCode) EarnCodes associated with this DiscountRate.
effectiveDate Date The earliest date that this discount should apply to. X X
effectiveEndDate Date The latest date that this discount should apply to. X
generalLedgerAccount To-one association (GeneralLedgerAccount)


Default fields:

  • id
  • externalAccountNumber
  • externalAccountName
generalLedgerSegment1 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment1 is configured as Class, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment2 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment2 is configured as Division, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment3 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment3 is configured as Department, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment4 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment4 is configured as Country, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerSegment5 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment5 is configured as Location, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalSegmentNumber
  • externalSegmentName
generalLedgerServiceCode To-one association (GeneralLedgerServiceCode)

Product/Service Code.

Default fields:

  • id
  • externalServiceCodeNumber
  • externalServiceCodeName
ignoreForSalesTaxCalculations Boolean Whether or not the discount should be applied when calculating sales taxes. X X
isFirst Boolean Indicates if this is the first version. X X
rate BigDecimal The rate per quantity to apply. X X
sentToAccountsReceivable Boolean X X
statusLookup To-one association (StatusLookup)

Status of the DiscountRateVersion.

Default fields:

  • id
  • label
title String (200) X
versionMigrateGUID String (36) X

Pay and Bill - DistrictSalesTaxRate

A SalesTaxRate with TaxJurisdictionTypeLookup = District

Pay and Bill - EarnCode

Represents an earn code.

EarnCode fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
code String (100) Customer facing identifier. X
customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
customTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
dateAdded Timestamp X X
dateLastModified Timestamp
description String (255)
earnCodeGroup To-one association EarnCodeGroup. X
earnCodeTypeLookup To-one association EarnCodeTypeLookup - the type of the earn code. Options are
  • 1 = Reg
  • 2 = OT
  • 3 = DT
externalID String (100)
generalLedgerBillAccount To-one association GeneralLedgerBillAccount - GeneralLedgerAccount for the earn code where isBill = true (Bill Account).
generalLedgerPayAccount To-one association GeneralLedgerPayAccount - GeneralLedgerAccount for the earn code where isPay = true (Pay Account).
generalLedgerSegment1 To-one association General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment1 is configured as Class, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.
generalLedgerSegment2 To-one association General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment2 is configured as Division, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.
generalLedgerSegment3 To-one association General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment3 is configured as Department, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.
generalLedgerSegment4 To-one association General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment4 is configured as Country, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.
generalLedgerSegment5 To-one association General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment5 is configured as Location, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.
generalLedgerServiceCode To-one association GeneralLedgerServiceCode for the earn code (Product/Service Code).
isDeleted Boolean

Whether entity is deleted.

The default value is false.

owner To-one association CorporateUser who is the owner of this entity. The default value is user who created the entity.

Default fields:

  • id
  • firstName
  • firstName

Pay and Bill - EarnCodeGroup

This entity represents the Earn Code Group which is a grouping of one or three earn codes.

EarnCodeGroup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
accruesOT Boolean Does this Earn Code Group accrue Overtime? If yes, then overtimeEarnCode and doubleTimeEarnCode are not null. X
allowForSelfService Boolean This group allows self service, which means it will be displayed in PeopleNet. X
chargeTypeLookup To-one association ChargeTypeLookup - is the earn code group used for time or expense related data. Options are:
  • 1 = Time
  • 2 = Expense
dateAdded Timestamp X X
dateLastModified Timestamp
defaultEarnCode To-one association DefaultEarnCode - The default Earn Code of this group, EarnCode.earnCodeTypeLookup = REG. X
doubleTimeEarnCode To-one association DoubleTimeEarnCode - The Double Time Earn Code of this group, EarnCode.earnCodeTypeLookup = DT. Not null, if accruesOT is true
earnCodeGroupStatusLookup To-one association EarnCodeGroupStatusLookup - status of the earn code grpup. Options are Active or Inactive. X
isTaxable Boolean Should taxes be applied to this Earn Code Group? Defaults to true. X
overtimeEarnCode To-one association OvertimeEarnCode - The Overtime Earn Code of this group, EarnCode.earnCodeTypeLookup = OT. Not null, if accruesOT is true
payBillOptionsLookup To-one association PayBillOptionsLookup - Indicates how this earn code group should be configured for pay and bill reasons. Options are:
  • 1 = Pay & Bill
  • 2 = Pay Only
  • 3 = Bill Only
  • 4 = None
unitOfMeasure To-one association UnitOfMeasure - what unit is this earn code being paid in. Options are:
  • 1 = Hours
  • 2 = Days
  • 3 = Weeks
  • 4 = Months
  • 4 = Units
  • 4 = Amount


This entity represents the required certifications for an ExpenseSheet.

ExpenseSheet fields Type Description Not null Read-only
id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
addedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when ExpenseSheet was created. X
addedByUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X
    approvalDate Timestamp Record of when the ExpenseSheet was approved. X
    approvedBy String (101) User the ExpenseSheet was approved by.
    billed BigDecimal Amount to be billed. X
    calendarInstance To-one association CalendarInstance default fields:
  • id
  • label
  • X
    candidate To-one association Candidate default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X
    clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation default fields:
  • id
  • name
  • X
    description String (255)
    expenseSheetEntryApprovalStatusLookup To-one association ExpenseSheetEntryApprovalStatusLookup options:
  • Draft
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Completed
  • Rejected
  • X
    externalID String (100) Concatenation of BTE ExpenseReportID EmplNames RecordID with an underscore and PlacementID.
    jobOrder To-one association JobOrder default fields:
  • id
  • title
  • X
    lastModifiedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when ExpenseSheet was most recently modified. X
    lastProcessedOn Timestamp Record of when ExpenseSheet was most recently processed.
    modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    paid BigDecimal Amount to be paid. X
    placement To-one association Placement default fields:
  • id
  • X
    processingStatus To-one association TimeAndExpenseSheetProcessingStatusLookup options:
  • Pending
  • Evaluating
  • Processing
  • Completed
  • Failed
  • timeLaborEvalSheetStatusLookup To-one association TimeLaborEvalSheetStatusLookup options:
  • No evaluation required
  • Evaluation required
  • Evaluation failed
  • X X


    This entity represents the required certifications for an ExpenseSheetEntry.

    ExpenseSheetEntry fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    addedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when ExpenseSheetEntry was created. X X
    addedByUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    billEvalDate Date Date when “billed” field is evaluated. X X
    billed BigDecimal Amount to be billed. X X
    comment String (2000) A short comment to be added by the user to the ExpenseSheetEntry. X
    currencyUnit To-one association CurrencyUnit fields:
  • id
  • alphabeticCode
  • name
  • X X
    earnCode To-one association EarnCode default fields:
  • id
  • code
  • externalID
  • title
    Refer to the EarnCode entity for more details.
  • X X
    expenseSheet To-one association ExpenseSheet field:
  • id
  • X X
    expenseSheetDay Date Date with which the ExpenseSheetEntry is associated with. X X
    expenseSheetEntryApprovalStatusLookup To-one association ExpenseSheetEntryApprovalStatusLookup options:
  • Draft
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Completed
  • Rejected
  • X X
    expenseSheetVersion Integer Integer to store which version of the expenseSheet this entry is associated with. X X
    externalID String (100) User facing unique identifier. X
    externalTimestamp Long X
    fileID Integer File associated with the ExpenseSheetEntry.
    lastModifiedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when the ExpenseSheetEntry was most recently modified. X X
    modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    paid BigDecimal Amount to be paid. X X
    payEvalDate Date Date when “paid” field is evaluated. X X
    quantity BigDecimal Total amount. X X
    timestamp Byte[] Time stored in byte format. X X
    unitOfMeasure To-one association UnitOfMeasure fields:
  • id
  • label
  • X X
    voidingExpenseSheetEntry To-one association ExpenseSheetEntry fields:
  • id
  • X

    Pay and Bill - GeneralLedgerAccount

    Represents a general ledger account for use with billing information, including earn codes and invoice terms.

    GeneralLedgerAccount fields Type Description Not null Read-only



    Unique identifier for this entity.



    externalAccountNumber Integer

    External account number.


    String (100)

    External account name.


    String (100)

    External account type.


    String (100)

    External account detail type.



    Is accounts receivable account.

    The default value is false.




    Is active account.

    The default value is true.



    Is bill account.

    The default value is false.



    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.



    Is pay account.

    The default value is false.


    Pay and Bill - GeneralLedgerSegment

    Represents a general ledger segment for assignment to Placement, BillableCharge, and PayableCharge.

    GeneralLedgerSegment fields Type Description Not null Read-only



    Unique identifier for this entity.



    externalSegmentName String (100)

    External segment  number.


    String (100)

    External segment name.


    To-one association

    GeneralLedger. X X


    Is active account.

    The default value is true.



    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    X X

    Pay and Bill - GeneralLedgerSegmentType

    Represents a general ledger segment for assignment to Placement, BillableCharge, and PayableCharge.

    GeneralLedgerSegmentType fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    description String (100) Description.  X  X
    segmentType String (100) Segment type. X X

    Pay and Bill - GeneralLedgerServiceCode

    Represents a general ledger service code.

    GeneralLedgerServiceCode fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    externalServiceCodeNumber Integer External service code number. X  
    externalServiceCodeName String (100) External service code name.  X  
    isActive Boolean

    Whether this Is active account.

    The default value is true.

    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.




    Pay and Bill - Holiday

    Entity that represents a Holiday record.

    CRUD Access - READ, DELETE.

    Entitlements - Manage Holidays.

    Holiday fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    cronExpression String (100) X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X
    description String (100) Description for this holiday. X
    duration Integer X
    holidayCategoryLookup To-one association HolidayCategoryLookup the holiday is associated with.
    holidayInstances To-many association Holiday instances associated with this holiday. X
    holidayStatusLookup To-one association HolidayStatusLookup options:
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • X
    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    isRun Boolean Whether or not the holiday rule has been run. If it has been run, the rule cannot be deleted, only set to inactive. X X
    label String (100) Title for the holiday. X
    modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser that modified the entity. X X
    nextOccurrence Timestamp The next holiday instance that is greater than or equal to today. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRules associated with this holiday. X

    Pay and Bill - HolidayCategoryLookup

    Entity that represents a Holiday Category Lookup record.


    Entitlements - Manage Holidays.

    HolidayCategoryLookup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified.
    description String (2147483647)
    holidays To-many association Holidays the entity is associated with. X
    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    isHidden Boolean X
    isSystem Boolean X
    label String (100) Title for the holiday category.
    modifiedByUser To-one association CorporateUser that modified the entity.
    shouldShowInPicker Boolean Whether or not the holiday category should be viewable in category picker. X

    Pay and Bill - HolidayInstance

    Entity that represents a Holiday Instance record.

    CRUD Access - READ.

    Entitlements - Manage Holidays.

    HolidayInstance fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified.
    endAt Timestamp Date/time when the holiday instance will end. X X
    holiday To-one association Holiday associated with the holiday instance. X X
    modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser that modified the entity. X X
    startAt Timestamp Date/time when the holiday instance will start. X X

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceStatementDiscountRate

    Represents the rounded subtotals for unique discount rates tied to an invoice statement.

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - View Any Invoice Statement

    InvoiceStatementDiscountRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
    baseAmount BigDecimal
     X X
    billMasterTransactionDiscountDetail To-one association

    Associated BillMasterTransactionDiscountDetail.

    Default fields:

    • id

    calculatePriority Integer Value which determines order that the discount is applied when there are more than one. X
    calculateAndDisplayOnInvoice Boolean If true, discount will be applied to the InvoiceStatement.discountAmount calculation. X
    discountAmount BigDecimal
    X X
    discountRate To-one association

    Associated Discount Rate.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    • effectiveDate
    • effectiveEndDate
    • versionID
    X X
    ignoreForSalesTaxCalculations Boolean If false, discount will be applied to the base amount used for tax calculations. X

    To-One association


    The Invoice Statement object tied to this Invoice Statement Discount Rate.

    rate BigDecimal
    sentToAccountsReceivable Boolean
    title String (200)

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceStatementLineItem

    Represents an invoice line item.

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - Add Billable Charge, Edit Billable Charge, View Billable Charge.

    InvoiceStatementLineItem fields Type Description Not null Read-only



    Invoice Statement Line Item ID: Unique identifier for this entity.




    To-Many association

     Bill Master Transaction.


    • id



    String (MaxLength)



    To-one association

    Currency Unit.


    • id
    • name



    Entity create date.



    Entity last modified date.


    String (MaxLength)



    String (MaxLength)

    Group By Display Fields.


    To-many association

    Invoice Statement Line Item Group By.


    • id


    To-one association

    Invoice Statement.


    • id
    X  X
    invoiceStatementLineDistributions One-to-many Association InvoiceStatementLineDistributions that the InvoiceStatementLineItem is a part of.



    Number of subjects.

    rate BigDecimal Rate of cost of subjects.

    subtotal BigDecimal quantity * rate.

    summarizeBys To-many association

    Invoice Statement Summarize By.


    • id

    taxAmount BigDecimal Taxed amount.

    total BigDecimal Calculation of all values.

    chargeTypeLookupID Integer Identifies the charge type. X
    discountAmount BigDecimal Rounded total for unique discount rates tied to transactions represented by invoice statement line.
    surchargeAmount BigDecimal Rounded total for unique surcharge rates tied to transactions represented by invoice statement line. X

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceStatementLineItemDiscountRate

    Represents the rounded subtotals for unique discount rates tied to an invoice statement line item.

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - View Any Invoice Statement

    InvoiceStatementLineItemDiscountRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
    baseAmount BigDecimal
     X X
    billMasterTransactionDiscountDetail To-one association

    Associated BillMasterTransactionDiscountDetail.

    Default fields:

    • id

    calculatePriority Integer Value which determines order that the discount is applied when there are more than one. X
    calculateAndDisplayOnInvoice Boolean If true, discount will be applied to the InvoiceStatement.discountAmount calculation. X
    discountAmount BigDecimal
    X X
    discountRate To-one association

    Associated Discount Rate.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    • effectiveDate
    • effectiveEndDate
    • versionID
    X X
    ignoreForSalesTaxCalculations Boolean If false, discount will be applied to the base amount used for tax calculations. X

    To-One association


    The Invoice Statement Line Item object tied to this entity.

    rate BigDecimal
    sentToAccountsReceivable Boolean
    title String (200)

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceStatementLineItemSalesTaxRate

    Represents the rounded subtotals for unique sales tax rates to an invoice statement line item.

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - View Any Invoice Statement

    InvoiceStatementLineItemSalesTaxRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
    allSalesTaxRate To-one association Associated AllSalesTaxRate. X
    baseAmount BigDecimal
    billMasterTransactionSalesTaxDetail To-one association

    Associated BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxDetail.

    Default fields:

    • id

    externalSalesTaxRate To-one association Associated ExternalSalesTaxRate (should be populated if salesTaxRate is null).


    To-one association


    The Invoice Statement object tied to this Invoice Statement Sales Tax Rate.

    jurisdictionName String (200)

    Many-To-One association


    Jurisdiction type.

    Options are:

    1. City
    2. County
    3. District
    4. State
    5. Other
    6. MTA

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    X X
    rate BigDecimal

    To-one association


    Associated Sales Tax Rate. (should be populated if externalSalesTaxRateID is null).

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    • effectiveDate
    • effectiveEndDate
    • jurisdictionName
    • versionID

    taxAmount BigDecimal
    X X

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceStatementLineItemSurchargeRate

    Represents the rounded subtotals for unique surcharge rates tied to an invoice statement line item.

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - View Any Invoice Statement

    InvoiceStatementLineItemSurchargeRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
    baseAmount BigDecimal
     X X
    billMasterTransactionSurchargeDetail To-one association

    Associated BillMasterTransactionSurchargeDetail.

    Default fields:

    • id

    surchargetAmount BigDecimal
    X X
    surchargeRate To-one association

    Associated surcharge Rate.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    X X

    To-One association


    The Invoice Statement Line Item object tied to this entity.

    rate BigDecimal
    title String (200)

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceStatementSalesTaxRate

    Represents the rounded subtotals for unique sales tax rates tied to an invoice statement.

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - View Any Invoice Statement

    InvoiceStatementSalesTaxRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
    allSalesTaxRate To-one association Associated AllSalesTaxRate. X
    baseAmount BigDecimal
     X X
    billMasterTransactionSalesTaxDetail To-one association

    Associated BillMasterTransactionSalesTaxDetail.

    Default fields:

    • id

    externalSalesTaxRate To-One association Associated ExternalSalesTaxRate (should be populated if salesTaxRate is null).


    To-One association


    The Invoice Statement object tied to this Invoice Statement Sales Tax Rate.

    jurisdictionName String (200)


    Many-To-One association


    Jurisdiction type.

    Options are:

    1. City
    2. County
    3. District
    4. State
    5. Other
    6. MTA

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    X X
    rate BigDecimal

    To-one association


    Associated Sales Tax Rate. (should be populated if externalSalesTaxRateID is null).

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    • effectiveDate
    • effectiveEndDate
    • jurisdictionName
    • versionID

    taxAmount BigDecimal

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceStatementSurchargeRate

    Represents the rounded subtotals for unique surcharge rates tied to an invoice statement.

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - View Any Invoice Statement

    InvoiceStatementSurchargeRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
    baseAmount BigDecimal
     X X
    billMasterTransactionSurchargeDetail To-one association

    Associated BillMasterTransactionSurchargeDetail.

    Default fields:

    • id

    surchargeAmount BigDecimal
    X X
    surchargeRate To-one association

    Associated Surcharge Rate.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    X X

    To-One association


    The Invoice Statement object tied to this Invoice Statement Surcharge Rate.

    rate BigDecimal
    title String (200)

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceTerm

    Entity that represents a customer invoice terms record.

    InvoiceTerm fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    approvalRequired Boolean
    clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation. X X
    currencyUnit To-one association CurrencyUnit. X
    customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    dateAdded Timestamp X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp X X
    description String (255) X
    discountRates To-many association DiscountRate.
    effectiveDate Date X
    effectiveEndDate Date X
    externalID String (100) X
    fileTypesForInvoicing To-many association BillingSyncBatchFileTypeLookup.
    generalLedgerAccountsReceivable To-one association GeneralLedgerAccountsReceivable.
    invoiceApprovedTimecardsRequired Boolean
    invoiceGroupBy String
    invoiceOn String (100)
    invoiceSplitBy String
    invoiceStatementTemplate To-one association InvoiceStatementTemplate. X
    invoiceSummarizeBy String X
    isDeleted Boolean X X
    isFirst Boolean X X
    owner To-one association CorporateUser. X X
    payBillCycle To-one association PayBillCycle. X
    paymentTerms String (100)
    purchaseOrderRequired Boolean
    remitInstructions String
    status String (100) X
    surchargeRates To-many association SurchargeRate.
    title String (100) X
    versionID Integer X
    versions To-many association InvoiceTermVersion. X
    waitForTimecards Boolean

    Pay and Bill - InvoiceTermVersion

    Represents an invoice term version.

    InvoiceTermVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    approvalRequired Boolean Indicates whether approval is required for invoices before they can be finalized. X
    currencyUnit To-one association CurrencyUnit. X
    customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    dateAdded Timestamp X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp X X
    description String (255) X
    effectiveDate Date X
    effectiveEndDate Date X
    externalID String (100) Customer defined identifier. X
    fileTypesForInvoicing To-many association BillingSyncBatchFileTypeLookup - Indicates what types of attachments should be included in Invoice Statement PDF.
    generalLedgerAccountsReceivable To-one association GeneralLedgerAccountsReceivable - General Ledger Account (with isAccountsReceivable = ‘true’) associated with this InvoiceTerm.
    invoiceApprovedTimecardsRequired Boolean Indicates what status the timecard should be in (Submitted or Approved) before it can be invoiced. X
    invoiceGroupBy String (2147483647)
    invoiceOn String (100)
    invoiceSplitBy String (2147483647)
    invoiceStatementTemplate To-one association InvoiceStatementTemplate - this is the invoice template that is used in generating the invoice PDF. X
    invoiceSummarizeBy String (2147483647) X
    isFirst Boolean X X
    payBillCycle To-one association PayBillCycle - this is the associated billing cycle.
    paymentTerms String (100) X
    purchaseOrderRequired Boolean X
    remitInstructions String (2147483647)
    status String (100) X
    title String (100) X
    waitForTimecards Boolean X

    Pay and Bill - JobCode

    Represents a Job Code.

    JobCode fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id ID Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    businessSectors To-many association BusinessSector.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • name
    categories To-many association Category.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • name
    customDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customText1-20 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
    departments To-many association CorporationDepartment.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • name
    description String (255) Description.
    externalID String (100) Customer defined identifier. X
    isDeleted Boolean X
    owner To-one association CorporateUser who is the owner of this entity. The default value is user who created the entity.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • firstName
    • firstName
    status String (100) Options are Active or Inactive. X
    title String (100) X

    Pay and Bill - JobOrderBillRuleset

    An effective-dated entity that represents all the rules on a job order. JobOrderBillRuleset is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to JobOrderBillRuleset, the child entity, TimeLaborEvalRules, can be passed as well with all associated data.


    JobOrderBillRuleset fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    owner To-one association CorporateUser. X
    JobOrder To-one association JobOrder. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.
    versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X
    versions To-many association JobOrderBillRulesetVersion. X

    Pay and Bill - JobOrderBillRulesetVersion

    Represents a JobOrderBillRuleset version.

    JobOrderBillRulesetVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
    isFirst Boolean True if this is the first job order bill ruleset version. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.

    Pay and Bill - JobOrderPayRuleset

    An effective-dated entity that represents all the rules on a JobOrder. JobOrderPayRuleset is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to JobOrderPayRuleset, the child entity, TimeLaborEvalRules, can be passed as well with all associated data.


    JobOrderPayRuleset fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    owner To-one association CorporateUser. X
    JobOrder To-one association JobOrder. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.
    versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X
    versions To-many association JobOrderPayRulesetVersion. X

    Pay and Bill - JobOrderPayRulesetVersion

    Represents a JobOrderPayRuleset version.

    JobOrderPayRulesetVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
    isFirst Boolean True if this is the first job order pay ruleset version. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.

    Pay and Bill - JobOrderRateCard

    An effective-dated entity that represents all the rates on a JobOrder. JobOrderRateCard is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to JobOrderRateCard, the child entities, JobOrderRateCardLineGroup and JobOrderRateCardLine, can be passed as well with all associated data.


    JobOrderRateCard fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified
    effectiveDate Date X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective X
    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    jobOrderRateCardLineGroups To-many association JobOrderRateCardLineGroup - list of IDs of the associated rate groups.

    Default fields:

    • id
    jobPosting To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    • title
    X X
    rootExternalID String (100)
    rootMigrateGUID String (36)
    versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version X X
    versions To-many association IDs of associated JobOrderRateCardVersion records X

    Pay and Bill - JobOrderRateCardLine

    An Entity representing each individual rate on a Job Order

    JobOrderRateCardLine fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    alias String (100) Name of Earn Code that will be displayed in Time and Expense and on the Invoice Statement
    billCurrencyUnit To-one association Currency Unit for billing

    Default fields:

    • id
    • alphabeticCode
    • name
    billMultiplier BigDecimal

    The multiplier between the REG billRate and the current line’s billRate.

    • REG billMultiplier is always 1 (read only)
    • The following are defaulted from PayBillSetting:
      • overtimeBillMultiplier (OT billMultiplier) - Set on JobOrderRateCardLine.billMultiplier for the OT earnCode
      • doubleTimeBillMultiplier (DT billMultiplier) - Set on JobOrderRateCardLine.billMultiplier for the DT earnCode

    OT and DT billMultipliers get automatically calculated in code based off their respective billRate and REG billRate.

    billRate BigDecimal

    Rate for billing (stored as an hourly rate).

    billRate can get automatically calculated in code based off its respective payRate and markupPercent.

    earnCode To-one association EarnCode X
    externalID String (100)
    jobOrderRateCardLineGroup To-one association JobOrderRateCardLineGroup

    Default fields:

    • id
    markupPercent BigDecimal

    Used to indicate what the difference is between the payRate and billRate as a percentage.

    = (billRate - payRate) / payRate

    (For example, if payRate = 20 and billRate = 28 then there is a 40% markup.)

    markups get automatically calculated in code based off their respective billRate and payRate.

    markupValue BigDecimal
    migrateGUID String (36)
    payCurrencyUnit To-one association CurrencyUnit for payroll

    Default fields:

    • id
    • alphabeticCode
    • name
    payMultiplier BigDecimal

    The multiplier between the REG payRate and the current line’s payRate.

    • REG billMultiplier is always 1 (read only)
    • The following are defaulted from PayBillSetting:
      • overtimePayMultiplier (OT payMultiplier) - Set on JobOrderRateCardLine.payMultiplier for the OT earnCode
      • doubleTimePayMultiplier (DT payMultiplier) - Set on JobOrderRateCardLine.payMultiplier for the DT earnCode

    OT and DT payMultipliers get automatically calculated in code based off their respective payRates and REG payRate.

    payRate BigDecimal

    Pay Rate (stored as an hourly rate).

    payRate can get automatically calculated in code based off its respective billRate and markupPercent.

    Pay and Bill - JobOrderRateCardLineGroup

    Represents a group of rates on a Job Order

    JobOrderRateCardLineGroup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    earnCodeGroup To-one association Earn Code Group for all of the rates

    Default fields:

    • id
    externalID String (100) X
    isBase Boolean This is the list of default rates for the rate card. X X
    jobOrderRateCard To-one association JobOrderRateCard

    Default fields:

    • id
    • effectiveDate
    • effectiveEndDate
    jobOrderRateCardLines To-many association JobOrderRateCardLine - (No more than there are EarnCodes for the given EarnCodeGroup)

    Default fields:

    • id
    jobOrderRateCardVersion To-one association JobOrderRateCardVersion

    Default fields:

    • id
    • effectiveDate
    • effectiveEndDate
    X X
    migrateGUID String (36) X

    Pay and Bill - JobOrderRateCardVersion

    Represents a job order rate card version.


    JobOrderRateCardVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X
    dateLastModified Timestamp X
    effectiveDate Date X
    effectiveEndDate Date
    isFirst Boolean X
    jobOrderRateCardLineGroups To-many association JobOrderRateCardLineGroup

    Default fields:

    • id

    Pay and Bill - LegalBusinessEntity

    Entity representing a Legal Business Entity for use in payroll integrations.

    LegalBusinessEntity field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    countryID Integer The ID code representing the country associated with this legal business entity. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which the entity was created. X
    defaultCurrencyUnit To-one association The currency unit assigned as the default for this legal business entity. X
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
    legalName String The long-form legal name of this legal business entity. X
    legalEntityNumber String The string value representing the legal business number for this entity. X
    shortName String The shortened name used to represent this legal business entity. X
    statusLookup To-one association An associated value representing the status of this legal business entity. A status of “Active” is a value of 1 and a status of “Inactive” is a value of 2. X

    Pay and Bill - OtherSalesTaxRate

    A SalesTaxRate with TaxJurisdictionTypeLookup = Other

    Pay and Bill - PayableCharge

    Read-only entity that represents a payable charge. Dynamic insert and update via billing-sync-services.

    PayableCharge fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    addedByUser To-one association

    Corporate User.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • firstName
    • lastName
    canExport Boolean X X
    candidate To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    • firstName
    • lastName
    clientCorporation To-one association

    Client Corporation.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • name
    currencyUnit To-one association

    Currency unit.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • alphabeticCode
    • name
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
    department String (100) Department. X
    description String (2147483647) Description.
    employeeType String (30) Tax form type. X
    entryTypeLookup To-one association EntryTypeLookup. X
    expenseSheet To-one association ExpenseSheet. X
    exportedTransactions To-many association PayableChargeExportedTransactions. X
    externalID String (100)
    generalLedgerSegment1 To-one association

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment1 is configured as Class, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerSegment2 To-one association

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment2 is configured as Division, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerSegment3 To-one association

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment3 is configured as Department, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerSegment4 To-one association

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment4 is configured as Country, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerSegment5 To-one association

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment5 is configured as Location, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerServiceCode To-one association GeneralLedgerServiceCode.
    hasAdjustment Boolean Indicates whether payable charge has an adjustment.
    jobOrder To-one association

    Job Order.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • title
    locationState String (100) X
    maxAccountingPeriod To-one association

    Maximum Accounting Period of all transactions on billable charge.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • accountingPeriodDate
    minAccountingPeriod To-one association

    Minimum Accounting Period of all transactions on billable charge.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • accountingPeriodDate
    payGroup String (255) X
    payMasters To-many association

    Associated PayMasters.

    Default fields:

    • id
    payableTransactions To-many association PayableChargePayableTransactions. X
    periodEndDate Date Period end date. X
    persistedDepartment String (100) X
    persistedEmployeeType String (30) X
    persistedLocation To-one association Location X
    persistedLocationState String (100) X
    persistedPayGroup String (255) X
    persistedTimeAndExpenseBranch String (32) X
    persistedTimeAndExpenseSource String (1) X
    placement To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    readyToPayOverride Boolean Ready to pay status override. X X
    status To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    • readOnly
    subtotal BigDecimal Subtotal.
    timeAndExpenseBranch String (32) X
    timeAndExpenseSource String (1) X
    timesheet To-one association Timesheet X
    transactionAccountingPeriods To-many association

    List of Accounting Periods of all transactions.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • accountingPeriodDate
    transactionStatus To-one association

    Transaction status.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • name
    transactionType To-one association

    Transaction origin.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • name

    Pay and Bill - PayBillCycle

    Entity that represents a billing cycle record.

    PayBillCycle fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    billEvalEnabled Boolean Enabled for billing cycle. X
    billingCalendar To-one association Calendar.
    billingCalendarFrequencyLookup To-one association CalendarFrequencyLookup.
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X
    invoiceCycleEnabled Boolean Enabled for invoice cycle. X
    label String (100) Label X
    payEvalEnabled Boolean Enabled for pay cycle. X
    timesheetEnabled Boolean Enabled for timesheet cycle. X

    Pay and Bill - PayMaster

    Read-only entity that represents a PayMaster record.

    PayMaster fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    billingSyncBatch To-one association

    Billing sync batch.

    Default fields:

    • id
    canExport Boolean   X  
    earnCode To-one association

    Earn code.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalID
    • title
    payMasterTransactions To-many association

    Pay master transaction.

    Default fields:

    • id
    payableCharge To-one association

    Payable charge.

    Default fields:

    • id
    X X


    Transaction date.


    Pay and Bill - PayMasterTransaction

    Read-only entity that represents a PayMasterTransaction.

    PayMasterTransaction fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    accountingPeriod To-one association

    Accounting Period.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • accountingPeriodDate
    adjustmentSequenceNumber Integer Adjustment sequence number. X X
    amount BigDecimal Amount. X
    comment String (2147483647) Comment. X
    currencyUnit To-one association

    Currency unit.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • alphabeticCode
    • name
    X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
    editHistories To-many association PayMasterTransactionEditHistory. X
    isCustomRate Boolean Whether transaction is a custom rate. X
    isDeleted Boolean Whether transaction is deleted.
    netAmount BigDecimal Net amount. X
    netQuantity BigDecimal Net quantity. X
    payExportBatch To-one association

    Pay Export Batch.

    Default fields:

    • id
    payExportBatches To-many association PayExportBatches.
    payMaster To-one association

    Pay master.

    Default fields:

    • id
    X X
    payPeriodEndDate Date Pay period end date. X
    quantity BigDecimal Quantity.
    rate BigDecimal Rate.
    recordingDate Date Recording date. X X
    reversalOfTransaction To-one association

    Pay Master Transaction.

    Default fields:

    • id
    timestamp byte[] Rowversion. X
    transactionOrigin To-one association

    Transaction origin.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • name
    X X
    transactionType To-one association

    Transaction type.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • name
    X X
    unitOfMeasure To-one association

    Unit of measure.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    version Integer To be used by TimeLaborEval in the future. X

    Pay and Bill - PlacementBillRuleset

    An effective-dated entity that represents all the rules on a Placement. PlacementBillRuleset is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to PlacementBillRuleset, the child entity, TimeLaborEvalRules, can be passed as well with all associated data.


    PlacementBillRuleset fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    owner To-one association CorporateUser. X
    placement To-one association Placement. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.
    versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X
    versions To-many association PlacementBillRulesetVersion. X

    Pay and Bill - PlacementBillRulesetVersion

    Represents a PlacementBillRuleset version.

    PlacementBillRulesetVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
    isFirst Boolean True if this is the first placement bill ruleset version. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.

    Pay and Bill - PlacementPayRuleset

    An effective-dated entity that represents all the rules on a Placement. PlacementPayRuleset is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to PlacementPayRuleset, the child entity, TimeLaborEvalRules, can be passed as well with all associated data.


    PlacementPayRuleset fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    owner To-one association CorporateUser. X
    placement To-one association Placement. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.
    versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X
    versions To-many association PlacementPayRulesetVersion. X

    Pay and Bill - PlacementPayRulesetVersion

    Represents a PlacementPayRuleset version.

    PlacementPayRulesetVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date This is the date when the record is effective. X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective.
    isFirst Boolean True if this is the first placement pay ruleset version. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRule.

    Pay and Bill - PlacementRateCard

    An Effective Dated Entity that represents a all of the rates on a Placement. PlacementRateCard is the flattened entity. When making PUT and POST calls to PlacementRateCard, the child entities (PlacementRateCardLineGroup - PlacementRateCardLine) can be passed as well with all associated data.


    PlacementRateCard fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id ID Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date X
    effectiveEndDate Date This is the date until when the record is effective. X
    isDeleted Boolean X
    owner To-one association CorporateUser who is the owner of this entity. The default value is user who created the entity.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • firstName
    • firstName
    placement To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    placementRateCardLineGroups To-many association PlacementRateCardLineGroup - list of IDs of the associated rate groups.

    Default fields:

    • id
    rootExternalID String (100) X
    rootMigrateGUID String (36) X
    versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X
    versions To-many association IDs of associated PlacementRateCardVersion records. X

    Pay and Bill - PlacementRateCardLine

    Represents each individual rate on a Placement.

    PlacementRateCardLine fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id ID Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    alias String (100) Name of Earn Code that will be displayed in Time and Expense and on the Invoice Statement. X
    billCurrencyUnit To-one association Currency Unit for billing.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • alphabeticCode
    • name
    billMultiplier BigDecimal

    The multiplier between the REG billRate and the current line’s billRate.

    • REG billMultiplier is always 1 (read only)
    • The following are defaulted from PayBillSetting:
      • overtimeBillMultiplier (OT billMultiplier) - Set on PlacementRateCardLine.billMultiplier for the OT earnCode
      • doubleTimeBillMultiplier (DT billMultiplier) - Set on PlacementRateCardLine.billMultiplier for the DT earnCode

    OT and DT billMultipliers get automatically calculated in code based off their respective billRate and REG billRate.

    billRate BigDecimal

    Rate for billing (stored as an hourly rate).

    billRate can get automatically calculated in code based off its respective payRate and markupPercent.

    earnCode To-one association Earn Code associated with the line, based on the EarnCodeGroup. X
    externalID String (100) Customer defined identifier.
    markupPercent BigDecimal

    Used to indicate what the difference is between the payRate and billRate as a percentage.

    = (billRate - payRate) / payRate

    For example, if payRate = 20 and billRate = 28 then there is a 40% markup.

    markups get automatically calculated in code based off their respective billRate and payRate.

    markupValue BigDecimal

    Used to indicate what the difference is between payRate and billRate displayed as money.

    = billRate - payRate

    For example, there’s a $10.00 difference between billRate = $20.00 and payRate = $10.00.

    markups get automatically calculated in code based off their respective billRate and payRate.

    migrateGUID String (36)
    payCurrencyUnit To-one association CurrencyUnit for payroll.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • alphabeticCode
    • name
    payMultiplier BigDecimal

    The multiplier between the REG payRate and the current line’s payRate.

    • REG billMultiplier is always 1 (read only)
    • The following are defaulted from PayBillSetting:
      • overtimePayMultiplier (OT payMultiplier) - Set on PlacementRateCardLine.payMultiplier for the OT earnCode
      • doubleTimePayMultiplier (DT payMultiplier) - Set on PlacementRateCardLine.payMultiplier for the DT earnCode

    OT and DT payMultipliers get automatically calculated in code based off their respective payRates and REG payRate.

    payRate BigDecimal

    Pay Rate (stored as an hourly rate).

    payRate can get automatically calculated in code based off its respective billRate and markupPercent.

    placementRateCardLineGroup To-one association PlacementRateCardLineGroup.

    Default fields:

    • id
    taxableMargin BigDecimal Configurable field to store percentage based value that will calculate taxes on transactions. Only used in conjunction with taxOnMarginEnabled on Sales Tax Group.

    Pay and Bill - PlacementRateCardVersion

    Represents a placement rate card version.


    PlacementRateCardVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id ID Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date X
    effectiveEndDate Date X
    isFirst Boolean X
    placementRateCardLineGroups To-many association PlacementRateCardLineGroup.

    Default fields:

    • id

    Pay and Bill - SalesTaxGroup

    Represents various taxes (city, state, other, and so forth) associated with a zip+4 range.


    Entitlements - Add Sales Tax Group, Edit Sales Tax Group, Read Sales Tax Group, Delete Sales Tax Group

    SalesTaxGroup fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
    stateID Integer State id of tax group userd for validation with zip code. X

    Many-To-One association


    Status of this entity.

    Options are:

    1. Active
    2. Inactive

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label

    label String Label of tax group. X
    zipcode String Zipcode of tax group. X
    zipPlus4Low String Provides a range of zipcodes within the tax group.

    zipPlus4High String Provides a range of zipcodes within the tax group.

    externalID Integer External id for the tax group, from the tax group source.


    Many-To-One association


    Source for the sales tax group.

    • id


    Many-To-One association


    State Sales Tax Rate for the tax group.

    • id


    Many-To-One association


    City Sales Tax Rate for the tax group.

    • id


    Many-To-One association


    County Sales Tax Rate for the tax group.

    • id


    Many-To-One association


    District Sales Tax Rate for the tax group.

    • id



    List (OtherSalesTaxRate)

    Other Sales Tax Rates for the tax group.

    totalRate BigDecimal Sum of all rates of associated tax rates.
    taxOnMarginEnabled Boolean Field marks the Sales Tax Group to utilize taxable margins. If configured to true, will be used in conjunction with taxableMargin field on Placement Rate Card Line to determine appropriate level of taxes for transactions. X

    Pay and Bill - SalesTaxRate

    An Effective Dated Entity that represents a sales tax rate.


    Entitlements - Add Sales Tax Rate, Add Sales Tax Rate Version, Delete Sales Tax Rate and Version, Manage Current Sales Tax Rate Version, Manage Historical Sales Tax Rate Version, Manage Future Sales Tax Rate Version, View Current and Future Sales Tax Rate and Version

    SalesTaxRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    amount BigDecimal The amount for this entity - used for a fixed/amount type tax. The default value is 0.000000. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which the entity was created. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the entity was last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date Date on which the rate will take effect. X
    effectiveEndDate Date Date on which the rate will no longer in effect. X
    externalID String Update SalesTaxRate so that API users can associate internal and external data
    generalLedgerAccount To-one association (GeneralLedgerAccount)


    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalAccountNumber
    • externalAccountName
    generalLedgerSegment1 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment1 is configured as Class, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerSegment2 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment2 is configured as Division, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerSegment3 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment3 is configured as Department, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerSegment4 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment4 is configured as Country, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerSegment5 To-one association (GeneralLedgerSegment)

    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment5 is configured as Location, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName
    generalLedgerServiceCode To-one association (GeneralLedgerServiceCode)

    Product/service code.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalServiceCodeNumber
    • externalServiceCodeName
    isDeleted Boolean

    Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system.

    The default value is false.

    jurisdictionName String (200) Jurisdiction name. X
    jurisdictionType To-one association (TaxJurisdictionTypeLookup)

    Jurisdiction type.

    Options are:

    1. City
    2. County
    3. District
    4. State
    5. Other
    6. MTA

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    label String (200) Label.
    owner To-one association (CorporateUser)

    Corporate User who is the owner of this entity. The default value is the user who created the entity.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • firstName
    • lastName
    rate BigDecimal The rate for this entity (i.e. 0.075 to indicate 7.5%). The default value is 0.000000. X
    reportingCodeName String (100) Reporting code name.
    source To-one association (SalesTaxRateSourceLookup)

    Source of this entity.


    1. Manual (default)

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    stateID Integer State ID from internal database table.
    status To-one association (TaxStatusLookup)

    Status of this entity.

    Options are:

    1. Active
    2. Inactive

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    taxType To-one association (TaxTypeLookup)

    The tax type of this entity.

    Options are:

    1. Amount
    2. Percent

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    type To-one association (SalesTaxRateTypeLookup)

    Type of SalesTaxRate.

    Options are:

    1. Location Based Tax
    2. Invoice Tax

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version. X X
    versions To-many association (SalesTaxRateVersion) Versions of this entity. X

    Pay and Bill - SalesTaxRateVersion

    The version entity for the Sales Tax Rate effective dated entity

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - Edit Any Invoice Statement (in future: Add Sales Tax Rate, Add Sales Tax Rate Version, Delete Sales Tax Rate and Version, Manage Current Sales Tax Rate Version, Manage Future Sales Tax Rate Version, Manage Historical Sales Tax Rate Version, View Current and Future Sales Tax Rate and Version)

    SalesTaxRateVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    amount BigDecimal The amount for this entity - used for a fixed/amount type tax. The default value is 0.000000. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X
    effectiveDate Date The earliest date that this tax should apply to. X X
    effectiveEndDate Date The latest date that this tax should apply to. X
    isFirst Boolean Indicates if this record was the first version created on the SalesTaxRate. The default value is false. X X
    jurisdictionName String (200) Jurisdiction name. X X
    label String (200) Label. X X
    rate BigDecimal The rate for this entity (i.e. 0.075 to indicate 7.5%). The default value is 0.000000. X X
    reportingCodeName String (100) X
    source To-one association (SalesTaxRateSourceLookup)

    Source of this entity.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    X X
    status To-one association (TaxStatusLookup)

    Status of this entity.

    Options are:

    1. Active
    2. Inactive

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    X X
    taxType To-one association (TaxTypeLookup)

    The tax type of this entity.

    Options are:

    1. Amount
    2. Percent

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    X X

    Pay and Bill - StateSalesTaxRate

    A SalesTaxRate with TaxJurisdictionTypeLookup = State

    Pay and Bill - SurchargeRate

    Represents a Surcharge Rate.


    Entitlements - Add Surcharge Rate,  Add Surcharge Rate Version, Delete Surcharge Rate and Version, Manage Current Surcharge Rate Version, Manage Future Surcharge Rate Version, Manage Historical Surcharge Rate Version, View Current and Future Surcharge Rate Version

    SurchargeRate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
    amount BigDecimal Amount of surcharge.

    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X

    To-many association


    Earn codes tied to this surcharge rate.

    effectiveDate Date

    The earliest date that this surcharge should apply to.

    X X
    effectiveEndDate Date

    The latest date that this surcharge should apply to.

    Updated by a stored proc when a new surcharge is added to be the day before the new surcharge’s effective date, otherwise it defaults to the year 2999.


    To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalAccountNumber
    • externalAccountName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment1 is configured as Class, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment2 is configured as Division, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment3 is configured as Department, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment4 is configured as Country, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment5 is configured as Location, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    Product/Service Code.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalServiceCodeNumber
    • externalServiceCodeName

    isDeleted Boolean Soft deleted flag.
    isFirst Boolean Indicates if this is the first version.

    To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    • firstName
    • lastName

    rate BigDecimal

    To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    title String(200)

    To-one association


    Options are:

    1. $ / Unit of Measure
    2. Percentage
    3. Legacy surcharge

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    versionID Integer Unique Identifier for the current version.

    To-many association



    Default fields:

    • id
    • effectiveDate
    • effectiveEndDate
    • title

    rootMigrateGUID String (36)

    Pay and Bill - SurchargeRateVersion

    Represents a Surcharge Rate Version.

    CRUD Access - READ

    Entitlements - Add Surcharge Rate,  Add Surcharge Rate Version, Delete Surcharge Rate and Version, Manage Current Surcharge Rate Version, Manage Future Surcharge Rate Version, Manage Historical Surcharge Rate Version, View Current and Future Surcharge Rate Version

    SurchargeRateVersion fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X
    amount BigDecimal Amount of discount.

    dateAdded Timestamp Date the entity was added. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date last modified. X X

    To-many association


    Earn codes tied to this surcharge rate.

    effectiveDate Date Effective date.
    effectiveEndDate Date Effective end date.

    To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalAccountNumber
    • externalAccountName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment1 is configured as Class, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment2 is configured as Division, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment3 is configured as Department, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment4 is configured as Country, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    General Ledger Segments are part of the Chart of Accounts structure. By default generalLedgerSegment5 is configured as Location, which allows users to specify the type of the ledger.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalSegmentNumber
    • externalSegmentName


    To-one association


    Product/Service Code.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • externalServiceCodeNumber
    • externalServiceCodeName

    isFirst Boolean Indicates if this is the first version.
    rate BigDecimal

    To-one association


    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    title String(200)

    To-one association


    Options are:

    1. $ / Unit of Measure
    2. Percentage
    3. Legacy surcharge

    Default fields:

    • id
    • label
    versionMigrateGUID String (36)

    Pay and Bill - SurchargeRateVersionEarnCode

    Association table for SurchargeRateVersion and EarnCodes


    Entitlements - None

    SurchargeRateVersionEarnCode fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique Identifier for this entity. X X

    To-one association


    SurchargeRateVersion associated with this entity.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • effectiveDate
    • effectiveEndDate

    To-one association


    EarnCode associated with this entity. X

    To-one association


    CorporateUser who created this entity. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date this entity was added. X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date this entity was modified. X


    This entity represents the required certifications for a TimeLaborEvalRule.

    TimeLaborEvalRule fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    addedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when Rule was created. X
    addedByUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • description String (4000) A short description of the Rule. X
    holidays To-many association Holiday fields:
  • id
  • label
  • Rule is associate to a Holiday for certain specified dates on the calendar.
    isRun Boolean Whether or not the rule has been run. If it has been run, the rule cannot be deleted, only set to inactive. X X
    lastModifiedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when the rule was most recently modified. X
    modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    name String (100) The user given name of the rule. X
    parameters Map Variable Rule Type Information that appears based on what Rule Type is selected. X
    states To-many association NorthAmericaState. All 50 states and any combination of them are available to choose.
    timeLaborCalcTypeLookup To-one association TimeLaborCalcTypeLookup options:
  • Pay
  • Bill
  • Pay & Bill.
  • X
    timeLaborEvalRuleCategoryLookup To-one association TimeLaborEvalRuleCategoryLookup options:
  • Holiday
  • Threshold
  • Exempt
  • Per Diem
  • PeriodBasedRate
  • Surplus
  • Penalties
  • Validation
  • Orientation
  • timeLaborEvalRuleCombineCriteriaLookup To-one association TimeLaborEvalRuleCombineCriteriaLookup options:
  • Candidate
  • Placement
  • Sheet
  • X
    timeLaborEvalRuleStatusLookup To-one association TimeLaborEvalRuleStatusLookup options:
  • Active
  • Inactive.
  • X
    timeLaborEvalRuleTemplates To-many association TimeLaborEvalRuleTemplate: Displays on UI as Used on Templates, could be on multiple templates. Points to which templates the rule is used on. X
    timeLaborEvalRuleTypeLookup To-one association TimeLaborEvalRuleTypeLookup: All rule types under the categories listed in the Category Lookup. X


    This entity represents the required certifications for a TimeLaborEvalRuleTemplate.

    TimeLaborEvalRuleTemplate fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    addedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when Rule was created. X
    addedByUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X
    description String (500) A short description of the Rule Template.
    isDefault Boolean Whether or not this is the default template for the company. X
    lastModifiedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when the rule was most recently modified. X
    modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    name String (100) User given name of the Rule Template. X
    timeLaborEvalRules To-many association TimeLaborEvalRules associated with this Template.
    timeLaborEvalRulesCalcTypes To-many association TimeLaborCalcTypeLookup options:
  • Pay
  • Bill
  • Pay & Bill, and any combination of these three.
  • timeLaborEvalRulesCategories To-many association TimeLaborEvalRuleCategoryLookup options:
  • Holiday
  • Threshold
  • Exempt
  • Per Diem
  • PeriodBasedRate
  • Surplus
  • Penalties
  • Validation
  • Orientation, and any combination of those categories.
  • Timesheet

    This entity represents the required certifications for a Timesheet.

    Timesheet fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    addedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when Timesheet was created. X X
    addedByUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    additionalBillAmount BigDecimal Amount added to be billed. X
    additionalPayAmount BigDecimal Amount added to be paid. X
    approvedBy String (255) User the Timesheet was approved by.
    approvedDate Timestamp Record of when Timesheet was approved.
    approvingClientContact To-one association ClientContact of the approver of the Timesheet X
    backupApprovingClientContact To-one association ClientContact of the back up approver of the Timesheet X
    billed BigDecimal Amount to be billed. X X
    calendarInstance To-one association CalendarInstance default fields:
  • id
  • label
  • X X
    candidate To-one association Candidate default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation default fields:
  • id
  • name
  • X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date when this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date when this record was last modified in the Bullhorn system. X
    endDate Date End Date of the Timesheet Period. X
    evaluationState To-one association State that is used for evaluating the Timesheet.
    externalID String (100) Concatenation of BTE TimeHistory EmplNames RecordID with and underscore and PlacementID.
    externalSource String (50)
    hoursWorked BigDecimal Number of hours worked. X
    isPreEvaluated Boolean Indicates whether the Timesheet has been pre-evaulated.
    isWorkFromHome Boolean Work from Home sourced from the associated Placement record. Can be changed if not set on Placement.
    jobOrder To-one association JobOrder default fields:
  • id
  • title
  • X X
    lastModifiedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when Timesheet was most recently modified. X X
    lastProcessedOn Timestamp Record of when Timesheet was most recently processed.
    lastTimeSheetVersion To-one association TimesheetVersion X
    modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    paid BigDecimal Amount to be paid. X X
    placement To-one association Placement default fields:
  • id
  • X X
    processingStatus To-one association TimeAndExpenseSheetProcessingStatusLookup options:
  • Pending
  • Evaluating
  • Processing
  • Completed
  • Failed
  • timeAndExpenseBranch String (32) Name or code of the time and expense branch.
    timeLaborEvalSheetStatusLookup To-one association TimeLaborEvalSheetStatusLookup options:
  • No evaluation required
  • Evaluation required
  • Evaluation failed
  • X X
    timeSheetEntryApprovalStatusLogID Integer TimesheetEntryApprovalStatusLog associated with the Timesheet.
    timesheetEntryApprovalStatusLookup To-one association TimesheetEntryApprovalStatusLookup options:
  • Draft
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Completed
  • Rejected
  • X X
    units Boolean Whether or not this Timesheet is measured in units. X


    This entity represents the required certifications for a TimesheetEntry.

    TimesheetEntry fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    addedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when Timesheet was created. X X
    addedByUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    applicableFrom Date Day when TimesheetEntry starts. X
    applicableTo Date Day when TimesheetEntry ends. X
    approvalDate Timestamp Record of when TimesheetEntry was approved. X X
    approvedBy String (255) Name of the user who approved the TimesheetEntry. X
    billEvalDate Date Date when “billed” field is evaluated. X X
    billRate BigDecimal Custom bill rate of the TimesheetEntry. X
    comment String (2000) A short comment to be added by the user to the TimesheetEntry. X
    currencyUnit To-one association CurrencyUnit fields:
  • id
  • alphabeticCode
  • name
  • X
    customerRequiredFields To-many association TimesheetEntryCustomerRequiredFields associated with the TimesheetEntry. X
    dateAdded Timestamp X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp X
    earnCode To-one association EarnCode default fields:
  • id
  • code
  • externalID
  • title
    Refer to the EarnCode entity for more details.
  • X X
    endedAt OffsetDateTime Record of when the TimesheetEntry ends. X X
    externalID String (100) User facing unique identifier. X
    externalTimestamp Long X
    lastModifiedAtUtc Timestamp Record of when Timesheet was most recently modified. X X
    modifyingUser To-one association CorporateUser default fields:
  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • X X
    payEvalDate Date Date when “paid” field is evaluated. X X
    payRate BigDecimal Custom pay rate of the TimesheetEntry. X
    quantity BigDecimal Total amount. X X
    startedAt OffsetDateTime Record of when TimesheetEntry started. X X
    timeLaborCalcTypeLookup To-one association TimeLaborCalcTypeLookup options:
  • Pay
  • Bill
  • Pay & Bill
  • X
    timeLaborEvalSheetTypeLookup To-one association TimeLaborEvalSheetEntryTypeLookup options:
  • Time
  • Labor
  • AdditionalPay
  • Expense
  • X X
    timeLaborSystemTypeLookupID To-one association TimeLaborSystemTypeLookup options:
  • Unknown
  • WTE
  • System
  • Admin
  • VMS
  • Clock
  • Mobile
  • VTC
  • IVR
  • Expense
  • X X
    timesheet To-one association Timesheet fields:
  • id
  • calendarInstance
  • candidate
  • X X
    timesheetDay Date Day associated with TimesheetEntry. X X
    timesheetEntryApprovalStatusLogEntry To-one association TimesheetEntryApprovalStatusLogEntry associated with the TimesheetEntry. X
    timesheetEntryApprovalStatusLogEntry To-one association TimesheetEntryApprovalStatusLogEntry associated with the TimesheetEntry. X
    timesheetEntryApprovalStatusLookup To-one association TimesheetEntryApprovalStatusLookup options:
  • Draft
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Completed
  • Rejected
  • X X
    timesheetVersion Integer Integer of which version of timesheet this entry is associated with. X X
    timestamp Byte[] Record stored in byte format. X X
    unitOfMeasure To-one association UnitOfMeasure fields:
  • id
  • label
  • X X
    voidingTimesheetEntry To-one association TimesheetEntry fields:
  • id
  • X

    Pay and Bill - TransactionOrigin

    Read-only entity that represents a transaction type.

    TransactionOrigin fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    name String (100) Name.    

    Pay and Bill - TransactionStatus

    Read-only entity that represents a transaction type.

    TransactionStatus fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    name String (100) Name.    

    Pay and Bill - TransactionType

    Read-only entity that represents a transaction type.

    TransactionType fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    name String (100) Name.    

    Pay and Bill - UnbilledRevenueDistributionBatch

    Represents an unbilled revenue distribution batch.

    UnbilledRevenueDistributionBatch fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X

    To-one association

    The associated BatchStatusLookup representing the status of the batch.

    Default fields:

    • id

    To-many association

    The BillableCharges associated to this batch.

    Default fields:

    • id



    To-one association

    CanvasReport associated with this batch.

    Default fields:

    • id
    dateAdded Timestamp Timestamp representing when this batch was added.  
    dateLastModified Timestamp Timestamp representing when this batch was last modified.  
    owner To-one association

    The owner of this batch.

    Default Fields:

    • id
    • firstName
    • lastName
    unbilledRevenueDistributions To-many association

    The UnbilledRevenueDistributions that are associated with this batch.

    Default Fields:

    • id


    Entity that represents paycheck and payroll information to be displayed on a candidate record. These fields are displayed in the user interface.

    PayCheck fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Payroll provider’s identifier for the employee paycheck. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
    candidate To-one association Bullhorn application ID for the employee receiving the paycheck. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
    checkDate Timestamp Date that the paycheck was issued. This is not the date the employee was paid. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
    checkNumber String (100) Unique identifier for the paycheck number as listed with the Payroll provider. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date that the paycheck was added into the Bullhorn ATS. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was modified in the Bullhorn ATS. X X
    earnAmount BigDecimal Amount of all earnings during the pay period for hours worked. This is a required field. X
    employeePays To-many association Employee payment from the employee paycheck for the pay period. X X
    employeeTaxDeductions To-many association Total dollar amount of the tax deductions from the employee paycheck for the pay period. X X
    employeeTotalDeduction BigDecimal Amount of all deductions for the employee. This is a required field. X
    employerContributions To-many association Total dollar amount the employer is contributing to the employee paycheck for the pay period X X
    externalPayrollEmployeeID String (200) Payroll provider’s generated identifier for the employee receiving the paycheck.
    fitTaxableAmount BigDecimal Federal income taxable amount. X
    grossPay BigDecimal Gross pay amount pre-taxed from the employee’s paycheck. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
    hoursWorked BigDecimal Total number of hours worked from the timesheet. This is a calculated field housing the amount of all hours worked from the EmployeePay entity. X
    isVoid Boolean Whether or not the paycheck has been voided. X
    netPay BigDecimal Net pay amount from the employee’s paycheck after taxes, deductions, garnishments, and other fees are subtracted. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
    otherEarnAmount BigDecimal Amount of additional earnings outside of the tradition earn amount during the pay period.
    payDate Timestamp Date the employee received payment to their payment method type. X
    payExportBatchExternal To-one association Payroll provider’s export that will get submitted as a batch to the Bullhorn API.
    payPeriod String (50) Date for the pay period for which the employee is going to be paid. X
    periodStartDate Timestamp Date the pay period started for the paycheck. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
    periodEndDate Timestamp Date the pay period ended for the paycheck. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your client. X
    taxAmount BigDecimal Sum of the taxAmount field from the EmployeePay entity that correlates to that paycheck.
    type String (50) Method in which the employee was paid for this paycheck. Methods include ACH, Check, Cash, and so forth. This is required to update the paycheck user interface for your clients.
    voucherID String (200) Used to identify the payroll voucher.


    Represents a successfully filled job; for example, a placement of a candidate in a job. Each Placement record corresponds to a single JobOrder and a single Candidate, although a JobOrder may have multiple Placements associated with it. For example, a company could hire several people for the same position. The Placement entity supports the massupdate operations.

    Placement fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    appointments To-many association Appointments associated with this Placement.
    approvedChangeRequests Integer Number of change requests with a status of approved.
    approvingClientContact To-one association ClientContact who can approve the timecard, if used. Included fields are id, firstName, lastName.
    backupApprovingClientContact To-one association Another ClientContact who can approve the timecard, if used. Included fields are: id, firstName, lastName
    benefitGroup String (100) Indicates the benefits group that is selected for this placement.
    billingClientContact To-one association ClientContact in charge of processing bills for this Placement. 
    billingFrequency String (20) Frequency with which the client company will be billed for this position, initially copied from the associated ClientCorporation record but can be modified on the Placement record.
    bonusPackage String (2147483647) Text description of the bonus package for this placement.
    candidate To-one association Candidate who was placed. Cannot be changed after this record is created. Included fields are id, firstName, lastName. X
    changeRequests To-many association PlacementChangeRequests for this Placement.
    clientBillRate Double Hourly rate at which the client company will be billed for work done during regular business hours.
    clientOvertimeRate Double Hourly rate at which the client company will be billed for overtime.
    clientRating Integer Score from BH Automation Client Rating Tool.
    comments String (2147483647) Text field for entering any comments about the Placement.
    commissions To-many association Ids of PlacementCommissions associated with this Placement.
    correlatedCustomDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    correlatedCustomFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    correlatedCustomInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    correlatedCustomText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    correlatedCustomTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    costCenter String (100) Text field for Client Cost Center. Drives invoice grouping (placements with the same cost center for the same client will be grouped together).
    customBillRate1-10 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customDate1-13 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customEncryptedText1-10 String (2147483647) Configurable encrypted text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customFloat1-23 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customInt1-23 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customObject1s to 10s CustomObject Fields to which custom objects can be assigned. For more information about custom objects, see the Bullhorn Resource Center and the following article on using the REST API with custom objects:
    customPayRate1-10 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customText1-60 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customTextBlock1-10 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    dateAdded Timestamp (5) Indicates when this Placement was created in the Bullhorn system. X
    dateBegin Timestamp Date when the Candidate will begin work. X
    dateClientEffective Timestamp Date when a pending change to the client bill rate will take effect.
    dateEffective Timestamp Date when a pending change to the Candidate’s pay rate will take effect.
    dateEnd Timestamp Date when the job will end. For a permanent placement, this is null.
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the Placement was last modified. X X
    daysGuaranteed Integer Number of days the Candidate is guaranteed for this job. If the Candidate leaves the job before working this many days, the ClientCompany may not have to pay its fee; see daysProRated. Used for Permanent placements. X
    daysProRated Integer Indicates how many days the Candidate must work before the Client Corporation will be expected to pay a prorated portion of the fee. Used for Permanent placements. For example, if daysGuaranteed = 90 and daysProRated = 30, then if the Candidate works 29 days no fee is due, but if the Candidate works 30-89 days the Client Corporation must pay a percentage of the fee, and if the Candidate works 90 days or more, the full fee is due. X
    durationWeeks Double Duration of the job in weeks. You can use this property in addition to dateEnd. X
    employeeType String (30) Type of employee. For example, W2, 1099, Employee, Contractor, and so forth.
    employmentStartDate Timestamp Indicates Date on which paid employment begins for this placement. Can be different from placement start date. Used for payroll integrations.
    employmentType String (200) Employment type. X X
    exemptionStatus PlacementTaxExemptionStatusLookup Tax exemption status for the Placement. Options are: 1=Exempt, 2=Non-Exempt, 3=Self-Pay
    expiringCredentials Integer Number of credentials on requirements of this placement that are expiring within the next 30 days or already expired.
    fee Double Fee (expressed as a decimal) that the company will receive for this placement. X
    hoursOfOperation String (100) Hours during which the employee will work.
    hoursPerDay Double Number of hours per day that the employee will work. X
    housingAmenities To-many association Not supported in this release. Amenities available as part of the housing arrangement for this Placement, if applicable.
    housingManagerID Integer Id of the corporate user serving as manager of the housing arrangements, if applicable.
    housingStatus String (30) Status of the Placement Housing, if applicable.
    incompleteRequirements Integer Number of requirements on this placement that are incomplete.
    invoiceGroupID Integer Not supported in this release. Id of the InvoiceGroup object associated with this Placement.
    invoiceGroupName String (100) Name of the invoice group associated with this Placement.
    invoiceID Integer Not supported in this release. Id of the Invoice object associated with this Placement. This field is used for Permanent placements since only a single invoice is needed.
    invoiceItems To-many association Not supported in this release. Invoice Items associated with this Placement.
    isWorkFromHome Boolean Work from Home sourced from the associated JobOrder record. Can be changed if not set on JobOrder.
    jobLocation To-one association Location sourced from the associated JobOrder record.
    jobOrder To-one association JobOrder associated with this Placement. Cannot be changed after this record is created. X
    jobSubmission To-one association JobSubmission associated with this Placement.
    lastBteSyncDate Timestamp Pay and Bill corporations only: Used to store the date and time of the last known sync a Bullhorn placement was synced into Bullhorn Time & Expense. This field should only appear if a corporation is WFR enabled and PeopleNet Front Office Integration enabled. X
    location To-one association Location sourced from the ClientCorporation record associated to this Placement by way of the Location entity.
    markUpPercentage Double markupPercentage = (clientBillRate - payRate) / payRate. Multiply by 100 to get actual percentage.
    notes To-many association Notes associated with this Placement.
    onboardingDocumentReceivedCount Integer Number of eStaff onboarding documents that have been received by the Candidate.
    onboardingDocumentSentCount Integer Number of eStaff onboarding documents that have been sent and completed by the Candidate.
    onboardingPercentComplete Integer Percentage of eStaff onboarding documents that a Candidate has completed.
    onboardingReceivedSent COMPOSITE Readonly composite field that contains:
    • onboardingDocumentReceivedCount
    • onboardingDocumentSentCount
    Use this to only view these fields.
    To update, update the fields directly.
    onboardingStatus String (100) Candidate’s eStaff onboarding status.
    optionsPackage String (2147483647) Text description of the stock options package associated with this Placement.
    otExemption Integer Indicates whether the employee is eligible for hours over 40 to automatically be classified as Overtime. 0 = Eligible, 1 = Exempt.
    otherHourlyFee Double Additional hourly fees, if any.
    otherHourlyFeeComments String (2147483647) Free text field for comments on additional hourly fees.
    overtimeMarkUpPercentage Double overtimeMarkupPercentage = (clientOvertimeRate - overtimeRate) / overtimeRate. Multiply by 100 to get actual percentage.
    overtimeRate Double Hourly rate at which the employee will be paid for overtime work.
    owner To-one association CorporateUser who owns the JobOrder. The default value is the user who creates the JobOrder and is also the default owner of Placement records created from this JobOrder. The field name in ATS for owner is listed in field maps as jobUserID.
    payGroup String (255) Indicates the frequency with which the placement is paid. Used for payroll integrations.
    payRate BigDecimal Rate at which the employee will be paid during regular business hours. This may or may not be used depending on the job type. X
    payrollEmployeeType To-one association Indicates the type of employee for payroll purposes.
    payrollSyncStatus To-one association Indicates whether the Placement has successfully synced to payroll provider. Used for payroll integrations.
    pendingChangeRequests Integer Number of change requests with a status of submitted.
    placementCertifications To-many association PlacementCertifications associated with this Placement.
    positionCode String (100) Indicates a code for the position. Used in payroll integrations.
    recruitingManagerPercentGrossMargin Double Percentage of the total gross margin that the recruiting manager will receive. X
    referralFee BigDecimal Referral fee associated with this Placement, if any. Only used with external Candidate source. X
    referralFeeType String (20) Configurable list of fee types associated with the referralFee. Only used with external Candidate source. X
    reportTo String (100) Name/title of the person to whom this position will report.
    reportedMargin Double Hourly margin in dollars, calculated using burden and other costs.
    salary BigDecimal Salary that the employee will receive. This may be either a yearly or hourly salary. See salaryUnit. The default value is 0. X
    salaryUnit String (20) Indicates whether the salary is per year or per hour. X
    salesManagerPercentGrossMargin Double Percentage of the total gross margin that the sales manager will receive. X
    shift To-one association Shift associated with this Placement, if applicable.
    statementClientContact To-one association ClientContact who should receive statements associated with this Placement.
    status String (30) Status of the Placement. For example, Approved, Completed, Terminated, and so forth. The default value is “Placed”. X
    surveys Survey Not supported in this release. Surveys associated with this Placement.
    tasks To-many association Tasks associated with this Placement.
    taxRate Double Percentage at which this Placement will be taxed.
    taxState String (50) Name of the US State that is the tax state for this Placement.
    terminationReason String (100) If the Placement has a status of “Terminated,” this field indicates the reason for termination.
    timeUnits TimeUnit TimeUnit associated with this Placement.
    timeCard TimeCard Not supported in this release. Timecards associated with this Placement.
    timecardExpenses TimecardExpense Not supported in this release. Expenses incurred in relation to this Placement, for which the employee wishes to be reimbursed.
    timecardTimes TimecardTime Not supported in this release. Timecard entries associated with this Placement.
    workersCompensationRateID Integer (100) Not supported in this release. Id of the WorkersCompensationRate associated with this Placement.
    workWeekStart Integer Day of the week on which the work week begins for this Placement. 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, and so forth.
    vendorClientCorporation To-one association Umbrella company associated with this Placement.


    This entity represents the required certifications for a Placement.

    PlacementCertification fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id ID Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    candidateCertification To One Association CandidateCertification that fulfills this Requirement.
    candidateCertificationName String (255) X
    candidateCertificationStatus String (255) X
    certification To One Association The Certification that is required. X
    certificationFileAttachments To Many Association CertificationFileAttachment X
    customDate1-10 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customTextBlock1-10 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    dateAdded Timestamp X X
    dateExpiration Timestamp X
    dateLastModified Timestamp X X
    documentDeadline Timestamp
    editHistories To Many Association PlacementCertificationEditHistory X
    fileAttachments To Many Association CandidateFileAttachment X
    isDeleted Boolean

    Whether entity is deleted.

    The default value is false.

    matchingCredentialCount Integer X
    migrateGUID String (36)
    modifyingUser To One Association CorporateUser X X
    owner To One Association CorporateUser X
    placement To One Association Placement X
    status To One Association CertificationRequirementStatusLookup


    Represents a change request that is submitted for a particular Placement. Placements cannot be directly modified; a user must submit a PlacementChangeRequest for approval. Supports create, update, and delete operations.

    PlacementChangeRequest field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    approvingUser To-one association Id of user who approved the change.
    benefitGroup String Indicates the benefits group that is selected for this placement.
    billingClientContact To-one association ClientContact in charge of processing bills for this Placement.
    billingFrequency String (20) Frequency with which the client company will be billed for this position, initially copied from the associated ClientCorporation but can be modified on the Placement.
    bonusPackage String (2147483647) Text description of the bonus package for this Placement.
    clientBillRate Double Hourly rate at which the client company will be billed for work done during regular business hours.
    clientOvertimeRate Double Hourly rate at which the client company will be billed for overtime.
    comments String (2147483647) Free text field for any comments on this record.
    correlatedCustomDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    correlatedCustomFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    correlatedCustomInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    correlatedCustomText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    correlatedCustomTextBlock1-3 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    costCenter String (100) Text field for Client Cost Center. Drives invoice grouping (placements with the same cost center for the same client will be grouped together).
    customBillRate1-10 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customDate1-13 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customEncryptedText1-10 String (100) Configurable encrypted text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customFloat1-23 Double Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customInt1-23 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment
    customPayRate1-10 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customText1-60 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this entity was created. X X
    dateApproved Timestamp Date on which this change was approved.
    dateBegin Timestamp Date on which Candidate will begin work. X
    dateClientEffective Timestamp Date on which a pending change to the ClientCorporation bill rate will take effect.
    dateEffective Timestamp Date on which a pending change to the Candidate’s pay rate will take effect.
    dateEnd Timestamp Date on which the job will end. For a permanent placement, this will be null.
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the PlacementChangeRequest was last modified. X X
    daysGuaranteed Integer Number of days Candidate is guaranteed for this job. If Candidate leaves the job before working this many days, the ClientCorporation may not have to pay its fee; see daysProRated. Used for Permanent placements. X
    daysProRated Integer Indicates how many days the Candidate must work before the ClientCorporation will be expected to pay a pro-rated portion of the fee. Used for Permanent placements. For example, if daysGuaranteed = 90 and daysProRated = 30, then if the Candidate works 29 days no fee is due, but if the Candidate works 30-89 days the ClientCorporation must pay a percentage of the fee, and if the Candidate works 90 days or more, the full fee is due. X
    durationWeeks Double Duration of the job in weeks. This field can be used in addition to dateEnd. X
    employmentStartDate Timestamp Indicates Date on which paid employment begins for this placement. Can be different from placement start date. Used for payroll integrations.
    employeeType String (30) Type of employee: for example W2, 1099, Employee, Contractor, and so forth.
    employmentType String (30) Employment type, initially copied from the associated JobOrder but can be modified on the Placement. X
    fee Double Fee (expressed as a decimal) that the company will receive for this placement. X
    hoursOfOperation String (100) Hours during which the employee will work.
    hoursPerDay Double Number of hours per day that the employee will work. X
    housingManagerID Integer Id of CorporateUser serving as manager of the housing arrangements, if applicable.
    housingStatus String (30) Status of the Placement Housing, if applicable.
    optionsPackage String (2147483647) Text description of the stock options package associated with this Placement.
    otExemption Integer Indicates whether the employee is eligible for hours over 40 to automatically be classified as Overtime. Boolean 0 = Eligible, 1 = Exempt.
    otherHourlyFee Double Additional hourly fees, if any.
    otherHourlyFeeComments String (2147483647) Free text field for comments on additional hourly fees.
    overtimeRate Double Hourly rate at which the employee will be paid for overtime work.
    payGroup String Indicates the frequency with which the placement is paid. Used for payroll integrations.
    payRate BigDecimal Rate at which the employee will be paid during regular business hours. This may or may not be used depending on the job type. X
    payrollEmployeeType String Indicates the type of employee for payroll purposes.
    placement To-one association Placement to which this change request applies. X
    positionCode String Indicates a code for the position. Used in payroll integrations.
    recruitingManagerPercentGrossMargin Double Percentage of total gross margin that the recruiting manager will receive. X
    referralFee BigDecimal Referral fee associated with this Placement, if any. Only used with external Candidate source.
    referralFeeType String (20) Configurable list of fee types associated with referralFee. Only used with external Candidate source.
    reportTo String (100) Name/title of the person to whom this position will report.
    requestCustomDate1-3 Timestamp Configurable date fields.
    requestCustomFloat1-3 Double Configurable numeric fields.
    requestCustomInt1-3 Integer Configurable numeric fields.
    requestCustomText1-20 String (30) Configurable text fields.
    requestCustomTextBlock1-5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields.
    requestingUser To-one association CorporateUser who initiated this change request. X
    requestStatus String (40) Status of change request. X
    requestType String (50) Configurable. Type of request. X
    salary BigDecimal Salary that employee will receive. This may be either a yearly or hourly salary. See salaryUnit. X
    salaryUnit String (20) Indicates whether the salary is per year or per hour. X
    salesManager-PercentGrossMargin Double Percentage of the total gross margin that the sales manager will receive. X
    statementClientContact To-one association ClientContact who should receive statements associated with this Placement.
    status String (100) Status of Placement: for example, Approved, Completed, Terminated, and so forth. X
    terminationReason String (100) Status of Placement: for example, Approved, Completed, Terminated, and so forth.
    vendorClientCorporation To-one association Vendor ClientCorporation associated with change request.
    workersCompRateID Integer Not supported in this release. Id of the WorkersCompensationRate object associated with this Placement.
    workWeekStart Integer Day of the week on which the work week begins for this Placement. 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, and so forth.


    Placement time and expense data. Placement time and expense information cannot be directly modified; a user must submit a PlacementTimeAndExpenseChangeRequest for approval. Supports read operations.

    PlacementTimeAndExpense field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    alternateWorkSchedule String (50) Used to designate alternate work schedule.
    approvalMethod String (32) Indicates the method used for approval.
    ELEC = Email/Electronic Approval, ASAP = Fax Approver/ASAP, NAR = No Approval Required
    backupExpenseApproverEmail String (132) Email address of the backup expense approver.
    backupExpenseApproverFName String (20) First name of the backup expense approver.
    backupExpenseApproverLName String (20) Last name of the backup expense approver.
    backupNoBillExpenseApproverEmail String (132) Email address of the backup no bill expense approver.
    backupNoBillExpenseApproverFirstName String (20) First name of the backup no bill expense approver.
    backupNoBillExpenseApproverLastName String (20) Last name of the backup no bill expense approver.
    branding String (32) Designates the branding.
    clientDepartmentCode String (100) Used to expand Peoplenet Department mapping for clocks, not used by web.
    clockMapping String (32) Location code used for Clocks.
    departmentAbbr String (8) Used to create the short department name that is displayed on clocks.
    departmentMapping String (100) Used to map to a Peoplenet Department for clocks. Not used by web.
    departmentName String (30) Used to create the long department name that is displayed on TMC, reporting, and so forth.
    dtBillingFactor BigDecimal If not provided, the default is 2.00000.
    employeeBadge Integer If cards are used by locations, then pass a unique badge/card number. Maps to Employee Badge field.
    employeeCPAFlag String (1) Enables Closed Period Adjustment for Employee.
    0 = Off, 1 = On
    employeeOtType Integer Indicates whether or not to search for and apply pay rules to the time card.
    0 = Default OT Rules, 1=No OT calculated, 2=Exempt
    expenseApproverEmail String (132) Email address name of the expense approver.
    expenseApproverFName String (20) First name of the expense approver.
    expenseApproverLName String (20) Last name of the expense approver.
    expenseIndicator String (1) Indicates if this is an expense.
    0 = Off, 1 = On
    inOutIndicator String (1) Indicates how in and out times are implemented.
    Blank=Default, 0=Hours per day, 1=In/Out template
    noBillExpenseApproverEmail String (132) Email address of the no bill expense approver.
    noBillExpenseApproverFirstName String (20) First name of the no bill expense approver.
    noBillExpenseApproverLastName String (20) Last name of the no bill expense approver.
    payRules String (50) Pay rule type.
    proxyCPAFlag String (1) Enables Closed Period Adjustment for Proxy (Admin).
    0 = Off, 1 =On
    rounding String (10) Designates the rounding compensating adjustment to then round the whole day to the ¼ hour, or 1/10 hour, as opposed to rounding each transaction individually.
    timeAndExpenseBranch String (33) Name or code of the time and expense branch.
    timeAndExpenseSource String (1) Indicates type of assignment.
    C=Clock, W=Web or V=VMS Provider.
    timeAndLaborEnabledDate Timestamp Date when placement is to be evaluated through the Time and Labor Engine.
    vmsAssignmentNumber String (32) VMS assignment identification number.
    vmsCostCenter String (32) Name of the cost center associated with this job. This cost center flows to the placement record and drives invoice grouping.
    vmsEmployeeID String (20) VMS employee identification number.
    vmsRequisitionID String (32) VMS requisition identification number.


    Represents a change request that is submitted for a particular Placement regarding employee time and expense data. Placement time and expense information cannot be directly modified; a user must submit a PlacementTimeAndExpenseChangeRequest for approval. Supports create, update, and delete operations.

    PlacementTimeAndExpenseChangeRequest field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    timeAndExpenseSource String (1) Indicates type of assignment.
    C=Clock, W=Web or V=VMS Provider.
    employeeBadge Integer If cards are used by locations, then pass a unique badge/card number. Maps to Employee Badge field.
    departmentMapping String (100) Used to map to a Peoplenet Department for clocks. Not used by web.
    departmentAbbr String (8) Used to create the short department name that is displayed on clocks.
    departmentName String (30) Used to create the long department name that is displayed on TMC, reporting, and so forth.
    clientDepartmentCode String (100) Used to expand Peoplenet Department mapping for clocks, not used by web.
    dtBillingFactor BigDecimal If not provided, the default is 2.00000.
    inOutIndicator String (1) Indicates how in and out times are implemented.
    Blank=Default, 0=Hours per day, 1=In/Out template
    proxyCPAFlag String (1) Enables Closed Period Adjustment for Proxy (Admin).
    0 = Off, 1 =On
    employeeCPAFlag String (1) Enables Closed Period Adjustment for Employee.
    0 = Off, 1 = On
    employeeOtType Integer Indicates whether or not to search for and apply pay rules to the time card.
    0 = Default OT Rules, 1=No OT calculated, 2=Exempt
    expenseApproverFName String (20) First name of the expense approver.
    expenseApproverLName String (20) Last name of the expense approver.
    expenseApproverEmail String (132) Email address name of the expense approver.
    backupExpenseApproverFName String (20) First name of the backup expense approver.
    backupExpenseApproverLName String (20) Last name of the backup expense approver.
    backupExpenseApproverEmail String (132) Email address of the backup expense approver.
    approvalMethod String (32) Indicates the method used for approval.
    ELEC = Email/Electronic Approval, ASAP = Fax Approver/ASAP, NAR = No Approval Required
    expenseIndicator String (1) Indicates if this is an expense.
    0 = Off, 1 = On
    clockMapping String (32) Location code used for Clocks.
    rounding String (10) Designates the rounding compensating adjustment to then round the whole day to the ¼ hour, or 1/10 hour, as opposed to rounding each transaction individually.
    branding String (32) Designates the branding.
    payRules String (50) Pay rule type.
    vmsEmployeeID String (20) VMS employee identification number.
    vmsAssignmentNumber String (32) VMS assignment identification number.
    vmsCostCenter String (32) Name of the cost center associated with this job. This cost center flows to the placement record and drives invoice grouping.
    vmsRequisitionID String (32) VMS requisition identification number.
    alternateWorkSchedule String (50) Used to designate alternate work schedule.
    noBillExpenseApproverFirstName String (20) First name of the no bill expense approver.
    noBillExpenseApproverLastName String (20) Last name of the no bill expense approver.
    noBillExpenseApproverEmail String (132) Email address of the no bill expense approver.
    backupNoBillExpenseApproverFirstName String (20) First name of the backup no bill expense approver.
    backupNoBillExpenseApproverLastName String (20) Last name of the backup no bill expense approver.
    backupNoBillExpenseApproverEmail String (132) Email address of the backup no bill expense approver.
    timeAndExpenseBranch String (33) Name or code of the time and expense branch.


    Represents a commission payment that is paid upon successful placement of a Candidate in a job. Each PlacementCommission instance is associated with exactly one Placement instance; a Placement may have multiple PlacementCommissions associated with it.

    PlacementCommission field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
    comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments on this commission.
    commissionPercentage Double The commission amount, expressed as a percentage: for example, 0.05 = 5%. Saved as decimal. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the PlacementCommission was last modified. X X
    externalRecipient String (100) If the person who should receive the commission does not have a Bullhorn id, this field indicates that person’s name.
    flatPayout Double The commission expressed as a flat sum. X
    grossMarginPercentage Double The percentage of the total gross margin for the Placement that the commission recipient will receive. X
    hourlyPayout Double The commission expressed as an hourly rate (e.g., $1.00 for each hour worked by the employee). X
    placement To-one association Placement to which this commission pertains. X
    role String (50) The commission recipient’s role for the Placement (Sales, Recruiting, and so forth).
    status String (30) Status of this commission.
    user To-one association User who will receive the commission, if applicable.


    An effective-dated entity that represents the Placement shift set. Allows Shift definitions to be linked to specific Placements

    PlacementShiftSet fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    versionID Integer Id of the associated PlacementShiftSetVersion X X
    versions To-many association PlacementShiftSetVersions associated to PlacementShiftSet
    Placement To-one Association Placement associated to PlacementShiftSet. X
    owner To-one Association CorporateUser who is the owner of this entity. The default value is user who created the entity.

    Default fields:

    • id
    • firstName
    • firstName
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp X X
    rootMigrateGUID String (36) X
    versionMigrateGUID String (36)
    viewableStartDate Date Date when the PlacementShiftSet will become viewable. X
    shifts To-many association Shifts associated with the PlacementShiftSet.


    Represents a sendout, which occurs when a Candidate’s information is sent to a ClientCorporation to be evaluated for a particular job.

    Sendout field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
    candidate To-one association Candidate being sent out. X
    clientContact To-one association ClientContact receiving the Sendout.
    clientCorporation To-one association Hiring company.
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this entity was created in the Bullhorn system. X
    email String (100) Email address to which the Sendout is sent.
    isRead Boolean Indicates whether the email has been opened. X
    jobOrder To-one association JobOrder for which the Candidate is being considered.
    user To-one association CorporateUser who initiated this Sendout. The default value is user who creates the Sendout. X


    Represents a Shift Definition. Allows for setup of default start and end times at the ClientCorporation level.

    Shift fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation associated to the Shift.
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date when this record was last modified in the Bullhorn system.
    dayOfWeek Integer Day of week associated to Shift. X
    endTime Timestamp End time designated to the Shift.
    htmlColorCode String (50) Html color of the Shift. X
    isDefault Boolean Indicates if this is a default Shift for the ClientCorporation.
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X X
    lastModifyingUser To-one association User that last modified the Shift.
    migrateGUID String (36) Unused.
    name String (150) Name of the Shift.
    shortName String (150) Short name for the Shift.
    startTime Timestamp Start time designated to the Shift.
    type String (150) Type of the Shift.


    Used to create more specific Shifts tied to a single JobOrder. Also can be used for storing rate information that is tied to the JobShift.

    ShiftPosition fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    billRate BigDecimal Bill rate associated to ShiftPosition.
    category To-one association Category associated to ShiftPosition.
    certificationGroups To-many association CertificationGroup associated to ShiftPosition.
    certificationList To-many association Certification associated to ShiftPosition.
    certifications String (2147483647) Certification associated to ShiftPosition.
    clientCorporation To-one association ClientCorporation the ShiftPosition is associated to. X X
    comments String (2147483647) Comments associated to ShiftPosition.
    customBillRate1 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customBillRate10 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customBillRate2 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customBillRate3 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customBillRate4 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customBillRate5 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customBillRate6 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customBillRate7 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customBillRate8 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customBillRate9 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date when this record was last modified in the Bullhorn system. X
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X X
    isPriorShiftRequired Boolean Indicates whether the prior Shift is required or not. X X
    migrateGUID String (36) unused. X
    name String (150) Name of the ShiftPosition. X
    overtimeBillRate BigDecimal The overtime bill rate associated to the ShiftPosition.
    payRate BigDecimal The pay rate associated to the ShiftPosition. X
    salaryUnit String (12) The salary unit associated to the ShiftPosition.
    skills To-many association The skill associated to the ShiftPosition.
    specialties To-many association The specialties associated to the ShiftPosition.
    yearsExperience Integer The years experience associated to the ShiftPosition.


    Is set at the corporation level to define various Shift time intervals (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Overnight). Used for setting candidatePreferences.

    ShiftType fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    endTime String (16) The end time for the associated ShiftType. X
    icon String (50) Icon associated to the ShiftType.
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
    name String (50) Name of the associated ShiftType. X
    startTime String (16) The start time for the associated ShiftType. X


    Represents a skill that a candidate may have. You can use the Skill entity in a Candidate entity to indicate that the candidate has that skill, or in a JobOrder entity to indicate that applicants for that job should have that skill.

    Skill field Type Description Not null Read-Only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    enabled Boolean Indicates whether Skill is enabled.
    categories To-many association Categories with which this Skill is associated.
    name String (100) Name of this Skill. X X


    Represents anty that can be associated with a job or held by a candidate. Specialties are associated with a parent Category entity.

    Specialty field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
    enabled Boolean Indicates whether category is available for use in the Bullhorn application. X X
    name String (100) Name of Specialty. X X
    parentCategory Integer Category that is parent of this Specialty. X X


    Represents a state or province within a nation. 

    State field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
    code String (50) Postal abbreviation of the state.
    country To-one association Nation that contains this state. X
    name String Name of the state. X


    Represents a tax form that is added to a candidate at the state level.

    The StateTaxForm entity is only available in the user interface if the novoTaxInfoTab corporation setting is enabled.

    StateTaxForm fields Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    candidate To-one association Candidate to which the StateTaxForm applies. X
    customDate1-5 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customInt1-5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customMoney1-5 BigDecimal Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment. X
    customText1-10 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which this record was last modified.
    isDeleted Boolean Whether entity is deleted or the default value is false.
    isExempt Boolean To claim exemption from withholding, set this to withholding.
    stateAdditionalWithholdingsAmount BigDecimal Number of state withholdings Candidate has selected on W-2 tax form.
    stateExemptions Integer Number of state exemptions Candidate has indicated on W-2 tax form.
    stateFilingStatus String (10) Candidate’s state tax filing status.
    taxStateID Integer State in which Candidate pays taxes.


    Represents a task that a user has created in the Bullhorn system using the Tasks feature.

    The Task entity supports the massUpdate operations.

    Task field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    assignees To-many association Associates CorporateUsers with a Task. Can only be accessed from the user interface when the multipleAssigneesAndContactsOnTasks corporation setting is enabled, in which case childTasks are neither shown nor created.
    candidate To-one association Candidate associated with this task, if any.
    childTaskOwners To-many association Users assigned to childTasks.
    childTasks To-many association Assignments. You populate this field by creating Tasks where Task.parentTask is this Task.
    clientContact To-one association ClientContact associated with this task, if any.
    clientContactReferences To-many association Associates Tasks to multiple ClientContacts. Can only be accessed from the user interface when the multipleAssigneesAndContactsOnTasks corporation setting is enabled, in which case this field is populated instead of the clientContact field.
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created. X
    dateBegin Timestamp The date when the task is due to begin. The default value is current time rounded up to next 15 minutes, or dateEnd if it is provided. X
    dateCompleted Timestamp The date when the task was completed, if applicable. The default value is current time rounded up to next 15 minutes, or dateBegin if it is provided.
    dateEnd Timestamp The date when the task was scheduled to end. Used for recurring tasks. X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date when the Task was last modified. X X
    description String (2147483647) Free-text description of the task. The default value is “”. X
    isCompleted Boolean Indicates whether the task has been completed. X
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted. X
    isPrivate Boolean Indicates whether this is a private task. A private task is not visible to users other than the user who created the task. X
    jobOrder To-one association JobOrder associated with this task, if any.
    lead To-one association Lead, if any, associated with this task.
    notificationMinutes Integer Indicates how many minutes in advance the user has chosen to be reminded of this task. X
    opportunity To-one association Opportunity, if any, associated with this task.
    owner To-one association User who created the task. The default value is user who creates the Task. X
    parentTask To-one association Task that is parent of this one, if any. Used when the task is assigned to someone other than the owner. The childTask is a copy of the parentTask managed by the assignee.
    placement To-one association Placement associated with this Task.
    priority Integer Priority level of a task.Value is 1, 2, or 3, where 1 is Low, 2 is Normal, and 3 is High.
    recurrenceDayBits Integer Indicates which days are part of the recurrence pattern, if the task is a recurring one. The value of this field is the sum of the days included in the series: Sun = 2, Mon = 4, Tue = 8, Wed = 16, Thur = 32, Fri = 64, Sat = 128. For example, a meeting that occurs on Monday and Friday would have a recurrenceDayBits value of 68 (4+64).
    recurrenceFrequency Integer Frequency with which the task recurs: for example, a recurrenceFrequency of 2 for a weekly meeting would imply the meeting occurs every 2 weeks. Null for a one-time task.
    recurrenceStyle String (10) A=absolute, R=relative: e.g., an absolute would be the third week of every month, whereas a relative would be every third week.
    recurrenceType String (1) Type of recurrence. D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, A=annually.
    subject String (100) Subject header for the task. X
    taskUUID String (35) Secondary unique identifier for this entity. Used to identify the record when it is synchronized to external systems. Format is 8-4-4-16 where all characters are A-Z or 0-9.
    timeZoneID String (50) Id of time zone.
    type String (30) Type of task. For example, Follow-Up, Email, Personal, and so forth. X


    Represents a tearsheet. The Tearsheet entity supports the massUpdate operations.

    Tearsheet field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
    candidates To-many association Candidates with which this Tearsheet is associated. The default fields
    clientContacts To-many association ClientContacts with which this Tearsheet is associated.
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which the Tearsheet was created in the Bullhorn system. X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the Tearsheet was last modified. X X
    description String (2147483647) Free-text description.
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
    isPrivate Boolean Indicates whether this is a private Tearsheet. A private Tearsheet is not visible to users other than the user who created the tearsheet.
    jobOrders To-many association JobOrders with which this Tearsheet is associated.
    name String (100) Name of this Tearsheet. X
    owner To-one association CorporateUser who is the primary owner of this Tearsheet. The default value is user who created the tearsheet.
    recipients To-many association Ids of TearsheetRecipients with which this Tearsheet is associated.


    Represents a tearsheet member. 

    TearsheetMember field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
    candidateRestrictionBits Integer Candidate restriction bits. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
    person To-one association Person with whom this TearsheetMember is associated.
    tearsheet To-one association Tearsheet with which this TearsheetMember is associated.


    Represents a tearsheet recipient. 

    TearsheetRecipient field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
    candidateRestrictionBits Integer Candidate restriction bits. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X
    description String (2147483647) Free-text description.
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record is marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
    isSent Boolean Indicates whether
    jobOrder To-one association JobOrder with which this TearsheetRecipient is associated.
    person To-one association Person with whom this TearsheetRecipient is associated.
    tearsheet To-one association Tearsheet with which this TearsheetRecipient is associated.


    Represents a time unit. 

    TimeUnit field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X
    name String (100) Name of this TimeUnit. X
    timeMarker Integer Time marker, such as AM or PM. X
    weekDay Integer Day of the week. X


    Read-only entity that represents a housing complex unit for a candidate. 

    UserHousingComplexUnit field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    candidate To-one association Candidate submitted for this job.
    comments String (2147483647) Free-text comments about this housing complex.
    customDate1 to 5 Timestamp Configurable date fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customFloat1 to 5 Double Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customInt1 to 5 Integer Configurable numeric fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customText1 to 5 String (100) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    customTextBlock1 to 5 String (2147483647) Configurable text fields that can be used to store custom data depending on the needs of a particular deployment.
    dateBegin Timestamp Begin date.
    dateEnd Timestamp End date.
    deduction Double
    isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this record has been marked as deleted in the Bullhorn system. X
    placement To-many association Set of FurnitureDeliveries attached to this HousingComplexUnit.
    unit To-one association Associated HousingComplexUnit. X


    Represents workers compensation data.

    WorkersCompensation field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    code String The code set for this WorkersCompensation. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the WorkersCompensation was last modified. X X
    description String Description text about the WorkersCompensation.
    name String The name of the WorkersCompensation.
    rates To-many association Set of WorkersCompensationRate entities attached to this WorkersCompensation.
    state String State associated to this WorkersCompensation.


    Represents workers compensation rate data.

    WorkersCompensationRate field Type Description Not null Read-only
    id Integer Unique identifier for this entity. X X
    compensation To-one assocation WorkersCompensation entity related to this rate. X
    dateAdded Timestamp Date on which this record was created in the Bullhorn system. X X
    dateLastModified Timestamp Date on which the WorkersCompensationRate was last modified. X X
    endDate Timestamp End date set for this WorkersCompensationRate. X
    rate Double Value of the rate. X
    startDate Timestamp Start date set for this WorkersCompensationRate. X