A Class that defines the base Entity Model
data to inflate object with
Define the fields to set or retrieve for the given entity. Getter and Setter methods will automagically be set up on the entity once the fields are defined.
Fields can either be sent as a list of arguments or as an Array.
a handler for each value emitted by the observable
a promise that either resolves on observable completion or rejects with the handled error
Make http request to get entity. Objects 'data' property will be set to response, then promise will be resolved.
Id of the Model to retrieve
Will merge object into the entity's parameter to be sent in any http request.
all additional parameters
Used to update only properties sent in the packet
packet of data to update object with
Sends a request to delete the entity
Create or Updates the entity based on the presence of an 'id' property
Used to replace the current entitys source data
Generated using TypeDoc
A Class that defines the base Entity Model
//Most methods on the entity are fluent (chainable) var job = new Entity('JobOrder').fields('title'); //the 'fields' function created a getter and setter for 'title' job.title = 'My New Job'; job.save();